Lansdowne Lightning

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fundraising project. •. Invenergy Services: St. Clair Power for their gen- erous donation of. $2,000.00 towards our. F
Lansdowne Lightning January 2018 Principal: Mark Houghton

Vice Principal: Shelley Litt

Happy New Year and welcome back to our students and families! We look forward to the rest of the school year, full of great learning experiences! STAFF CHANGES: Welcome to Mrs. Bornais who will be teaching Grade 1/2 for the remainder of the year! We look forward to having you at Lansdowne! THANK YOU! Lansdowne School is very fortunate and thankful for the many generous donations received over the past couple of months from very caring individuals, community clubs and businesses. These donations have assisted with some of our programs and initiatives that benefit our students! These donations include: 

Sarnia Rotary Club and DeGroots for their generous donation of trees which were planted in our school yard!

Annie and Mike Raaymaker for cooking and providing our wonderful hot turkey lunch in December

Awesome Foundation of Sarnia for their donation of $1,000.00 towards our FDK Playground fundraising project

Invenergy Services: St. Clair Power for their generous donation of $2,000.00 towards our FDK Playground fundraising project

The Drulard family and the Martens family for their donations of turkeys which we raffled off in December

Walmart Corporate donation of $1,000.00 towards our breakfast program

Secretary: Julie Walsh

Seaway Kiwanis Club donation of $700.00 towards our breakfast program

GREAT LAKES SECONDARY SCHOOL PARENTS’ NIGHT: Looking for more information about GLSS? Then join them on Thursday, January 18th at 7pm in the Auditorium at GLSS. Information about diploma requirements, applied vs academic courses, student success, extra curricular activities, and much more. There will be door prizes, small group guided tours, and lots of people to answer your questions. KinderSTARt: Registration for Kindergarten will be February 22nd from 9:00 am am-- 5:30 pm. If your child is four or five years old by December 31, 2018, visit our school on February 22nd to register your child for Full Full--Day Kindergarten and participate in the KinderSTARt celebration! Be sure to bring with you proof of residence, as this is required to ensure our students are registering at the right school. SCHOOL COUNCIL: There will be a school council meeting on January 17th, at 2:00. If you are interested in attending, please join us in the school office. DECEMBER CELEBRATION ASSEMBLY WINNERS: Congratulations to Johneica G-J, Maddie B, Hudson T, Atira J, Lexie L, Elijah D, Andrew B, Evan L, Tanner B, Ty H-F, Matt M, Leona, W, Ben N, Levin G, Ryan M, Kyren L, Lilly G, Alvin Z, Pierce W, Kelly D, Ally G, and Jason W for being recognized in demonstrating the character trait, Gratitude, towards their peers and staff. Well done! GREAT NEWS! Lansdowne was 1 of 10 schools in Lambton County who were successful in their application for a grant from Healthy Kids Community Challenge sponsored through the Ontario Student Nutrition Program. This program involves food skills training and providing 2 salad bar events for all of our students!

ATTENDANCE: We need your help to ensure that students are here ON TIME and EVERYDAY. Attendance is critical in ensuring that your child is active and learning in the classroom community. If you need support with getting your child to school we would love to help. Please contact the office to set up a time to meet. IT’S COLD OUTSIDE!!: With our weather so unpredictable, students need to be prepared with ALL of their winter gear (hats, mitts, snowpants, jacket, boots) everyday….for JUST IN CASE!:)

UPCOMING EVENTS: CHARACTER TRAIT: We will work on GRATITUDE throughout the month of January. JANUARY 12: L4L (Hot Lunch): Desveaux, Allison, Raiger JANUARY 15: Grade 8 Grad Photos JANUARY 17: School Council Meeting, 2:00 pm. Int. Boys Basketball game @ PE McG, 6:15 pm JANUARY 18: 7 pm @Great Lakes S.S Parent Night JANUARY 22: Int. Girls Basketball game @ PE McG, 5:15 pm JANUARY 24: Int. Boys Basketball game @ PE McG, 5:15 pm JANUARY 26: L4L (Hot Lunch): Griffin, Cunningham, Teather/Stewart

NEWSLETTER/CALENDAR: As part of our green plan, we will not be sending home newsletters and calendars. They can be found on our website: school/lansdowne/Pages/default.aspx and our Facebook page. If you would like a hard copy, you can pick one up at the office.

JANUARY 26: Celebration Assembly, 2:00 JANUARY 29: Int. Girls Basketball game @ PE McG, 4:15 pm

Invenergy Services, St. Clair Power Donation

Awesome Foundation Sarnia Donation