the construction of process model change management solutions that ... high-level business process models become input for the development of IT systems,.
Language-Independent Change Management of Process Models Christian Gerth1,2,3 , Jochen M. K¨uster1 , and Gregor Engels3 1
IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, S¨aumerstr. 4, 8803 R¨uschlikon, Switzerland {cge,jku} 2 Intern. Graduate School of Dynamic Intelligent Systems Department of Computer Science, University of Paderborn, Germany {gerth,engels}
Abstract. In model-driven development approaches, process models are used at different levels of abstraction and are described by different languages. Similar to other software artifacts, process models are developed in team environments and underlie constant change. This requires reusable techniques for the detection of changes between different process models and the computation of dependencies and conflicts between changes. In this paper, we propose a framework for the construction of process model change management solutions that provides generic techniques for the detection of differences and the computation of dependencies and conflicts between changes. The framework contains an abstract representation for process models that serves as a common denominator for different process models. In addition, we show how the framework is instantiated exemplarily for BPMN. Keywords: Process model change management, process model differences.
1 Introduction In recent years, the role of process models in the development of enterprise software systems has increased continuously. Today, process models are used at different levels in the development process. For instance, in Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA) [1], high-level business process models become input for the development of IT systems, and in running IT systems executable process models describe choreographies of Web Services [2]. A key driver behind this development is the necessity for a closer alignment of business and IT requirements [3], to reduce the reaction times in software development to frequent changes in competitive markets. Typically in these scenarios, process models are developed, refined, and transformed in a team environment by several stakeholders that are often from different business units, resulting in different versions. These process model versions reflect the different views of the stakeholders involved. To obtain integrated process models comprising the changes applied to different versions, the versions need to be consolidated by means of process model change management. Change management for process models consists of the following major activities: detection of differences, computation of dependencies and conflicts between differences, and resolution of differences. In general, change management is a language-dependent A. Sch¨urr and B. Selic (Eds.): MODELS 2009, LNCS 5795, pp. 152–166, 2009. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
Language-Independent Change Management of Process Models
problem, i.e., a solution for a particular modeling language cannot be reused easily for another language, because of different syntax and semantics of the languages. Existing approaches to model change management are either limited to a particular process modeling language [4] or focus mainly on structural models [5,6,7,8], such as class diagrams. In contrast to structural models, process models have a certain execution order, specified in the form of control-flow, data-flow, or even both. Moreover, process models have to fulfill further criteria, such as reachability or soundness (with respect to deadlocks, lack of synchronization) that are irrelevant for structural models. These criteria have to be considered when it comes to the consolidation of process models. In our recent work [9], we have proposed an approach to difference detection and resolution between process models in the absence of a change log that makes use of a hierarchical decomposition of process models into fragments and compound change operations. In [10], we have addressed the computation of dependencies and conflicts between change operations. In this paper, we generalize our recent results in terms of a framework for change management of process models. We introduce the concept of an intermediate representation for process models. This intermediate representation is an abstraction of specific process models that focuses on common semantical core concepts for the modeling of workflow in process models. Based on the intermediate representation, we compute differences between process models as well as dependencies and conflicts between them generically. Thereby, we make major components for process model change management reusable. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 introduces a typical model-driven development scenario, in which we point out the particular problems for process model change management. As a solution, we propose an intermediate representation for process models embedded in a framework in Section 3. In Section 4, we show how the framework is instantiated exemplarily for BPMN. In Section 5, we present prototypic instantiations of the framework for the consolidation of BPMN proR R WebSphere products as proof of concept. cess models and BPEL processes in IBM Finally, we conclude with a discussion of related work and an outlook on future work.
2 Motivation Software development approaches, such as service-oriented approaches, increasingly focus on a closer alignment of the business and IT side [3]. Figure 1 illustrates such an approach that consists of several phases. In the Model phase, a business case is modeled in terms of a process model that represents the business needs and requirements for an IT solution. Then, in the Develop phase, the process model is stepwise refined and transformed into an executable IT solution, which is integrated and deployed in an existing environment (Deploy phase). In the Monitor phase, the IT solution is monitored and evaluated, to check whether all requirements have been met. Finally, in the Analyze & Adapt phase, the IT solution is adapted and modified until a desired behavior is reached and all requirements are fulfilled.
