JOM, Vol. 66, No. 11, 2014
DOI: 10.1007/s11837-014-1166-x Ó 2014 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society
Layers of Complexity: Making the Promises Possible for Additive Manufacturing of Metals Lynne Robinson and Justin Scott (Background image courtesy of Rapid prototype + manufacturing (rp+m) )
Similar to inserting coins to purchase a snack, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) students like Amy Elliot (above) insert an SD card with their design into DreamVendor (left), and the machine fabricates and dispenses a finished part. Elliot is researching additive manufacturing of copper for her Ph.D. work in the Virginia Tech DREAMS Laboratory. (Photos courtesy of Virginia Tech.)
It is a vending machine like no other, dispensing the physical embodiment of ideas and imagination at the touch of a button. Powered by four Makerbot 3D printers, the DreamVendor beckons Virginia Tech students from its vantage point in a busy engineering department lobby to design and create everything from classroom prototypes to chess pieces, to microscope stands for personal use. And the fun is not limited to engineering students. Christopher Williams, Director of the Virginia Tech Design, Research, and Education for Additive Manufacturing Systems (DREAMS) Laboratory stresses that he and his team VSHFL¿FDOO\GHYHORSHGWKH'UHDP9HQGRU'SULQWLQJVWDWLRQ to reach individuals who never thought to step into an engineering laboratory. “The vending machine interface is very important. It lowers the barrier to entry to the technology and engages 2194
students in public making,” said Williams, an associate professor with a joint appointment in Mechanical (QJLQHHULQJDQG(QJLQHHULQJ(GXFDWLRQDQGDQDI¿OLDWH appointment in Materials Science and Engineering. “No longer are these machines behind a laboratory’s locked doors. No permission is needed for students to design and build. Countless students from across the university have used the machine to build parts and some have reported learning CAD just to use the DreamVendor.” DreamVendor’s intent to empower anyone to design and produce anything at any time is also the beating heart of what has become known as the maker movement. Using 3D printing techniques and computer-aided tools, a rapidly burgeoning community of independent inventors, called makers, is rewriting the rule book on how, where, and when products are manufactured.
Layers of Complexity: Making the Promises Possible for Additive Manufacturing of Metals
“Additive metals will be a game-changing technology for many industries and companies. We are really only just now starting to develop the awareness, systems and materials for the process that will expand the portfolio of products across a broad range of applications.” Greg Morris, General Manager, Additive Technologies, GE Aviation
The Lure of Great Potential The excitement nurtured in community makerspaces— shared workshops that provide affordable access to fabrication tools—is evident in many advanced industrial settings as well. Rather than the 3D printers typically employed by makers, these companies are adopting a suite of analogous technologies, collectively known as additive manufacturing (AM), for large-scale fabrication of parts. Simply stated, additive manufacturing works by joining materials, layer by layer, to build components according to 3D modeling data. This enables design to drive the manufacturing process, rather than the other way around. From a production standpoint, AM techniques can eliminate the time, equipment, and waste of proving out a mold, milling a piece from solid block, and other subtractive machining methods. The parts also tend to be lighter weight and lower maintenance since they can be produced in one piece, reducing the need for welding and joining. The potential cost and time savings in effectively adopting this new approach to manufacturing could be enormous, while the ability to render one-piece, complex components opens design possibilities that were never possible with conventional manufacturing methods. Interest in harnessing the possibilities offered by additive manufacturing has skyrocketed over the last few years, with sales of AM machines increasing by more than 75 percent in 2013.1 The origins of these techniques, however, can actually be traced back about three decades, with initial applications focused on making prototypes using a limited range of materials. “Up until now, most additive manufacturing systems have been used mainly by design engineers to print plastic models as visual prototypes of end use parts,” said Richard Grylls, LENS General Manager, Optomec, Inc. “We are just now taking the next step to move additive manufacturing into true functional prototyping and other downstream functions, such as volume manufacturing, operational monitoring, and product repair.” Like so many advancements, the gatekeeper to the future of AM is the material it uses, with metals being of particular interest. Wayne King, Director of the Accelerated &HUWL¿FDWLRQRI$GGLWLYHO\0DQXIDFWXUHG0HWDOV,QLWLDWLYH Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, points to the
DGYHQWRIWKH¿EHUODVHUDQGLWVLQWURGXFWLRQLQWRWKH metal AM machine as a key milestone in the technology’s development. “This enabled the transition of metal AM from a rapid prototyping technology to part production in 2012,” he said. The application of high-performance computer modeling and simulation to metal AM, King continued, has the potenital to accelerate the innovation cycle, as well as IDFLOLWDWHPDWHULDOTXDOL¿FDWLRQDQGFHUWL¿FDWLRQ6WHSVWKDW .LQJKLJKOLJKWHGDVFULWLFDOWRLQFUHDVLQJFRQ¿GHQFHLQSDUW quality from the metal AM process include consistent in situ testing and feedback control. And although there has EHHQVLJQL¿FDQWJURZWKLQWKHQXPEHURIVXFFHVVIXOPHWDOV and alloys for AM, as well as the development of new technologies to print them,2 King maintained that “faster build speeds and larger build platforms are essential for industrial applications.” Overlaying the materials problems presented by AM is a concern that an appropriately prepared workforce may not be readily available to tackle them. According to one recent report,3 45 percent of the manufacturers surveyed LQGLFDWHGWKDWDODFNRIFXUUHQWH[SHUWLVHDQGGLI¿FXOW\LQ recruiting new talent to fully exploit AM was a barrier to adoption of the technology. “Addressing the workforce demands of metal-based additive manufacturing requires XV¿UVWWRDGGUHVVWKHLQGXVWU\GHPDQGVRIWKLVHPHUJLQJ WHFKQRORJ\´VDLG:LOOLDPV³6LJQL¿FDQWSURJUHVVLVQHHGHG in understanding process/property/relationships and in ensuring the quality of the resultant parts in order to further industrial adoption.” “To better prepare our workforce for this technology, we need to continue to integrate manufacturing process relationships in our materials science courses,” Williams continued. “By incorporating overviews of AM processes in metallurgy courses, we can hopefully produce the scientists and engineers who are needed to further advance Footnotes 1. T.T. Wohlers, Wohlers Report 2014: 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing State of the Industry Annual Worldwide Progress Report (Fort Collins, CO: Wohlers Associates, Inc., 2014). 2. D.D. Gu, W. Meiners, K. Wissenbach, and R. Poprawe, Int. Mater. Rev. 57, 133164 (2012). DOI. 10.1179/1743280411y.0000000014. 3. 3D Printing and the New Shape of Industrial Manufacturing (New York: PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, 2014).
