Vocal Duet Book . ... _____ LM1055 America the Beautiful w/organ & piano
accom . .... _____ LM1048 Hear Thou Our Hymn, O Lord (SAB) w/piano accom .
Larice Music Resource Catalog
Always Quality • Always Beautiful • Always Appropriate
Choir Music .............................. 2, 3, 4 Choir Music Books ........................... 4 Choir & Congregation ....... 2, 3, 6, 7 Choir & Children .................... 3, 4, 9 Special Programs ............................. 6 SSA & SSAA.................................... 11 Music & Book TTBB & TB Music ............................ 4 Congregational .................................. 7 Hymn Singing Books Music for the Family ........................ 9 Singing Books Organ Prelude Books ....................... 8 Piano Solo Books .............................. 8 Instrumental Music ........................ 10 (Flute, Violin, Viola, Cello, String Ensemble) Vocal Solos & Books ........................ 5 Vocal Duet Book ............................... 5 Ordering Information .................... 11
2013 Larice Music Resource Catalog Order by calling TOLL FREE 1-800-866-1700Toll or Order online at www.hymns.com Free 1-800-866-1700 www.hymns.com
Larice Music Resource Catalog **Text in both English & Spanish
_____ LM1100 _____ LM1014 _____ LM1055 _____ LM1021 _____ LM1064
Abide With Me, “Tis Eventide w/piano accom ................................................................................. $1.50 ea Alleluia (original) w/organ ...............................................................................................................$1.50 ea America the Beautiful w/organ & piano accom ............................................................................... $1.60 ea As I Search the Holy Scriptures** w/organ accom .......................................................................... $1.50 ea Away In a Manger** w/piano accom ............................................................................................... $1.50 ea from the Christmas program, “Oh, Come, Let Us Adore Him” (see page 6 for entire program)
_____ LM1069 _____ LM1053 _____ LM1045
Away In a Manger** piano solo w/choir accom (medley) ................................................................$1.50 ea Be Still, My Soul w/piano accom ..................................................................................................... $1.50 ea Be Thou Humble (SAB)** w/piano accom ....................................................................................... $1.50 ea from the Choir Book, “We Love the Hymns of Zion” (see page 4 for the entire book)
_____ LM1076 _____ LM1099 _____ LM1037 New LM1120 _____ _____ LM1066
Beautiful Savior w/piano accom ...................................................................................................... $1.50 ea Behold! A Royal Army** w/organ accom ......................................................................................... $1.60 ea Because I Have Been Given Much** w/piano accom ..................................................................... $1.50 ea Birthday of a King (The) w/piano accom ..................................................................................... $1.60 ea Born Is the King of Israel** choir & congreg w/organ & piano accom ............................................. $2.10 ea Hark the Herald Angels Sing; O Little Town of Bethlehem; The First Noel 9 1/2 minutes--3 song medley in a 20 page booklet
_____ LM1050 _____ LM1074
Choir’s Prayer (A) (original) (see website) ............................................. Free with any order and upon request Christ the Lord Is Risen Today** choir & congreg w/organ accom ................................................. $1.40 ea from the Easter program, “How Great the Wisdom and the Love” (see page 6 for the entire program)
_____ LM1075 _____ LM1015 _____ LM1008 _____ LM1007 _____ LM1009 _____ LM1085 _____ LM1040 _____ LM1022 _____ New LM1097 _____ LM1048 _____ LM1001 _____ LM1060 _____ LM1068 _____ New LM1130 _____ LM1087
Christmas Child (original) w/piano accom ...................................................................................... $1.50 ea Christmas Medley (A)** choir & congreg w/organ & piano accom ..................................................$1.60 ea Come, Follow Me** w/piano accom ................................................................................................ $1.50 ea Come unto Jesus** w/piano accom ................................................................................................ $1.50 ea Count Your Blessings** w/piano accom .......................................................................................... $1.60 ea Dear to the Heart of the Shepherd w/organ accom ........................................................................$1.60 ea Did You Think to Pray?** w/piano accom ........................................................................................ $1.50 ea Father In Heaven w/piano accom ...................................................................................................