Large deviation for non-symmetric random walks on crystal lattices. Toshikazu Sunada. Department of Mathematics,. Meiji University. 1 ...
Large deviation for non-symmetric random walks on crystal lattices Toshikazu Sunada Department of Mathematics, Meiji University
The topic covered here is Asymptotic behavior of random walks on crystal lattices Our view point is quite a bit geometric.
Notations and conventions ◦ A graph is denoted as X = (V, E), where V = the set of vertices, E = the set of all oriented edges o(e) = the origin of e ∈ E, t(e) = the terminus of e ∈ E, e = the inversion of e ∈ E. Ex = {e ∈ E; o(e) = x}
Homology groups and cohomology groups Let A be an abelian group (for insatnce, A = Z, R). The the group of 0-chains X C0(X, A) = { axx; ax ∈ A} x
The the group of 1-chains X C1(X, A) = { aee; ae ∈ A}/he + ei e
The boundary map ∂ : C1(X, A) −→ C0(X, A) is defined by ∂e = t(e) − o(e)
The homology groups are defined as H0(X, A) = C0(X, A)/Image ∂, H1(X, A) = Ker ∂ (⊂ C1(X, A)) Put C 0(X, R) = C(V ), C 1(X, R) = {ω ∈ C(E); ω(e) = −ω(e)} The coboundary operator d : C 0(X, R) −→ C 1(X, R) is defined by df (e) = f (te) − f (oe). The cohomology groups are defined as H 0(X, R) = Ker d(= R), H 1(X, R) = C 1(X, R)/Image d 5
Random walks A random walk (RW) on a (finite or infinite) graph X = (V, E) is a stochastic process with values in V characterized by a transition probability p : E −→ R, where
p(e) ≥ 0,
p(e) = 1,
p(e) + p(e) > 0 We think of p(e) to be the probability that a “particle” at o(e) moves to t(e) along e in unit time. 6
Put E +(p) = supp p ⊂ E. Our assumption =⇒ E +(p) ∪ E +(p) = E. “two-way traffic” : E +(p) = E, “one-way traffic” : E +(p) ∩ E +(p) = ∅ “mixed traffic” : E +(p) ∩ E +(p) 6= ∅
Transition operators and discrete Laplacians for random walks The transition operator L : C(V ) −→ C(V ) is defined by X (Lf )(x) = p(e)f (te) e∈Ex
The RW Laplacian is defined by ∆ = L − I, that is, X £ ¤ (∆f )(x) = p(e) f (te) − f (oe) . e∈Ex
A stochastic process (with discrete time) in general is a probability space (Ω, P ) together with a family of maps into a set S ξn : Ω → S
(n = 0, 1, 2, . . .)
For the random walk, Ω = Ωx = {c = (e1, e2, . . .); one-sided infinite paths with o(c) = x}, S = V, ξn(c) = o(en+1). The probability measure P = Px is defined in such a way that, for a given path (e1, . . . , en) of length n, ¡ ¢ Px {c = (e1, , . . . , en, ∗, ∗, . . .)} = p(e1) · · · p(en) 9
n-step transition probability Define the n-step transition probability by p(n, x, y) = Px(c; ξn(c) = y) Then p(n, x, y) = (Lnδy )(x). p(n + 1, x, y) − p(n, x, y) = ∆p(n, ·, y) Namely u(x) = p(n, x, y) satisfies a discrete analogue of the heat equation ∂u ∂t
= ∆u
A RW on the Z-lattice
µ p(n, 0, x) =
¶ n n + x p(n+x)/2q (n−x)/2
2 (n ≡ x (mod. 2))
The central limit theorem p(n, 0, x) ¡ ¢2 ´ ³ ¡ ¢ 1 x − (p − q)n =√ exp − 1 + rn(x) 2πnpq 8npq where lim rn(x) = 0 uniformly in x with n→∞ √ |x − (p − q)n| ≤ A n. Large deviation asymptotic Let |ξ| < 1, and Suppose that xn − nξ is bounded. Then 1 lim log p(n, 0, xn) = −H(ξ), n→∞ n
where 1 1 H(ξ) = − (1 + ξ) log p − (1 − ξ) log q − log 2 2 2 1 1 + (1 + ξ) log(1 + ξ) + (1 − ξ) log(1 − ξ) 2 2
Both central limit theorem and large deviation asymptotic are proved by using the Stirling formula for n!. Question What about p(n, x, y) in general cases ? 13
Irreducibility A RW is said to be irruducible if, for any x, y ∈ V , there exists n with p(n, x, y) > 0 k For any x, y, one can find a path c = (e1, . . . , en) such that o(c) = x, t(c) = y and ei ∈ E +(p) = supp p for every i, i.e. the walk along c obeys the “traffic rule”. ◦ In general, a subset E + ⊂ E with E = E + ∪ E + is said to be irreducible if it has this property. ◦ A path c = (e1, . . . , en) is said to be admissible with respect to E + if ei ∈ E + for every i.