Robinson and Scott
“To achieve everything that metal AM has to offer, we have to thoroughly understand the physics of the process and exploit the unique aspects to our advantage.” Craig Brice, Research Engineer, NASA Langley Research Center
this technology.” With metal AM still very much in its infancy, the challenges of understanding the science, perfecting the engineering, and all of the attendant policy and educational issues are just now coming into focus. But, once those barriers are overcome, there is great optimism that the principles and technologies that inform AM can transform how many manufactured goods are produced. “Additive metals will be a game-changing technology for many industries and companies,” said Greg Morris, General Manager, Additive Technologies, GE Aviation. “We are really only just now starting to develop the awareness, systems, and materials for the process that will expand the portfolio of products across a broad range of applications.”
A LEAP of Faith Morris’s enthusiasm for the future of metal AM has been building since his company at the time, Morris Technologies Inc. (MTI), began to produce solid metal parts for prototypes in 2003 with direct metal laser sintering (DMLS). After experiencing success with cobalt chromium alloys, MTI began pursuing applications with titanium, stainless steel, and aluminum alloys, primarily for aerospace. Morris
eventually formed Rapid Quality Manufacturing (RQM) to focus on the manufacturing side of the business, while MTI concentrated on prototyping and product development. In 2012, GE Aviation acquired both companies as part of its strategy to use additive metals for fabricating fuel nozzles for LWVQHZ/($3HQJLQHVWKDWZLOOÀ\WKH$LUEXV$QHR the Boeing 737 MAX and the COMAC C919 aircraft. GE had been working with Morris for several years prior to the acquisition to develop the design for producing the fuel nozzle—a journey that began around 2000. “Part of the impetus for going down this path was to see if GE could realize a substantial cost reduction of the component, as well as achieve better performance out of an additively designed fuel nozzle,” said Morris. Leveraging AM’s capability to drive design and achieve complex geometries, GE has indeed developed a more elegant piece of technology, compared with previous models. “We have driven the part count down from 20 pieces for the ‘business end’ to just one piece that ZHQRZµJURZ¶´VDLG0RUULV$GHFUHDVHLQIXHOEXUQGXH to weight reductions and design improvements is among the H[SHFWHGEHQH¿WVRIWKLVDSSURDFKZLWK0RUULVHVWLPDWLQJ the weight savings of the new fuel nozzle over the GEnx model at around 25 percent.
Metal Additive Manufacturing Milestones Additive manufacturing (AM) can technically trace its history back to layered processes that were created for making topographical relief maps in the 1890s. The following timeline represents key events in the development of contemporary additive manufacturing technology that likewise form the foundation for future advancements. Charles Hull invents stereolithography. This technique utilizes a vat of liquid photopolymer cured by a laser, layer by layer, and ultimately facilitates a design going from art to part. Hull goes on to be co-founder of 3D Systems and begins selling machines in 1987, the first commercial additive technology for sale.
Selective laser sintering (SLS) is invented and the first commercial machine is made available in 1992 from DTM (now part of 3D Systems). SLS is the first commercial example of powder bed fusion, in which powder materials are fused together using a directed energy beam to sinter or melt the materials.
The first Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium was held in the United States, bringing together experts in the field to discuss the latest research and developments.
Layers of Complexity: Making the Promises Possible for Additive Manufacturing of Metals
7KH¿UVW*(IXHOQR]]OHVWREHSURGXFHGE\PHWDO AM are for existing engine orders, with an annual targeted output of around 40,000 units by 2023. “Having taken such a ODUJHµVZLQJ¶ZLWKWKLVVSHFL¿FDSSOLFDWLRQ´0RUULVVDLGWKDW GE is now looking to build on its experience to additively produce more types of components in existing and future engines. The key lesson learned, Morris noted, can apply to many other companies and industries, saying, “Additive manufacturing opens up entirely new design paradigms that can have dramatic results for a variety of parts and products.” Craig Brice, Research Engineer, NASA Langley Research Center, agreed that for “ideal candidate structures” the potential cost and lead time reductions afforded by additive manufacturing “can be astounding.” “While not all structures lend themselves to additive manufacturing, the ones that do can show a 30 to 60 percent cost savings over traditional manufacturing approaches,” Brice said. “Production lead times can be reduced 75 percent or more.” Brice cautions that putting up such impressive numbers is an arduous journey at best, given that metal AM represents an evolving manufacturing paradigm. He experienced that trek himself while working as a materials engineer at Lockheed Martin Aeronautics on large-scale electron beam additive manufacturing. The Lockheed Martin team successfully matured the technology to a point where an aircraft program adopted it as a substitute for titanium die forgings. “Affordability was the primary issue for this application,” said Brice. “The ultimate goal was to reduce the ³EX\WRÀ\´UDWLRDQGOLPLWWKHDPRXQWRIZDVWH´ $PRQJWKHPRVWVLJQL¿FDQWFKDOOHQJHVWRUHDFKLQJ that goal, continued Brice, was “moving this project from laboratory research and development into pre-production TXDOL¿FDWLRQ7KHUHLVDODUJHGLYLGHEHWZHHQZKDWZHWKLQN of as process maturity in the lab and true process maturity in production. This divide is even greater when the application
Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) is commercialized. FDM extrudes thermoplastic materials in filament form and is the basis for many of today’s consumer 3D printers.
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The first stereolithography apparatus (SLA) machine is produced by 3D Systems, allowing for the burgeoning field of “rapid prototyping” where complex plastic parts can be created quickly.
