Feb 2, 2014 - The resultant composite membranes are transparent flexible thin films and were characterized by XRD, TGA,. FT-IR , scanning electron ...
International Journal of Science and Technology Volume 3 No. 2, February, 2014
Poly(vinylalcohol)/Lamellar Germanium Phosphate Nanocomposite Membranes S. K. Shakshooki, B.Najeh- Ali, S.S. Rais , A. M.Hamassi Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Tripoli University,POB.13203 Tripoli, Libya.
ABSTRACT Novel nanosized lamellar germanium phosphate, α-Ge(HPO4)2.1.84 H2O(nGeP), with interlayer spacing (d001 ) = 7.71Ǻ, was prepared. Preparations of poly(vinylalcohol) / lamellar germanium phosphate nanocomposite membranes were carried out by mixing slurry aqueous solution of (nGeP) , of different weight percentages (2.5, 5, 10, and 20 wt %) , with aqueous solution of 10% (PVA) in concentration at 45oC . The resultant composite membranes are transparent flexible thin films and were characterized by XRD, TGA, FT-IR , scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy(TEM). Size particles of lamellar germanium phosphate calculated from XRD broadening method using the Scherrer,s equation , found to be 44.6 nm . TEM images of PVA/nGeP nanocomposites show that the (nGeP) in the nanometer scale , in the range 38-53 nm , well dispersed in the PVA matrix. The composite materials show to have mechanical and thermal stability properties superior to that of the original polymer, which a result of the enhancement of the thermal properties of PVA/nGeP nanocomposites. Keywords: Poly(vinylalcohol), lamellar germanium phosphate , nanocomposite membranes.
1. INTRODUCTION Inorganic ion exchange materials of tetravalent metal phosphates are very insoluble compounds with good thermal stabilities, and posses high ion exchange capacities. They have been known as amorphous for some time [1,2]. The discovery of their layered crystalline materials [3,4], represent a fundamental step in chemistry of these compounds . Increase attention direct toward their intercalation [5,6], catalytic[7], electrical conductance [8], and sensors [9]. Their layered crystalline materials , resemblance clay minerals, exist as twodimensional (2-D) and three-dimensional (3-D)structures [10]. Layered twodimensional structure exist in α , γ and θforms of general formula α-M(IV)(HPO4)2.H2O, γM(IV).PO4.H2PO4.2H2O, θM(IV)(HPO4)2.5H2O, respectively [11-13] ( where M = Ti, Zr, Hf, Ge, Sn , Ce ….etc). Inorganic layered nanomaterials are receiving great attention because of their size, structure, and possible biochemical applications [14], that have been proven to be good carriers for organic polar molecules. Examples of these are zirconium phosphates[15], taking advantage of the expandable interlayer space of the layered materials. Researchers have been capable of encapsulating functional biomolecules into these inorganic matrices protecting them from interacting with invironment, avoiding denaturation and enhancing their shelf [14,16]. Nanoscaled tetravalent metal phosphates and their organic polymer composites comprise an important class of synthetic engineering. However , research in such area is still in its infancy [17-20] Nanotechnologies are at the center of numerous investigations and huge investments. However chemistry has anticipated for long the importance decreasing the size in the search of new properties of materials, and of materials structured at the nanosize in a number of applications relate to daily life. Organic-inorganic nanocomposite membranes have gained great attention
recently [19,20] . The composite material may combine the advantage of each material, for instance, flexibility, processability of polymers and the selectivity and thermal stability of the inorganic filler [19-22]. Poly(vinylalcohol), hydrophilic and biodegradable polymer , is gaining increase attention, such as proton exchange membranes, and polymer electrolyte fuel cells [23,24] permeability membranes[25] ,drug delivery[26] . These applications have stimulate interest in improving the properties of PVA. The interaction between PVA and the nanoadditives[27-29] mainly through hydrogen bonding , which allow efficient load transfer, are responsible for marked increase in mechanical propertie. In case of PVA , dispersion and interface interaction are mainly related to the hydroxyl groups in the PVA and the nanoadditives. This paper describes the preparation and characterization of novel nanosized germanium phosphate and its Poly(vinylalcohol) nanocomposite membranes.
2. EXPERIMENTAL 2.1 Chemicals GeCl4 , H3PO4(85%) of BDH , PVA MWt = 25125 g/mol of Aldrich. Other reagents used were of analytical grade.
2.2 Apparatus X-ray powder diffractometer Siemens D-500, using Ni-filtered CuKα (λ= 1.54056Å) , TG/DTA SII Extra 6000 Thermogram. and TG/DTA Perkin-Elmer SII , Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) Jeol SMJ Sm 5610 LV , Forier Transform IR spectrometer, model IFS 25 FTIR, Bruker , pH Meter WGW IJST © 2014– IJST Publications UK. All rights reserved.
International Journal of Science and Technology (IJST) – Volume 3 No. 2, February, 2014
521 and Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) Zeiss TEM 10 CR.