C. Gerth, J.M. K¨uster, and G. Engels
Ana lyz Ada e & pt
Typically, in such development approaches, differModel ent process models are used. On the business side, business cases are modeled in terms of high-level process models that specify necessary tasks together Process Model Change Management with an execution order and are understandable by a large group of stakeholders involved in the development process. Preferred modeling languages on oy pl De the business side are, e.g., Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) [11], UML Activity Diagrams (UML-AD) [12], or Event-driven Process Chains (EPC) [13]. However, on the IT side, executable mod- Fig. 1. Business-Driven Developels are needed that specify implementation details. ment [3] For modeling executable process models, the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) [14] is a de facto standard. elop
r ito on M
V Similar to other software arti1b. modify 1a. modify A facts process models are developed in distributed environments, i.e., V V different process models are created X Y A + A B 2. diff + independently by different people. Z Figure 2 illustrates such a scenario, List of Differences which may occur in the Model and 3. resolve selected differences the Analyze & Adapt phase. There, V X a source process model V0 is indeA + + B Z pendently refined into two versions, V1 and V2 . At a certain point in time, the necessity arises to consol- Fig. 2. Change Management within Language Boundaries idate the different versions to obtain a unique input (V3 ) for the next phase (e.g., the Develop phase). For that purpose, the differences between V1 and V0 as well as between V2 and V0 are computed1. In addition, dependencies and conflicts between differences need to be detected. In such scenarios, where process models potentially exist in different representations (e.g., high-level or executable) and are developed in a distributed environment resulting in different versions, process model change management is required. Similar to concurrent versioning systems for textual documents, change management for process models provides means for the detection of differences between process models, the computation of dependencies and conflicts, and the resolution of differences. The common purpose of all business process models is to describe all activities that are necessary to achieve a certain business case and to define an order in which the tasks have to be applied. With regards to change management, this means that it is necessary to identify inserted or removed tasks and changes to the execution order. However, a generic approach to change management is difficult to realize because of the huge variety of different process modeling languages. First of all, different languages have different syntax and semantics. For instance: Some languages [11,12] use edges to define the execution order of tasks, whereas others define the execution order 0
If V1 and V2 do not have a common ancestor, differences are detected between V1 and V2 .
Language-Independent Change Management of Process Models
by nesting basic control elements [14], such as sequence, concurrency, and alternative. The former languages are also called graph-oriented and the latter ones blockoriented [15]. Even within one language, different ways to model one and the same concept exist, e.g., a control-flow split can be modeled either implicitly using pins and pin sets or explicitly using control nodes, such as decision or fork. b) Figure 3 illustrates different ways a) X X + + to model control flow splits and joins. Here, the process models in Figure 3 (a) and (b) use explicit conc) d) trol flow splits and joins to specify + parallel (a) and alternative (b) behavior. The process models given in Fig. 3. Different ways to model parallel and alternative the lower part of Figure 3 also specbehavior ify parallel (c) and alternative (d) behavior. However, there the behavior is modeled by implicit control flow splits and joins or by a mixture of implicit and explicit elements. The ability to deal with syntactically different process models that are semantically equivalent (Figure 3 (a), (c) and (b), (d)) is crucial for change management solutions. In general, the consolidation of process models in different languages requires individual implementations for change management. This means that change management techniques implemented for a concrete modeling language cannot be easily reused for another process modeling language. In the next section, we address this problem and propose a generic approach to process model change management.
3 A Framework for Process Model Change Management In this section, we propose a generic approach to process model change management using a framework that contains generic components for the detection of differences and the computation of dependencies between the differences. 3.1 Generic Approach to Process Model Change Management Figure 4 sketches our approach using the framework. The process model versions introduced in Figure 2 are abstracted to an intermediate representation (IR). Based on the IR, differences, dependencies, and conflicts are computed2, which are captured in a difference model. Finally, IR differences are translated into differences for the concrete modeling language of the original process models and can then be applied to resolve differences. An obvious advantage of this approach is that the framework can be instantiated for models in different process modeling languages and that only one implementation 2
Computation of differences between process models requires a matching, in order to find corresponding elements. Model matching is an area of research in its own right with quite a lot of interest [6,5,16] and is not in the scope of this paper. For the remainder of this paper, we assume that a matching is given, e.g., by relating elements that have the same unique ID.