Perron-Frobenius theorem For a while, X is supposed to be finite. Given a function ϕ ∈ C(E), consider the operator Aϕ : C(V ) −→ C(V ) defined by X (Aϕf )(x) = ϕ(e)f (te). e∈Ex
Theorem Let ϕ be non-negative valued, and suppose E +(ϕ) = supp ϕ is irreducible. 1. Aϕ has a positive eigenvalue. The maximal one α among all positive eigenvalues is simple and has a positive-valued eigenfunction. 2. If Aϕf = λf , f ≥ 0, then λ = α and f > 0. 15
3. If Aϕf ≥ αf , f ≥ 0, f 6≡ 0, then Aϕf = αf 1 4. lim log Aϕn1 = log α, where 1 denotes the n→∞ n function identically equal to 1. 5. Define X t ( Aϕf )(x) = ϕ(e)f (te). e∈Ex
Then α is the maximal positive eigenvalue of tAϕ. In fact, tAϕL is the adoint operator (transpose) of Aϕ with respect to the inner product: X hf1, f2i0 = f1(x)f2(x). x∈V
Invariant measures ◦ 1 is the maximal positive eigenvalue of L with the eigenfunction 1 (the constant function with value 1). ◦ If the RW is irreducible, then there exists a positive valued function m ∈ C(V ) such that tLm = m (apply (4) in the Perron-Frobenius theorem). m is unique up to a constant multiple. P P t ◦ Lm = m ⇐⇒ x∈V Lf (x)m(x) = x∈V f (x)m(x) for every f ∈ C(V ). m is called an invariant measure. From now on, we consider an irreducible RW on a finite graphs. 17
Symmetric random walks ◦ When there exists a positive-valued function mV on V such that p(e)mV (oe) = p(e)mV (te), the RW is said to be symmetric. A symmetric RW is two-way traffic, and hence irreducible. mV turns out to be an invariant measure. ◦ The RW Laplacian for a symmetric RW is a SRW Laplacian. Exercise Show p(n, x, y)m(y)−1 = p(n, y, x)m(x)−1 .
Simple random walks The simple random walk on X is a RW with the transition probability defined by 1 p(e) = . deg o(e) The invariant measure is m(x) = deg x. Clearly the simple RW is symmetric, and mE ≡ 1. The RW Laplacian for the simple RW coincides with the canonical Laplacian X £ ¤ 1 (∆f )(x) = f (te) − f (x) deg x e∈E x
Law of large numbers Let f be a (vector-valued) function on E. Consider ¤ 1£ f (e1) + · · · + f (en) n for c = (e1, e2, . . .) ∈ Ωx. Let m be the normalized P invariant measure ( x∈V m(x) = 1). lim
1£ n
f (e1) + · · · + f (en) =
p(e)m(oe)f (e)
in probability one. This is a consequence of the ergodic theorem. 20
Special cases ◦ f (e) = o(e) ∈ C0(X, R). ¤ 1£ o(e1) + · · · + o(en) lim n→∞ n X X = p(e)m(oe)o(e) = m(x)x. e∈E
◦ f (e) = e ∈ C1(X, R). X ¤ 1£ lim e1 + · · · + en = p(e)m(oe)e n→∞ n e∈E P The 1-chain γp = e∈E p(e)m(oe)e is in H1 (X, R), called the homological position (direction). 21
Modified discrete Hodge-Kodaira theorem Define δ : C 1(X, R) −→ C 0(X, R) by X p(e)ω(e) (δω)(x) = e∈Ex
This plays a role of the adjoint (transpose) of d. Indeed, ∆ = −δd. In symmetric case, δ is actually the adjoint of d. Lemma (1) dim Ker δ = b1(X) if and only if the RW is symmetric. In non-symmetric case, dim Ker δ = b1(X) − 1. (2) The RW is symmetric if and only if γp = 0.
