layXud & ^v* ds-jks-lw-la-&03@2012 ds varxZr ofj'B ... - RRB Bilaspur

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Jan 6, 2014 ... 12- ijh{kk dh lekfIr ds i”pkr mEehnõkj dks viuh Vad.k çfr ds lkFk ekWMy ... For typing test in Hindi on PC, candidates are required to use.
layXud & ^v* ds-jks-lw-la-&03@2012 ds varxZr ofj’B fyfid lg Vadd ,oa dfu’B ys[kk lgk;d lg Vadd inksa gsrq Vad.k ijh{kk esa “kkfey gksus okys mEehn~okjksa ds fy, vuqns”k %& ijh{kk dsUæ

pkSdls bathfu;fjax dkWyst] yky [knku] eLrwjh jksM] fcykliqj ¼N-x-½ fcykliqj jsyos LVs”ku ls nwjh yxHkx 07 fd-ehVad.k ijh{kk dh frfFk 06.01.2014 eSuqvy VkbijkbVj ij ijh{kk gsrq 07.01.2014 ih-lh-¼oS;fäd dEI;wVj½ ij ijh{kk gsrq 1- mEehn~okj Vad.k ijh{kk esa “kkfey gksus esa eSuqvy VkbijkbVj vFkok ih-lh-¼oS;fäd dEI;wVj½ ds fodYi dk pquko dj ldrs gSaA mEehn~okjksa dks Vad.k ijh{kk çkjEHk gksus ds igys viuk fodYi fyf[kr esa nsuk gksxkA 2- ;g Vad.k dkS”ky ijh{kk vgZd çÑfr dh gksxh vkSj bl Vad.k ijh{kk esa fu/kkZfjr U;wure Vad.k xfr çkIr djus okys mEehn~okjksa dks gh vafre ;ksX;rk lwph esa “kkfey djus ij fopkj fd;k tk,xkA 3- eSuqvy VkbijkbVj ij Vad.k ijh{kk nsus dk fodYi nsus okys mEehn~okjksa dks VkbijkbVj ¼dh&iafpax Vkbi½ dh O;oLFkk Lo;a djuh gksxhA jsyos HkrhZ cksMZ] fcykliqj u rks e”khu miyC/k djk;sxh vkSj u mEehn~okjksa ds }kjk yk;h xbZ e”khu ds [kjkc gks tkus dh fLFkfr esa vU; dksbZ e”khu miyC/k djk,xh] vkSj u gh dksbZ vfrfjä le; vFkok oSdfYid O;oLFkk djsxhA rn~uqlkj] mEehn~okjksa dks ;g lykg nh tkrh gS fd os vPNh xq.koÙkk okyh VkbijkbVj e”khu ysdj vk;sAa bysDVªkWfud VkbijkbVj e”khu dh vuqefr ugha gSA mEehn~okjksa dks js-Hk-cks- fcykliqj }kjk dksjk dkxt miyC/k djk;k tk,xk vkSj mUgsa ml dkxt ds ,d rjQ Mcy Lisl esa Vkbi djuk gksxkA 4- ih-lh- ij Vad.k ijh{kk ds fodYi dk p;u djus okys mEehn~okjksa dks foaMkst@ykbusDl IysVQkWeZ ij lkekU; çpyu ds VsDLV ,fMVj&;qä ih-lh- miyC/k djk;s tk,axsA Vafdr lkexzh esa gqbZ xyrh esa lq/kkj gsrq ,fMfVax Vwy ds ç;ksx dh vuqefr ugha gksxhA vaxzsth Vad.k gsrq QkWUV lkbt&12 esa lkekU;r% ç;ksx gksus okys QkWUV ds gh ç;ksx djus dh lykg mUgsa nh tkrh gSA ih-lh- ij fgUnh Vkbfiax esa Vkbfiax VsLV nsus okys vH;fFkZ;ksa ds fy, QkWUV lkbt&14 esa eaxy ;k Øqfrnso QkWUV dk gh ç;ksx djuk gSA ih-lh- ij 10 feuV dh Vad.k ijh{kk lekfIr ds i”pkr~ vH;fFkZ;ksa }kjk Vafdr fyI;adu dh fçaV vkmV çR;sd mEehn~okjksa ds fy, fudkyk tk,xk vkSj bldh nwljh çfr tsjkWDl djds fudkyh tk,xhA çR;sd fyI;adu isij ,d “khV dh gksxhA mEehn~okjksa dks vius&vius fyI;adu ds fçaV vkmV ij viuk gLrk{kj djuk gksxk vkSj vaxwBs dk fu”kku nsuk gksxkA 5- eSuqvy VkbijkbVj ;k ih-lh- nksuksa gh ekeyksa esa fgUnh esa Vad.k ds fy, vgZd xfr 25 “kCn çfr feuV rFkk vaxzsth esa 30 “kCn çfr feuV gksxhA mEehn~okjksa dks fgUnh ;k vaxzsth esa Vad.k ds fodYi dk pquko djuk gksxkA 6- Tkk¡p@ijh{kk dh vof/k 10 feuV dh gksxhA ;fn mEehn~okj mi;qZä Vad.k xfr esa vgZrk çkIr ugha dj ikrk gS rks ;g ekuk tk,xk fd os Vad.k ;ksX;rk dkS”ky ijh{kk esa vlQy gks x, gSa vkSj mUgsa ofj’B fyfid lg Vadd@dfu’B ys[kk lgk;d lg Vadd ds in ij p;u ds fy, vkxs fopkj ugha fd;k tk,xk] Hkys gh os ds-jks-lw-la-&03@2012] ,u-Vh-ih-lh- Lukrd dh vafre fyf[kr ijh{kk esa vf/kd vad çkIr fd, gksAa 7- “kCnksa dh x.kuk ds fy, çfr 5 LVªksd dks ,d “kCn ekuk tk,xkA 10 feuV dh vof/k ds Hkhrj vaxzsth esa 30 “kCn çfr feuV dh fu/kkZfjr xfr dks çkIr djus ds fy, 300 “kCn ;k 1500 LVªksd rFkk fgUnh esa 25 “kCn dh fu/kkZfjr xfr çkIr djus ds fy, 250 “kCn ;k 1250 LVªksd djuk vfuok;Z gksxkA dqy Vafdr “kCnksa esa 5% xyfr;ksa dks utjvankt fd;k tk,xkA rnuqijkar çR;sd xyrh ds fy, uhps nh xbZ i)fr@lw= ds vuqlkj vafre xfr rd igqapus ds fy, dqy tk¡ps tkus okys Vafdr “kCnksa esa ls “kCn ?kVk;s tk,axsA