C. Gerth, J.M. K¨uster, and G. Engels V0
1a. modify
1b. modify A
V1 A
Intermediate Representation (IR)
+ Z
IR Difference Model
2. generic process model diff
Difference Model V3
3. resolve selected differences
Fig. 4. Generic Approach to Process Model Change Management
for detection of differences, dependencies, and conflicts is required, as these computations are based on the IR. In addition, the approach can be easily extended by further languages. For instance, to support change management between models in another modeling language, say L, an abstraction of models in L into models in the IR needs to be defined and a translation of IR differences to L differences needs to be specified. In the following, we introduce the main components of the framework in more detail. 3.2 Intermediate Representation (IR) Intermediate The IR is an abstraction and normalRepresentation * ization of individual process models * Element based on generic workflow graphs (WFG) [17,18,19] describing the acoutgoing source tual workflow of process models in Edge Node Fragment 1 * incoming target terms of a directed graph with nodes Sequential connected by edges. The graphs Action Fragment Event are further decomposed into fragAND-Join Parallel AND-Split Fragment ments [19]. Thereby, the IR serves IR-Initial Alternative XOR-Join as a common denominator of proFragment XOR-Split cess models at different levels of abIR-Final UndefinedComplex Join Fragment straction or in different languages, UndefinedSplit and enables a generic approach to process model change management. Fig. 5. Meta Model for the Intermediate RepresentaFigure 5 shows a reference meta tion model for the IR. The IR covers the semantics of syntactical elements that model the execution order of activities in a process model, such as AND/XOR/Undefined − Splits and AND/XOR/Undefined − Joins. These elementary, syntactical elements are supported by nearly all process modeling languages and enable the modeling of sequential, parallel,
Language-Independent Change Management of Process Models
alternative, and complex behavior such as loops. In block-structured languages, such as BPEL, elementary splits and joins are not modeled directly, but are instead supported by composed model elements (blocks), e.g., a BPEL Switch structure models alternative behavior. However, such composed model elements can be reduced to pairs of elementary splits and joins. Figure 6 (a) shows a process model in the intermediate representation decomposed into fragments. IR − Initial and IR − Final constitute unique start and end nodes of an IR, which are required for a decomposition into fragments. The fragments fZ , fX , and fW are sequential fragments, and fY is an alternative fragment. The fragments form a hierarchy that is represented by the process structure tree [19] in Fig. 6 (b). a)
fZ IR-Initial
Action A
fY B
Event XOR-Split
IR-Initial Event A B
fY Event IR-Final
XOR-Split f X
fW XOR-Join D
Fig. 6. Process Model in the Intermediate Representation (IR) and its Process Structure Tree (PST)
We define the semantics of the IR similar to the semantics of Petri nets [20] in terms of token flow. The nodes of the IR represent the transitions of a Petri net, and the edges are the places of the Petri net. A state of the IR can then be described as the number of tokens carried by the edges of an IR. In Figure 7, we informally describe the behavior of important elements of the IR following mainly the semantics defined in [21]. Syntax
Action Event
An IR-Initial can fire if none of the edges carries a token (i.e. initial state of the IR). When it executes, a single token is added to its outgoing edge. An IR-Final can fire if its incoming edge carries at least one token. Firing of an IR-Final removes all token from all edges in an IR. Actions, Events, and AND-Splits can fire if a token is on their incoming edge. AND-Joins require at least one token on each incoming edge, before they can fire. When an Action, an Event, or an AND-Split/Join fires, the number of tokens on each incoming edge is decreased by one and one token is added on each outgoing edge.
AND-Split & Join
An XOR-Split can fire whenever a token is on its incoming edge. When a split fires, one token is taken from its incoming edge and exactly one of its outgoing edges is selected to which the token is added. The selection of the outgoing edge is nondeterministic. An XOR-Join can fire if at least one of its incoming edges carries a token. When a join fires, an incoming edge that carries at least one token is selected nondeterministically. One token is taken from this incoming edge and added to the outgoing edge of the XOR-Join.