0.9λ D
= B2θCosθmax
2.3 Preparation of lamellar germanium phosphate 5 ml of GeCl4 in 78.5 ml distilled water were mixed with 25 ml of H3PO4 (85%). The resultant mixture was refluxed for 10 h to obtain white precipitate , filtered , washed with ethanol and dried in air . Then subjected to three times stepwise refluxing in 10 molar H3PO4 (1.0 g : 25 ml H3PO4) (one week a time ) the resultant precipitate was filtered , washed with distilled water and ethanol and dried in air.
Where D is the average crystal size in nm , λ is the characteristic wave length of x-ray used (λ=1.54056 Å ) , Ө is the diffraction angle , and the B2Ө is the angular width in the radius at intensity equal to half of the maximum peak intensity [30]. Figure (2) shows x-ray pattern of the αgermanium phosphate , that include the value of full width at half maximum of the peak which is 0.1770.
2.4 Exchange Capacity Determination Exchange capacity of nanosized germanium phosphate was determined by addition of 25 ml of 0.10 M NaCl solution to 100 mg of the material, with stirring for one h, then titrated with 0.10 M NaOH solution.
2.5 Thermal Analysis Thermal analyses were carried out at temperature range about 20-700 oC in nitrogen atmosphere, the rate was 10 oC/min.
2.6 Preparation of PVA/ lamellar germanium phosphate composites Poly(vinylalcohol) in 10 % concentration was prepared by dissolving 10g of PVA in 125 ml distilled water at 80oC with stirring for 1h. kept at the same temperature until the total volume is equal to 100 ml. Different PVA/ Lamellar germanium phosphate composite membranes were prepared where (nGeP) weight % loading were( 2.5, 5, 10 , and 20 wt %). Typically; 0.1g (nGeP) was dispersed in 5 ml distilled water with vigorous stirring at 45oC for 15min. , to that 9 ml of PVA (10% in concentration) were added. The stirring was continued for 48 h at 45oC. The resultant mixture was poured into flat surface container, of desired thickness, and was allowed to dry in air. The fully dried transparent flexible thin film was pealed from the glass container and kept for characterization, and found to be PVA/ (nGeP) 10 wt% composite membrane. In similar manner different wt % of 2.5, 5, and 20% (nGeP) were used for the preparation of the rest composite membranes.
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Lamellar germanium phosphate , αGe(HPO4)2.1.84H2O(nGeP), was prepared and characterized by chemical , XRD, TGA, FT-IR , SEM and TEM.
3.1 XRD The X-ray diffraction pattern(XRD) of α-Ge(HPO4)2.1.84H2O is shown in Figure (1), which indicate good degree of crystalline with interlayer spacing (d001) equal to 7.71 Ǻ. The average diameter of (nGeP) was found to be 44.6 nm ,which was calculated from the full width at half maximum of the peak using Scherrer,s equation:
Figure 1: XRD pattern of α-Ge(HPO4)2.1.84H2O (nGeP).
Figure 2: XRD of α-Ge(HPO4)2.1.84H2O (nGeP) full width at half maximum of the peak
3.2 FT-IR FT-IR spectra , taken from thin 30 mg , lightly weighed (1%) KBr in the range 4000-400 cm-1 , found to be similar to That reported for α-Ge(HPO4)2 .H2O[31].
3.3 TGA Thermogram of α-Ge(HPO4)2. 1.84H2O (GeP) , is shown in Figure (3) , indicates three weight losses regions. Dehydration process at termperature range 90-430oC. It seems to occur in two steps , since two endothermic effects are observed in this range of temperature . The weight loss is 11.19% . The anhydrous germanium phosphate undergoes a weight loss equal to 6.07 % , correspond to mole of water per formula weight. This weight loss is related to the condensation process of the anhydrous phase to germanium pyrophosphate GeP2O7.
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International Journal of Science and Technology (IJST) – Volume 3 No. 2, February, 2014
Figure 3: TG/DTA of α-Ge(HPO4)2.1.84H2O
3.4 Ion exchange capacity The ion exchange capacity of α-Ge(HPO4)2. 1.84H2O found to be equal to 7.63 meq/g.
3.5 Composites PVA/ lamellar germanium phosphate membranes Flexible transparent thin films homogeneous composites of PVA/(nGeP) were prepared and characterized by, SEM ,TEM, XRD and TGA. Their exchange capacities found to be in agreement with the wt % content of the layered inorganic material , as expected.
Figure 5: Typical, TEM image of PVA/ (nGeP) nanocmposite film
3.8 XRD of poly(vinylalcohol) Figure(6) shows the XRD of the pure poly(vinylalcohol) with intense peak appearing near 2θ = 19.75 o.
3.6 SEM Typical SEM morphology image of the nanocompsite is shown in Figure (4). The photograph shows that (nGeP) is well and regularly dispersed in the PVA matrix. The average size of dispersed lamellar germanium phosphate is ~ 39.5 nm.