Definition ω ∈ C 1(X, R) is said to be a (modified) harmonic 1-form if δω + hγp, ωi = 0. b 1(X) the space of harmonic 1-forms. Denote by H b 1(X) ⊂ C 1(X, R) induces Theorem The inclusion H b 1(X) ∼ an isomorphism H = H 1(X, R). Suppose that p is one-way traffic (so that E +(p) is an orientation). Define θp ∈ C 1(X, R) by ( 1 (e ∈ E +(p)) θp(e) = −1 (e ∈ E +(p)) b 1(X). Then θp ∈ H 23
“Universal” free energy Let ω ∈ C 1(X, R). Let eFuni(ω) be the maximal positive eigenvalue of the operator Lω defined by X p(e)eω(e)f (te) (Lω f )(x) = e∈Ex
Funi(ω) = Funi(p, ω) is said to be the universal free energy. ◦ Lω+du = e−uLω eu so that Funi(p, ω +du) = Funi(p, ω), and hence Funi(p, ·) induces a function on H 1(X, R), which we denote by the same symbol Funi. ◦ Let fp,ω be a positive-valued eigenfunction for the maximal positive eigenvalue eFuni(p,ω) of Lω , that is, 24
eω(e)p(e)fp,ω (te) = eFuni(p,ω)fp,ω (x).
If we put fp,ω (te) pω (e) = e−Funi(p,ω)+ω(e)p(e) , fp,ω (oe) X + then supp pω = E (p), pω (e) = 1, so that pω is e∈Ex
an irreducible transition probability. ◦ It is checked that Funi(pω , u) = Funi(p, ω + u) − Funi(p, ω) ◦ When p is one-way traffic, Lω+tθp = etLω so that Funi(p, ω + tθp) = Funi(p, ω) + t 25
Gradient and Hessian of Funi Define, for ω, u ∈ H 1(X, R), d ¯¯ (∇uFuni)(ω) = ¯ Funi(ω + tu), dt t=0 d2 ¯¯ (Hessω Funi)(u, u) = 2 ¯ Funi(ω + tu), dt t=0 Theorem (1) (∇uFuni)(0) = hγp, ui b 1(X), (2) For u ∈ H X (Hess0Funi)(u, u) = p(e)m(oe)u(e)2 e∈E
³X ´2 − p(e)m(oe)u(e) e∈E 26
We employ a perturbation technique to prove the theorem, say, by putting α(t) = eFuni(p,tu), ft = fp,tu, differentiate both sides of the following equation X etu(e)p(e)ft(te) = α(t)ft(x). e∈Ex
(ft being unique up to positive multiple constants). In the discussion, we need to adjust ft by multiplying a suitable scalar ct. (Hess0Funi) is non-negative as a quadratic form since 1 X (Hess0Funi)(u, u) = p(e1)m(oe1)p(e2)m(oe2) 2 e ,e ∈E 1 2 ¡ ¢2 × u(e1) − u(e2) . 27
Theorem (1) Hess0Funi is positive definite if and only if E +(p) ∩ E +(p) 6= ∅ (mixed traffic). (2)¡ If E +(p) ¢∩ E +(p) = ∅ (one-way traffic), then b 1(X)) Null Hess0Funi = Rθp(⊂ H In the case of a simple RW, ¡ ¢ 1 X Hess0Funi (u, u) = u(e)2, m(V ) e∈E P where m(V ) = x∈V deg x.
