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service provided by JTA Connexion should first be addressed to the Customer Service Department at .... disabled veteran,
DRIVER RESPONSIBILITIES (con’t) If a driver arrives prior to a rider’s pickup window and the rider is not ready, he or she does not have to board the vehicle until the start of the pickup window unless the rider wants to leave early. ● The driver will collect the exact fare from the rider and companion (as applicable) upon boarding the vehicle. ● The driver will use proper transportation etiquette. This means that drivers will not abuse customers or members of their party. ● The driver will properly secure wheelchairs with a four-point tie-down and proper seat belt restraint. ● The driver will ensure the vehicle is neat and clean, free from debris or loose objects. ● The driver will maintain and operate the vehicle in a safe and efficient manner abiding by all local and state traffic regulations. ●

CODE OF CONDUCT Riders and drivers are required to follow these rules of conduct to ensure everyone’s safety. ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

RIDER RESPONSIBILITIES Be ready to board the vehicle 15 minutes prior to the scheduled pickup time. ● Be visible to the driver when the vehicle arrives at your pickup location. ● Practice proper transportation etiquette. This means you should not abuse the drivers, dispatching staff or other riders. ● Practice good personal hygiene. ● Provide your own wheelchair, if needed. Riders will not be carried up or down stairs to access the vehicle. ● Adhere to strict safety guidelines by wearing seat belts on vehicles. ● When traveling with a child five years of age or under, you must provide a child restraint seat as required by Florida State Law. ● Personal belongings are rider’s sole responsibility. Only those items that can personally be managed will be transported. Please do not attempt to transport more than two bags. ● Have exact fare or tickets available prior to boarding the vehicle. ● Do not provide gifts or tips to the drivers. ● Service animals are welcome on all JTA Connexion and all other JTA transit vehicles. All other animals are prohibited. ●

Eating, drinking or smoking is not permitted on the vehicle. Riding or driving under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs will not be tolerated. Abusive, threatening or obscene language or similar actions are not permitted. Riders are responsible for exact fares. Change will not be provided. Physical abuse of a driver or rider will not be tolerated. Operating or tampering with equipment while on board the vehicle is prohibited. Passengers may use radios, cassette tape players, compact disc players or other sound devices with headsets only. Drivers are prohibited from talking on cell phones while the vehicle is moving. Any behavior that is disruptive to the driver or other passengers will not be tolerated.

Connexion Quick Reference Guide

Riders who violate this code of conduct are subject to penalties up to and including service suspension. NOTE: Riders who engage in physical abuse or cause physical injury to another rider or driver may be subject to immediate and permanent suspension and possible criminal prosecution. Drivers who violate this code of conduct are subject to penalties as stated in their carrier contracts. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES All grievances related to the quality or timeliness of service provided by JTA Connexion should first be addressed to the Customer Service Department at (904) 265-8928, TDD (904) 636-7404. The normal processing time is seven days. If you feel that your concerns have not been adequately handled, you can contact the Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged, Ombudsman Office. Help Line-(800) 983-2435 TDD (850) 410-5708

Braille and large print versions of this document are available upon request. Form # CON-092908 rev b

Eligibility Center 5711 Richard St., Suite 3 Jacksonville, FL 32216 Phone: (904) 265-6001 Fax: (904) 265-8919 TDD: (904) 636-7402

PHONE NUMBERS Reservations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cancellations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Customer Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TDD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(904) (904) (904) (904)

265-6999 265-8927 265-8928 636-7404

SERVICE HOURS Monday – Saturday . . . . . . . . . 5 a.m. – 10:30 p.m. Sunday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 a.m. – 8:30 p.m. Holidays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 a.m. – 8:30 p.m. RESERVATIONS Daily including weekends and holidays 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ● Next day reservations will be accepted until 5 p.m. ●