$1.50 ea God Is in His Holy Temple w/organ accom ................................................................................. $1.50 ea Hear Thou Our Hymn, O Lord (SAB) w/piano accom ..................................................................... $1.40 ea Here Am I** (original) w/piano accom ............................................................................................. $1.50 ea He Sent His Son** w/piano accom..................................................................................................$1.50 ea He Sent His Son** choir w/children & organ accom ....................................................................... $1.60 ea High On the Mountain Top w/organ accom ................................................................................ $1.60 ea Home Can Be a Heaven on Earth** w/organ accom only............................................................... $1.50 ea from the Choir book, “We Love the Hymns of Zion” (see page 4 for the entire book)
_____ LM1004 _____ LM1034 _____ LM1025
Home Can Be a Heaven on Earth** (large choirs) w/organ & piano accom ................................... $1.50 ea How Firm a Foundation** w/organ accom ...................................................................................... $1.60 ea How Great the Wisdom and the Love** w/piano accom .................................................................$1.60 ea from the Easter program, “How Great the Wisdom and the Love”
Prices subject to change without notice
Order by calling TOLL FREE 1-800-866-1700 or Order online at www.hymns.com
Larice Music Resource Catalog **Text in both English & Spanish
_____ LM1012 _____ LM1063 _____ LM1046 _____ LM1077 _____ LM1072 _____ New LM1135 _____ New LM1081 _____ New LM1125 _____ New LM1121 _____ LM1082
I Believe in Christ** w/organ accom ............................................................................................... $1.60 ea I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day** choir & congreg w/organ & flute accom ............................. $1.60 ea I Know My Father Lives (SATB) w/piano accom ............................................................................ $1.40 ea I Lived In Heaven w/piano accom .................................................................................................. $1.50 ea I Stand All Amazed** w/piano accom ............................................................................................. $1.60 ea If the Way Be Full of Trial, Weary Not! w/piano accom ............................................................. $1.60 ea It Came upon the Midnight Clear w/piano accom ...................................................................... $1.60 ea It Is His House (original) w/piano accom ................................................................................... $1.60 ea It Is Well with My Soul w/organ accom ....................................................................................... $1.60 ea Jesus, Lover of My Soul** w/piano accom ..................................................................................... $1.50 ea from the Choir book, “We Love the Hymns of Zion” (see page 4 for the entire book)
_____ LM1006
Jesus, My Savior (a medley) ** w/piano accom ............................................................................. $1.60 ea I Stand All Amazed; Behold the Great Redeemer Die; Jesus, Once of Humble Birth
_____ LM1094 _____ LM1091 _____ LM1013 _____ LM1003 _____ LM1024 _____ New LM1103
_____ LM1039 _____ New LM1088 _____ LM1010 _____ LM1071 _____ New LM1107 _____ LM1079 _____ LM1090 _____ LM1002 _____ LM1032
Jesus, Once of Humble Birth** choir & congreg w/piano accom ................................................... $1.60 ea Jesus Once Was a Little Child** choir & children w/piano & flute/violin accom ............................. $1.50 ea Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee** w/piano accom ....................................................................... $1.50 ea Joseph Smith’s First Prayer** w/piano accom ............................................................................... $1.60 ea Joy to the World** choir & congreg w/organ accom....................................................................... $1.60 ea from the Christmas program, “Oh, Come, Let Us Adore Him” (see page 6 for the entire program)