Metal AM has enabled GE to drive the part count down for its new fuel nozzle from 20 to one elegantly designed piece. (Photo courtesy of GE Aviation)
is for load-bearing, fracture-critical components.” ³4XDOL¿FDWLRQLVKDUGDQGH[SHQVLYH7KHSURFHGXUHVZH rely on for traditional fabrication methods do not necessarily apply to additive manufacturing,” Brice further commented. ³,IZHFDQ¶W¿QGDEHWWHUZD\WRGRWKLVWKHDSSOLFDWLRQRI additive manufacturing for fabricating primary structures in air and spacecraft is going to be severely limited.” At NASA, Brice is continuing to help advance AM technology for aerospace by addressing near-term metal AM
Arcam files a patent for the invention of the e-beam melting process, now commonly employed in creating high-value metal parts.
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The first commercial laser engineered net shaping (LENS) 3D printer is delivered. This technology uses a high-power laser to fuse powdered materials together after injecting them into a molten pool.
Robinson and Scott
“I believe the continued development of AM standards will accelerate the adoption of AM as a production technology for even more future products.” Brent Stucker, Edward Reep Clark Chair of Computer Aided Engineering, University of Louisville
challenges such as residual stress and distortion, as well as longer term issues, such as novel alloys and multi-material functional gradient structures. “We have just scratched the surface of what is possible with additive manufacturing,” he said. “To achieve everything that metal AM has to offer, we have to thoroughly understand the physics of the process and exploit the unique aspects to our advantage. Doing so could revolutionize how we fabricate aerospace structures.”
Seeking Balance in the Buzz Paving the road to that revolution for critical applications in aerospace and other industries is the development and implementation of AM technical standards, maintains Brent Stucker, Edward Reep Clark Chair of Computer Aided Engineering, University of Louisville. “The explosion of interest in AM, and its accelerated implementation as a set of production technologies, has been greatly aided by standards,” he said. 6WXFNHUKHOSHGHVWDEOLVKWKH¿UVW$0IRFXVHGVWDQGDUGV body within ASTM International as chair of the ASTM F42 Committee on Additive Manufacturing Technologies. Through the efforts of volunteer experts, ASTM (formerly known as the American Society for Testing and Materials) develops and publishes voluntary consensus technical standards for a wide range of materials, products, and systems. Within that construct, the F42 Committee has, since 2009, led the development of standardized terminology, testing procedures, and the creation of parts using various metal and polymer powdered materials. “We are building
Siemens and Phonak manufacture hearing aids as an early example of how additive manufacturing technology can enable mass customization.
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a critical mass of approved standards upon which AM machine manufacturers, service providers, and users can rely,” he said. The most critical goal driving the process right now, noted Stucker, is the creation of a core set of general purpose standards that will serve as the foundation for future standards. “Once these general purpose standards are in SODFHLWZLOOJUHDWO\UHGXFHWKHWLPHQHHGHGIRUPRUHVSHFL¿F standards to be developed,” he explained. Limited access to proprietary information often poses an obstacle to standards development progress, but Stucker has observed a growing willingness to collaborate in moving AM forward. “Many companies generally don’t want to share their testing details, meaning that there is less information freely available on which to base a standard. However, the community has started to recognize that it’s in everyone’s best interest to collectivize this information,” he said. Cooperating on that aspect of standards development can RQO\EHQH¿WWKHRYHUDOODGYDQFHPHQWRI$0DQGLWVHFRQRPLF impact, Stucker said. “I believe the continued development of AM standards will accelerate the adoption of AM as a production technology for even more future products.” With the lapsing of key fundamental patents over the last year, a wave of new players and business relationships is swelling to vie for a stake in that emerging AM marketplace. This factor, along with the broadening of AM applications and the still evolving scale of the technology, targeted AM as the pilot for the U.S. National Network for Manufacturing Innovation (NNMI). An initiative of President Barack Obama, the overarching goal of the NNMI is to create a
The ASTM International Committee F42 on Additive Manufacturing Technologies is established. The committee initially Out of the UK, RepRap becomes developed definitions for the field and has since worked to complete a popular open-source project additional standards, including file that enables hobbyists and formats for additive manufacturing. makers to begin creating their own 3D printers at home.
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The U.S. National Science Foundation and Office of Naval Research sponsor the “Roadmap for Additive Manufacturing Workshop: Identifying the Future of Freeform Processing.” More than 60 experts gathered to discuss future areas for research over the next decade.
Layers of Complexity: Making the Promises Possible for Additive Manufacturing of Metals
series of linked regional public-private research hubs as a means of accelerating development and adoption of cuttingedge manufacturing technologies. Launched in August 2012 with a federal investment of $30 million, matched by $40 million from a competitively selected consortium of manufacturers, universities, and nonSUR¿WRUJDQL]DWLRQVWKH1DWLRQDO$GGLWLYH0DQXIDFWXULQJ Innovation Institute (now America Makes) is currently supporting more than 20 collaborative applied AM research SURMHFWV-DPHV0F*XI¿Q&DZOH\0DWHULDOV6FLHQFHDQG Engineering Chair, Case Western Reserve University and America Makes Executive Committee member, believes that the contributions of America Makes go beyond developing technology to establishing the framework for a new manufacturing culture. “It is hard to overestimate the impact of America Makes in bringing together new types of teams of different types of technical and business people who think differently, said 0F*XI¿Q&DZOH\³,WV¿UVWVHWRISURMHFWVZDVWHFKQLFDOO\ sound, but rather narrow in scope. To me, the second set has been qualitatively broader and appears to represent unprecedented teaming—fairly integrating the full supply chain—and serving a disparate set of ultimate applications.” The lessons learned from America Makes have informed three new manufacturing innovation institutes—Next Generation Power Electronics, Digital Manufacturing and Design, and Lightweight and Modern Metals Manufacturing—all established in 2014 by executive order, as NNMI waits on congressional action to authorize and IXQGDVLJQL¿FDQWIXWXUHH[SDQVLRQ:KLOHHDFKLQVWLWXWH KDVDVSHFL¿FWHFKQRORJ\FRQFHQWUDWLRQDIHDWXUHWKDWWKH\ DOOVKDUHLVDIRFXVRQLQWHUPHGLDWHWHFKQRORJ\GH¿QHGDV levels 4–7 on the manufacturing readiness level (MRL) scale used by the U.S. Department of Defense and other federal agencies. “This is a shift [from a traditional academic focus] RQUHGH¿QLQJWKHSRVVLEOHWKURXJKVFLHQWL¿FLQTXLU\05/ 1–3) to realizing the demonstrated in a reliable, predictable, DQGTXDQWL¿DEOHPDQQHU05/± EHIRUHLWPRYHVWR FRPPHUFLDOSUDFWLFH05/± ´VDLG0F*XI¿Q&DZOH\ “This has required potential principal investigators to think differently, which has been interesting to witness as well as to go through personally.” The U.S. Navy holds a workshop on the Direct Digital Manufacturing of Metallic
The first 3D-printed unmanned robotic aircraft is created at the University of Southampton. 3D printing allows for a design that could not be created using conventional methods, while also helping to reduce drag and improve efficiency.