HOW TO MAKE A RESERVATION Have the following information available: ● ● ●

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Name Date of birth Start/pickup address (including zip code, building number, apartment number and any other identifying information) Date and time of appointment Street address of appointment (including building, agency, name, building number, suite number and zip code) Earliest pickup time for your return trip Exact location for return pickup Telephone number of your destination If you are traveling with a companion or ADA attendant; please state the type of mobility equipment, if any, that he/she will use

ADDITONAL BOOKING INFORMATION Pickup Window - Every trip has a pickup window. This is a period of 15 minutes on either side of the negotiated pickup time where the client must be ready to board the vehicle. Example: If your pickup time is 7 a.m.; your window would be 6:45 a.m. to 7:15 a.m. Negotiated Times - It is advised that you book your trips as far in advance as possible (seven days), as specific times may fill up. This means that you may request a 7 a.m. pickup, but due to trip volume, that time is no longer available and you may have to settle for an earlier or later time. Fares - Fares range from $1.25 to $5.62 each way.

CANCELLATIONS Must be made at least 90 minutes prior to your scheduled pickup time to ensure that the driver has adequate time to adjust the route. A late cancellation occurs when a cancellation is requested less than 90 minutes prior to the scheduled pickup time. It is the rider’s responsibility to cancel service that is no longer needed. NO SHOWS If an individual cannot be contacted at the pickup point after the driver has taken reasonable steps to make contact with the individual; the individual will be counted as a no show. Every no show delays service and ties up a driver and a vehicle that could be picking up another passenger. A late cancellation is treated the same as a no show and will be assessed accordingly. Penalties for no shows range from letters of warning up to and including termination of service. REDUCED FARES FOR BUS & SKYWAY ● A JTA Connexion ID or Reduced Fare Card allow clients to ride the JTA fixed-route bus for 25¢ per trip and the Skyway for 10¢. This does not apply to paratransit vehicles. ●

You may be eligible for the Reduced Fare Card if you currently receive Social Security benefits or are a disabled Veteran. Seniors age 60 and over ride the Fixed Route bus or Skyway free upon presentation of a JTA (or other transit system) Senior Photo ID. This does not apply to paratransit vehicles. To receive a JTA Connexion ID (or Reduced Fare Card) you will need to come to the JTA Connexion Eligibility Office at 5711 Richard Street, Suite 3, Jacksonville, Florida 32216. You will need to bring a photo ID and either proof that you are receiving Social Security benefits, a disabled veteran, or an application for Reduced Fare Card, signed by your physician. The cost for the Reduced Fare Card is $2 and the card is valid for three years. If your card is lost or stolen, a replacement card will cost you $10. There is no charge for the JTA Connexion ID card.

ADA ( Americans with Disabilities Act ) ADA provides trips to individuals whose disability prevents them from using the JTA fixed route (bus lines and Skyway) system. Trip purpose is not a consideration. ● ADA eligible riders may travel to and from locations within three-quarters of a mile of the comparable JTA fixed route bus or the nearest Skyway station during the same operating hours. ● ADA riders may travel with a companion if requested when the original reservation is made. All companions must pay the same fare as the eligible rider and are picked up and dropped off only at the same locations as the rider. ● Attendants are not charged a fare under ADA requirements. Each ADA eligible client must be pre-certified to have an attendant and attendants are allowed only if required by the rider to complete the trip or provide for personal needs. ●

TD ( Transportation Disadvantaged ) PROGRAM ● ●

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TD eligible riders may travel anywhere in Duval County. TD trips are for any purpose. Priority is given to those clients going to life-sustaining medical appointments. Trips under this program are limited. Schedule your trip as soon as possible. One person may travel with a TD eligible rider and must pay the same fare. Riders requiring a person to accompany them in order to complete the transportation portion of the trip will not be transported without the person present.


The JTA Connexion driver is required to walk to your front door or the front door of your building, knock loudly on the door, ring the doorbell and/or use the doorknocker to get your attention. The driver will repeat this procedure once if no one answers after 30 seconds. The driver is required to leave if you do not answer the door or you are not ready to leave. The driver has other people waiting to be picked up or dropped off on time.