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NEWS RELEASE. MORE april. 12. 2012. Landscape Architecture Magazine Features. 18Broadway Project in Kansas City's Urban Core. Kansas City, Mo.
News Release

Landscape Architecture Magazine Features 18Broadway Project in Kansas City’s Urban Core

april 12 2012

Kansas City, Mo. – For its April issue, the national magazine of the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) is featuring 18Broadway, an innovative development in downtown Kansas City that joins urban agriculture and renewable energy with storm water management best practices. Landscape Architecture Magazine (LAM) showcases 18Broadway in a glossy new design rolled out in celebration of Landscape Architecture Month. The story describes how the economy’s 2008 downturn opened the way for 18Broadway’s owner, DST Systems, to create a productive new landscape in the heart of Kansas City. 18Broadway covers a 1.4-acre site two blocks south of the new Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts in downtown’s Crossroads Arts District. In 2008, wanting to do something with the vacant property while its redevelopment plans were on hold, DST approached 360 Architecture. It envisioned a series of rain gardens and swales to prevent erosion of the steep site. As the design concept grew, Vireo, a landscape architecture and planning firm (formerly Patti Banks Associates), and the engineering firm TapanAm Associates were asked to join the project. SITE Integrates Decentralized Water Systems, Urban Agriculture & Renewable energy

The result is a landscape that is in many ways regenerative. 18Broadway features an integrated system of curb bump outs, sidewalk channels, limestone weirs, rain gardens and bio-swales that capture and reuse most of the storm water that falls on the site. Instead of disappearing into the city’s sewer system, the run-off is used for irrigation, particularly for 18Broadway’s 100-plus raised, high-production food gardens. Last year, the site yielded approximately 2.5 tons of fresh produce, all of which was donated to Harvesters Community Food Network. Grid-tied solar panels on the site’s mechanical shed produce enough electricity to offset the energy used to pump water across the property, while an urban-oriented, low-velocity wind turbine powers the site’s perimeter lighting. Also covered in LAM’s story are details regarding the project’s other sustainable features. They include its use of permeable concrete pavers, reclaimed wood from New York’s Coney Island amusement park, and a recycling container belonging to local enterprise that converts used glass into insulation. For Jim Calcara, senior principal at 360 Architecture, the takeaway message is clear. 18Broadway, he says in the story, “shows the compatibility of environmental stewardship and land development.” To view the full story online click here: 18Broadway LAM Article

*** 360 Architecture is an innovative architectural practice widely recognized for excellence in planning, design and execution across a wide range of project types, including corporate and commercial office buildings, sports arenas and stadiums, mixed-use districts, recreation centers, residences, restaurants and municipal facilities. 360 Architecture is headquartered in Kansas City, Missouri and has offices in, San Francisco, and Columbus.

360 architecture media contact: lindsay peters | [email protected] | 816.472.3360 for additional information, please visit our website at