“The perspective of industry is central to achieving the JRDORIDQ\DQGDOORIWKH110,LQVWLWXWHV´0F*XI¿Q Cawley continued. “It is notable that the contract between the National Center for Defense Manufacturing and Machining (NCDMM) and the U.S. government that established America Makes requires company and allows academic participation. So, to be a long-term partner with impact, it is incumbent on academics like me to internalize, to the extent possible, the industrial perspective.” :KLOHWKH05/±OHYHOVRI$0DUHUHFHLYLQJVLJQL¿FDQW attention from both the U.S. federal government and industry, King points out that a balance needs to be achieved throughout the spectrum of technology development if AM is to quickly and effectively make an impact in the mainstream of manufacturing strategies. “Additive manufacturing sits right at the interface between science and technology. There is still need for work on the fundamental issues related to manufacturing (MRL 1–3),” he said, as well as focused efforts on scaling up the technology for implementation on WKHSODQWÀRRU Popular interest in metal AM may indeed currently be outpacing the level of true application. But the excitement about potentially changing the way the world manufactures is also a driver behind closing that gap. “We have seen encouraging indications that interest in these AM solutions for true production has broad management support,” commented Grylls. “In essence, the long-standing, bottom-up interest from the engineering community is being met with greater FRQ¿GHQFH²DQGLQPDQ\FDVHVVWUDWHJLFPDQGDWHV²IURP industry executives. This is resulting in substantially less UHVLVWDQFHZKHQLWFRPHVWRPDNLQJWKHQHFHVVDU\¿QDQFLDO investments required to adopt a new manufacturing process.” Once metal AM gains a foothold on the manufacturing landscape, noted Morris, “the sphere of applications will grow exponentially. The opportunities for engineers and designers to create brilliant components and machines leveraging technologies such as additive metals have never EHHQVRODUJHDQGH[FLWLQJ$QGHQWLUHLQGXVWULHVZLOO¿QGWKLV technology disruptive in a variety of ways.” Lynne Robinson is the JOM Contributing Editor. Justin Scott is the TMS Technical Project Leader and JOM Technical Editor.
The National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Institute, now known as America Makes, is established.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology convenes a workshop on the “Measurement Science Roadmap for Metal-Based Additive Manufacturing,” leading to the identification of challenges in materials, process and equipment, qualification and certification, and modeling and simulation.
Robinson and Scott
Additive in Action Developing the Right Tool for the Job
Mary E. Kinsella, Additive Manufacturing IPT Leader and Senior Manufacturing Research Engineer, U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory
“A key takeaway from these experiences is that AM is not suitable for all applications. It is a new tool to place in the manufacturing toolbox and to use only as appropriate.”
For the aerospace sector, the current key applications for structural additive manufacturing (AM) are tooling, fixtures, form-fit models, and design iteration. Additive Manufacturing can significantly reduce lead times for all of these applications and, in some cases, enhance capability through more complex geometries, such as for casting tooling. There are also some non-critical part applications and niche applications in which component life requirements are reduced or otherwise limited. In the future, we plan to apply AM for new design, enabling multi-material and multi-functional components and locationspecific properties. This is down the road, though, and we have much work to do. More than a decade ago, U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) was the first to qualify and fly a metallic part on a military aircraft—a pylon rib for the F-15. We had a situation where a replacement part was needed, but lead time for tooling was excessive. Also, the part was already intended to be redesigned for a different material—from an aluminum forging to titanium—to solve corrosion fatigue problems. This niche application provided an opportunity to try out a laser powderfeed deposition process, then called laser additive manufacturing. It was difficult
Mary Kinsella demonstrates the use of a desktop 3D printer. A focus of Air Force research is 3D printing and additive manufacturing technology for design iteration, prototyping, tooling, and fixtures, as well as for some non-critical parts. (U.S. Air Force photo by Lori Hughes [88ABW-2013-3348])
and expensive, but necessary to meet mission requirements. We learned a great deal about the challenges of using AM technologies for aerospace applications. The AFRL’s strategy for AM is largely built on the lessons learned from that first application. The challenges that we are addressing constitute the considerations for AM implementation. These include demonstrated process controls, nondestructive evaluation and quality assurance, post-deposit processing and residual stress management, and statistically based mechanical property databases. Indeed, these aspects must be considered for any new technology implementation in aerospace and we are working diligently to develop them in AM. There are several key obstacles to statistically ensuring material integrity in metallic AM for design. These are: a continually changing local processing environment with changes in geometry and process parameters, similar to welding; a lack of constrained process controls; stochastic formation of difficult-to-inspect weld-type defects; post-deposit distortion and residual stress; and undefined postprocessing requirements, including a lack of probability of detection curves for non-destructive inspection. These issues prevent the ability to predict performance and ensure that requirements will be met. They also provide motivation for our research and development, and a very active portfolio of work is underway to overcome them. A key takeaway from these experiences is that AM is not suitable for all applications. It is a new tool to place in the manufacturing toolbox and to use only as appropriate. If you are trying to replace an existing part, it is important to remember that the original part was designed with a different manufacturing process in mind, and you need to respect the original design intent. For new designs, materials and manufacturing approaches can be optimized for AM to meet part requirements. But it will be some time before we can take full advantage of AM’s unique benefits for critical aerospace structures.
