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INTRODUCTION. In February 1980, the year of the Olympics, the first issue of the All Union journal Friction and Wear came out in the town of Gomel, Belarus.
ISSN 10683666, Journal of Friction and Wear, 2015, Vol. 36, No. 6, pp. 449–453. © Allerton Press, Inc., 2015. Original Russian Text © A.I. Sviridenok, N.K. Myshkin, I.N. Kovaleva, 2015, published in Trenie i Iznos, 2015, Vol. 36, No. 6, pp. 591–595.

Latest Developments in Tribology in the Journal Friction and Wear A. I. Sviridenoka, N. K. Myshkinb, and I. N. Kovalevab, * a

Research Center of ResourceSaving Problems of the NAS of Belarus, pl. Tizengauza 7, Grodno, 230023 Belarus Belyi Metal Polymer Research Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, ul. Kirova 32a, Gomel, 246050 Belarus *email: [email protected]


Received August 20, 2015

Abstract—This work covers an analysis of the prospective developments and research reviewed by scientists of various countries and displayed in the journal Friction and Wear over the last 35 years. Keywords: prospective developments, tribology, friction, wear DOI: 10.3103/S106836661506015X

INTRODUCTION In February 1980, the year of the Olympics, the first issue of the AllUnion journal Friction and Wear came out in the town of Gomel, Belarus. Since the very first issue, the journal has been published in both Russian and English (Friction and Wear) languages; it possesses all the attributes of a modern international journal—the impact factor (Web Science, Scopus, Russian Science Citation Index). Today, its circulation is 700–900 copies a year; the journal is present in Rus sian electronic libraries, as well as abroad, and is read in almost every country in the world that is developed with regard to science. The history of the journal’s foundation was published in detail in the year of its 30th anniversary. RESEARCH ANALYSIS Over the 35 years of its existence, Friction and Wear has become the most popular piece of periodical liter ature, and has coordinated the efforts and achieve ments of tribologists of CIS countries, as well as of Poland, China, Lithuania, Latvia, etc. The most important fact is that this journal is the only fieldspe cific edition included in the current Lists of Scientific Literature approved by State Commission for Aca demic Degrees and Titles of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation that enable the results of scientific research to be published within the disci pline 05.02.04 “Friction and Wear in Mechanisms.” A new stage in the development of the edition was char acterized by the creation of its fulltext Russian ever sion in the Russian Universal Scientific ELibrary database ( In 1980–2014, the journal published 4092 articles (which is equal to 2500 printer’s sheets) covering the results of research conducted in Russia, Belarus,

Ukraine, and other countries of nearabroad and beyond. Figure 1 displays the geographical origins of the articles published. Among the authors, subscribers, and readers of the journal, there are academy and associate fellows, doc tors and candidates of sciences, researchers of acade mies and higher education institutions, and engineer ing staff workers of industrial enterprises. The first authors of the journal were its founders: I.V. Kragel skii, A.Yu. Ishlinskii, V.A. Belyi, N.A. Bushe, D.N. Garkunov. Among the foreign authors there are noted tribology scientists such as D. Tabor, B. Bhus han, P. Jost, and B. Briscoe. Among the Russian speaking authors, the most contributing were doctors of sciences A. P. Krasnov (56 articles published), V.A. Balakin (48 articles published), I.G. Goryacheva (48), Yu.N. Drozdov (45), I.A. Buyanovskii (45), I.A. Soldatenkov (45), O.V. Kholodilov (40), I.A. Gri bova (35 articles), and many others. Depending on the research topic, all the works published can be broken down to 10 groups. The research developments in the Friction and Wear journal are shown groupwise in Table 1.


Near abroad

Ukraine 14%


Far abroad

4% 20%



Russia Fig. 1. Countrywise distribution of publications.



Table 1. Tribology Research Developments in Friction and Wear Group No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Line of Research Structure, mechanical, and tribological properties of prospective materials and coatings Mechanisms, types, and peculiarities of wear of tribocouplings Modeling the mechanisms of wear and frictional interaction Wearresistance and durability of materials Quantitative analysis of friction and wear processes Instruments and equipment used in tribology Tribological and rheological properties of lubricants Surface parameters and properties with regard to tribological properties of materials Tribological properties of polymer materials and composites General matters of tribology

Figure 2 shows the research developments rated by the number of articles and divided by decade. The analysis has shown that during the last decade, the most acute matters were associated with durable mate rials and coatings, quantitative analysis of friction and wear processes, and studying tribological properties of polymers and composites. The tendencies of the world’s tribology develop ment in the 21st century significantly change the sub jects of tribological studies aimed at expanding on the molecularlevel mechanisms of friction and wear and at creating tribological materials capable of serving under the most adverse external impact conditions. In our opinion, Table 2 shows the world’s most popular tendencies in tribology development and areas of application for the next two to three decades of the 21st century.