Gradient maps The correspondence ω 7→ (∇·Funi)(ω) is a map from ¡ ¢ ∗ H 1(X, R) into H 1(X, R) = H1(X, R). Theorem (1) In the case E +(p) ∩ E +(p) 6= ∅, the map ω 7→ (∇·Funi)(ω) is a diffeomorphism onto the interior DE +(p) of a convex polyhedron ¡ ¢∗ in H1(X, R) = H 1(X, R) (2) In the case E +(p) ∩ E +(p) = ∅, the map ω 7→ (∇·Funi)(ω) induces a diffeomorphism from H 1(X, R)/Rθp onto the interior DE +(p) of a convex polyhedron in the affine space {ξ ∈ H1(X, R); hξ, [θp]i = 1}. Note ∇Funi(0) = γp. 29
Characterization of Image ∇Funi DE +(p) = Image ∇Funi depends only on E +(p) (namely, if E +(p1) = E +(p2), then DE +(p1) = DE +(p2)). Indeed X DE + = { Q(e)e ∈ H1(X, R); e∈E
Q(e) ≥ 0,
Q(e) = 1, supp Q = E +}
Exercise Let E + be a subset of E with E + ∪E + = E, and suppose that there exists Q : E −→ R satisfying X X Q(e)e ∈ H1 (X, R), Q(e) ≥ 0, Q(e) = 1, supp Q = E + . e∈E
Show that E + is irreducible. 30
The case of two-way traffic RW Define the norm k · k1 on C1(X, R) by ° ° X X ° ° aee° = |ae|, ° e∈E o
e∈E o
where E o is an orientation. Note that this definition does not depend on the choice of E o. Theorem DE = {α ∈ H1(X, R); kαk1 < 1} Theorem x ∈ H1(X, R) is an extreme point of DE if and only if x = c/kck1 for a simple closed path c in X. Here a closed path is said to be simple if it constitutes a circuit subgraph.
The case of one-way traffic RW Theorem If E + is one-way traffic, then DE + is a facet (a face of the maximal dimension) of DE .
The case of mixed traffic RW Theorem If E + ∩ E + 6= ∅, then DE + is the intersection of DE and a convex cone with the center 0. In particular, 0 ∈ DE + .
Example Consider the 2-bouquet graph X. Then H 1(X, R) = Re1 + Re2 = R2 and kx1e1 + x2e2k1 = |x1| + |x2| so that DE is the square.
RW on a crystal lattice
Crystal lattices A graph X = (V, E) is said to be a d-dimensional crystal lattice if Aut(X) has a free abelian subgroup Γ of rank d such that (1) Γ acts freely both on V and the set of nonoriented edges, and (2) the quotient graph X0 = Γ\X is finite. The group Γ is said to be a lattice (group) of X, and X0 = (V0, E0) is said to be the fundamental finite graph, where V0 = Γ\V , E0 = Γ\E.
This definition coincides with the previous one (X → X0 is an abelian covering graph). =⇒ surjective homomorphism µ : H1(X0, Z) −→ Γ =⇒ sujective linear map µR : H1(X0, R) −→ Γ ⊗ R =⇒ injective linear map t
µR : Hom(Γ, R) −→ H 1(X0, R),
where Hom(Γ, R) denotes the linear space of homomorphisms of Γ into R, which is identified with (Γ ⊗ R)∗. Later, we shall think of Hom(Γ, R) as a subspace of H 1(X0, R).
Explicit description of µ Represent α ∈ H 1(X0, Z) by a closed path c0 in X0, and let c be a lift of c0 in X. Since o(c) and t(c) project down to the same vertex o(c0) = t(c0), one can find g ∈ Γ with t(c) = go(c). Then µ(α) = g.