Layers of Complexity: Making the Promises Possible for Additive Manufacturing of Metals
Additive in Action Focusing the LENS on Commercialization A misconception exists that additive manufacturing can only be used to print complete 3D parts, which limits the potential use of these methods. It is true that technologies such as fused deposition modeling or selective laser melting cannot add material to existing parts—They can only build new ones on a flat, twodimensional horizontal base. Optomec entered the additive manufacturing market in 1997 by licensing laser engineered net shaping (LENS) technology from Sandia National Labs for printing 3D metal structures. However, the LENS process can also add metal onto an existing substrate of almost any threedimensional shape. This enables LENS to perform repair operations or selectively add material in 3D to enhance existing parts that have been produced using conventional manufacturing methods. As Optomec engaged customers interested in using LENS to fully print high-value metal components, these users also expressed an equal, if not stronger, interest in using the solution to repair existing, worn or damaged metal components, as well as to add wear coatings to new metal components. For example, the Anniston Army depot in Huntsville, Alabama, utilized LENS technology to repair engine components for the Abrams M1 tank. Operating in a desert environment, M1 tank engines, such as the Honeywell AGT1500, were experiencing extreme amounts of wear and tear, requiring shorter maintenance cycles. The AGT1500 engine components are difficult to repair with traditional methods due to distortion effects caused by the high-heat welding process. With LENS, a highly focused laser beam is used to deliver energy and powdered metal exactly to the repair area, reducing the heat affected zone (HAZ) and enabling repair of these engine components. Some of our customers have used LENS to combine additive and subtractive methods into a hybrid manufacturing process to take advantage of what each process does best. In one instance, the amount of time needed to build a stainless steel electronic housing was reduced from 52 weeks to three weeks for an entirely casted part. This was achieved by machining the base housing out of billet material and building up the thin wall
vertical details directly on the housing, using additive methods. We have found that these types of applications have a faster return on investment than fully printed metal parts because the cost savings and the added value can be quite significant. There have been many lessons learned in our journey to commercialization. One of the biggest is that any new technology, especially a disruptive manufacturing technology such as additive manufacturing, takes time to gain acceptance. This acceptance must be earned by providing cost effective solutions that provide clear advantage over existing methods. The risks are high for a manufacturer to implement any disruptive technology, so methods to mitigate risk can help accelerate deployment. Additive manufacturing technology is on the threshold of true production use across the entire product lifecycle, notably for higher volume applications. This can only happen, however, if solutions can be proven to have a cost advantage. At Optomec, we believe that embracing an open architecture approach that integrates additive manufacturing methods with current production processes will usher in an exciting period of high growth for this emerging industry.
Richard Grylls, LENS General Manager, Optomec, Inc.
“Additive manufacturing technology is on the threshold of true production use across the entire product lifecycle, notably for higher volume applications. This can only happen, however, if solutions can be proven to have a cost advantage.”
LENS has been successfully used to extend product life and to repair damaged in-service components. (Photo courtesy of Optomec.)
Robinson and Scott
Additive in Action Advancing Metal AM At Its Most Fundamental Level
Wayne King, Director, Accelerated Certification of Additively Manufactured Metals Initiative, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
“One of the most serious hurdles to the broad adoption of additive manufacturing of metals is the TXDOL¿FDWLRQ of additively manufactured parts. At this time, concern seems to focus on the quality of the material.”
Metal additive manufacturing (AM) involves rapid heating, melting, cooling, and solidification. At the most fundamental scale, the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) is investigating the solidification process using our dynamic transmission electron microscope.1 This instrument is being used to obtain movies with nanosecond and nanometer resolution of the solidification process. Over all, LLNL is applying a multidisciplinary approach to understand design, manufacturing, properties, performance, and qualification of AM metal materials. We are making contributions to unique engineered materials and processes to create them. We are also developing a highperformance computing modeling and simulation capability for metal AM. One of the most serious hurdles to the broad adoption of additive manufacturing of metals is the qualification of additively manufactured parts. At this time, concern seems to focus on the quality of the material. While metal AM machines are conceptually simple, the materials science is complex and covers a broad range of time and length scales. Many believe that qualification can be enabled when we have a deep physical understanding of the process. In analogy with casting and welding, modeling and simulation provides a mechanism to develop this understanding. Indeed, the benefits of a comprehensive AM modeling and simulation capability have been highlighted in a number of independent roadmaps for AM.2,3,4 At LLNL, we are adopting a multiscale modeling approach similar to what we have used in the past for modeling of material strength.5 This approach is illustrated in Figure 1 and comprises the models described in Table I. The methodology employed is known as information passing. Models are informed by simulation, when possible, and experiment, when necessary. The arrows in Figure 1 show some of the data that needs to be passed between scales. To date, we have been making significant progress with our effective medium and powder models. These models are based on LLNL-developed codes, Diablo and ALE3D, both of which have extensive code development teams
and support. With the effective medium model, we have studied a number of effects, including fabrication of overhangs and the development of residual stresses.6 With the powder model, we have observed effects such as Plateau-Rayleigh instabilities.7 We are also using data mining methods to connect simulation with experiment and accelerate the process optimization process.8 In the near term, LLNL is specifically examining the following fundamental research priorities: x Understand processing-structureproperty-performance relationships— LLNL is proposing a project for the next year that uses the unique capability of AM to produce microstructures with controlled grain structure or defect structure. x Predict processing-structure-propertyperformance—LLNL is putting into place the multiscale modeling strategy described in Figure 1, including the development of process-aware material models. x Control processing-structure-propertyperformance—With the knowledge obtained in the previously described work, we will use the unique capability of AM to produced controlled microstructures. x Understand how to use and control the properties that can be engineered into materials using AM—We are applying high performance computing to predict the performance of architected materials, such as lattices. We have already simulated the properties of a million-strut lattice and its associated dynamic performance. Research and development at the 1–4 manufacturing readiness levels (MRL) provide the underpinning for qualification and certification of materials produced using advanced manufacturing techniques. An array of issues at these levels needs to be addressed in order for metal AM to advance. This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by LLNL under Contract DEAC52-07NA27344 and was funded by the Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program at LLNL under project tracking code 13-SI-002.
