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Vocational training for middle school students. Volunteers at Lavosi: Rusty Wales of Camas, Washington, students from Ba

Issue #


Quarterly Newsletter March, April and May 2017

LAVOSI Las Voces Del Silencio Events

DIRECTOR'S REPORT:PROFESSOR ÁLVARO D LEÓN CRUZ Again, Hello, How have you been in these three months that we have not communicated. I imagine very well, with good vibes, just like us. Here in LAVOSI, everything is happiness despite some disappointments, but we go ahead, without turning to look back, because that takes time and for us time is very valuable. I want to tell you that in these three months we have had very good experiences with our children. They are wonderful, they all have their angels well guarded and when it is a thing to get it out and it is only to share the love and affection they feel when they are in their beloved school. From the smallest ones: Neymar, Antony and Amílcar, to the majors. We are all one family. I also want to tell you that we have Angels from other parts of Paradise; They with their great heart and with that value of philanthropy, have spared no effort, to donate important resources that we have invested to bring technology to our School. I want you to meet these Angels by their names: John Swinmurn, Philippa, Ivan, Gavin Kern, Ronaldo, Leony and Brenda Aron; Wonderful husbands who are an example for many of us, who are always innovating methodological innovations all to improve the education systems for our hearing impaired students. Also to our volunteers who come to teach art to our students, Lia Pinto y . Thank you Lia y for your contribution to our

students. I know I omitted some good Angels, I apologize if any one escaped me. Another important issue that I want to comment on is that Salem Ojer, our primary teacher because she had a better opportunity ... thanks Salem for your work and your affection for the little ones. I also want to share that we hired a new teacher to take care of the children; She is Adriana Rogelia Morales Soto. Welcome, Seño Adriana!


Katia, Thank you guys and girls from College Maya, you are SUPER PEOPLE. I hope you have enjoyed our wonderful experiences in these three months of activity ... SepIssuetiembre 2016IssIss ahhh !, I forgot to tell you: next June we will celebrate our eighth anniversary of foundation. What a thrill! In the next newsletter I will let you know events in this great celebration. See you soon.

You know? The celebration of Mother's Day was great, the mothers of our boys attended and had fun at the party; They saw their children dance, participate in the children's play "The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf" It was a beautiful sight, to see Amilcar, Antony Pepo, y Yeimi to Lilian act out their roles ... !!! Wonderful!!! And to conclude my news, I want to tell you that our sister school from the Capital: Mayan High School, came to visit us on April 22nd and we had a great time ... these guys and girls are pure marvel and energy, see how much fun we share with them!

In this Bulletin:

Report of the Director Teachers Report And the best came: on Sunday May 14, we New developments participated in the race 5k and 10k. In the marathon Spotlights organized by Mayan school students, directed Future Events spectacularly by Katia Kayayan, a dynamic and enthusiastic teacher who works miracles and Donations/Donations Page wonders, directing her boys and girls, boys and Wish List girls who graduate and leave at the end of this month To seek a better future through university studies, in other countries of the world. Thank you



Primary: Teacher: Adriana Morales Secondary colors and their origin: Review of colors: We made our own book of colors, we painted objects with the corresponding

These last weeks we have been knowing the departments of our country in the area of social studies, we also knew new techniques of painting with tempera in art.

color. We blended the primary colors yellow, red and blue to create the secondary colors green, purple and orange and then we made bubbles with them. Patterns: We create series of patterns according to color and shape Vocal "i": We perform and practice the vowel "i" with different materials and using all our senses, for example: we licked honey in the form of the vowel "i", walked on the vowel "i", used different techniques and materials to Perform the vowel i and learn words that begin with "i".

It is incredible how every day the students learn more and more, as they grow and mature each day a little more.

Primary 2: Teacher: Maria Lourdes Romero “Malu” After a good rest the students returned with the batteries recharged at school. We started classes in the area of mathematics practicing sums, in the area of communication and language consonants joined with vowels and in social and natural environment we began to know more our body.

