and buyer interest in The Mobile App, that's ripped ... My device doesn't have Voice feature but I'll get it. Learning S
Law Office Pleadings Preparation RESEARCH SURVEY by Teachblade, to gauge user and buyer interest in The Mobile App, that's ripped from Teachblade's signature-teaching for 30 years-merging textbook "theory" with law office "practice" paperwork, that will be a user-friendly and intuitive App, following Law Firm and Court procedural process in the accurate preparation and presentation of legal documentation. Paralegal Brain Blog's Mobile App "will have your back" for the entirety of project preparation in Family Law, Personal Injury (Pre-Lit and Post-Lit); Civil Litigation, Discovery, Law & Motion; Ch 7 and 13 Bankruptcy, Wills & Trusts, Conservatorships, Guardianships, Adoptions and Unlawful Detainers. Job-Ready-Day-One is what Lawyers look in -performance education -- over obscure education, so transition from the classroom to the law office is a smooth transition, sooner hires, and larger profits.
Paralegal Brain The Blog -- Click Here.
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Mobile Apps and Features
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Learning Style
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Areas of Law That I Work In
FAMILY LAW Worked 5 years or more I've worked less than 5 years PERSONAL INJURY I've worked 5 or more years I've worked less than 5 years. CIVIL LITIGATION Worked 5 or more years Worked less than 5 years BANKRUPTCY Worked in Ch 7 BK, 1-5 years Worked in Ch 13 BK, 1-5 years I've heard about Best Case BK software I know how to use Best Case software I am familiar with eFiling I'm somewhat familiar with eFiling ESTATE PLANNING .Worked 5 or more years .Worked less than 5 years ENGLISH I draft business letters fairly easily Would use sample language for letters Would use sample language for pleadings I'd Like the App to feature:
Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements. Strongly disagree I'd like an App that could help with my preparation of law office paperwork . I'd pay $20 to download the App on my device I'd want a voice feature to listen. I'd want a language translation feature I'm a Teacher who'd consider using it with my lesson plans I'm an investor who'd consider investing in R&D and stock options I'd pay a monthly subscription fee of $1.99
Strongly agree
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