Layers of Complexity: Making the Promises Possible for Additive Manufacturing of Metals
Figure 1: Schematic illustration of the multiscale modeling strategy being employed at LLNL. The powder and effective medium models are producing the detailed thermal spatial and temporal distributions needed for the microstructure model.
Table I: Descriptions of the process models from Figure 1. Process Model
Effective Medium Model
Based on LLNL’s Diablo code. Used to computationally build a complete part and predict properties such as residual stress, density, and strength in 3D. Treats powder as a lower-density, low-strength solid. Laser material interaction is treated using an energy source term. Models melting, solidification, and solid-state phase transformations. Includes materials strength. Covers time scale to hours and length scales to centimeters.
Powder Model
Based on LLNL’s ALE3D code. Used to computationally model the melting of powder and its resulting densification to improve the AM process and provide data to the effective medium model. Resolves individual powder particles in 3D. Laser–material interaction is treated via ray tracing and physics-based absorption model. Models melting of the powder, flow of the liquid, and behavior of trapped gas. Covers time scales on the order of fractions of a second and length scales of fractions of a millimeter.
Microstructure Model
Used to compute the solidified microstructure, including grain size and shape and phases formed. Using thermal history from the powder and effective medium models, this approach models melting, solidification, and solid-state phase transformations. Covers time scale of fractions of a second and length scales of hundreds of microns.
Process Aware Model
Used to connect part performance to microstructural features induced by processing. Employs the microstructure predicted by the microstructure model or measured experimentally to predict constitutive properties. Is at the scale of multiple metal grains.
Footnotes 1. J.T. McKeown, A.K. Kulovits, C. Liu, K. Zweiacker, B.W. Reed, T. LaGrange, J.M.K. Wiezorek, and G.H. Campbell, Acta Mater. 65, 56-68 (2014). DOI. 10.1016/j. actamat.2013.11.046. 2. R. Berger, Additive Manufacturing: A Game Changer for the Manufacturing Industry? (Munich: Roland Berger Strategy Consultants GmbH, 2013). 3. D.L. Bourell, M.C. Leu, and D.W. Rosen, Roadmap for Additive Manufacturing Identifying the Future of Freeform Processing (Austin, TX: The University of Texas at Austin, 2009). 4. “The Future of Manufacturing: A New Era of Opportunity and Challenge for the UK”
(part of the Foresight Project (London: The Government Office for Science, 2013). 5. N.R. Barton, J.V. Bernier, R. Becker, A. Arsenlis, R. Cavallo, J. Marian, M. Rhee, H.-S. Park, B. Remington, and R.T. Olson, J. Appl. Phys. 109, 073501 (2011). 6. N.E. Hodge, R.M. Ferencz, and J.M. Solberg, Comput. Mech. 54, 33-51 (2014). DOI. 10.1007/s00466-014-1024-2. 7. S.A. Khairallah and A. Anderson, J. Mater. Proc. Tech. 214, 2627-2636 (2014). DOI. 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2014.06.001. 8. C. Kamath, B. El-dasher, G. Gallegos, W. King, and A. Sisto, Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Tech. 74, 65-78 (2014). DOI. 10.1007/s00170-014-5954-9.
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Additive in Action What DREAMS Is Made of
Christopher Williams Associate Professor and Director, Design, Research, and Education for Additive Manufacturing Systems (DREAMS) Laboratory Virginia Tech
“In order to further application of AM, we must educate the workforce on when, why, and how to make use of this powerful class of technology.”
In 2008, when I first arrived at Virginia Tech, 3D printing was still known primarily as “rapid prototyping.” I established the DREAMS laboratory that year with the vision that these layered fabrication techniques would be mature enough to be considered viable platforms for the manufacture of end-use products. Our research mission since then has been to help lead the transition from rapid prototyping to the new paradigm of additive manufacturing. The DREAMS acronym was not created a priori. Thinking about what was needed to move a technology from making models to making usable parts, and asking myself what our lab wanted to be known for, I decided on three “pillars.” These form the first three letters of the acronym: x Design for additive manufacturing— Engineers are in need of computational tools and conceptual frameworks for guiding them through designing products that take full advantage of the freedoms offered by AM. x Research in novel materials and process improvements—to be considered an end-use manufacturing platform, the available working materials for AM processes needs to expand, and their properties need to improve. x Education of the future AM workforce
The DREAMS lab is one aspect of Virginia Tech’s approach to expose students to AM in both formal and informal learning experiences. “To accelerate the rate of adoption, we need to train engineers on when to use AM, on which technologies/materials they should select, and how to design,” said Christopher Williams, DREAMS Director.
On its opening day the DREAMS laboratory was already outfitted with three AM systems, each representing a different AM process—extrusion, powder bed fusion, and binder jetting. Over the past six years, our lab has grown isignificantly. We have added seven additional AM systems, not including a dozen desktop-scale 3D printers, and have graduated three Ph.D. and five master’s degree students. In order to further the application of AM, we must better educate the workforce on when, why, and how to make use of this powerful technology. The need for AM education spans many levels. This ranges from training technicians for machine operation, maintenance, and repair, to educating Ph.D.s to advance the core science and technology that will drive improvements in machine precision and throughput, as well as material quality and selection. Generally, we need to educate our engineers to be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of AM so that the technology is part of their manufacturing technology selection process. Integrating AM across all curricula will increase students’ exposure to the opportunities that the technology provides. Another key challenge in AM adoption is ensuring that engineers design products that make effective use of the strengths of AM, including lightweight cellular structures, integrated assemblies, and custom-fit geometries. Educating the workforce about guidelines for designing AM will not just lead to novel engineering solutions, it will also provide exemplars of the potential of the technology and sustain its rapid evolution. The key lesson learned from Virginia Tech’s AM workforce development efforts is that there is significant power in engaging students in informal learning experiences, such as DreamVendor (see the first page of this article). Students fully engage in learning when they are engaged in discovery. Fortunately, with AM, it is easy to create opportunities for discovery and design. That is what makes it such an exciting technology.
