Lagrangian Relaxation for Gate Implementation Selection Yi-Le Huang
Jiang Hu
Weiping Shi
Department of ECE Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843
Department of ECE Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843
Department of ECE Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
to manage leakage power by using different threshold voltage (Vt) levels [2-4]. Gates with higher Vt level are used on non-critical paths to reduce leakage power and those on critical paths work under lower Vt level for retaining desired performance. There are many similarities between discrete gate sizing and Vt assignment, and hence they can be easily combined with each other for combinational circuit optimization [5-10].
ABSTRACT In a typical circuit optimization flow, one essential decision is to select the implementation for each gate according to a cell library. An implementation implies specific gate size, threshold voltage, etc. The selection normally needs to handle multiple and often conflicting objectives. An effective approach for multi-objective optimization is Lagrangian relaxation (LR), which has been adopted in continuous gate sizing. When LR is applied to the gate implementation selection, the Lagrangian dual problem is no longer convex like in continuous gate sizing, and conventional sub-gradient method becomes inefficient. In this paper, we propose a projection-based descent method and a new technique of Lagrangian multiplier distribution for solving the Lagrangian dual problem in discrete space. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach leads to significantly better solution quality and faster convergence compared to the sub-gradient method. 1
Most of simultaneous gate sizing and Vt assignment methods are either sensitivity-based heuristics [2,8] or mathematical programming methods [3,9,11]. In sensitivity-based heuristics, people use sensitivity functions to choose gate size and Vt level. Usually, the sensitivity function only considers local information, like the efficiency of trading power for performance for single gate. However, the greedy nature makes sensitivity-based methods easily to fall into local optima. In [1], continuous gate/transistor sizing is formulated as geometric programming. In [11,12], Lagrangian relaxation (LR) is used to solving the sizing problem and proved to converge and guarantee optimality. Nowadays, circuits are implemented by gates in standard cell library provided by foundries or library companies. Sizes and Vt options of logic gates are limited and discretely specified in the standard cell library. In [13, 14], continuous solutions are rounded to the nearest discrete options in a library but the rounding may result in large rounding errors if options in standard cell library are highly discrete [15]. In [16], simultaneous discrete gate sizing and Vt assignment is solved by Lagrangian relaxation along with a dynamic programming (DP)-like method without rounding.
Categories and Subject Descriptors B.7 [Integrated Circuits]: Design Aids
General Terms Algorithms, Design
Keywords Gate sizing, Lagrangian relaxation, Optimization, Low power, Threshold voltage
1. INTRODUCTION In deep sub-micron technologies, minimization of leakage power becomes a main concern as we try to combat the increase in the overall circuit power consumption. In addition, power consumption directly relates to battery life, reliability, packaging and heat removal cost. Therefore, how to efficiently handle tradeoff between circuit performance and power consumption becomes a big issue in current design flow. Gate sizing [1] has been one of the most popular methods for circuit optimization, such as area/timing and area/power/timing, for long time. Besides, in recent years people start to pay attention to leakage power and try
In general, LR is effective on handling multiple conflicting objectives or complex constraints. The effectiveness is obtained by transforming the original optimization into a Lagrangian subproblem and a Lagrangian dual problem. The efficiency of LR is successfully demonstrated in continuous gate sizing [11, 12, 17]. The work of [16] employs LR for solving simultaneous discrete gate sizing and Vt assignment. It mainly focuses on the algorithm of solving the Lagrangian sub-problem, and solves the dual problem using sub-gradient method like in continuous gate sizing [11,12]. For discrete cases, the Lagrangian dual problem is no longer convex like in many continuous cases. Therefore, the conventional sub-gradient method becomes inefficient.
This work is partially supported by Intel.