Listen to Our Prophet (original) w/piano accom ....................................................................... $1.50 ea Lord, I Would Follow Thee** w/piano accom ................................................................................. $1.50 ea Love Is the Answer (original) w/piano accom ........................................................................... $1.50 ea Love One Another** w/piano accom .............................................................................................. $1.50 ea Loving Families** (original) w/piano accom ................................................................................... $1.50 ea More Holiness Give Me** choir & congreg w/flute & piano accom .......................................... $1.60 ea Nativity Song (The)** w/piano accom ............................................................................................ $1.60 ea Nauvoo Temple (The) (original) w/organ accom ............................................................................ $1.50 ea Nearer, My God, to Thee** w/piano accom .................................................................................... $1.50 ea O Little Town of Bethlehem** piano solo w/choir accom ................................................................ $1.50 ea from the Christmas program, “Oh, Come, Let Us Adore Him” (see page 6 for the entire program)
_____ LM1023
Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful** choir & congreg w/organ accom ......................................................... $1.50 ea from the Christmas program, “Oh, Come, Let Us Adore Him” (see page 6 for the entire program)
_____ LM1096 _____ LM1031 _____ LM1027 _____ LM1078 _____ LM1073
Once Within a Lowly Stable** w/piano accom ............................................................................... $1.50 ea Our Savior’s Love** w/piano accom .............................................................................................. $1.50 ea Praise the Lord with Heart and Voice w/piano & organ accom ...................................................... $1.60 ea Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer w/piano accom ......................................................................... $1.50 ea Rock of Ages** choir & congreg w/organ accom ........................................................................... $1.60 ea from the Easter program, “How Great the Wisdom and the Love” (see page 6 for the entire program)
_____ LM1049 _____ LM1056 _____ New LM1122
Secret Prayer** w/piano accom ..................................................................................................... $1.50 ea Shine On** choir & children w/piano accom .................................................................................. $1.50 ea Silent Night Vocal solo and Choir w/piano accom .................................................................... $1.60 ea Prices subject to change without notice -3-
Order by calling TOLL FREE 1-800-866-1700 or Order online at www.hymns.com
Larice Music Resource Catalog **Text in both English & Spanish
Prices subject to change without notice
CHORAL MUSIC (SATB) _____ LM1005 _____ LM1011 _____ LM1054 _____ New LM1093
Sweet Hour of Prayer** w/piano accom .......................................................................................... $1.50 ea Sweet Is the Work** w/piano accom ...............................................................................................$1.60 ea Teach Me to Walk in the Light choir & children w/organ accom ......................................................$1.50 ea from the Family book, “Choosing the Right” (see page 9 for the entire book)
Tell Me, Dear Lord w/piano accom...............................................................................................$1.50 ea _____ LM1098 Tell Me the Stories of Jesus** w/piano accom ................................................................................$1.50 ea _____ New LM1108P There Is Sunshine In My Soul Today w/piano accom ................................................................$1.60 ea _____ New LM1131 Walking In the Light (original) w/piano accom ...........................................................................$1.60 ea _____ LM1059 We Ever Pray for Thee** choir & children w/piano accom ..............................................................$1.50 ea _____ LM1067 When He Comes Again** choir & children w/piano accom .............................................................$1.60 ea _____ LM1062 When Joseph Went to Bethlehem** w/piano accom .......................................................................$1.50 ea _____ LM1026 Where Can I Turn for Peace?** w/piano accom .............................................................................$1.50 ea CHOIR BOOKS _____ LM4012
Sing Unto Him a New Song** Volume One ............................................................................... $34.95 set More Holiness Give Me; Do What Is Right; O My Father; Come, Ye Children of the Lord; Love One Another Five beautiful Choir and Congregational hymn arrangements for the price of one. Set of 3 books for 1) director, 2) accompanist, 3) choral parts only Permission is given to photocopy CHORAL PARTS ONLY for choir’s use
_____ LM1070
5 numbers for the price of 1
We Love the Hymns of Zion Volume One** ................................................................................. $5.95 ea
_____ LM1070S We Love the Hymns of Zion Volume One/spiral** ....................................................................................... $8.95 ea Jesus, Lover of My Soul; Be Thou Humble (SAB); The Hearts of the Children; I Know My Father Lives; Home Can Be a Heaven on Earth; Shine On (SAB); Hear Thou Our Hymn, O Lord (SAB); Keep the Commandments; A Choir’s Prayer
MUSIC FOR MEN’S VOICES _____ New LM1110 _____ LM1058 _____ LM1052 _____ LM1047 _____ LM1051 _____ New LM1136 _____ LM1057 _____ LM1030
