language and culture - Research@JCU

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roundtable meetings all roundtable meetings at 4 p.m. on Wednesdays in D3-150, Cairns Institute Building. Workshop on Number Systems Wednesday 11 April.
LANGUAGE AND CULTURE RESEARCH CENTRE Cairns Institute / CASE — James Cook University

roundtable meetings all roundtable meetings at 4 p.m. on Wednesdays in D3-150, Cairns Institute Building Workshop on Number Systems Wednesday 11 April 3. Kasia Wojtylak Number systems in Murui Seminar, Wednesday 18 April Luca Ciucci

Reconstructing the possessive inflection of Proto-Zamucoan

Workshop on Number Systems, Wednesday 2 May 4 Alex Walker Number systems in Southern Pomo Workshop on Number Systems, Wednesday 9 May 5 David Felipe Guerrero Number systems in Karijona Seminar, Wednesday 16 May Firew Girma Worku Workshop, Wednesday 23 May 6 Carola Emkow

Possession in Mursi

Number words and the grammatical number system in Bena Bena

Workshop on Number Systems, Wednesday 30 May 7 Nathan White Number systems in Hmong ———Wednesday 6 June Roundtable discussion on 'The grammar of disease' Part one, led off by Alexandra Aikhenvald and Bob Dixon Workshop on Number Systems, Wednesday 13 June 8 Bai Junwei (Abe) Number systems in Munya Workshop on Number Systems, Wednesday 20 June 9 Alexandra Aikhenvald Number systems in Tariana Seminar, Wednesday 27 June Bob Dixon

English prepositions: their meanings and uses: introduction

———Wednesday 4 July Roundtable discussion on 'The grammar of disease' Part two, Volunteers sought

everyone is most welcome