Lagrangian History Effect on Turbulent Pair Dispersion

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Jul 15, 2017 - arXiv:1707.04785v1 [physics.flu-dyn] 15 Jul 2017. Lagrangian History Effect on Turbulent Pair Dispersion. Ron Shnapp∗ and Alex Liberzon†.
Lagrangian History Effect on Turbulent Pair Dispersion Ron Shnapp∗ and Alex Liberzon† School of Mechanical Engineering Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978

(International Collaboration for Turbulence Research)

arXiv:1707.04785v1 [physics.flu-dyn] 15 Jul 2017

(Dated: July 18, 2017) We study experimentally the turbulent pair dispersion, an essential mechanism in mixing and transport of fluids. A new time scale that reflects the longer turn-over time of large scale turbulent eddies arises due to an inherent bias in random sampling of pairs. We reveal that the bias affects the statistics of initial pair separation velocity and masks the intermittent, super-diffusive mechanism of pair separation. Conditionally sampled pairs, with the time scale shorter than a Batchelor time scale, are shown to separate with h∆r 2 i ∝ τ 3 , at moderate Reynolds numbers.

Pair dispersion relates to the relative motion of pairs of fluid particles in a turbulent flow. It involves the change in distance between fluid particles as a function of time, r(τ ) = |x1 (τ ) − x2 (τ )| (x1,2 are positions of particles 1,2 in space and time, τ = t − t0 , t0 is an arbitrary time instant and | · | is the L2 norm). Pair dispersion plays a dominant role in environmental and industrial processes, regarding turbulent transport and mixing (e.g [1–3]) and can produce high rates as compared to other diffusion mechanisms [4]. The problem of pair dispersion from a small local source of size r0 = r(0), smaller than the integral length scale of a turbulent flow, r0 ≪ L, but larger than the smallest scales of the flow η ≪ r0 , was defined by Richardson [5]. It is assumed that fluid motions of scales that are larger than r will merely sweep the pair together, keeping the separation distance unchanged, and that pair separation will be affected by flow scales comparable to r. At a sufficiently high Reynolds (Re) number, Kolmogorov similarity hypotheses for this range of scales η ≪ r ≪ L, and a dimensional analysis, lead to a socalled Batchelor time scale [6]: τ0 =

r02 ǫ




The derived time scale τ0 is important as it was suggested to divide the separation process into so-called ballistic and super-diffusive regimes [1]: ( 11 C2 (ǫr0 )2/3 τ 2 for τ ≪ τ0 2 (2) h∆r i = 3 3 gǫτ for τ0 ≪ τ ≪ TL Here ∆r = r(τ ) − r0 , C2 is the Kolmogorov constant (see definition below), TL is the Lagrangian integral time scale, ǫ is the rate of turbulent kinetic energy dissipation or the turbulent kinetic energy flux, and g is the Richardson constant, which was obtained experimentally g ≈ 0.55 [7]. In practice, the experimental approach to this problem is different from the above definition. Limiting our discussion to three-dimensional turbulent flows without

mean shear, measurements are commonly performed in a volume of turbulent flow in which multiple pairs of fluid particles are marked at random (in space and time), and their relative motion is tracked, for instance using 3DPTV [4, 7–10]. The random selection procedure of pairs at a given r0 promises sampling of the complete turbulent state space in terms of separate tracers. However, in terms of pairs this procedure leads to the selection of: i) pairs that were recently far away r ∼ L; ii) pairs that recently were very close r ∼ η; and iii) those that were at r ∼ r0 . Adding to this observation, the fact that large flow scales are more persistent than the small ones (the eddy turnover time grows with eddy size, τr ∝ r2/3 [11]), reveals a possible bias in pair dispersion studies that we address in this Letter. We demonstrate that the separation process of the pairs selected at small distances r0 is affected by the large scale motion, embedded in this method of random pairs selection. The importance of persistent large flow scales on single particle motion was shown in Ref. [12]. We reveal and analyze a similar effect on pair dispersion. First we want to derive a time scale for which the persistence of large scales will affect the pair dispersion rate. We define the separation velocity as the rate of change of r: v|| =

dr dτ


and study the time scale at which v|| changes. Kolmogorov scaling in the so-called “inertial” range, τη ≪ τ ≪ TL , predicts that the variance of Lagrangian velocity increments is proportional to ǫτ with time [6]. Since v|| is the projection of particle relative velocity on the vector connecting the pair, the appropriate time scale for initial changes to occur in v|| is: τv =

2 v||,0




where v||,0 is the pair separation velocity at the instance of marking. Therefore, τv relates to the time interval during which pairs retain their initial relative velocity, and





f(r) · r −2/3





g(r) r −2/3



γ −2


P( γ)