Be Still, My Soul TTBB w/organ accom.......................................................................................$1.60 ea Dear to the Heart of the Shepherd TTBB w/organ accom .............................................................. $1.60 ea Did You Think to Pray?** TTBB w/piano accom ..............................................................................$1.50 ea Hear Thou Our Hymn, O Lord TB w/organ accom .......................................................................... $1.40 ea I Need Thee Every Hour** TTBB w/piano accom ...........................................................................$1.60 ea If the Way Be Full of Trial, Weary Not! TTBB w/piano accom ...................................................$1.60 ea Our Savior’s Love** TTBB w/piano accom ..................................................................................... $1.50 ea Praise the Lord with Heart and Voice TTBB w/organ accom .......................................................... $1.50 ea -4-
Order by calling TOLL FREE 1-800-866-1700 or Order online at www.hymns.com
Larice Music Resource Catalog **Text in both English & Spanish
Prices subject to change without notice
VOCAL SOLOS with PIANO ACCOMPANIMENTS _____ LM2011 _____ LM2010 _____ LM2008 _____ LM2021 _____ LM2022 _____ LM2001 _____ LM4010 _____ New LM2013 _____ LM2023 _____ LM2024 _____ LM2012 _____ LM2026 _____ LM4020
Away In a Manger** (med) ..............................................................................................................$3.50 ea Be Still, My Soul (med low) .............................................................................................................$3.50 ea Be Still, My Soul (med high) ............................................................................................................ $3.50 ea Christmas Child (original) (med low) ...............................................................................................$3.50 ea Christmas Child (original) (med high) .............................................................................................$3.50 ea Here Am I** (original) (med) ............................................................................................................ $3.50 ea How Great Thou Art** ..................................................................................................................... $6.95 ea from the Women’s book, “How Firm a Foundation” (see page 11 for entire book) This music is written for SSA voicing and it also works well as a vocal solo
I Choose This Day (original) (med high) .....................................................................................$3.50 ea In the Garden (med low) .................................................................................................................$3.50 ea In the Garden (med high) ................................................................................................................$3.50 ea Loving Families (med) .................................................................................................................... $3.50 ea Nauvoo Temple (The) (original) (med high) .................................................................................... $3.50 ea
Sing a Song of Joy for Medium LOW Voice Volume One** ...................................................... $11.95 ea Where Can I Turn for Peace?; Come unto Jesus; Sweet Hour of Prayer; Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me; Love at Home
_____ New LM4021
Sing a Song of Joy for Medium HIGH Voice Volume One** ..................................................... $11.95 ea Where Can I Turn for Peace?; Come unto Jesus; Sweet Hour of Prayer; Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me; Love at Home
_____ LM4023
The Joy of Christmas for HIGH Voice ....................................................................................... $11.95 ea Silent Night; O Little Town of Bethelehem; Christmas Child; Away In a Manger Medley, Beautiful Savior
_____ LM4024
The Joy of Christmas for LOW Voice ........................................................................................ $11.95 ea Silent Night; O Little Town of Bethelehem; Christmas Child; Away In a Manger Medley, Beautiful Savior
Hymns of Joy Volume One** ....................................................................................................... $11.95 ea Did You Think to Pray?; Dearest Children, God Is Near You; God Is in His Holy Temple (organ accom); Loving Families; Love One Another; Home Can Be a Heaven on Earth; I Know That My Redeemer Lives
This book contains full score accompaniments with accompanying Parts Only pages. The Parts Only pages may be copied for incidental, noncommercial church or home use. This permission does not include any other music.