Science and Math Teacher: Nelson Vivar Catavi This quarter, students develop skills in the different classes that I teach, first create an hot air balloon demonstrating the strength of thermal energy, in mathematics a small introduction to multiplication, in science we study the operation of systems : Digestive, respiratory and circulatory making visual material of these, in addition to the Celebration of Mother's Day we made beautiful bikes. Reinforcing also the work in group, companionship, friendship, and respect, values that are very important for a harmonious co-existence, especially for our deaf community.

Spanish and Social Studies: Teacher: Alvaro De Leon Espinoza We are teaching basic questions and answers with third and fourth grade students. Fifth and sixth elementary students learned questions and answers on the subject of interrogations in the Communication and Language class. They also learned the geography of Guatemala and the world.

LAVOSI LAS VOCES DEL SILENCIO EVENTS | Issue # 3 Fifth and sixth elementary students investigated the civilizations of the old continent of the Egyptians, Greeks, Assyrians, Babylonians, Romans, China and among others, in Social Studies class.

Mayan HS race in Guatemala City

Students holding items donated by Gail Rogers Students enjoying recess after Maya College 5-10K run.

Library Story Time and Horticulture: During story time at the library, students in different grade levels were told stories that relate to the themes they are learning in class according to their grade level such as values, feelings, actions, numbers, colors and animals. After story time, students choose books they wish to read with some assistance. Sometimes, the students played educational games such as Chinese checkers, Mexican dominoes, Battleship, puzzles, Rush Hour, memory matching game, cards etc. In horticulture class, the students learn about how plants need soil, water and sun to grow, beneficial and harmful bugs in the garden. Creating a garden, how to weed and thin out plants, re-planting, watering and how to plant different kinds of vegetables, fruits and flowers from seed.

Highlights of March, April and May: Visit of a major donor Easter Case Western University & Lavosi students at a park, Finca Florencia Canfield University Film Team visits New teacher joins Lavosi Rusty Wales of Washington State Volunteers Volunteer Reading Specialist Janet Weinstock from Maryland visits Mother's Day Celebration at Lavosi


New computer lab and sewing room: A generous donation of technology enabled Lavosi to buy 10 laptops, two wireless printers, 1 copier and laminator. Students are learning to use computers, teachers are happy as they made their work much easier. A sewing room with two donated sewing machines, one from the family of Álvaro de León and one from Gail Rogers has been installed at Lavosi. The sewing classes will be offered shortly.

Álvaro De León with a box of donations from Jonny Archibald.

Students holding science kits donated by Rusty Wales and friends of Washington State New Developments:

Deaf Volunteers from Australia: Tahlia and Dylan from Australia helped add labels to help categorize books in the Library. It makes it easier for students and teachers to find specific books.

Laboratorio de computación

Volunteer Art Teachers: Lavosi is very fortunate to have two excellent volunteer art teachers in Lavosi one day a week to teach art to all grades. Teachers have been very creative in teaching different art techniques for different grade levels. Students created art for Mother's Day gifts. Students also created copies of the famous "Arts of the Deaf", see photos below.


4 signalers were donated by International Deaf Partnerships of the United States. Janet Weinstock of Maryland, a reading specialist for Deaf children gave a workshop for teachers on reading to the deaf, and modeling reading to students at different grade levels.

Primary grade skit: The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf

3-4th grade did a skit, “The Chicken Bus”

Celebration of Mother's Day at Lavosi: On the 9 of May, Students and teachers planned a Mother's Day party. Students performed skits, played games, had refreshments and made gifts to give to the students' mothers. It was a precious day for all.