Vafdr dqy “kCnksa esa ls 5% rd dh xyfr;ksa dks utjvankt fd;k tk,xkA blds ckn iwjh vFkok vk/kh xyrh dh x.kuk dj mUgsa dqy Vafdr “kCnksa esa ls ?kVkdj Vad.k xfr fudkyh tk,xhA mnkgj.k&10 feuV dh Vad.k ijh{kk ds fy, & dqy Vafdr LVªksd & 1600 Vafdr “kCn & 1600@5 ¾320 ¼,d “kCn 5 LVªkd s ds cjkcj gS½ dqy xyfr;k¡ ¾ 19 utjvankt dh tkus okyh xyfr;k¡ ¾ 320 dk 5% ¾ 16 ewY;kadu ds fy, dqy xyfr;k¡ ¾ 19&16 ¾ 3 dqy Vafdr “kCnksa ij igaqpus ds fy, ?kVkbZ xbZ xyfr;k¡ ¾ 320&¼3 X 10½ ¾ 290 dqy ewY;kadu xfr ¾ Vafdr dqy “kCnksa dh la[;k&¼dqy xyfr;ksa dh la[;k X 10½ feuV esa fu/kkZfjr tk¡p dh vof/k bl çdkj mijksä lw= ds vuqlkj ewY;kadu xfr ¾ 290@10 ¾ 29 “kCn çfr feuV