0.6 0
















FIG. 1. (a) Eulerian second order structure function in the longitudinal and transverse directions, compensated by r 2/3 according to inertial subrange scaling. (b) Distribution of the time scales ratio γ (Eq. (6)) for pairs of particles that are initially separated by distance r0 < 10 mm

can be understood as the time scale for which Lagrangian history is expected to dominate the pair separation mechanism. Previous studies that used random sampling of pairs at small r0 have shown that the Batchelor time scale, τ0 , allows the results of separation rates to collapse in the ballistic regime for different r0 [9, 13]. We extend these studies by adding the τv time scale. It complements the Batchelor time scale, τ0 (Eq. (1)) in the experimental and numerical studies in which pair dispersion is obtained from a random sampling of a turbulent flow. We infer that a similar time scale may be relevant in other related problems, for instance defining mixing of fluid parcels from several sources. In this Letter we focus on the effect of τv on pair separation, r(τ ). We use a classical turbulence experiment without mean shear, using two oscillating grids in a water tank [7, 14]. For the measurement we apply three-dimensional particle tracking velocimetry (3D-PTV). We measured the turbulent flow using four high speed cameras and an unique real-time image processing on-hardware system [15], combined with a dedicated open source software [16, 17], to obtain a large dataset of particle trajectories of polyamide spheres (dp = 50µm), in a region 80 × 60 × 40 mm3 . The flow velocity field in the measurement volume is quasi-homogeneous and quasi-isotropic. The root mean square of turbulent velocity is approximately 12 mm/s, estimated using an ensemble average over trajectories. A small residual secondary flow was observed of about 2 mm/s and verified that it does not affect the pair separation velocity statistics. Pair dispersion is closely related to another two-point turbulent velocity statistics, the velocity structure functions [6]. The longitudinal and transverse structure func-

tions (f (r) and g(r)) were determined from the relative velocity of trajectory pairs, δv(r) [6, 7, 11]: E D f (r) ≡ (δv(r) · r/r)2 (5) g(r) ≡

 1 2 hδv (r)i − f (r) 2

We plot the structure functions compensated with r2/3 in figure 1a. The values at which both functions plateau (dashed horizontal lines) agree with the locally homogeneous value of g(r) = 4/3f (r) [11]. Using the relation f (r) = C2 (ǫr)2/3 [6] and the value C2 = 2.1 [18], the mean dispassion rate can be estimated as ǫ = 10 mm2 s−3 . The corresponding Taylor-microscale Reynolds number Reλ ≈ 180, and the Kolmogorov length and time scales are 540 µm and 0.34 s, respectively. The effect of τv on the separation process becomes clear with respect to τ0 , through the dimensionless ratio, γ: γ=

|v||,0 | · v||,0 τv · sgn(v||,0 ) = τ0 (r0 ǫ)2/3


The parameter γ carries both the information regarding the initial trend of the separation and the persistence relative to the Batchelor time scale. For γ > 0, the particles are initially spreading, while for γ < 0 they are initially getting closer. The PDF of γ for randomly selected pairs at various distances r0 < L is shown in figure 1b. The distribution of γ is symmetric, zero averaged and has fat tails. It is noteworthy that there are many occurrences of |γ| ≫ 1. Now we can address the effect of γ on the process of pair separation. We plot in figure 2a the time evolution of the average rate of relative separation squared h∆r2 i/r02 (where ∆r = r − r0 ), for different initial separations,


|γ| < 10. 0 |γ| < 1. 0 |γ| < 0. 1

0 0




∝ (τ/τ0 )2




r0 = 4



-5 -6 -3

∝ (τ/τ0 )3

(a) -2

mm mm = 5mm = 6mm = 7mm = 8mm

r0 = 3



log 10 [τ/τ0 ]

r0 r0 r0

∆r 2 /r02 · (τ/τ0 )−3





log 10 ∆r 2 /r02



(b) 10









FIG. 2. (a) - Second moment of the change in separation distance for pairs of particles at various initial separation distances, conditioned for |γ| < 0.1, where the black dashed line shows a super diffusive Richardson type dispersion. Inset - same plot for unconditioned pairs with respect to γ (b) - Second moment of the change in separation distance compensated by the super diffusive (τ /τ0 )3 scaling, for pairs conditioned with γ being smaller than three different threshold values.