Figure 6: XRD pattern of PVA
3.9 TGA The TGA measurements of (PVA) and PVA/(nGeP) nanocompsites membranes with different (nGeP) contents are shown in ( Figures 7-11), respectively. Figure 4: Typical, SEM image of PVA/ (nGeP) nanocomposite membrane
3.7 TEM Typical TEM image of the nanocomposite film is shown in Figure (5). The average size of dispersed lamellar germanium phosphate is ~ 41.5 nm.
The thermal decomposition of (PVA) is shown in Figure (7). Three temperature regions can be identified over which most of the weight change occurs. The first weight loss occurs between 75 – 115 oC corresponds to the loss of water of hydration. The second weight loss occurs ~ 300 – 360 oC and corresponds to the side chain decomposition of (PVA). Third degradation between 410-600oC corresponds to decomposition of main chain [17] leaving about 42 % residue. The thermal decomposition of all the composite materials found to follow the same trend. Thermal decomposition of the IJST © 2014– IJST Publications UK. All rights reserved.
International Journal of Science and Technology (IJST) – Volume 3 No. 2, February, 2014
composites 2.5, 5, 10, and 20 wt% (nGeP) content are shown in Figures (8-11) , which shows four temperature range , can be identified over which most of the weight change occurs. Thermal decomposition of composite membrane of 2.5 wt% (nGeP), is given in Figure (8), shows the first weight loss occurs between 70-180oC is concern to the loss of water molecules. The weight loss occurs between 180-350oC corresponds to the decomposition of side chain of (PVA) , third and fourth degradation between 350oC and 700oC corresponds to the decomposition of (PVA) main chain and condensation of P-OH groups of the inorganic material to pyrophosphate , GeP2O7.the residue results from thermal decomposition found to be equal to 37.55%.
An improvement in the thermal stability , to a certain extent of the nanocomposites can be noticed .All weight losses accompanied by endothermic peaks and leaving residues , which are related to carbonceous PVA plus GeP 2O7 , the final product from thermal decomposition of (nGeP).
Figure 8: TG/DTA of PVA/ (nGeP) nano composite membrane(2.5 wt%)
Figure 7: TG/DTA of PVA
Thermogram of composite membrane of 5 wt% (nGeP), given in Figure (9), shows the first weight loss occurs between 90– 180oC is relate to the loss of water molecules. The weight loss occurs between 180-380oC corresponds to the decomposition of side chain of (PVA) , third and fourth degradation between 360oC and 700oC corresponds to the decomposition of (PVA) main chain and condensation of POH groups of the inorganic material to pyrophosphate , GeP2O7. The residue results from thermal decomposition found to be equalto 23.26%. Thermogram of composite membrane of 10 wt% (nGeP), given in Figure (10), shows the first weight loss occurs between 70–180oC is concern to the loss of water molecules. The weight loss occurs between 180-380oC is corresponds to the decomposition of side chain of (PVA) , third and fourth degradation between 380oC and 700oC corresponds to the decomposition of (PVA) main chain and condensation of POH groups of the inorganic material to pyrophosphate , GeP2O7. The residue results from thermal decomposition found to be equal to 36.25%. For composite membrane of 20 wt% (nGeP), Its thermogram is shown in Figure (11) the first stage decomposition occurs between 70–170oC is concern to the loss of water molecules. The weight loss occurs between 170-390oC is corresponds to the decomposition of side chain of (PVA) , third and fourth degradation between 390oC and 700oC corresponds to the decomposition of (PVA) main chain and condensation of POH groups of the inorganic material to pyrophosphate , GeP2O7. The residue results from thermal decomposition found to be equal to 25%.
Figure 9: TG/DTA of PVA/ (nGeP) nano composite membrane(5 wt%).
Figure10: TG/DTA of PVA/ (nGeP) nano composite membrane(10 wt%).
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International Journal of Science and Technology (IJST) – Volume 3 No. 2, February, 2014
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Figure11: TG/DTA of PVA/ (nGeP) nano composite membrane(20 wt%).
4. CONCLUSION Novel nanosized lamellar germanium phosphate, αGe(HPO4)2. 1.84H2O (GeP) was prepared . A series of nanocomposite membranes were prepared from PVA and (nGeP). The results from XRD, and TEM indicated that PVA and (nGeP) posses good miscibility which lead to the formation of homogeneous transparent flexible thin films. The thermal stability was improved. Consequently the presence of (nGeP) in PVA favored the increase of the thermal stability and mechanical properties, that may combine physical properties and characteristics of both organic and inorganic components within the single composite. These composites are promising for utilizations in fuel cells and as new sorbents.
Acknowledgments To department of chemistry, faculty of science, Tripoli university, for providing facilities for this research, to Adel Bayomi Instiute of geologyical survey and mineral resources, Cairo, Egypt for providing facilities for TGA , ESM and TEM analysis..
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