XOR-Split & Join
Undefined-Split & Join
The behavior of Undefined-Splits or Joins is not further specified. These elements are used to represent gateways in a concrete language, whose behavior is unknown or does not match to AND/XOR logic of the gateways presented above. An Undefined-Split or Join is always enclosed by a Complex Fragment.
Fig. 7. Syntax and Semantics of the Intermediate Representation
C. Gerth, J.M. K¨uster, and G. Engels
3.3 Difference Model In this section, we introduce the difference model of our framework. Differences between two process models are represented in terms of CompoundChangeOperations that are composed of several element-based changes and automate the reconnection of control flow in the process model. An advantage of describing differences in terms of operations is that the operations can be directly applied to resolve the differences they describe. In addition, CompoundChangeOperations turned out to be more intuitive to human users and also ensure that a model is transformed from one consistent state into a new consistent state. More detailed information can be found in [9]. Figure 8 (a) visualizes the meta model for differences between process models. In Figure 8 (b) a concrete difference model is shown that captures the differences between the process models V0 , V1 , and V2 from Figure 4 in terms of CompoundChangeOperations as well as dependencies and conflicts between the operations. a) Compound ChangeOperation
requires, enables, conflicting
InsertNode Compound NodeOperation +node:Node
DeleteNode MoveNode InsertFragment
Compound FragmentOperation +fragment:Fragment
IR Difference Model (V0,V1,V2) InsertNode(V1, Action “B”, Action “A”, Event) conflicting InsertFragment(V2, Action “A”, Event) InsertNode(V2, Action “X”, AND-SplitOutput1, AND-JoinInput1) InsertNode(V2, Action “Y”, Action “X”, AND-JoinInput1) requires, InsertNode(V2, Action “Z”, AND-SplitOutput2, AND-JoinInput2)
MoveFragment ConvertFragment
Fig. 8. (a) Meta Model of the IR Difference Model together with (b) an Instantiation Capturing the Differences between the Process Models V0 , V1 , and V2 from Figure 4
Dependent Operations: Dependencies determine the order in which operations can be applied and ensure that process models stay in a connected and well-formed state. For instance, the insertion of a model element into a branch of a fragment, requires that the fragment (and its branches) were inserted before. Using the difference model, a dependency between two operations opi and opj can be defined using the associations enables and requires. In Figure 8 (b) the lower left arrows represent the requires association (the opposite direction represents the enables association). Conflicting Operations: Two operations are in conflict if the application of one operations renders the other operation inapplicable. In the difference model, conflicting operations are represented by the association conflicting. For instance, the insertion of Action B in V1 and the insertion of the fragment in V2 in Figure 8 (b) are conflicting because their position parameter overlap. In [10] we have addressed the computation of dependencies and conflicts between change operations. Having introduced our framework for process model change management, we show how it can be used in the next section.
Language-Independent Change Management of Process Models
4 Using the Framework In this section, we show how the framework is instantiated exemplarily for change management of BPMN process models. We will first give an overview of the steps required for the instantiation. Then, we show how BPMN process models are abstracted into the IR and how change operations based on the IR can be translated to concrete change operations for BPMN. 4.1 Overview To instantiate the framework, we propose the following six steps, as illustrated in Figure 9. Here, a typical merge scenario is presented, in which two BPMN process models shall be consolidated. The first and the last step are language-specific, whereas steps two to five are based on the IR and are independent of the modeling language. Before we discuss the language-specific steps in detail in Sections 4.2 and 4.3, we will briefly give an overview. More detailed informations about steps two to five can be found in [9]. BPMN Model
BPMN Model (1a) BPMN to Workflow Graph Transformation
(1b) BPMN to Workflow Graph Transformation
Framework Intermediate Representation (IR)
Workflow Graph
Process Structure Tree
(2) Decomposition PST into Computation Fragments (3)Correspondence Correspondence Computation
Workflow Graph
Process Structure Tree
Joint Process Structure Tree
IR Difference Model
IR Difference Model with Dependencies and Conflicts
(6) Translation into BPMN-specific Differences
BPMN Difference Model with Dependencies and Conflicts
(4) Difference Detection (5) Dependency and Conflict Computation
BPMN Difference Model with Dependencies and Conflicts
(6) Translation into BPMN-specific Differences
Fig. 9. BPMN Process Model Change Management using the Framework described in this Paper
In the first step, the BPMN process models need to be abstracted into the IR, resulting in a workflow graph for each BPMN process model. For this step a mapping between elements of a concrete modeling language (here BPMN) and the elements of the IR is required. How this mapping can be established for BPMN is discussed in Section 4.2. Using the mapping, a BPMN model can be abstracted to an IR model, and each IR model element stores a link to its corresponding concrete BPMN model element3 . This link is later used to translate IR-based changes into BPMN changes. 3
If an IR element does not have a directly corresponding BPMN element, the IR element corresponds to the corresponding element of either its predecessor or its successor. For instance, an IR AND − Split representing an implicit control flow split in BPMN (Task with multiple outgoing edges) has no directly corresponding BPMN element. Then, the corresponding concrete element of the IR AND − Split is the BPMN Task that implies the control flow split.
