Mar 30, 2016 - regulatory requirements and existing health, safety, environment, .... Panel: Growing Importance of HSSE-
SPE Mexico Health, Safety, Environment, and Sustainability Symposium Collaboration for Future Growth
30–31 March 2016 | Hotel Marriott Reforma | Mexico City, Mexico PROGRAM
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Welcome! Dear Colleagues, With the recent changes to Mexico’s Constitution, many global exploration and production operators and service companies are currently entering Mexico for the first time. To tap Mexico’s vast offshore resources, operators will call on state-of-the-art exploration and production technology. A key enabler to this anticipated growth is aligning Mexico’s new regulatory requirements and existing health, safety, environment, and sustainability culture. Strong HSSE-SR performance offers a wide range of benefits, assists with meeting local requirements and minimizes operational risk for all participants. Focusing on “Collaboration for Future Growth,” we are gathered to share process improvements, technological advancements, and innovative applications to enhance HSE performance in Mexico’s emerging market. Join us for the executive plenary session on “HSE and SD License to Operate in Mexico,” the keynote session on “Collaborating for Breakthroughs in Safe, Affordable Energy” by Jack Hinton, Baker Hughes Inc; and the keynote luncheon by Carlos de Regules, Executive Director, Agency for Safety, Energy and Environment (ASEA). The success of this event lies in an open exchange of ideas. We encourage you to arm yourself with actionable insights delivered in first-class technical sessions and to participate in interactive panels where you will gain information worth implementing in your workplace. Enjoy the symposium and Mexico City! Sincerely, Carmine Dulisse Chairperson ExxonMobil
Lucia Bustamante Vice Co-Chairperson Shell
Eduardo Zavala Vice Co-Chairperson Pemex
Income from this event will be invested back into SPE to support many other Society programs. When you attend an SPE event, you help provide even more opportunities for industry professionals to enhance their technical and professional competence.
Thanks to Our Sponsors!
SPE Latin American and Caribbean Health, Safety, Environment, and Sustainability Symposium
Lunch Sponsor
Simultaneous Translation and Bags Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
Welcome Reception Sponsor
Lanyards Sponsor
Program Committee Trey Shaffer, ERM Committee Advisor
Carmine Dulisse Chairperson ExxonMobil
Lucia Bustamante Vice Co-Chairperson Shell
Eduardo Zavala Vice Co-Chairperson Pemex
Sandra Acosta Baker Hughes
David Miller API
Fernando Rodriguez HSE International
Fernando Benalcazar APD Proyectos Cia. Ltda.
Erin Moore Anadarko
Dean Slocum Acorn International
Terry Bentley Anadarko
Roland Moreau ExxonMobil (Retired)
Mary Beth Snodgrass Local Contenect
Allen Duke FTO Services
Nelson Oliveros Petrofac
Charlie Williams Center for Offshore Safety
Miriam Garcia Center for Offshore Safety
Edgar Rangel-German National Hydrocarbon Commission
Alejandro Zagal Pemex
Jaime Martinez ERM
Schedule at Glance ROOM
Registration and Speaker Check In
Keynote Session: Collaborating for Breakthroughs in Safe, Affordable Energy
Diego Rivera 2
Coffee Break
Executive Plenary Session: HSE & SD License to Operate in Mexico
Diego Rivera 2
Keynote Luncheon Sponsored by
Diego Rivera 1
Panel: Growing Importance of HSSE-SR
Diego Rivera 2
Coffee Break
Technical Session: Regional Approach for Improvement in Safety and Environmental Performance in the Gulf of Mexico
Diego Rivera 2
Welcome Reception Sponsored by
Diego Rivera 1
THURSDAY, 31 MARCH 0800–1730
Registration and Speaker Check In
Panel: Operationalizing Sustainable Development
Diego Rivera 2
Coffee Break
Panel: Establishing Safe Operations
Diego Rivera 2
Lunch Sponsored by
Diego Rivera 1
Technical Session: Understanding Impacts and Risks of Offshore Development in the Gulf of Mexico
Diego Rivera 2
Coffee Break
Closing Keynote Session: HSSE-SR: Cardinal Directions for Navigating E&P Success in Mexico
Diego Rivera 2
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A questionnaire will be distributed on Thursday. Please take the time to fill out the survey as your opinion helps us continue to grow and make the next event even better.