Layers of Complexity: Making the Promises Possible for Additive Manufacturing of Metals
At the Starting Gate: A Roundtable on Opening Widespread Adoption of Metal AM Additive manufacturing (AM) for metals is getting attention as the “new” technology, but many of the issues tied to its implementation are actually rooted in long-standing challenges and concerns. JOM convened a panel of experts in the development and deployment of metal AM to discuss how these lessons learned can be used to build the future of these technologies, while also taking full advantage of the suite of new capabilities that metal AM offers.
Improving Availability of Alloys for Metal AM Harrysson: Trying to adopt alloys that were developed for casting and forging to AM processes is one of the most significant problems that we face. Certain alloys have been fairly successful. But, some alloys are pretty much impossible to process using AM. For this reason, I think we need to look at developing new alloys. A lot of people in the industry are confident that, if we start from scratch, we can get better properties than we can with the alloys that we are trying to adapt to these problems. The drawback is that if we develop a new alloy, especially for aerospace, we have to go through verification and that will that take a while. That’s why there is hesitancy to go this route. Medina: Another issue is the expense involved to develop new alloys or even to use alloys that are not mass produced. Herderick: I think machine manufacturers are doing a good job of bringing new alloys to market. But, their focus is on alloys of broad interest. Coming from a small, growing company, I can say that what we are looking for are applications that could utilize additive manufacturing and grow our business within very specific alloy systems that are niche-market driven. However, if someone wants to buy what is still a standard alloy, I have to consider the risk. Do I want to buy a lot of powder, void the warranty on my machine, and manufacture a few parts? It’s this challenge of serving so many different needs in the supply chain, especially as we become more integrated. Babu: For traditional technologies, we have methodologies and a strict way of evaluating properties and performance.
We can’t use these in the same way for AM. We need a very strong technical way of looking at how parts are made to verify that they are worthy of the service in which they are going to be used. We don’t have that technology now. Slotwinski: I agree with the comments that we do not need to be tethered to traditional materials. We should be thinking about developing advanced materials that are able to perform well and process using additive technologies. With respect to qualification, certainly traditional materials are already qualified, but need to be qualified again anyway if we build them additively. So, I don’t think it’s a comparatively greater burden to develop new materials and have them qualified in these additive processes. Harrysson: A big consideration is who is going to pay for that development? I believe there is agreement that this is something we should do, but no one wants to pay for it. Medina: A related matter is that there are companies doing this development in house, but they can’t or won’t share it. Herderick: The intellectual property issues are just too complex. Babu: So does this mean that we are going to chase after different alloy designs based on different geometries or will there be a holistic view of what the process is? Herderick: I think it all ties into the in situ process monitoring. That’s an open question and we have a lot of data to inform what we think that answer is going to be. But, we won’t know that answer for sure until we know the real in situ performance envelope—and that will be different for different alloy systems.
Meet the Roundtable Panel
Sudarsanam Babu, Governor's Chair in Advanced Manufacturing, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Ola Harrysson, Fitts Fellow in Biomedical Manufacturing, North Carolina State University
Frank Medina, Senior Specialist, Materials Development, Arcam AB
Ed Herderick, Director, Research and Development, rp+m
John Slotwinski, Physicist, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)*
*Editor’s Note: John Slotwinski was working for NIST at the time of this interview. He is now Additive Manufacturing Development Engineer at The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.
Slotwinski: I think this goes beyond intellectual property. If you look at a lot of machines and processes now, there are a number of different process variables that go into a build. And even if you try to keep things as consistent as possible, there’s still a great deal of day-to-day variability in a lot of these machines. This makes qualification very, very difficult. I don’t think it’s going to be possible to do empirical qualification for everything. I think a large part of the solution is to try to develop a qualification that includes a strong base qualification for certain alloys and processes. Medina: Some of Arcam’s newer machines, especially for medical and aerospace production, are in lock-down mode so that the operator only touches a few buttons and doesn’t modify anything. It doesn’t even have a keyboard anymore. Everything is just set. That way you are just able to produce hundreds of consistent parts. Babu: This is where I have a question. In a traditional process, you don’t specify how to cut a particular metal, for instance. You provide flexibility, as long as it’s in accordance with the end properties. If you lock down all the process parameters, I think you risk lowering innovation on what can be done differently. Harrysson: What happens in traditional machining is that you start out with a material or piece of stock that’s been certified by whoever produced it. The material properties are locked down. When you do the machining, it doesn’t matter how you removed the material, as long as you get to the final geometry that you want. In AM, we are creating material properties and geometry at the same time. That’s probably the biggest difference that you see between traditional and additive manufacturing.
Establishing Standards Slotwinski: Much of what we do in our additive work at NIST is geared towards fundamental measurements that help industry as a whole and support proliferation of technology. Specifically looking at the ASTM F42 Committee on Additive Manufacturing Technologies, I think we are in a pretty good place. The reason I say that is the committee is very young— We only have four or five standards approved at this point. But we also have a plan outlining what standards we need to have in the next 10 to 20 years. That framework includes both high-level and low-level standards that get to more particular processes or specific materials. The good thing about having a plan like this—and having a small AM community in which we all know each other—is that we have the opportunity to do the standards right the first time and not have a bunch of different bodies working on different standards, and then having to do standards harmonization down the road. I want to add that the F42 Committee has an agreement with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)/TC 261 (Additive Manufacturing) to co-develop and co-brand standards. So the manufacturing standards will be virtually the same. This will greatly accelerate the proliferation of these technologies. Medina: Stakeholders that might be missing from this discussion are independent inventors. There’s a lot of people inventing a lot of things and trying to get into AM.
