Large Format Printing & Vinyl Cutting Pricelist [pdf]

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Aug 28, 2013 ... 2) New Graphtec 64” Vinyl Cutter added to Large Format Printing ... extra vinyl around cut graphics, shapes or letters, students can save money.
SoA Tech Support

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Equipment and pricelist for Large Format Printing & Vinyl Cutting, ARTLab 346 1) Epson 7880, 9900 & 11880 printers We have 3 Epson photo printers and can print images up to 64” wide depending on the paper type, see below for maximum paper widths and price per square foot.

Paper Types and Printing Prices

Enhanced Matte (max. width 64”):.....................................................................................$4.25/sq.ft

Premium Semi-matte (max. width 44”) ...........................................................................$4.25/sq.ft

Luster Photo (max. width 60”) .............................................................................................$4.25/sq.ft

Siena High Gloss Photo (max.width 44”)..........................................................................$4.25/sq.ft

Metallic Gloss Photo (max.width 36”)...............................................................................$4.25/sq.ft

FAB6 100% Polyester Fabric (max.width 40”).................................................................$4.25/sq.ft

NEW Iron on Fabric Transfer (max. width 24”, reverse image, bright fabric) .................$4.50/sq.ft

Dry Film (used to make film positives, max. width 24”)............................................. $4.25/sq.ft

Backlit Film (for light box application, max. width 36”)............................................. $4.25/sq.ft

Tyvek® Banner (max. width 24”)......................................................................................... $4.50/sq.ft

Crystal Film (for colour overlays, takes 24hrs to dry, max. width 24”): .................$4.50/sq.ft

Exhibition Canvas Matte (max. width 60”) ......................................................................$4.50/sq.ft

Somerset Velvet (max. width 44”) ......................................................................................$4.50/sq.ft

Printable White Vinyl with Adhesive Backing

Matte Vinyl White colour (max. width 32” print and cut 36” without cut) ...........$4.25/sq.ft

Gloss Vinyl White colour (max. width 32” print and cut 36” without cut) ............$4.25/sq.ft

NEW Polypropelyne with re-postional adhesive

Stick2 (max. width 32” print and cut 36” without cut) ................................................$4.25/sq.ft

2) Graphtec 64” Vinyl Cutter We have a 64” Graphtec FC-8000-160 Vinyl Cutter capable of contour cutting from a digital file. The file format must be an Adobe Illustrator file, cuts must be closed vector lines or closed vector shapes. We are currently offer Black or White ORACAL Vinyls with a removable adhesive and a matte finish. We also offer a printable white vinyl with a gloss or matte finish, this means students can print a digital image and then contour cut a digital image or shape out.

Vinyl Cutting Prices and Types of Vinyl’s in stock.

ORACAL - 631 Series Vinyl, Black or White in stock (max.width 20”)..................... $3.75/sq.ft

MACMask - Paint Mask Stencil Film (max.width 20”).................................................. $3.75/sq.ft

Post Production Charges (after vinyl has been digitally cut)

Weeding (see definition below).....................................................................................$30 per hour

Application Tape/Transfer Tape (see definition below).................................................$.50/sq.ft

Weeding is the process of removing the extra vinyl around cut graphics, shapes or letters, students save money on their projects by doing the weeding themselves which saves them a weeding charge. Application Tape/Transfer Tape is used to transfer the cut graphics, shapes or letters from the vinyl release liner to the final installation surface, the tape is applied after the vinyl has been weeded and the tape is removed once the vinyl has been applied to it’s final installation surface. 08/18/2017