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When traveling, as in any major city, certain precautions are necessary. Always keep your valuables out of sight and safely stored in a hotel safe deposit box. In the event of a lost or stolen room key card, notify hotel management as soon as possible.
All conference sessions are protected by international copyright laws. Photography and audiovisual recording of any kind are strictly prohibited in the sessions.
Simultaneous Translation Sponsored by the SPE Mexican section, technical presentations will be simultaneously translated in English and Spanish. Bring a photo ID to claim your headset before the session begins.
Proceedings One copy of the proceedings card is included in the full conference registration fee.
Safety in Mexico City
Pick Up Your Copy of Our New Compendium: Enhancing Process Safety in the Oil and Gas Industry Visit Registration to get this compilation of the best process safety papers, focused on emerging trends from research and the field. It will provide fresh and real-world perspectives for you to use in your day-to-day job.
(As of 10 March 2016 | Subject to Change)
E01 Keynote Session: Collaborating for Breakthroughs ............... Room: Diego Rivera 2 in Safe, Affordable Energy Session Chairpersons: Carmine Dulisse, ExxonMobil; Lucia Bustamante, Shell Speaker: Jack Hinton, Baker Hughes Fossil fuels will supply the majority of the world’s energy demands for years to come. In responsible societies, governments, operators, service companies, communities, and many others collaborate with one another to deliver safe, efficient and affordable energy. Where this effectively occurs, economies thrive, communities benefit, jobs are created, employment is maintained, and ecosystems are protected—all while responsibly meeting energy needs and driving economic growth. Collaboration on this scale is complex, and it requires new ways of thinking and working together. But it’s the only way to accomplish what we strive for: a sustainable oil and gas industry with zero HSE incidents.
EP01 Executive Plenary Session: HSE & SD License ......................... Room: Diego Rivera 2 To Operate In Mexico Session Moderators: Nelson Oliveros, Petrofac; Sandra Acosta, Baker Hughes Panelists: Alberto de la Fuente, Shell; Luis Betancourt Sanchez, Pemex; Robert Sheninger, Talos Energy
Opening oil and gas production to private national and foreign companies in Mexico requires a good understanding of the terms and conditions stipulated by the regulators and the social-environment conditions where the activities will take place. The speakers of this session will share best experiences on the principles applied for gaining and maintaining the license to operate in Mexico.
SPE Latin American and Caribbean Health, Safety, Environment, and Sustainability Symposium
Wednesday Technical Program
Keynote Luncheon: Regulating to Establish a Safety and.................Room: Diego Rivera 1 Environmental Protection Culture in the Mexican Oil & Gas Industry Carlos de Regules, Executive Director, Agency for Safety, Energy and Environment (ASEA)
P01 Growing Importance of HSSE-SR Panel...................................... Room: Diego Rivera 2 Session Moderators: Roland L. Moreau, Consultant Panelists: Charles R. Williams, Center For Offshore Safety; Dean A. Slocum, Acorn International; Brian Sullivan, IPIECA; Salwan Ibrahim, International SOS
Health, safety, security, environment, and social responsibility (HSSE-SR) impact all aspects of the oil and gas industry’s activities. This panel will address the challenges facing operators, service companies, and others working to safely explore, develop, and produce oil and gas resources in a manner that is compatible with the balanced environmental and economic needs of the communities in which they operate. Industry must effectively address the broad HSSE-SR expectations as a means to earn and protect the trust of all public and private stakeholders.
tip01 Regional Approach For Improvement in Safety and ............ Room: Diego Rivera 2 Environmental Performance In the Gulf of Mexico Session Chairpersons: J aime Martinez, Environmental Resources Mgmt; Terry Bentley, Anadarko In the new era of the O&G industry in Mexico, the need for improvement in safety and environmental performance is apparent. Speakers in this session will share their experiences to help us examine opportunities and challenges that this new era represents. We will take a regional approach, including regulators, new and mature operators and EH&S professionals.