In this work, we attempt to solve the problem of gate implementation selection. A gate implementation means specific gate size, Vt level, etc. according to a cell library. We also adopt the LR approach to handle power-performance tradeoff. Our focus is on new techniques for solving the Lagrangian dual problem. We propose a projection-based descent method and a new technique of Lagrangian multiplier distribution. Compared to the conventional sub-gradient method, our algorithm leads to not only
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considerably better solution quality but also faster convergence. Our algorithm can satisfy tight timing constraints for which subgradient method fails. When timing constraints are loose, our algorithm results in about 33% power reduction than sub-gradient method. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section II, we introduce some notations and terminology used in this paper. The detailed problem formulation is also given. In Section III, we briefly present how Lagrangian relaxation solves constrained optimization problem. In Section IV, we show how to improve Lagrangian relaxation with our algorithm for dual problem under discrete gate sizes and Vt levels and our algorithm for subproblem is in Section V. In Section VI, we show experimental results compared with sub-gradient method under two different timing requirements. The convergence of our algorithm is demonstrated by results of an ISCAS85 benchmark.
Figure 1. RC gate model.
Figure 2. RC wire model.
A combinational logic circuit is described by a directed acyclic graph (DAG) , where is a set of nodes representing circuit components, including logic gates , input drivers and output loads , , and is a set of edges indicating the wire connection between components. Each edge indicates the connection between and and logic signal propagates from . Each logic gate can have a gate size from set and a Vt level from set Therefore, has total | | | | possible options. The gate implementation selection problem is to assign and for all such that the total power consumption is minimized subject to timing constraints.
by static timing analysis [19]. Then, slack indicates the timing criticality of components. The overall circuit timing is characterized by the minimum slack among components. The size of a gate affects intrinsic delay, input capacitance, output resistance, and dynamic and leakage power consumption. The Vt level of a gate also changes input capacitance and leakage power. We use to represent output resistance of under and and other variables are also symbolized by the same rule. All the information of logic gates is defined in a cell library. A gate with bigger size usually results in larger input capacitance, smaller output resistance, bigger intrinsic delay and more power consumption. A gate of higher Vt level will be converted to a gate model with bigger output resistance and less power consumption.
Here we only consider two major types of power consumption, dynamic and leakage power. Dynamic power consumption is proportional to switching factor , clock frequency , load capacitance and square of supply voltage level . Detailed equation of dynamic power is . On the other hand, leakage power consumption is related to supply voltage and off current of gates, where is given by cell library depending on size and Vt level. Detailed equation of leakage power consumption is . There are still some other types of power consumption, like short circuit power, and they are relatively small so we ignore them in this work.
Given a combinational circuit, we want to solve the problem of minimizing the total circuit power consumption by selecting gate size and Vt level for each gate subject to the timing constraints that no negative slack in the circuit. We formulate the problem as a constrained optimization problem. These constraints are formulated with arrival time and only applied on components rather than paths to reduce the number of constraints. We call the constrained optimization problem primal problem . ∑
In this work, we take Elmore delay model as our delay model and model circuit components as resistance-capacitance (RC) circuits [18]. A logic gate is modeled as input capacitance and output resistance plus intrinsic delay , as shown in Figure 1. A wire segment is modeled as a -type RC circuit. The wire model for a wire is shown in Figure 2 where is length of and and are the unit length wire resistance and capacitance, respectively. The delay associated with a resistor is calculated by its resistance times its downstream capacitance. The delay for a path is the sum of the delay on resistors which it passes through. The Elmore delay model is relatively simple and proven to be applicable to distributed network of resistors and capacitors. However, our work can also deal with more complex delay model easily. Here we assume that the arrival time at primary inputs and required arrival time at primary outputs are given. The timing information, and , for all gates can be obtained easily
and are given required arrival time and weighting factor of , respectively. is power consumption of derived according to gate size and Vt level of .
is a function representing off current of gate based on gate size and Vt level.
is gate delay of derived based on gate size, Vt level and downstream capacitance of .
capacitance of and is a function calculating Elmore delay based on its gate size, Vt and downstream capacitance.