C. Gerth, J.M. K¨uster, and G. Engels
In the second step, the workflow graphs are decomposed into fragments as introduced in [19], resulting in a process structure tree (PST). In general, fragments enclose subgraphs of a workflow graph that have a single entry and a single exit node. Fragments are used to render the correlation between entry and exit nodes explicit and to derive CompoundChangeOperations for fragments. For instance, the relation between a newly inserted AND − Split and an AND − Join forming a parallel fragment can be obtained easily by a decomposition, because these two nodes are the entry and exit of a new fragment. Before differences between the two workflow graphs can be detected, a matching of the graphs is required [6,5,16] to detect corresponding elements. In the following we assume that correspondences between corresponding elements are given. Using these correspondences between elements and the two PSTs obtained in the second step, we can compute a Joint-PST [9] by overlapping corresponding elements and fragments. Based on this Joint-PST, we compute in the fourth step differences between the models. Generally, each node (fragment) without a counterpart in the other process model results in an InsertNode or DeleteNode operation (InsertFragment or DeleteFragment operation). In addition, moved nodes and fragments are computed. These differences are captured in terms of CompoundChangeOperations in the difference model. In the fifth step, dependencies and conflicts between CompoundChangeOperations are computed as described in [10]. Finally, in the sixth step, the CompoundChangeOperations based on the IR are translated into operations that are relevant for the process models in the concrete modeling language. Thereby, IR change operations are translated into BPMN change operations. This step is discussed in Section 4.3. 4.2 Abstraction of BPMN into the Intermediate Representation For the abstraction of a concrete modeling language into the IR, we have to define a mapping between elements of the concrete language and elements of the IR. In the following, we first discuss requirements for this mapping, and then illustrate how a core subset of BPMN elements is mapped onto elements of the IR. 1. Requirement (Completeness): Each model in a concrete modeling language is mapped to a model in the intermediate representation. 2. Requirement (Syntactic Redundancy Elimination): Different syntactical ways to express semantically equivalent concepts (according to Fig. 7) are mapped to the same syntactical element(s) in the intermediate representation. The first requirement can be fulfilled in an inductive way by mapping each element of a concrete language to the IR. In trivial cases this can be done one-by-one, e.g., a BPMN Task is mapped to an IR Action. In other cases, single elements cannot be mapped in isolation, because a group of model elements corresponds to an IR element or a group of IR elements corresponds to a concrete element. Then, those groups of elements need to be mapped together. In addition, for the second requirement, we have to take care that concrete model elements that are semantically equivalent are mapped to the same IR element.
Language-Independent Change Management of Process Models
For the abstraction of BPMN models into IR models, we consider a core subset of BPMN elements that covers fundamental activities, such as Task, Subprocess, and Loop, events, such as Start and End, as well as gateways, such as AND, IOR, XOR, and Complex logic. The elements are connected by BPMN Sequence Flow or Message Flow. Figure 10 illustrates how BPMN atomic activities, events, and connections are mapped onto the corresponding IR elements. BPMN Tasks are mapped to IR actions. BPMN Start and End events are abstracted to the IR event element, and BPMN Sequence Flow and Message Flow are abstracted to IR edges.