Order by calling TOLL FREE 1-800-866-1700 or Order online at www.hymns.com
Larice Music Resource Catalog **Text in both English & Spanish
CHRISTMAS PROGRAM _____ LM4005 Oh, Come, Let Us Adore Him** ................................................................................................... $5.95 ea _____ LM4005S Oh, Come, Let Us Adore Him/spiral** ........................................................................................... $8.95 ea Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful; Anthem of Christ; Away In a Manger; O Little Town of Bethlehem; It Came upon the Midnight Clear; Joy to the World
Oh, Come, Let Us Adore Him is a 40-minute Christmas program that successfully interweaves the involvement of choir, congregation and spoken word to produce a beautiful and spiritually satisfying experience for all. This program includes five most beloved Christmas hymns arranged in settings of exquisite beauty. Anthem of Christ (an original number) with narration, brings to life the angelic announcement of Jesus Christ’s birth and instills a quiet reverence for the Savior and significance of this great event. Also included are two suggested Christmas messages entitled “Oh, Come, Let Us Adore Him” and “A Brightness of Hope”. Oh, Come, Let Us Adore Him is an exceptional program; one that you will love to hear and perform from year to year. (Many of these selections are available as single copies. See Choral Music SATB)
EASTER PROGRAM _____ LM4006 How Great the Wisdom and the Love** .......................................................................................$5.95 ea _____ LM4006S How Great the Wisdom and the Love/spiral** ............................................................................ $8.95 ea How Great the Wisdom and the Love; Christ the Lord is Risen Today; I Stand All Amazed; Rock of Ages
How Great the Wisdom and the Love, a program for choir and congregation, contains four spiritually moving hymn arrangements focusing upon the Savior’s atonement for mankind. The contents of this book are designed for multiple use. These arrangements can be used individually throughout the year, or as a 40-minute Easter program. They are easy to learn. Their simplicity and beauty, coupled with full worship participation, bring forth very special and sacred feelings. (These selections are also available as single copies. See Choral Music SATB.)
SPECIAL EVENT/FIRESIDE MUSICAL PRESENTATION _____ LM4001IP Where Can I Turn for Peace? Intro Packet ................................................................................... $9.95 ea Where Can I Turn for Peace?; Our Savior’s Love; Come unto Jesus; Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee; I Believe in Christ; Come, Follow Me Packet contains 1 script and 1 each of the suggested hymn arrangements for SATB
_____ LM4001SR Where Can I Turn for Peace? Script only ..................................................................................... $3.95 ea Where Can I Turn for Peace? is a 40-minute presentation of music and narration. The script and music speak of the peace that can be found in our Savior, Jesus Christ. Focused on different situations in people’s lives, it concludes with a powerful, personal testimony of the Savior’s love for us. Please note, for flexibility in use, the scripts and music are sold separately.
Order by calling TOLL FREE 1-800-866-1700 or Order online at www.hymns.com
Larice Music Resource Catalog _____ LM4002
Hymns of Worship Volume One** ............................................................................................... $11.95 ea Praise the Lord with Heart and Voice; I Need Thee Every Hour (Choir & Congregation); Secret Prayer; Come, Come, Ye Saints; Come unto Jesus; Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer
_____ LM4003
Hymns of Worship Volume Two** ............................................................................................... $11.95 ea Battle Hymn of the Republic; Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me; High on the Mountain Top; I Know That My Redeemer Lives (Choir & Congregation); My Country, ‘Tis of Thee; Be Thou Humble
_____ LM4004
Hymns of Worship Volume Three Holiday Edition ...................................................................... $11.95 ea Silent Night; O Little Town of Bethlehem; Away In a Manger; With Wondering Awe (Choir & Congregation); For the Beauty of the Earth; Come, Ye Thankful People; I Stand All Amazed; There Is a Green Hill Far Away
_____ LM4007
Hymns of Worship Volume Four** Family Edition ....................................................................... $11.95 ea Teach Me to Walk in the Light; Families Can Be Together Forever; Love at Home (Choir and Congregation); Rock of Ages; Home Can Be a Heaven on Earth; Abide with Me!