Periodic realizations Let X = (V, E) be a d-dimensional crystal lattice. A map Φ : V −→ Rd is said to be a periodic realization of X if there exist a lattice group Γ and an injective homomorphism ρ : Γ −→ Rd such that (1) Φ(gx) = Φ(x) + ρ(g) for x ∈ V and g ∈ Γ. (2) ρ(Γ) is a lattice in Rd. Here a lattice means a discrete subgroup of Rd of maximal rank.
“Normalized” expression of periodic realizations The inclusion ρ : Γ −→ Rd extends to a linear isomorphism of Γ ⊗ R onto Rd. Identify Rd with Γ ⊗ R. Then Φ is a map of X into Γ ⊗ R satisfying Φ(gx) = Φ(x) + g
where g ∈ Γ ⊂ Γ ⊗ R. From now on, a periodic realization mean a map Φ : V −→ Γ ⊗ R satisfying (∗). Put v(e) = Φ(te) − Φ(oe) (e ∈ E). Then v(e) = −v(e) and v(ge) = v(e), so that v is regarded as an element of C 1(X0, Γ ⊗ R). The 1-cochain v is a ‘‘building block” of Φ. 39
RW with a periodic transition probability A transition probability p on a crystal lattice X is said to be periodic if there exists a lattice group Γ such that p(ge) = p(e) (g ∈ Γ, e ∈ E). A periodic transition probability yields a transition probability p0 on X0. Conversely, a transition probability on X0 induces a periodic transition probability p on X. Similarly, we have the following correspondence Γ-invariant subsets E + ⊂ E ⇐⇒ subsets E0+ ⊂ E0 ◦ E + ∪ E + = E ⇐⇒ E0+ ∪ E0+ = E0 ◦ E +(p) corresponds to E0+(p0). 40
Irreducibility ◦ E + is irreducible =⇒ E0+ is irreducible. Warning: Converse is, in general, not true.
◦ If X is the maximal abelian covering of X0, then E + is irreducible if and only if E + = E (two-way traffic). 41
Probability spaces Let π : V −→ V0 be the covering map. When π(x) = x0, (Ωx, Px) is identified with (Ωx0 , Px0 ).
Thus a stochastic process with the probability space (Ωx, Px) is regarded as a stochastic process with the probability space (Ωx0 , Px0 ). 42
Law of large numbers From now on, p0 is supposed to be irreducible. Given a periodic realization Φ : V −→ Γ⊗R, we have the stochastic process {ξn}∞ n=0 with values in Γ ⊗ R defined by ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ξn(c) = Φ c(n) c(n) = o(en+1), c = (e1, e2, · · · ) Theorem lim
1 n
ξn(c) = µR(γp0 ) in probability one.
Proof We may assume Φ(x) = 0. Then ξn(c) = v(e1) + · · · + v(en)
Applying the general law of large numbers, we have X 1 p0(e)m0(e)v(e) = hv, γp0 i lim ξn(c) = n→∞ n e∈E What remains to do is to show is that, for any α ∈ H1(X0, Z), hv, αi = µ(α) Represent α by a closed path c0 = (e1, · · · , en). Then ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ hv, αi = v(e1) + · · · + v(en) = Φ t(c) − Φ o(c) , where c is a lift of c0. Since t(c) = µ(α)o(c), the RHS is µ(α). Exercise Let x ∈ Hom(Γ, R), and define ω ∈ C 1 (X0 , R) by ω(e) = hv(e), xi. Show that t µR (x) = [ω] (Note (Γ ⊗ R)∗ = Hom(Γ, R)). 44
Martingale realizations There are many ways to realize periodically a given crystal lattice in space. Which is the most natural one when we take account of RW ? Definition A periodic realization Φ is said to be a martingale realization (or harmonic realization) if v ∈ C 1(X0, Γ ⊗ R) is a harmonic 1-from. The following conditions are equivalent: (1) Φ is a martingale realization (2) ∆Φ = µR(γp0 ) (3) {ξn − nµR(γp0 )}∞ n=0 is martingale A martingale realization is unique up to additive constant vectors. 45
Large deviation theory Let {ηn}∞ n=0 be a general stochastic process with values in a finite dimensional vector space S. Assumption (1) For all x ∈ S ∗, the limit ¡ ¢ 1 F (x) = lim log E ehηn,xi n→∞ n exists (E denotes the expectation). F is said to be the free energy (F is a convex function). (2) F is smooth on S ∗.