The term ∑
is fixed when solving
As shown in [12], the dual problem can be solved by subgradient method. The sub-gradient direction is used for replacing gradient direction in steepest descent method if the problem is not differentiable. Given that the step size satisfies the following , the sub-gradient conditions: and ∑ method will converge to the optimum in continuous solution space. The equations for updating Lagrangian multipliers associated are shown as followed
( {
) )
After updating ⃗ by sub-gradient method, ⃗ must reside in the feasible region where all the element of ⃗ must be non-negative. Usually, updated ⃗ outside the feasible region will be projected to the nearest feasible vector.
so it can be ignored in . It is obvious that there is only power and gate delay left in without arrival time. The part of affected by a gate is independent from that affected by others. Therefore, the problem can be solved much easier than the original objective function with arrival time. In [12], for a given ⃗⃗⃗⃗ , the problem is solved optimally by a greedy algorithm when the gate sizes are continuous.
Let denote the function of the optimal solution of with respect to ⃗ , the Lagrangian dual problem is defined as
For a given vector ⃗ , a new optimization problem only has size and Vt constraints, which is called Lagrangian sub-problem .
To reduce the complexity of conditions are applied, requiring
, the problem can be written as
Replacing ∑
Lagrangian relaxation method is a well-known approach for solving optimization problems with complex constraints. In [12], a timing constrained area optimization problem is solved by Lagrangian relaxation for continuous gate sizing. In Lagrangian relaxation method, constraints are relaxed and incorporated into the objective function by multiplying with Lagrangian multiplier vector ⃗ . A Lagrangian multiplier must be non-negative for each related constraint. We will associate Lagrangian multiplier with the arrival time constraint of the wire connection from to , where is a fan-in gate of . Furthermore, we will associate Lagrangian multiplier with gate . Then the new objective function becomes ∑
4. IMPROVED ALGORITHM FOR LDP In [17], it is shown that Lagrangian relaxation methods are easily weakened by the practical implementation details. The subgradient direction does not always guide Lagrangian relaxation method to the optimal solution under discrete cases. Here we want to find a better way to solve to make Lagrangian relaxation method to converge faster with better solution quality under discrete solution space.
Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) at the optimal solution the optimal conditions for ∑
The optimal conditions say that for all logic gates and input resistors, the sum of Lagrangian multipliers on the wire connected from its fan-in gates must be equal to the sum of Lagrangian multipliers on the wire connected to its fan-out gates. Using the result of KKT conditions, the equation is further reduced to
-5 -5
3 20 20
1. sort ; 2. ; 3. repeat 4. static_timing_analysis; 5. for each 6. record in for estimating sensitivity; 7. prune ( ) ; 8. if ( ) 9. ; 10. else 11. equals the sum of on fan-out edges 12. distribute to s of fan-in edges such that predicted arrival times of fan-in edges are all equal; 13. update ; 14. solve sub-problem for circuit solution based on ; 15. until or reach a number of iterations
20 Figure 3. A circuit.
4.1 Drawbacks of Sub-gradient Method
In the sub-gradient method, ⃗⃗⃗⃗ is decided by slack. Under discrete solution space, circuit timing on some sensitive paths may change drastically and oscillate between huge positive and negative slack. Sub-gradients on those paths are relatively large and make Lagrangian relaxation jumping over the optimal solution. On the other hand, if small slack happen on less sensitive paths, subgradients on those paths are small. The small steps for those paths cause many iterations to approach optimal solutions. Hence, in our algorithm we find ⃗⃗⃗⃗ considering slack and sensitivities of paths thus avoiding the drawbacks of sub-gradient method.
Figure 4. The highlight of our algorithm.
Furthermore, in some cases the sum of sub-gradients on fan-in edges of a gate is positive while that on fan-out edges is negative, or vice versa. In that case, it is hard to satisfy the KKT condition. Here we take gate 3 in Figure 3 as an example. We assume that slack on and fan-out edge is -5, 20 and -5 respectively, and hence sub-gradients on those edges are 5, -20 and 5. Therefore, the sum of sub-gradients on fan-in edges is -15 and that on fan-out edges is 5. It is not well defined that how to make KKT conditions satisfied on gate 3 and what value should be. By our algorithm, we will assign multipliers for and such that the slack on them are expected to be the same. We can handle those situations well.