_____ LM4008
Hymns of Worship Volume Five** Hymns of the Restoration Edition ......................................... $11.95 ea The Spirit of God (Choir & Congregation); We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet; God of Power, God of Right; Sweet Is the Peace the Gospel Brings (Choir & Congregation); Truth Eternal; Lead Me into Life Eternal; Praise to the Man; Come, Listen to a Prophet’s Voice
_____ LM4009
Hymns of Worship Volume Six**................................................................................................. $11.95 ea I Am a Child of God (Choir & Congregtation); Keep the Commandments; I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go; Faith of Our Fathers; I Know My Father Lives; In Our Lovely Deseret; You Can Make the Pathway Bright
here is a marvelous element of spirit and unity present when hymns are sung in unison. The arrangements in these group hymn singing books make it easy for congregations, families, and choirs to experience the hymns in a unique and special way. The power and message of the gospel shines throughout these beautiful selections. The accompaniments enhance the message of each individual verse. The voicing of the hymns is comfortable enabling everyone to sing the melodies. In each volume there is an arrangement designed for the combination of choir and congregation participation. There are Parts Only pages (for choirs) that notate permission to photocopy these pages only for incidental, noncommercial church or home use. This permission does not include any other music in these volumes. Directors and accompanists work from the Hymns of Worship volumes. All participants can sing directly from the LDS hymnbook. **Text in both English & Spanish
Prices subject to change without notice
Order by calling TOLL FREE 1-800-866-1700 or Order online at www.hymns.com
Larice Music Resource Catalog ORGAN PRELUDE SERIES _____ LM3038
Hymns of Devotion Volume One .................................................................................................. $9.95 ea Keep the Commandments; I Stand All Amazed; Come, Follow Me; How Great Thou Art; Did You Think to Pray?; Nearer, My God, to Thee; Abide with Me!; Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee
_____ LM3039
Hymns of Devotion Volume Two ................................................................................................... $9.95 ea When He Comes Again; Reverently, Quietly; Father, I Will Reverent Be; I Am a Child of God; Seek the Lord Early; Search, Ponder and Pray; I Know My Father Lives (medley); Tell Me the Stories of Jesus; Love One Another; Shine On
_____ LM3043
Hymns of Devotion Volume Three ................................................................................................$9.95 ea Abide With Me; ‘Tis Eventide; Beautiful Savior; Brightly Beams Our Father’s Mercy; Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer; Rock of Ages; Home Can Be a Heaven Medley; Jesus, Once of Humble Birth; We Ever Pray for Thee Medley
PIANO SOLO & SERIES’ _____ New LM3070 _____ LM3034
If the Way Be Full of Trial, Weary Not! (Piano Solo) ...................................................................$3.95 ea A Testimony of Faith Volume One .............................................................................................. $11.95 ea O My Father; How Great Thou Art; Rock of Ages; Nearer, My God, to Thee; America the Beautiful; Joseph Smith’s First Prayer; Sweet Is the Peace the Gospel Brings; I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go
_____ LM3036
A Testimony of Faith Volume Two .............................................................................................. $11.95 ea I Am a Child of God; Our Savior’s Love; I Stand All Amazed; I’ll Keep His Commandments (medley); Love One Another; How Great the Wisdom and the Love; I Need Thee Every Hour; Come, Follow Me
_____ LM3054
A Testimony of Faith Volume Three............................................................................................ $11.95 ea Let Us Oft Speak Kind Words; Called to Serve; Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing; Do What Is Right; Lead, Kindly Light; God Be with You Till We Meet Again; Behold! A Royal Army; Abide with Me; ‘Tis Eventide
_____ LM3037
Rhapsody of Hymns Volume One .............................................................................................. $11.95 ea I Know That My Redeemer Lives; Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee (medley); Secret Prayer; Did You Think to Pray?; Though Deepening Trials; Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me; Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer; A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief; Sweet Hour of Prayer; Abide with Me!; While of These Emblems We Partake
_____ LM3041
Rhapsody of Hymns Volume Two ............................................................................................... $11.95 ea Seek the Lord Early; Search, Ponder and Pray; I Know My Father Lives (medley); Tell Me the Stories of Jesus; Shine On; Teach Me to Walk in the Light, I Have Two Little Hands, Tell Me, Dear Lord (medley); Be Still, My Soul; More Holiness Give Me; Love at Home; Dear to the Heart of the Shepherd
_____ LM3044
Three Piano Solos for Christmas Volume One ........................................................................... $8.95 ea Silent Night; O Little Town of Bethlehem; It Came upon the Midnight Clear
_____ LM3058
Three Piano Solos for Christmas Volume Two ............................................................................ $8.95 ea The First Noel; Away In a Manger Medley; I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
Order by calling TOLL FREE 1-800-866-1700 or Order online at www.hymns.com
Larice Music Resource Catalog **Text in both English & Spanish
FAMILIES AND MUSIC ARE A MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN Singing together before sleeping will calm the mind and set your world at rest. Singing together before eating will set the tone for a banquet of communication. Singing together before scripture reading will open the minds and hearts for spiritual understanding.