Define the function H(ξ) on S by ¡ ¢ H(ξ) = sup hξ, xi − F (x) x∈S ∗
(Legendre-Fenchel transform). This is a convex function possibly taking ∞, and called the entropy. For a subset A ⊂ S, put H(A) := inf {H(ξ) | ξ ∈ A}. Large deviation principle ³1 ´ 1 −H(intA) ≤ lim inf log P ηn ∈ intA n→∞ n n ³1 ´ 1 ≤ lim sup log P ηn ∈ A ≤ −H(A), n n→∞ n
The free energy for {ξn}∞ n=0 Let x ∈ Hom(Γ, R). Then X hξn ,xi E(e ) = p(c)ehΦ(tc),xi c;|c|=n o(c)=x
p0(c)eω(c) = Lω n1
c;|c|=n o(c)=x
where ω(e) = hv(e), xi, and ω(c) = ω(e1)+· · ·+ω(en). Therefore 1 lim log E(ehξn,xi) = Funi(ω), n→∞ n and F (x) = Funi(tµR(x)), where Funi is the universal free energy. 48
◦ Let ∇F : Hom(Γ, R) −→ Γ⊗R be the gradient map. Then (∇F )(0) = µR(γp0 ), Image ∇F = µR(DE +(p0)) 0
Image ∇F is the interior of a convex polyhedron in Γ ⊗ R or in an affine hyperplane of Γ ⊗ R. ◦ The entropy H assumes finite values on µR(DE +(p0)). 0 When ξ = (∇F )(x), H(ξ) = hξ, xi − F (x). ◦ H(µR(γp0 )) = 0 ◦ RW on X with the transition probability p is irreducible if and only if 0 ∈ µR(DE +(p0)). 0
Large deviation asymptotic Let H be the entropy for {ξn}. Theorem Suppose that RW on X is irreducible. Let ξ ∈ µR(DE +(p0)), and let {yn}∞ n=1 be a sequence 0 in V such that {Φ(yn) − nξ} is bounded. Then lim
1 n
log p(n, x, yn) = −H(ξ)
Central limit theorem Theorem Suppose that RW on X is irreducible. As n ↑ ∞, ν ¡ ¢ p(n, x, y)m(y)−1 ∼ (4πn)d/2vol J (Γ) ³ ´ 1 2 × exp − kΦ(y) − Φ(x) − nγp)k 4n √ as far as kΦ(x) − Φ(y) − nγp)k ≤ A n. ◦ Φ : martingale realization, ◦ ν : the period of E +(p), the greatest common divisor of length of closed admissible paths. ◦ γp = µR(γp0 ), 51
◦ k · k : the dual norm on Γ ⊗ R of the norm on Hom(Γ, R) defined by ¡ ¢ 1 2 kxk = (Hess0Funi) µR(x), µR(x) 2 ◦ J (Γ) = Hom(Γ, R)/Hom(Γ, Z) with the flat metric induced from kxk.
References [1] M. Kotani and T. Sunada, Large deviation and the tangent cone at infinity of a crystal lattice, to appear in Math. Z., (2006). [2] M. Kotani and T. Sunada, Albanese maps and an off diagonal long time asymptotic for the heat kernel, (with M.Kotani), Comm. Math. Phys. 209(2000), 633-670.
RW on the triangular lattice
One-way traffic RW on the triangular lattice
Scaling limit of accessible parts Fix x ∈ V , and suppose Φ(x) = 0. Denote Cn = {y ∈ V ; p(n, x, y) > 0}, Dp = µR(DE +(p0)). If Dp has non-empty interior, then lim
1 n
Φ(Cn) = Dp