Students feeding their Mamas for Mother's Day fun game Middle School: It is with sad news that we have not received accreditation from the Ministry of Education for the students of middle school this year. Álvaro de León Cruz is still working hard for Basico to be accredited by June 2017 for next year. Hopefully we will succeed for the next school year. Meanwhile, Lavosi is in talks to establish classes with a sign language interpreter with Intecap in Antigua to offer Vocational training for middle school students. Volunteers at Lavosi: Rusty Wales of Camas, Washington, students from Basico, Jesus Lobos and Orlando set up doorbell light signalers at three Lavosi sites to make it easier for deaf students to know if someone is outside the front door. The doorbell

Mayan High School 5-10 K Benefit Race: On May 21, Lavosi students from elementary school to Basico were on a bus to participate in the 5 or 10 K race organized by the Maya School in Guatemala City. The funds for this event will be donated to Lavosi. Balambe Workshop on Teamwork: Axel Alburez, from BalamBe, gave a workshop on teamwork for older students at Finca Azotea on Friday, May 25. Students worked together to balance themselves in the course of low ropes, taking each person through a high hoop without touching the sides, carrying water through medium tubes to a can of water, a clothes run, and finally to discuss the benefits of teamwork. It was a wonderful day for everyone. Bravo to Axel Alburez and Balambe.


Teamwork workshop with Axel Alburez, Balambe at Azotea Servicio a la Comunidad LAVOSI has offered monthly workshops for Interpreters for the Deaf in Guatemala. A workshop on ethics in interpretation was held on Saturday, March 11. The workshop on Guatemalan sign language grammar was rescheduled for June 24, 2017 and will be held in ASORGUA in Guatemala City. Álvaro de León and Brenda Aron will co-present. There will be a one-day workshop for teachers of the Deaf on Innovations in teaching and LSG grammar June 16 at the school for the deaf in Quetzeltenango.

Sergio interviewed the new primary teacher, Adriana Morales.

6. Clocks for each classroom and learning spaces (8) 7. 1 Large toaster 8. Bean Bag Chairs 4-6 (Student Size) 9. Clay (non-drying type) in all colors 10 Music system with sufficient volume and lights that keep the rhythm with the music 11. Financing to add drums to the school band. 12. glue with glitter 13. Electric hand dryer for the bathroom

What is your full name? Adriana Morales Where did you work before? At Fundal, a school for deaf and blind children in Mixco. I taught children in the primary grades. Do you like to work in primary school in Lavosi? I like it a lot. What are your interests outside of teaching? I enjoy swimming, dancing and talking with my boyfriend.

Donors and Sponsors

Jonny Archibald Sandra Coco Spotlight on: Wendy Xar Marisol Fuson Gail Rogers Rebeca Sanchez and Adriana Morales Rusty and Karen Wales Deaf Friends of Washington State Janet Weinstock Kennedy Foundation Lexington School Foundation Nursing Heart Foundation Swinmurn Foundation Barbara Hardaway Barbara White Kent Babson Casasito Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos Proyecto La Esperanza My name is Wendy Xar. I'm a teacher’s aide Proyecto Ventanas Abiertas in Adriana’s primary class. I like to teach and help deaf children especially the youngest, I have been here in Lavosi for two months. In this quarter we teach the alphabet, some animals, greetings, practice values and especially develop sign language for clear communication.


Thanks to all our donors and sponsors for their donations to LAVOSI Our school can not exist without your generosity Lavosi Wish List: 1. Protractors 2. Glue gun and glue tubes 3. Large bottles of Acrylic paint tubes, all colors 4. Paint for the second floor of the school 5. Liquid Silicone Bottles

Upcoming events:

Ø June 6: Lavosi's anniversary party at 9:00 am. Ø June 17: Father's Day Ø June 29: Board Meeting Ø June 26-30: no school

Wendy and student, Delsy Adriana and student, Karla



Jocotenango, Sacatapequez, Guatemala, América Central


Please visit our website, if you wish to support LAVOSI, please visit the page: “Who We Are” Calle Real de Jocotenango, Residenciales el Pedregal #3

Phone: (502) 7937-2406 or (502) 4538-7043 Email: [email protected] For more information about our school and to donate: