large vocabulary speech recognition using subword units
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Jul 24, 2013 - vocabulary. Russian is a synthetic and highly inflected language with lots of roots and affixes. .... The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is often used as practical ..... (Serbian, Bulgarian and Macedonian) as well as some.
B. Lowere, and D. R. Reddy, "The HARPY Speech Understanding System," Trends in Speech. Recognition, W. Lee, EcL, Prentice-Hall Inc., pp. 340-346, 1980.
frequency of occurrence in the training speech data must ... meets a certain global optimization criterion. .... The search engine uses a tree-based lexicon.
J. R. Bellegarda is with the Spoken Language Group, Apple Computer, Inc,. Cupertino, CA 95014 .... to some domain of interest (like business news, for example, in the case of the ..... progressively discount older utterances. Assuming 0 < 1,.
{fujii, kyama, nakagawa} Abstract: In this paper, ...... [3] S. Nakagawa, Y. Ohguro, and Y. Hashimoto. The. Syntax-Oriented ... In Proc. LREC, Jun.
oratory systems towards real-world applications, di erent con- ... ple directions taken towards real-world applications. ...... IEEE ICASSP-92, San Francisco, CA,.
Automatic transcription of spoken broadcast programs is one of the most ... the spell-checker built in the Czech version of the MS Word editor. ... rank [frequency].
Beijing Sigma Center, No. 49. ... The Microsoft Whisper speech recognition system [4] is a ..... call the male test set as m-msr, and the female test set as f-msr.
The goal of the VERBMOBIL project is to develop a speech-to-speech transla- ... ios A and B: scheduling of appointments and hotel/travel reservations, speaker ... dependent VERBMOBIL PC remote maintenance task (scenario C) in Section 7.
vocabulary Vietnamese speech recognition system. ... In light of the worlds globalization, one of the most im- ... the syllables may result in six different words.
large vocabulary speech recognition using subword units
pair, etc), we assume a simple grammar that can be represented as a finite state network (FSN). in this manner it is relatively straightfon/vard to implement theĀ ...