Number of articles

As stated previously, the main studies in the field of friction, wear, lubrication, and tribotechnical material science in Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic and later in Belarus were concentrated in Belyi Metal Polymer Research Institute. The institute continues to 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 1



4 5 6 7 Lines of research 2000–2014 years 1990–2000 years 1980–1990 years

Fig. 2. Lines of research.




be the leading center of tribology in the former Soviet space; it houses the material and technical resources of studies and the original personnel, and the only coun cil in Belarus for defending theses for doctoral and candidate degrees of science, discipline 05.02.04 “Friction and Wear in Mechanisms” is based here. One of the leading lines of tribology development in the institute is represented by the work on frictional contact mechanics and studying the topography of friction surfaces, taking into account nanolevel rough ness (multilevel models of roughness). The new meth odologies of atomicpowered microscopy of surfaces have been developed and implemented in commer cially produced instruments. A new tool was created in order to study the interaction between solids, i.e., a contact adhesiometer. The institute powers scientific and applicationori ented lines of tribology, such as tribodiagnostics and tribomonitoring. In particular, new methods of trib ocoupling wear diagnostics have been developed based on analyzing wear particles and the condition of lubri cant, which are implemented in stationary and built in instruments. Within the framework of the institute, the republican center of probe microscopy was cre ated, along with the center of tribological testing of composite materials and lubricants. As for the field of tribological material science, spe cialists of Belyi Metal Polymer Research Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus also achieved valuable results. More specifically, some effective selflubricating composite materials were created and keep being developed for the primary domestic industries, i.e., automotive and tractors, electric power generation, etc. Research and work in the field of tribology are also held in other institutes of the country. For instance, Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus studies the tribological aspects of functioning of machines and equipment wired systems—hydraulic drives and gear trains with improved life and vibroacoustic character


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No. 6


Tribological Material Science

Triboanalysis (tribophysics, tribochemistry, tribobiology, tribomechanics)

General requirements to tribology in 21st century

General lines of tribology research Problems and Goals

⎯creation of a new class of extra hard friction materials for cutting instruments, including drilling tools.

⎯creation of a new class of lowdegrading friction (braking) materials;

⎯creation of lubricants of extraordinarily low resistance (friction factor) in ultrathin layers to ensure functioning of new micro and nanomechanisms;

⎯development of new micro and nanofilled lubrication agents of high temperature resistance and loadbearing capacity;

⎯creation of multipurpose tribotechnical materials adapting to external impact;

⎯studying the mechanisms and modeling of resistance against the motion of fish and sea creatures.

⎯expanding the field of research of friction behavior features in moving biological objects in order to apply biological control methods of friction properties created by nature and implemented in human articulation joints;

⎯development of theory of frictional adhesion in discrete zones of micro and nanocontacts;

⎯development of thermal calculations of frictional contact in order to measure the mutual influence between basic force, speed, and structural characteristics of friction materials and surfaces;

⎯development of discrete frictional contact mechanics with regard to the threelevel model (macro, micro, nano);

⎯switching from micro to nanolevel of analysis of nature and frictional activity mechanisms;

⎯development of theory and methods of study of tribocouplings in the deep space, at high doses of radiation exposure, hypersonic speeds, and high pressure at extreme temperatures above and below zero.

⎯estimation of the role of friction in snow and stone avalanches;

⎯use of new physical, chemical, and biological principles and effects when solving the problems of tribology;

⎯extending life of human joints and other organs functioning in frictionandlubrication conditions;

⎯significant prolonging of the operating life at high rates of loading, speed, and temperature during operation in abrasive environments;

⎯significant decrease of energy consumption when translating motion and power;

⎯greening (reduction of noise and environmental pollution);

⎯miniaturization of tribotechnical devices;

Table 2. World’s tribology developments and tendencies in the 21st century




Tribomonitoring and Tribodiagnostics



General lines of tribology research

Table 2. (Contd.)

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⎯introduction of the main tribologyrelated editions issued in the Russian language in the list of peerreviewed international journals.