tks vH;FkhZ fu/kkZfjr le; esa vaxzsth esa 300 “kCn @1500 LVªksd vFkok fgUnh esa 250 “kCn@1250 LVªkd s dk Vad.k iwjk ugha dj ik,axs mudh Vafdr çfr;ksa dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk,xkA mEehn~okjksa dks ç”u i= ds çkjaHk ls gh Vad.k “kq: djuk gksxk rFkk mls iwjs isij dks iw.kZ djuk gksxkA ;fn mEehn~okj fu/kkZfjr le; ds igys vius ç”u i= dk Vad.k lekIr dj ysrk gS rks mlh vuqPNsn dk fQj ls Vad.k çkjaHk dj ldrs gSa vkSj mls tc rd le; lekIr ugha gks tkrk] rc rd tkjh j[k ldrs gSaA mEehn~okjksa dks fcuk iwokZuqefr ds ijh{kk d{k dks ugha NksM+uk gS vkSj mUgsa rc rd viuh lhV ij cSBs jguk gS tc rd fd mudh fyI;adu ys yh ugha tkrhA fu/kkZfjr le; lekfIr ds i”pkr~ mEehn~okjksa dks Vad.k djuk] feVkuk@fy[kuk ugha gSA ijh{kk dh lekfIr ds i”pkr~ mEehn~okj dks viuh Vad.k çfr ds lkFk ekWMy vuqPNsn i= oh{kd dks okil djuk gSA mUgsa ekWMy vuqPNsn i= ;k Vad.k çfr;ka ;k vU; dksbZ dksjk Vad.k dkxt vius lkFk ugha ys tkuk gSA mUgsa nh xbZ dksbZ Hkh “khV ugha QkM+uk gSA ;fn dksbZ mEehn~okj ,d ls vf/kd “khV dk ç;ksx djrk gS rks mUgsa oh{kd dks lkSaius ds igys mu “khVksa dks vPNh rjg ck¡/kuk gksxkA tk¡p i;Zo{s kd ds }kjk fn, x, vU; vuqns”kksa dk ikyu Hkh mEehn~okjksa dks djuk gSA ek= ;g cqykok i=@tk¡p jsyos esa HkrhZ@fu;qfä dk vf/kdkj ugha nsrh gSA mÙkj i=d ds lkFk layXu çi= ij uke] leqnk;] vuqØekad vkfn dks vfuok;Z :i ls Hkjuk visf{kr gSA jsyos HkrhZ cksMZ] fcykliqj fdlh Hkh mEehn~okj ;k lHkh mEehn~okjksa ds fy, iqu% ijh{kk djokus dk vf/kdkj j[krh gSA ijh{kk ds fdlh Hkh pj.k esa ;k p;u çfØ;k ds le; ;k fu;qfä ds mijkar ;fn ;g ik;k x;k fd fdlh mEehn~okj ds }kjk >wBh ;k xyr tkudkjh nh xbZ gS ;k tkucw>dj fdlh lk{; dks Nqik;k x;k gS rks mldh mEehn~okjh ;k fu;qfä fujLr dj nh tk,xh rFkk jsyos esa fu;qfä ds fy, gksus okyh fdlh Hkh çdkj dh ijh{kk@p;u esa Hkkx ysus ls cfg’Ñr dj fn;k tk,xk vkSj ;fn mldh fu;qfä gks tkrh gS rks mls Hkh fujLr dj fn;k tk,xkA Ñi;k uksV djsa fd jkstxkj lwpuk ds vU; fu;e ,oa “krsZa bR;kfn ;Fkko”;d ifjorZu lfgr ykxw gksxhA tks mEehn~okj çfr:i.k@xyr dk;Z esa lafyIr ik;k tkrk gS rks mls vkthou cfg’Ñr fd;k tk,xk ,oa mlds f[kykQ dkuwuh dkjZokbZ Hkh çkjaHk dh tk ldrh gSA mEehn~okjksa dks “kkafr ls cSBuk gS vkSj mUgsa nwljksa ds lkFk ckr djuk@;k vU; mEehn~okjksa ls ijke”kZ djuk euk gSA ;fn mEehn~okj ,slk u djs ;k vO;oLFkkfir ;k vlaxr O;ogkj djs] rks mls ijh{kk ls fu’dkflr fd;k tk ldrk gS ;k ,slh dksbZ dkjZokbZ dh tk ldrh gS tks jsyos HkrhZ cksMZ Bhd le>sA mijksä funsZ'k dsoy lkadsfrd gS rFkk ijh{kk ds le; bl lanHkZ esa çpfyr lHkh funsZ'k ykxw gksaxs] ftudk vuqikyu djuk vfuok;Z gksxkA mEehn~okj bl rS;kjh esa vk,a fd mUgsa Vad.k ijh{kk dh frfFk ds vfrfjä Hkh vkxkeh ,d&nks fnu :duk iM+ ldrk gSA “kkjhfjd :i ls v{ke os mEehn~okj tks fd Vad.k djus esa vleFkZ gSa mUgsa bl laca/k esa bl dk;kZy; ds osclkbV ij miyC/k çk:i vuqlkj ;Fkksfpr çek.k i= çLrqr djuk gksxkA