In addition, the optimal constraints of KKT conditions for ⃗ of gates are very similar to the flow constraints for nodes in flow network, in flow must being equal to out flow. In order to keep KKT conditions hold when solving , we updating Lagrangian multipliers by using the same idea of distributing flows in flow network, as showed in [11]. At first, we calculate flows, ’s, at source nodes and then distribute flows toward sinks in circuit, , without edge capacity limits. With that, we can guarantee that the KKT conditions are always met.
4.3 Overview of Our Algorithm
4.2 Rationale of Our Algorithm
In sub-gradient method, sensitivities of different paths are assumed to be the same. However, in reality due to different structures, sensitivities of different paths should be different. In our algorithm, the sensitivities for different paths are different. Furthermore, the sensitivity allows us to predict what is the resulting timing when we applying a specific value of Lagrangian multiplier on a gate.
In this section, our algorithm is highlighted in Figure 4. In line 1 and 2, gates are sorted in reserve topological order and table T for all gates are initialized at first. The main part of our algorithm is between line 3 and 15, which repeat until less than a bound or reaching the iteration limit. For each iteration, static timing analysis is performed to get timing information of circuit. Then, we distribute in reverse topological order. In line 6 and 7, T for estimating sensitivity is updated and pruning is performed inside it. From line 8 to 11, of a gate is calculated and then in line 12 distributed to fan-in edges such that the expected arrival times of fan-in edges are all the same. By this step, KKT conditions are guaranteed to be satisfied and power dissipation on non-critical paths can be reduced. When the distribution is done, multipliers are updated. Then, sub-problem is solved based on updated multipliers to find the circuit solution.
4.4 Timing vs. Lagrangian Multiplier
Here two new key concepts used in our algorithm are proposed. By following them, our algorithm can solve Lagrangian dual problem better than sub-gradient method. 1.
Lagrangian multipliers are assigned according to the sensitivity where is the Lagrangian multiplier and is the timing.
To reduce power, slacks on non-critical paths are reduced by assigning multipliers according to sensitivities and timing.
We will discuss the behavior of timing and its dependence on Lagrangian multipliers, which is the main basis for our algorithm for solving the Lagrangian dual problem. In this discussion, the timing is characterized by arrival times but the conclusion can be applied with slack as well. When solving , if is distributed to a gate, it will be distributed in the sub-circuit rooted by the gate. Therefore, the effect of distributing to the gate is equal to that
In static timing analysis, arrival time of a gate is the maximal arrival time among its fan-in edges. It is no help for timing of the gate to reduce the arrival time for those non-timing critical edges. By making arrival times among fan-in edges of a gate equal, we will not waste power for those non- critical paths.
FUNCTION descent function Input : Output : projected descent direction
; ; ; ; Figure 6. Pseudo code of descent function
Figure 5. Lagrangian multiplier and arrival time curve.
of distributing to the sub-circuit. Then, due to the distribution of in the sub-circuit, timing inside the sub-circuit may change and arrival time of the gate may also change. Thus, the arrival time of a gate will change along with its Lagrangian multiplier and there must be a relationship between Lagrangian multiplier and arrival time of a gate. Since for each Lagrangian multiplier, the arrival time is uniquely defined, the relationship can be modeled as a function for each gate. Each gate has its own function. Then the first order differentiation of function means the ratio of trading Lagrangian multiplier for arrival time, . If function is known, it is more ⁄ reasonable to calculate for a gate. This is what the gate needs now to make its constraint satisfied. This approach is more accurate than sub-gradient method.
|. The pseudo code of our history based
method for calculating descent function is shown in Figure 6. Figure 7 is an example to show the calculation of descent function. There are three pairs, (5,0), (3,1) and (2.8,2), in a table T and is 2. Then the return value of is calculated by (
The solid curve is formed by the data in T and the dashed line is the prediction based on the return value of . The slope of the dashed line is -1.5.