r0 , versus time normalized by τ0 (Eq. (1)). The main figure shows results pertaining to pairs of particles with |γ| < 0.1, in contrast to the inset that shows curves for all pairs. For both cases, the results for all inspected values of r0 collapse. The slope of the curves in the inset corresponds to a (τ /τ0 )2 scaling, showing a ballistic regime in agreement with previous works [4, 10, 13]. In contrast to that, the statistics of pairs conditioned on |γ| < 0.1 (that are not spreading nor converging at the moment of selection), differs immensely. After a very short time (almost two orders of magnitude less than τ0 ), the (∆r)2 growth scales with a (τ /τ0 )3 , according to the super-diffusive regime of separation (Eq. (2)), and independently of r0 . This is a central result in this work, demonstrating that a Richardson-Obukhov law is observed at various r0 and at times much smaller than τ0 , at moderate Reynolds numbers. Figure 2b strengthens this result, presenting h∆r2 /r02 i (averaged over r0 ), compensated by (τ /τ0 )3 for three levels of |γ|. The graphs clearly show the effect of τv shorter than τ0 . For pairs with large τv , the ballistic regime spans almost the entire length of the measurements. For |γ| < 1, an initial ballistic regime spans roughly up to τ ≈ 0.1τ0 , where we observe a slight slope change. Only for the initially “passive” or “unbiased” pairs, for which γ ∼ O(0.1), do we observe a long plateau that corresponds to the τ 3 regime. The strict conditioning leads to a relatively small dataset of long pair trajectories, visible in the loss of statistics at large τ ≤ τ0 . We proceed to the analysis of τv with respect to other statistics used in the studies of pair dispersion. First, we relate it to “delay times” proposed by Ref. [19]. The authors [19] suggested that the Richardson-Obukhov dis-

persion could be masked by “trapping” of pairs in coherent structures and therefore their delay times are shorter. We proposed that the pairs initially affected by larger flow scales (high |γ|) will keep moving faster and more persistently diverging/converging. Figure 3a shows cumulative distribution functions of delay times, defined as the time for pairs to cross r = 1.5r0 . The pairs with |γ| < 0.1 are compared with |γ| > 0.1 pairs. Clearly, the delay times for pairs with low τv are longer as compared to all the other pairs. Note that the |γ| > 0.1 group include also pairs with negative γ, γ < −0.1, that are initially coming closer, emphasizing that the result is not due to a higher initial rate of separation. Another approach is due to Ref. [20] who addressed the question “whether the turbulent motion is dominated by a diffusive process, or mainly by persistent ballistic events in the two-particle separation”. The authors studied the persistence parameter that we can relate to using the proposed time scale, τv . In a random sampling, experiments such as the 3D-PTV presented here, γ resembles the persistence parameter [20]. In figure 3b we present the autocorrelation functions of the rate of separation v|| for three groups of pairs categorized by γ. The persistence of large scales that affects the pair dispersion mechanism is seen in larger correlation values (higher correlation curve for γ > 0.1) as compared to the small γ. The correlation drop of the γ < −0.1 group to negative values indicates a rapid change in its pair separation trend. These pairs move towards each other and then separate faster than unbiased pairs. It can be explained as each of the particles is “trapped” in a large scale persistent fluid motion (e.g. figure 3a). In the case of low |γ|, the separation decorrelates at shorter τ . These pairs behave according

4 1.0


(a)  δv||, 0 δv|| (τ) / δv||2






P ( td, 1. 5 < τ )

|γ| < 0. 1 γ < − 0. 1





|γ|>0.1 |γ| 0. 1





0.0 0.8










FIG. 3. (a) - Cumulative distribution function of delay times for pairs to reach r(τ ) = 1.5r0 , for two groups of pairs - |γ| < 0.1 and |γ| > 0.1. (b) - Autocorrelation function of separation velocity, v|| = dr/dτ of pairs from three groups - large γ, negative γ and very small γ.

to the intermittent (super-diffusive) separation mechanism proposed by Richardson [5]. Our analysis also extends the work of [7, 9, 21] who applied a random sampling method to a similar 3D-PTV data. The authors [7] have shown that a Richardson-like τ 3 separation regime can be seen upon an empirical shift in the time origin, hr2 i ∝ (τ − T0 )3 . Later [9, 21] have shown that T0 scales with the Batchelor time scale τ0 . We extend this result explaining how the virtual origin shift scales with the Batchelor time scale through the τv time scale. It means that the T0 virtual origin is a sort of ensemble average of τv of different pairs at the same r0 . To conclude, in this Letter we present experimental evidence and the analysis of how the pair dispersion in turbulent flows without mean shear has been affected by Lagrangian history. Random sampling of fluid particles leads to the bias related to the particles initial relative velocities at different scales of separation. We demonstrate that initial stages of the separation process are governed by the effect of large scale persistent fluid motion. The duration of these large scales effects are quantified here through the initial rate of separation, related to the second order Lagrangian structure function. Results from the three-dimensional particle tracking velocimetry show that pairs of particles with low values of proposed time scale, τv , separate differently from all other pairs. Whereas h∆r2 i for all the pairs grow as predicted by the ballistic regime, the pairs with |γ| < 0.1 separate with h∆r2 i ∝ τ 3 . Our time statistics of the process indeed indicate that pairs with low |γ| go through an intermittent separation process, as compared to a more persistent separation of pairs with higher, both positive and negative, γ.

This work was partially supported by the Pazy Research Foundation.

∗ †

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