Safety and Environmental Management System (SEMS) Audit Methodology J. Swindle, C.R. Williams, O. Chawla, Center for Offshore Safety
Regional Aprroach for Improvement in HSE Performance in the Gulf of Mexico P. Alcantara Vazquez, DNV GL Group
Safety Case Versus SEMS; Are They Really All That Different? K.C. Israni, Environmental Resources Mgmt
Thursday Technical Program
(As of 10 March 2016 | Subject to Change)
Session Moderators: Nelson Oliveros, Petrofac; Sandra Acosta, Baker Hughes Panelists: Juan Raul Gomez, ASEA; Juan Javier Hinojosa, Pemex; Victor Machiavelo Salinas, Risk Software; Mary H. Studlick, ExxonMobil
Often times O&G industry discussions on sustainable development topics are focused on strategy, policy, guidelines and other key high level statements, while often the biggest challenge for operators and service companies is implementing good international industry practices to achieve sustainable development. This panel will focus on operationalizing solutions to social, economic, environmental and security risks and impacts. Panelists will share stories of their successes as well as on-going challenges and how they are being addressed. With local and international experience structuring and implementing sustainable development practices, the panelists will discuss operationalizing sustainable development in Mexico at a pivotal time: at the beginning of the country’s opening and during a low oil price environment.
P03 Establishing Safe Operations Panel ............................................. Room: Diego Rivera 2
An important part of the success of any oil and gas company is based on the effectiveness of managing safety. In this session, the right balance of occupational safety, functional safety and regulatory compliance is addressed to strike for a better performance in operational safety.
tip02 Understanding Impacts and Risks of Offshore........................ Room: Diego Rivera 2 Development in the Gulf of Mexico Session Chairpersons: Dean A. Slocum, Acorn International LLC; Jaime Martinez, Environmental Resources Mgmt
Session Moderators: Fernando Rodriguez, HSE International; Mary Beth Snodgrass, Local Contenect LLC Panelists: Rosa Gomez Garza, Schlumberger; Ana Mallen, Torex Gold; Juan Carlos Belausteguigoitia, Mexico Institute of Technology; Karla Torres, Shell; Rodolfo Salazar Gil, SENER
P02 Operationalizing Sustainable Development Panel ............... Room: Diego Rivera 2
A solid understanding of the current status of cooperative oil spill response planning, marine baseline data and oil spill trajectory analysis in the Mexican sector of the GoM will be critical to operators in this sector. Participants in this session will learn the latest from the experts and have an opportunity to ask for more details, giving each participant an edge in understanding these critical issues for success in Mexico’s offshore oil and gas opportunities.
Potential Impacts of a US/Mexico Trans-Boundary Deep-Water Blowout and Oil Spill • K.L. Wilson, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation
Invited Presenter - E.G. Escobar-Briones, National Autonomous University of Mexico
Improvements in Safety Training Using a Virtual Offshore Safety Site T.E. Williams, Leid, LLC
Z01 Closing Session: HSSE-SR: Cardinal Directions for...............Room: Diego Rivera 2 Navigating E&P Success in Mexico Speaker: Helge Hove Haldorsen, Statoil USA ‘It takes a village’ to do E&P. It also takes a village to do E&P right. The ‘villagers’ in the E&P eco-system offshore and onshore are inter-dependent in so many ways that the only way to be fit in sum, is to ‘fly in a V’ like geese, with everyone’s compass having the same 5 cardinal directions: H-S-S-E-SR! We all have an intense personal commitment to help Mexico make the energy reform a huge success. To that end, we know that nothing is more important than a personal and joint commitment to safe and sustainable E&P operations! If we don’t deliver on this—and yes—there is a zero tolerance for error—more and more NIMBY (not in my back yard) signs will go up and the public’s trust and our license to operate can be withdrawn.
Papers are also available at OnePetro®, a multisociety online library of technical literature for the E&P industry, with contributions from 18 publishing partners, that provides access to over 160,000 items.
Efficient daily management of operational risk. La eficiente gestión diaria del riesgo operacional.
• Steve Vall President
[email protected]
• Norma Mozeé Americas Business Development Director
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