_____ LM4013
Choosing the Right Volume One** ............................................................................................. $11.95 ea Choose the Right; Teach Me to Walk in the Light (Choir & Children); Dare to Do Right; Joseph Smith’s First Prayer (with violin duet); I Need My Heavenly Father; Hum Your Favorite Hymn (medley); When You Have to Choose, Remember Jesus
_____ LM4014
Hold to the Rod Volume Two** .................................................................................................... $11.95 ea The Iron Rod; As I Search the Holy Scriptures; Book of Mormon Stories; Keep the Commandments; Tell Me the Stories of Jesus; Search, Ponder and Pray; Seek the Lord Early; I Am a Child of God; I Know My Father Lives; He Sent His Son
_____ LM4015
Beautiful Savior Volume Three ................................................................................................... $11.95 ea Beautiful Savior; Faith; The Holy Ghost; When He Comes Again; Nephi’s Courage; When Faith Endures; I Lived In Heaven; Come, Follow Me (with violin obligato)
_____ LM4016
Do What Is Right Volume Four .................................................................................................... $11.95 ea Do What Is Right (with flute/violin obligato); Help Me, Dear Father; When Jesus Christ Was Baptized; Repentance; The Lord Gave Me a Temple; The Church of Jesus Christ; The Still Small Voice; I Like My Birthdays; Let the Holy Spirit Guide
_____ LM4017
Following the Prophet Volume Five............................................................................................ $11.95 ea We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet; Keep the Commandments (original); The Sacred Grove; Stand for the Right; Listen to Our Prophet (original); The Sixth Article of Faith; We Ever Pray for Thee (with violin)
Order by calling TOLL FREE 1-800-866-1700 or Order online at www.hymns.com
Larice Music Resource Catalog VIOLIN SOLOS & DUETS with PIANO ACCOMPANIMENTS _____ LM3018 _____ LM3019 _____ LM3045 _____ LM3046 _____ LM3005 _____ LM3008 _____ LM3026 _____ LM3035 _____ LM3017 _____ New LM3065 _____ LM3001 _____ LM3042 _____ LM3056 _____ New LM4050
A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief (solo) ............................................................................................ $3.95 ea Away In a Manger (solo) ................................................................................................................ $3.95 ea Away In a Manger Medley (duet) ................................................................................................... $4.50 ea Be Still, My Soul (duet) .................................................................................................................. $4.50 ea Come, Follow Me (duet)................................................................................................................. $4.50 ea Did You Think to Pray? (solo) ........................................................................................................ $3.95 ea Guide Me to Thee (solo) ................................................................................................................ $3.95 ea How Great Thou Art (duet) ............................................................................................................. $4.50 ea I Know that My Redeemer Lives (duet).......................................................................................... $4.50 ea I Know That My Redeemer Lives (Violin Trio) ............................................................................ $4.75 ea Joseph Smith’s First Prayer (duet) ................................................................................................ $4.50 ea O My Father (duet) ........................................................................................................................ $4.50 ea Silent Night (duet) .......................................................................................................................... $4.50 ea Expressions of Faith Volume One (5 violin solos w/rehearsal CD) ....................................... $15.95 ea FLUTE SOLOS with PIANO ACCOMPANIMENTS
_____ LM3018 _____ LM3019 _____ LM3026 _____ LM3006 _____ LM3011 _____ LM3012 _____ LM3016 _____ LM3002 _____ New LM4051
A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief ....................................................................................................... $3.95 ea Away In a Manger ...........................................................................................................................$3.95 ea Guide Me to Thee ...........................................................................................................................$3.95 ea Love at Home .................................................................................................................................$3.95 ea Love One Another ...........................................................................................................................$3.95 ea O Little Town of Bethlehem ............................................................................................................. $3.95 ea Secret Prayer ..................................................................................................................................$3.95 ea Sweet Hour of Prayer ..................................................................................................................... $3.95 ea Expressions of Faith Volume One (5 flute solos w/rehearsal CD) .......................................... $15.95 ea VIOLA & CELLO SOLOS with PIANO ACCOMPANIMENTS