Unfortunately, discrete gate sizes and Vt levels result in nonsmooth Lagrangian multiplier and arrival time curve. The curve shown in Figure 5 is extracted from simulation results of a gate in C432 benchmark. It shows that the curve of Lagrangian multiplier and arrival time is not only non-smooth but complex so that we cannot use either a linear function, or even quadratic function, to model it. In the following sections, we will solve this problem by our projection-based descent method. The function for each gate is predicted by a history-based method.
In order to optimize and , we perform pruning in each table. Generally, a greater value of Lagrangian multiplier allows more power for timing, resulting in less arrival time for a gate. Therefore, if a greater Lagrangian multiplier results in greater arrival time, it means that the Lagrangian multipliers in the fan-in cone of the gate are not well distributed. Some power is spent to speed up some unnecessary paths and those timing improvements have no benefit for the timing of the fan-in cone. We define that (
4.5 Projection-Based Descent Method
and those interior pairs will be pruned.
We propose a projection-based descent method for solving the Lagrangian dual problem. It predicts the timing vs. behavior based on the history of previous iterations and then speculates the direction and step size of the descent move. Roughly speaking, we take the direction of a weighted average of historic gradient, with more emphasis on recent history. This direction is equivalent to the gradient of a smoothed function. For the convenience of presentation, we denote this direction as , and call it descent function. The gradients are estimated through finite difference. In order to perform the history-based projection, we maintain a table T storing pairs of previous iterations for each gate. Those pairs stored in the tables are sorted by value. It is reasonable to assume that the descent direction is more correlated with the gradients of recent history, or gradients at the value of close to that of current iteration. Here, we use weight variables to present the correlations and the sum of all the weight variables is one. Then, the return value of descent function is the sum of product of each slope between two consecutive pairs in the table T and its corresponding weight variable. The descent function can be written as
On the other hand, the sizes of tables keep growing with the increase of simulation iterations. To prevent from memory explosion, we need to remove some data which is less useful to reduce table size. We know that finally the vector of Lagrangian
Figure 7. An example of descent function calculation.
waste power on the non-critical sub-circuits by assigning too large number of Lagrangian multiplier to them. At first, we calculate the expected arrival time for all the fan-in gates such that the sum of ’s distributing to them is equal to what the gate received from its fan-in gates. The equation for calculating for is
FUNCTION local optimal sizing Input : combinational circuit G, cell library and Output : size and Vt level for all gates in G
; ;
With , we can calculate for each fan-in gate and also guarantee KKT satisfied. Then the for each fan-in gate is passed by the wire. Therefore, the value of means the distributed from to The equation for calculating on the fan-in wire of a gate is
; ; ; ;
When distributing of a gate, we regard as flows passing among the gate and its fan-in gates. We make sure that flow conservation is satisfied in the distribution.
Figure 8. Pseudo code of our local optimal sizing multipliers will converge so that the Lagrangian multipliers only change in a small region. The information which is far away from current operating region has little influence when calculating descent function. Therefore, the pair with greatest value of |, is the least useful Lagrangian multiplier difference, | data so it will be removed when the size of the table exceeds a user-defined limit.
5. HEURISTIC FOR For Lagrangian sub-problem, we apply the local optimal sizing for each gate individually like [12]. We find size and Vt level for a gate while keeping all other gates fixed. For a gate , objective function can be written as
4.6 Distribution of Lagrangian Multipliers
The value of Lagrangian multipliers will affect solutions for gates. The initial vector of Lagrangian multiplier is a zero vector. We build up the circuit from the initial solution with least power. By distributing Lagrangian multipliers, we can speed up the circuit to satisfy the timing constraints without wasting power.
Due to discrete sizes and Vt levels, we cannot solve by any mathematical method. Here we use a table look-up method to find the solution for each gate. For a gate , we have known and for different combination of size and Vt level . Then we evaluate with all the combinations of size and Vt level to find the size and Vt level combination resulting in minimum . We show our local optimal sizing for solving Lagrangian sub-problem in Figure 8. Due to the nature of greedy method, we need to iteratively solve the Lagrangian subproblem until converge.
