Module Title: Pre-Intermediate English for Higher. Education ... Pre-requisites per
... Soars, L. and Soars, J. (2009) New Headway Intermediate Student's Book.
Module Title:
Module code:
Pre-Intermediate English for Higher Education
Cost Centre:
Semester(s) in which to be offered:
Office use only: To be completed by AQSU:
Credit Value:
JACS2 code:
With effect from:
September 2013
Date approved: Date revised: Version no:
August 2013 1
Title of module being replaced (if any):
Originating Academic Department:
English as Second Language
Module duration (total hours): Scheduled learning & teaching hours Independent study hours
400 192
Module Leader:
Status: core/option/elective (identify programme where appropriate):
Nataliya Shiraz
Programme(s) in which to be offered: English For University Study
Pre-requisites per programme (between levels):
Module Aims: This module is for those with some knowledge of the language, up to an overall average of IELTS 4.5 minimum, or equivalent, with no less than IELTS 4.0 or equivalent in any of the language skills; speaking, listening, reading or writing. The module aims to develop the student’s languages skills to IELTS 5.0 or equivalent (e.g.B1/B2 CEFR).
Expected Learning Outcomes Knowledge and Understanding: At the end of this module, students should be able to control language through conventions of English such as the right use of determiners, prepositions, verb tenses and patterns, adequate syntax and punctuation, as well as them be able to evaluate content, organisation and language in text: as indicated by their ability to: 1. Listening/speaking Communicate on simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters Express opinions on abstract/cultural matters in a limited way or offer advice within a known area, and understand instructions or public announcements. 2. Reading Understand routine information and articles, and the general meaning of non-routine information within a familiar area. 3. Writing Write down some information at a lecture or make notes on familiar or predictable matters. Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Students will develop the following transferable skills and attributes: extended communication skills in intercultural and Higher Education contexts using English as a language for research and participation in oral and written discussion analytical and critical skills to promote effective and efficient information-gathering, processing and presentation using English in different social and academic contexts confident independent-working, managing workloads and working to deadlines reflection on own learning and development and ability to work with, and relate to, others
Assessment: There are regular formative assessments throughout the module and there is a summative test at the end. All assessments are based on the language and skills studied and include: Progress Tests Weekly writing tasks Speaking tasks including presentations End of module tests
Learning Outcomes to be met 1
Type of assessment Examination
Weightin g
Duration (if exam)
40 minutes
1 hour
1 hour
11–14 minutes
Word count or equivalent if appropriate
400 words
Learning and Teaching Strategies: The module will be delivered mainly through tutor-led seminars. The focus will be on key topics related to the four skills; listening, reading, writing and speaking and the four systems; grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and discourse. Directed work and exercises will be used to foster learning through active student participation. Classroom work will include pair and small-group work in order to foster team work and development of English speaking skills; Students will be guided to use additional learning resources, including ICT, audio and visual materials. Individual independent work will include completion of regular exercises, research in the library and by using the internet.
Syllabus outline: 1. Generally: Theoretical and practical enhancement of English language skills from IELTS equivalent 4.0/4.5 to 5.0 respectively in all areas 2. Selected lexical, syntactical, morphological and phonetic aspects of English appropriate to the level of the module 3. Spoken and written communication in general English, appropriate to the level of the module. 4. Enhancement of cultural awareness within the language learning programme 5. Understanding sympathetic native speakers in situations of general and academic interest 6. Listening for specific information within an extended piece of authentic recorded material. 7. Writing extended pieces of connected, structured text, consisting of simple sentences relevant to academic and general situations and appropriate to the level of the module 8. Using formal and informal registers within extended written paragraphs 9. Understanding relevant information from extended authentic texts e.g. short newspaper articles and short extracts from books written in English 10. Grammatical aspects appropriate to the level of the module 11. Vocabulary relevant to the situations above and as appropriate to the level of the module 12. Introduction of usage and understanding of HE specific language
Bibliography Essential resources: Soars, L. and Soars, J. (2009) New Headway Intermediate Student’s Book. Oxford, UK: OUP Soars, L. and Soars, J. (2009) New Headway Intermediate Workbook with Key. Oxford, UK: OUP Other indicative resources: Hewings, M. (2005) Advanced Grammar in Use 2nd ed. CUP Leech, G., Cruickshank, B. and Ivanic R. (2005) An A-Z of English Grammar and Usage. (6th ed.). Harlow, UK: Longman
Oxford or Collins English-English (Concise) Dictionary, newest edition – or any similar paperbased or on-line dictionaries, both mono- and bilingual Newspapers, magazines, TV programmes etc. (any authentic language material as appropriate to the students’ needs) The above list is not meant to be exhaustive other material may be recommended or offered to as appropriate for the subject area and the level of the module. Students will also have access to an appropriate range of supplementary material and links to web-based resources on Moodle