_____ LM3064 _____ LM3060 _____ LM3053 _____ LM3023 _____ LM3057 _____ New LM3052
A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief (Cello solo) .................................................................................... $3.95 ea Be Still, My Soul (Cello duet or Viola & Cello) ................................................................................. $4.50 ea Did You Think to Pray? (Viola solo) ................................................................................................$3.95 ea Our Savior’s Love (Cello solo) ........................................................................................................ $3.95 ea Silent Night (Viola solo) ...................................................................................................................$3.95 ea I Know That My Redeemer Lives (Cello Duet or Viola & Cello) .................................................$4.75 ea
STRING ENSEMBLES with PIANO ACCOMPANIMENTS _____ LM3040 _____ LM3050 _____ LM3055
Love One Another ..........................................................................................................................$5.95 ea Tell Me the Stories of Jesus ...........................................................................................................$5.95 ea I Am a Child of God ........................................................................................................................$5.95 ea
Prices subject to change without notice
Order by calling TOLL FREE 1-800-866-1700 or Order online at www.hymns.com
Larice Music Resource Catalog MUSIC FOR WOMEN’S VOICES _____ LM1113
Abide with Me!** SSAA w/piano accom ......................................................................................... $1.50 ea from the “How Firm a Foundation” book (see below for the entire book)
_____ LM1042 _____ LM1029 _____ LM1111 _____ New LM1137 _____ LM1019 _____ LM1041 _____ LM1114
Each Life That Touches Ours for Good** SSAA w/piano accom .................................................... $1.50 ea Here Am I (original)** SSA w/piano accom .................................................................................... $1.50 ea How Firm a Foundation** SSAA w/organ accom ............................................................................$1.60 ea from the “How Firm a Foundation” book (see below for the entire book)
If the Way Be Full of Trial, Weary Not! SSAA w/piano accom .................................................. Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee** SSAA w/piano accom ............................................................. Love at Home** SSAA w/piano accom .......................................................................................... Nearer, My God, to Thee** SSAA w/piano accom .........................................................................
$1.60 ea $1.50 ea $1.50 ea $1.50 ea
from the “How Firm a Foundation” book (see below for the entire book)
_____ LM1016 _____ LM1080
O My Father** SSA w/piano accom ............................................................................................... $1.60 ea Our Savior’s Love** SSAA w/piano accom .................................................................................... $1.50 ea from the “How Firm a Foundation” book (see below for the entire book)
_____ LM1112
We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet** SSAA w/piano accom .................................................... $1.60 ea from the “How Firm a Foundation” book (see below for the entire book)
_____ LM4010 How Firm a Foundation** (book) .................................................................................................. $7.95 ea _____ LM4010S How Firm a Foundation/spiral** .................................................................................................. $10.95 ea A Choir’s Prayer (original); How Firm a Foundation; Our Savior’s Love; We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet; Home Can Be a Heaven on Earth; Abide with Me!; Nearer, My God, to Thee; How Great Thou Art
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Larice Music Resource Catalog
arice Music is dedicated to the establishment and promotion of music that will motivate all people and nations of the earth to turn their hearts to God.
♦ We believe there is more to music than music. ♦ We affirm music is spiritual by nature. ♦ We declare our love for the hymns and acknowledge the great impact they can
have in our lives.
♦ We rejoice in the content and beauty of the hymns. ♦ We believe active participation in congregational hymn singing is an essential
part of personal worship.
♦ We believe time spent in the home learning and singing the hymns will reap
eternal blessings for the family.
♦ We testify of the extraordinary joy that comes when the hymns are sung with
heart-felt praises unto the Lord.
Larice Music Enterprises
Home of The Beebe Sound
P. O. Box 1052 Independence, Missouri 64051 Toll Free 1-800-866-1700 Website: www.Hymns.com Email:
[email protected]
Order by calling TOLL FREE 1-800-866-1700 or Order online at www.hymns.com