Lansdowne Lightning. May 2018. EDUCATION WEEK OPEN HOUSE: We are celebrating. Education Week from May 7â11. As part of
Lansdowne Lightning May 2018 Principal: Mark Houghton
Vice Principal: Shelley Litt
EDUCATION WEEK OPEN HOUSE: We are celebrating Education Week from May 77— —11. As part of the week, we invite you to join us in our excitement of student learning to an Open House, on WEDNESDAY, May 9, 5:00 5:00— —7:00 pm at the school. Activities include: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) activities and Student Created Art Showcase! Decorating cupcakes will be on sale for everyone to enjoy! There is no greater joy than seeing the pride from students who are showing their family and friends their work and their school! We hope to see you all next Wednesday! SCHOOL FUNDRAISER: McMillan’s Fundraiser Orders are due Monday May 7th! Cash ONLY, no cheques please. Orders will be available for pick up on Wednesday May 16th, time to be announced. YEARBOOKS: It’s that time of year again and Yearbooks are on sale! The cost is $20.00 and the deadline for orders is MAY 10. TRACK AND FIELD: Track and field practices have begun for Grade 44— —8 students. Our school meet will take place at the old St. Pat’s track on East Street on Friday, May 18. Parents are asked to park at Germain Park or on side streets. Please DO NOT park at Hanna Memorial School as your vehicle will be ticketed. Thank you to Mr. Raiger and Mr. Van Haastregt for volunteering to organize these events. VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION: Lansdowne Public School would like to thank all of our volunteers as well as those individuals, groups and agencies who have assisted us in any way to enrich our students’ lives. We are truly grateful and proud of our Lansdowne School community!
Secretary: Julie Walsh
Lansdowne Public School
SAFE SCHOOLS: School staff and administration have recently reviewed the school’s safety guidelines and procedures in order to ensure student safety every day. Often, the beginning and ending of the school day can be quite busy and we must ensure that school staff delivers students to the appropriate caregiver. As a result, we are requesting that all parents and guardians drop off AND pick up their child at the back of the school on the tarmac. Only those parents/guardians who require and have made special arrangements with the principal (e.g. taxi pick up, bus students) will be allowed to drop off/pick up students at the office. Otherwise, we will be reminding you to please go to the back of the school. School begins at 8:50 and ends at 3:10. NEXT YEAR: Closer to the end of this month we will begin looking at classroom assignments for students next year. We will notify parents prior to the end of the school year with that information. There are a lot of things that we take into consideration when assigning students to classrooms and it is not an easy task for staff. The classroom teachers (current and next year), resource teacher, and administration all discuss the right classroom fit for each student based on personalities, teaching strengths, academics, and even friendships. Please trust that we are making decisions based on what is the very best fit for your child. You are always welcome to let us know your concerns and /or hopes for next year’s classroom placement and we will try our best to accommodate those requests but cannot make any guarantees.
APRIL CELEBRATION ASSEMBLY: Congratulations to the April INTEGRITY winners! Hannah T, Sadey S, Ally C, Mayson A, Steven J, Arielle M, Kendra M, Aidan L, Logan T, Kholton H, Aiden B, Tanner P, James C, Noah C-C, Waasayaabin W, Peyton C, Clark A, Waed H-A, Sanam T, Garrett T.. Congratulations to each of you for demonstrating integrity throughout the month of April. The character trait that we will focus on for May is Co-operation. Cooperation is about working together and helping others.
UPCOMING EVENTS: CHARACTER TRAIT for May: Co Co--operation MAY 4: Star Wars Spirit Day May 4: Lunches For Learning (Hot Lunch): Raiger, Allison, Griffin) May 4: Family Life Sessions May 77--11: EDUCATION WEEK: Theme: Equity In Action May 77--9: Variety Show Auditions May 7: Family Life Sessions May 9: Education Week Open House (STEM, Student Art Show) Show),, 5:00 – 7:00 pm May 10 10:: Gr 7/8 Fieldtrip to Lorne Henderson, full day May 11 11:: Mothers’ (Females in our Lives) Day Sale May 11 11:: Grade 7/8 CAER CAER— —Emergency Preparedness May 14 14:: Family Life Sessions May 14 14:: Pizza Order forms DUE May 15: Gr 4/5 and 6 Field Trip to Pinery May 16: Milk Presentation for FDK, Gr 1, ½, 2 May 16 16:: Pizza Day May 18: L4L (Dixon, Van Haastregt, Cole) May 18 18:: School Track and Field Meet, Central Track, Gr 44--8 May 21 21:: Victoria Day; NO SCHOOL May 22 22:: Dental Screenings for FDK, Gr 2, Gr 8 (Rm 14) May 22 22--25 25:: EQAO, Grade 3 May 28 – 31 31:: EQAO, Grade 6