BPMN Element
IR Element
BPMN Element
IR Element
BPMN Element
IR Element
Sequence Flow Edge Start
Message Flow
Fig. 10. Mapping of BPMN Task, Start, End, Connections to IR Elements
The mapping of BPMN gateways is shown in Figure 11. BPMN inclusive gateways and complex gateways are abstracted to Undefined − Split/Join elements of the IR. The mapping of BPMN exclusive and parallel gateways is straightforward. Two or more incoming (outgoing) edges of a BPMN element that is not a gateway, represent an implicit Parallel − Fork (Exclusive − Merge). These implicit gateways are syntactically different from explicit exclusive and parallel gateways (see Figure 3), but semantically equivalent. According to Requirement 2., we map semantically equivalent implicit and explicit gateways to the same IR elements, as illustrated in the bottom row of Figure 11.
BPMN Element
IR Element
? Undefined-Join
X XOR-Split
+ Parallel-Fork
IR Element
X Exclusive-Decision
BPMN Element
Action w. AND-Split
XOR-Join w. Action
Fig. 11. Mapping between BPMN Gateways and IR Splits and Joins
C. Gerth, J.M. K¨uster, and G. Engels BPMN Element
IR Element
BPMN Element
IR Element
Fig. 12. Mapping of BPMN Sub-processes and Loops to IR Elements
Finally, BPMN compound activities, such as sub-processes and loops, are mapped as illustrated in Figure 12. The compound activities are flattened during the abstraction, i.e., they are integrated in-line in the IR. However, their hierarchical information is preserved by enclosing the compound activities with fragments in the IR. BPMN subprocesses are represented by sequential fragments in the IR. The incoming and outgoing edge of a sub-process is directly connected to the start and end events, represented by IR events. BPMN loops are abstracted into a combination of IR XOR−Join and XOR−Split that is enclosed by a alternative fragment as shown in Figure 12. The XOR − Split takes the decision whether the loop is repeated or the loop is exited. The mapping defined fulfills the requirements for an abstraction of a concrete language in the IR, because each element of the core subset of BPMN is mapped to the IR (Completeness). In addition, the second requirement (Syntactic Redundancy Elimination) is fulfilled, because different syntactical ways that model the same semantical concept (e.g. implicit/explicit BPMN Parallel Fork) are abstracted to the same IR element (IR AND − Split). Using the mapping, models in the core subset of BPMN can be abstracted to IR models. Then, differences between IR models are computed, using given correspondences between original elements, and stored in terms of CompoundChangeOperations in the difference model. In the following, we discuss how these changes based on the IR can be translated into BPMN change operations. 4.3 Translation of Generic Change Operations into Concrete BPMN Change Operations The abstraction of a concrete language to the IR is a trade-off between changes that can be detected on the level of the IR and changes that need further interpretation on the level of the concrete modeling language. For instance, we map the BPMN event types Start and End both to the generic IR element Event. That means, on the level of the IR, we are able to detect modifications (insert, delete, move) to the IR element Event. However, we have to identify on the level of the BPMN modeling language whether a BPMN Start event or End event is affected by the modification. Accordingly, for the translation of generic operations into BPMN change operations, underlying elements of generic operations need to be evaluated. Underlying elements are given by the node attributes of operations (fragment attributes in the case of CompoundFragmentOperations) and provide a link to their corresponding concrete model element that was established during the abstraction from BPMN to IR. In the case of a CompoundNodeOperation opn , the type of a concrete BPMN change operation is determined based on the type of the corresponding BPMN model element of opn . For instance, a generic InsertNode operation inserting a BPMN Task activity is translated into a concrete InsertTask operation, as shown in Figure 13.
Language-Independent Change Management of Process Models
InsertNode(V2, Action “X”, AND-SplitOutput1, AND-JoinInput1)
InsertTask(V2, “X”, Parallel-ForkOutput1, Parallel-JoinInput1)
Fig. 13. Translation of an IR Change Operation into a BPMN Change Operation
In the case of a CompoundFragmentOperation opf , the type of the underlying fragment determines the type of the concrete BPMN change operation, e.g., a generic InsertFragment operation opIF with an AND−Split as entry, AND−Join as exit and no further gateways as children is translated into a BPMN InsertParallelFragment operation. Note that a concrete change operation for fragments must take care that also all comprised operations of a CompoundFragmentOperation are applied. That means, in the case of the InsertFragment operation opIF , the insertions of the fragments entry node and exit node also need to be executed by the BPMN InsertParallelFragment operation. Finally, position parameters of generic insert and move operations that specify predecessor and successor of newly inserted or moved elements are translated by substituting generic Node elements with their corresponding concrete BPMN element.