⎯issuing highquality reading tutorials and textbooks dedicated to the basics of tribology;

⎯initiating the creation of an international association of tribologyrelated journals in order to rapidly communicate the latest information;

⎯creation of tribotechnical data banks and sharing computerbased access to them with broad researcher and student audiences.

⎯promotion of participation in the development of international research standardization for friction and wear.

⎯development of direct measuring methods of friction and wear of tribocouplings in biological objects;

⎯development of new methods and instruments to study the nature and mechanisms of friction activities at the micro and nanolevels;

⎯development of methods and instruments of multiparameter tribodiagnostics and active use of controlling signals in order to improve frictional properties of critical tribojoints;

⎯development of new structures of tribojoints with a provision for computerbased control of friction parameters.

⎯development of CAD systems for the majority of unified tribojoints;

⎯creation of new tribodevices of increased operation life having exposed to ionizing radiation and high temperatures, operating in the void and in sea water;

⎯development of new principles of consumption (use) of vehicle braking friction energy in order to increase their effectiveness and oper ation life and to reduce noise and environmental pollution;

⎯development of the 3Dprototyping method in terms of modeling complex friction units;

⎯analysis and creation of friction units for micro and nanoelectromechanical systems, nanocomputers, nanomanipulators, etc.;

⎯improving durability of cutting tools during processing of materials at a high speed.

⎯development of application methods for ultrathin lubricant coatings;

⎯development of theory and methods of frictional properties control during pressure treatment of metals, recycling into polymer and com posite items, during jet transportation of bulk products, etc.

⎯development of additive technologies of creation of multilayer and multipurpose hardening coatings for tribosurfaces;

Problems and Goals

452 SVIRIDENOK et al.



istics; its specialists develop new technology processes to perform activated thermal spraying and electrother mal highspeed coating formation in order to improve the reliability of working surfaces of parts operating under extreme conditions. The PhysicalEngineering Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus studies friction of metals in the conditions of plastic contact and actively performs work on hardening metal surface layers and alloys by means of ionimplantation processing in order to increase the wear resistance of parts of machinery and metal processing equipment. New tri bologypurpose alloys and ceramic materials have been developed, along with the advanced technologies of surface hardening treatment for friction unit com ponents that enable their durability to be increased in certain cases by one to two orders of magnitude. Studies in the area of friction and wear and devel opment of new tribotechnical materials and lubricants are also carried out in other institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus: State Research and Production Powder Metallurgy Association, Research Center of ResourceSaving Problems, Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry, Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, and Institute of Metal Technol ogy. A valuable contribution to the development of tri bology is also made by research groups of educational institutes, such as Belarusian National Technical Uni versity, Belarusian State Technological University, Belarusian State University of Transport, Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, Sukhoi State Techni cal University of Gomel, Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University, and Polotsk State University. The progress of tribology in Belarus is largely driven by international relations maintained by domestic scientists. One of the examples of interna tional cooperation is close communication of Belaru sian and Russian tribologists. Our scientists actively work together with the specialists of Institute of Prob


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lems in Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sci ences (computational methods of friction and wear, contact problems, Russian Academy of Science Fel low Director, I.G. Goryacheva), Southern Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences (research of friction, wear, and lubricants, Russian Academy of Science Fellow Director V. I. Kolesnikov), Aleksan dras Stulginskis University of Kaunas (development and research of tribological properties of bio oils and studying functional oil additives based on nanoparti cles, Director J. Padgurskas); the collaboration is also active with Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engi neering of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Railway Research Institute, and others. Cooperation of Rus sian and Belarusian tribologists was rewarded with the Russian Federation Government Prize in 2004. Once every two years, the institute holds an international sci entific and technical conference “Polymer Composites and Tribology,” in which the scientists of the CIS coun tries and countries of the far abroad participate. In conclusion, we would like to emphasize once again the role of Friction and Wear in the fruitful coop eration of tribologists. Today, Friction and Wear is a journal with its own history and traditions and, at the same time, a journal that has reached the modern level in covering the problems of friction, wear, and lubrica tion that is published in both hard and electronic for mats in Russian and English and has become available for readers of various countries. REFERENCES 1. Myshkin, N.K., Sviridenok, A.I., and Tkachuk, D.V., Tribology in Belarus’ and “Journal of Friction and Wear” – thirty years of evolution, Trenie Iznos, 2010, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 7–12.

Translated by A. Dunaeva