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Babu: It’s important to build an ecosystem that will support these inventors and innovators—the democratization of manufacturing technology. We have had two centuries of centralized manufacturing. But in AM’s case, technology and business are completely locked. So anyone can play, which is to everyone’s benefit. Slotwinski: We have lots of representation on the ASTM F42 Committee by users, government labs and universities. Machine tool vendors are underrepresented at those meetings, though. I would love to see more engagement by them so they can provide a voice in the development of these standards.
Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) and AM Herderick: I think ICME and metal AM merge together perfectly. The theme of ICME is tightening the loop of materials design and manufacturing; AM does exactly the same thing. Babu: I’d specifically like to talk about using computational models to cut down development time. Harrysson: A lot of people have been trying to do simulation models for years to simulate the process. When you have so many non-linear parameters, it becomes almost impossible. That is the main reason North Carolina State got involved with the Carnegie Mellon University group, because they are taking a different approach. And it seems like it is working. The way we have been doing it has been empirical and very time consuming. We are hoping that this new approach will help shorten development time and make more materials available for industry. Herderick: That’s how we are going to get new alloys. Medina: Something to consider, too, is devising new methods to work with alloys that were developed decades ago. Back then some of them had a lot of issues and people gave up on them. Now they are developing them for additive, using computational modeling, and are being successful. Harrysson: From the materials perspective, we need to look closely at some of these alloys and be aware that many of their alloying elements were added for a specific purpose. If you try to use these alloys for additive, we can get rid of some of the alloying elements. We need to look at exactly what is needed. Then I think we can make more progress than using the exact same materials that we have for the last 20 years. Medina: That means that we need to start thinking differently about developing materials. We need to start from the end and work backward and ask the question, “What do you need?”
Building the Metal AM Workforce Herderick: AM opens huge opportunities for young materials engineers. It’s all about materials, application, processing, microstructure, and properties. Harrysson: In the industrial and systems engineering at North Carolina State, our students take one course in materials and that’s it. For some of our projects that rely heavily on materials properties, we have to recruit students from materials science and get them involved. And, we are seeing a need
Layers of Complexity: Making the Promises Possible for Additive Manufacturing of Metals
for expertise from many other different areas, as well. One direction that we are moving in to address this is creating a new engineering degree that is more multi-disciplinary so that we can develop a more diverse group of students who can contribute to AM. Slotwinski: My comment on this is that the students of today are much different than we were. They grew up in the digital world and AM has a strong digital component. I think they really thrive on that. In our day, we built things with LegosTM. Today, it’s MinecraftTM. Kids are building virtual worlds and ten-year-olds are doing collaborative manufacturing. They think fundamentally differently than we do and are well suited for additive. Babu: Additive manufacturing is an easy sell to students. But I think we should take a step back and look at overall manufacturing. We have lost traditional manufacturing expertise and have gotten away from teaching casting, forging, sheet-metal forming, and other fundamental aspects of it. I would ask educators to make sure we don’t run away from traditional manufacturing. Most of the underlying principals in AM are exactly the same as what you learn in traditional metallurgy courses. Medina: There used to be a lot of metallurgy schools. Now, there are only a few and many of them are converting to materials science. In industry, that has created a big shortage of metallurgists. Babu: I like AM because it can be used as a kind of Trojan horse. We have the opportunity to attract students with AM, and then teach them traditional metallurgy. Harrysson: In our advanced manufacturing programs, we are bringing in all those other processes as well. We are teaching students the traditional part, because they
still need to understand that. If you are going to be a good engineer, you need to know and make decisions about when you need to use AM, when to use traditional manufacturing or use a combination of both. Herderick: What makes metals AM different is that the additive process itself is only 20 percent of the value add to the part. Customers want an additive part, but then they want to know if you can weld it, can you form it, can you coat it, can you machine it. Babu: So, it is very important that we make sure structural metals are part of the curriculum so we have engineers who can answer those questions. Harrysson: Another concern that I have is the 3D printing hype. Most people don’t have a manufacturing background and don’t know how hard it is to make things. The media says that we have the “replicator.” This has created an expectation that we can just print a car or fully functional parts, and we are not there yet. So when students see what actually comes out of the machines, I’m afraid that they will be disappointed. Slotwinski: I worry about the hype, too, because it sets up unrealistic expectations. But this technology has a rich history, with tremendous opportunities and the ability to work within a great professional community. Having this huge engagement, created by the attention that AM is getting means that we will be better able to find those students who will say, “Is that all you can get out of that machine today? I have a vision for how to make that better.” We have a number of remarkable additive applications available now that can give us a peek into the future of what might be possible. I don’t know exactly what parts are going to be realized, but I have no doubt that they will be spectacular.
Shape the Future of Metal AM with TMS Supporting the progress and proliferation of advanced manufacturing—including the additive manufacturing of metals—is a key strategic focus for TMS. Central to these efforts is an array of new opportunities that TMS has developed to facilitate engagement and knowledge across the entire minerals, metals, and materials community: x Participate in the new Additive Manufacturing and Joining Processes technical track at the TMS 2015 Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS2015), March 15–19, Walt Disney World, Florida. For additional information, visit x Attend the Additive Manufacturing Materials and Processes short course also planned for TMS2015. The course has been designed as preparation for the TMS2015 symposium Additive Manufacturing: Interrelationships of Fabrication, Constitutive Relationships Targeting Performance, and Feedback to Process Control. x Submit a paper related to the March JOM Additive Manufacturing technical theme. Technical topics being covered are: Modeling of Microstructure Evolution during Additive Manufacturing, Metal Powder for Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing), and Progress in Additive Manufacturing. Visit the JOM website at for additional information. x Mark the date for the 1st TMS Summit on Integrated Manufacturing and Materials Innovation, November 15–19, 2015, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The abstract deadline is April 15, 2015. Visit the meeting website at /meetings for further details. For additional information on how to become engaged in TMS additive manufacturing projects and initiatives, contact Justin Scott at
[email protected].