Fig. 14. BPMN Change Management Prototype in the IBM WebSphere Business Modeler
C. Gerth, J.M. K¨uster, and G. Engels
5 Tool Support As proof of concept we have implemented the framework for process model change management. Figure 14 shows a prototype obtained by instantiating our framework for the IBM WebSphere Business Modeler in action. Two BPMN process models are shown together with a difference view. The difference view is divided into three columns. The left- and right-hand columns show the two BPMN process models in a tree structure that abstracts from control flow. The middle column of the difference view displays CompoundChangeOperations according to the structure of the two process models that need to be applied to transform one version of the BPMN process model in an other. After defining the BPEL-to-IR mapping and a translation of generic, IR-based operations into BPEL operations the change management framework can be used in the IBM WebSphere Integration Developer for the consolidation of BPEL process models.
6 Related Work In the area of difference detection of models, several approaches exist that can roughly be divided into generic approaches that can deal with different models and approaches that are limited to models in a specific language. A generic approach for matching and difference detection of UML models is presented by Kelter et al. in [5]. In their approach, UML class diagrams are abstracted to a generic data model comparable to our intermediate representation, which is then used for matching and difference detection. The EMF-Compare Framework [6] can be used for matching and difference detection of EMF-based models. Alanen et al. [7] present algorithms to calculate the difference and union of models based on Meta Object Facility (MOF) [22] assuming model elements with unique IDs. These approaches focus on structural diagrams, such as class diagrams, rather than on graph-like process models and do not make use of a model structure tree. In addition, they result in elementary changes that are inconvenient for process model change management [10]. Kappel et al. [16] propose an approach that provides means to exchange models between different tools. The approach has a strong focus on ontology engineering: First, meta models of concrete languages are lifted and mapped to an ontology, which is then used to derive a bridging between different meta models. In contrast to this approach, our work is in particular adapted to diff and merge of process models. Pottinger et al. introduce a generic framework to merge different kinds of models in [8]. Their merging approach returns the ”duplicate-free” union of two input models and a given mapping, i.e., differences are applied directly in the union. In [4] Nejati et al. present an approach that addresses model management of hierarchical Statecharts. Within the workflow community, Rinderle et al. [23] have studied disjoint and overlapping process model changes in the context of the problem of migrating process instances. In contrast to our work, differences are given in a change log and dependencies between changes are not considered. In [24], Giese et al. use triple graph grammars to synchronize models in a bidirectional way. In contrast to our session-oriented difference detection and resolution, in their work changes that are made to one model are applied immediately to the other model.
Language-Independent Change Management of Process Models
In consistency management of models, Egyed [25] has studied the detection of choices for fixing inconsistencies in UML models, which could be applied to conflict resolution of process models.
7 Conclusion and Future Work In model-driven development approaches, process models are used at different levels of abstraction and in different languages. Similar to other software artifacts, process models are developed in team environments and underlie constant change. This requires reusable techniques for the detection of changes between different process models and the computation of dependencies between changes. In this paper, we have presented a generic approach to process model change management based on a framework consisting of an intermediate representation and a difference model. We have then introduced a methodology of how the framework is used and have shown how BPMN can be abstracted to the IR and how generic change operation are translated into BPMN change operations. As proof of concept, the instantiation of the framework for BPMN and BPEL shows the general applicability of our approach. There are several directions for future work. We would like to validate our approach also for other behavioral models, such as statecharts, which are used in the development of mechatronic systems. This includes a mapping of statecharts to the IR as well the definition of a translation of generic changes into statechart-specific changes. Future work will also include support for change management across language boundaries. In those scenarios, a (partial) mapping between the meta models of different modeling languages is required for the matching of process models and for the translation of changes.
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