Lancaster City Police Department. The Citizens ... - City of Lancaster

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The class is limited to 20 seats. Dates ... Home Phone: ( ) ... Do you require any form of accommodation in order to att
LANCASTER CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT Citizens Police Academy – Spring 2015 Application for Participation

OBJECTIVE The Lancaster City Citizens’ Police Academy (CPA) offers citizens the opportunity to learn about the internal operations of the Lancaster City Police Department. The Citizens’ Police Academy speakers, (mostly Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice experts in their fields), provide lectures, demonstrations, tours, and handson activities for Academy participants. The overall objective of the Academy is to provide citizens with sound and accurate information about the Lancaster City Police and the criminal justice process so citizens are able to make informed decisions regarding issues/matters involving the police department and/or police activity. Participants will be able to share their experiences and learned information with family, friends, co-workers, and their community to further improve and strengthen community-police relations. The Academy is open to anyone 18 years of age or older; however, priority is given to Lancaster City residents.

COURSE CURRICULUM Each week, a different discipline or area of the Lancaster City Police is presented such as: Patrol, Criminal Investigations, Lancaster Countywide Communications (police dispatch), SERT, K9, Mounted Patrol, and Firearms Range Operations.




The class is limited to 20 seats.


The Citizens’ Police Academy is a ten-week program held every Wednesday. Class sessions will be held from 6:30-9 pm. We are now accepting applications for Spring 2015. th

Spring Session: March 18th through May 20 , 2015 Location:

Lancaster City Police Department, 39 W. Chestnut St., Lancaster, PA 17603 (some sessions are held at other locations such as Long’s Park and Lancaster Countywide Communications)

Send completed Applications to: Lancaster City Police Department Citizens Police Academy 39 W. Chestnut St. Lancaster, PA 17603

Applications must be received by close of business, February 27th, 2015.

 

Please type or print. Incomplete and/or unsigned applications will not be considered.

Date: _____________________ Personal Information Name: Last



Current Address: Street

Apt. #


Social Security Number: Date of Birth:



Zip Code


/ __

Home Phone: (


_ /

/ __

Cell Phone:


E-Mail address:



Preferred Method of Communication: ___________________________________________________

Employment Current Employer: Address: Phone: (



Supervisor’s name and title:

Criminal History Have you ever been arrested and/or convicted of a misdemeanor or felony in any state by any law enforcement agency?

____ No

____ Yes

If checked yes, explain in detail below giving date, reason, agency and disposition.

____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

Education Highest education level completed: ____ GED Degree earned:

____ Yes

____ High School

____ No

____ College/University

Major: _____________________________

References Provide the names and addresses of two (2) character references (not related to you by blood or marriage). 1. Name:

Length of time known:

Address: Home Phone:(


Work Phone: (



2. Name:

Length of time known:

Address: Home Phone:(


Work Phone: (



Purpose Why do you want to attend the Citizens Police Academy? ___________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

Social Activity List any organizations, clubs or associations you are a member of: _____________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________


Accommodation The Citizen’s Police Academy is an experiential learning environment in a classroom atmosphere. Some of the class sessions may require physical activities including, but not limited to, walking distances or uneven terrain. If you should need accommodations, or have any concerns you would like to discuss, please contact Lieutenant Timothy Frey or Sergeant Bill Hickey of the Lancaster City Police office at 717-735-3301 or [email protected] or [email protected] .

Do you require any form of accommodation in order to attend the Citizens Police Academy? ____ No

____ Yes

If yes, please explain: _________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

Transportation The majority of the Citizen’s Police Academy will take place at the Lancaster City Police Department located at 39 W. Chestnut St., Lancaster, PA 17603. Some of the classes will take place at Lancaster Countywide Communications in Manheim, at Long’s Park near the Park City Mall and possibly at the Lancaster County Public Safety Training Center in East Hempfield Township.

Do you have reliable transportation to these or other locations in Lancaster County? ____ Yes

____ No

Background Check By signing and submitting this application, I authorize the Lancaster City Police Department to perform a background check on me. I understand this background check can include searching local, state, and national databases for records that may prohibit my acceptance into the Citizens Police Academy class.





Date Application Received: ________________________By: _________________________________________ Status: ____ Accepted for _______________________________________________________________ class. ____ Wait list. ____ Reject for ______________________________________________________________________