Each time the multipliers at the primary outputs are updated, the updated multipliers are distributed to other parts of the circuit to satisfy flow conservation. The distribution proceeds in a reversetopological order. Alternatively, one can update the multipliers at primary inputs based on required arrival time and then distribute them to the remaining circuit in a topological order. In each iteration, we calculate the change of Lagrangian multipliers at primary output by
However, sometimes descent function may be not accurate due to some suddenly timing change when size or Vt level of gates change. Therefore, we need to do some adjustment for s when iteratively solving Lagrangian sub-problem. Here no new s comes into at sources, only redistributing by descent function with updated table data of each gate. Our result shows that the minor change for Lagrangian multipliers will not delay convergence too much.
The symbol is arrival time, required arrival time, data table and Lagrangian multiplier of , respectively. Then those ’s are propagated toward primary inputs in a reversetopological order. For each logic gate, it receives s from its fanout gates and then propagates the sum of it receives to its fanin gates. The difference between propagation and common flow propagation in flow network is that can be negative. In general, is negative if the constraint on a gate is met. Although can be negative, must be non-negative during distribution.
6. EXPEREMENTAL RESULTS In this work, ISCAS85 benchmarks are synthesized by SIS [20] and placed by mPL [21] for comparison. The cell library is based on 70 technology. For each logic gate, there are eight size options, 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x, 12x, 16x, 24x and 32x, and three Vt levels. Therefore, there are total 24 different implementations for each logic gate. The is set to 0.9V. Elmore delay model and an analytical leakage power model [5] are used for delay and power calculation. At first, we set all the gates to minimum power consumption implementation, i.e., smallest size and highest Vt
When distributing ’s, it is not always possible to assign as much as a gate needs to satisfy its constraint without violating KKT conditions. In static timing analysis, the arrival time of a gate is the maximum arrival time among its fan-in gates. It is not useful to reduce arrival time on those non-critical fan-in gates. Thus for a gate, when distributing its for fan-in gates, the main goal is to make their arrival times equal. Therefore, we will not
Table 1. Experimental results of our algorithm and sub-gradient method under loose and tight timing constraints.
level, and for all constraints is zero. We compare our algorithm with a Lagrangian relaxation based method using sub-gradient for dual problem. The initial vector of Lagrangian multiplier and the method for Lagrangian sub-problem are the same. Our experiments focus on the comparison between our Lagrangian dual problem method using descent function and sub-gradient method in [12]. Table 1 shows the experimental results of our algorithm and subgradient method under both loose and tight timing constraints. We set 90% of original circuit delay as loose constrains. Then, we choose timing constraints which cause violations when using subgradient method as tight constraints. The experimental results show that our algorithm reduces 33% power consumption on average with only 32% run time overhead compared with subgradient method under loose timing constraints. Then we run experiments with tight timing constraints. The results show that our algorithm can find the solution with positive slack for all the benchmarks but sub-gradient method cannot. Therefore, the experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm for either power reduction or circuit performance.
Figure 9. Detailed power information.
In addition, we show the detailed power and slack information of C432 benchmark iteratively. In Figure 9 and 10, the results show that the power consumption and slack of our algorithm only change in small region and converge faster than sub-gradient method. Due to less reference data, the inexact estimation of our descent function causes oscillation only for a few iterations at beginning. Therefore, our improved algorithm for solving Lagrangian dual problem make Lagrangian relaxation stable and converge faster to better result.
7. CONCLUSION In this work, we propose an improved Lagrangian relaxation method for simultaneous discrete gate sizing and Vt assignment. The main idea of this work is that we distribute Lagrangian multipliers based on not only slack but sensitivity of timing and Lagrangian multipliers by our descent function. The Lagrangian multiplier distributed on each gate is more accurate so that timing
Figure 10. Detailed slack information
constraints may be just satisfied and hence no extra power will be wasted. The experimental results show that our algorithm can improve 33% in power consumption under the same timing constraints than a Lagrangian relaxation method using subgradient method. In addition, our algorithm can also find feasible solution but sub-gradient cannot when tight timing constraints are given. As a result, our improved Lagrangian relaxation method is powerful enough to handle discrete sizes and Vt levels with good solution quality and tolerable run time cost.
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