Instructions to Candidates appearing in Typing Test for the posts of Sr. Clerk-cum-Typist / Jr. Accounts Assistant-cum-Typist of CEN 03/2012 Venue

Chouksey Engineering College Lal Khadan, Masturi Road BILASPUR (Chhattisgarh)

Approximate distance from Bilaspur Railway Station

07 KM

Date of Typing Test

06.01.2014 for Test on Manual Typewriter 07.01.2014 for Test on Personal Computer


A candidate can opt to undertake typing test either on manual typewriter or on Personal Computer (PC). Candidates must submit their option, in writing, before commencement of the typing test.


This Typing Skill Test is qualifying in nature and candidates acquiring minimum prescribed typing speed in the test will be further considered in the final merit list.


Candidates opting to give typing test on manual typewriter will have to arrange for their own typewriter (key punching type). RRB/Bilaspur will not provide any machine and will neither supply any machine if the machine brought by the candidate becomes defective nor any additional time will be given or alternative arrangement, whatsoever, shall be made by RRB. Accordingly, candidates are advised to bring good quality typewriter machine with them. Electronic typewriter machines are not allowed. Candidates will be provided blank sheets by the RRB and they are required to type on one side of the sheets in double space.


For candidates opting to undertake typing test on Personal Computer, PCs running commonly used text editors on Windows / Linux platform will be provided. Use of editing tools for correcting the mistakes in typed matter will not be allowed. They are advised to use commonly used font faces with font-size 12. For typing test in Hindi on PC, candidates are required to use Mangal or Krutidev fonts with font-size 14.




After conclusion of the test of 10 minutes duration on PC, print out of the transcript typed by the candidates will be taken out for each candidate and another copy of the same obtained through Xeroxing. Each transcript may comprise of one sheet of paper, at best comprising both front and reverse sides. Candidates would be required to affix their signature and thumb impression on the print out of their respective transcript. The required qualifying speed for typing is 25 words per minute in Hindi or 30 words per minute in English for both the cases, i.e. the test on manual typewriter or on PC. Candidates are required to attempt either in English or in Hindi. The duration of test will be TEN (10) minutes. If a Candidate does not qualify in above mentioned typing speed, then he/she will be considered unsuccessful in Typing Skill Test and he/she will not be considered further for the post of Sr. Clerk-cum-typist/Jr. Account Assistantcum-Typist irrespective of the marks obtained by him / her in the Final Written Test of NTP (Graduate) Categories of CEN No. 03/2012. The standard measure adopted for counting words is @ 5 strokes per word. Candidates will be required to type a minimum of 300 words or 1500 strokes in English to attain a speed of 30 words per minute OR 250 words or 1250 strokes in Hindi for the prescribed speed of 25 words per minute within the prescribed duration of 10 minutes. 5% mistakes of the total words typed may be ignored and thereafter for every mistake corresponding number of words will be deducted from the total words typed for arriving at the final speed according to the illustration/formula given herein below: -

Mistakes to the extent of 5% of the total words typed will be ignored and thereafter for every full or half mistake, corresponding number of words will be deducted from the total words typed for arriving at the final speed. For example: For a Typing Test of 10 minutes Total strokes typed 1600 Words typed = 1600/5 = 320 (one word is equal to 5 strokes) Total mistakes = 19 Ignorable mistakes = 5% of 320 = 16 Net mistakes for evaluation = 19-16 = 3 Mistakes to be deducted for arriving at net words = 320 - (3x10) = 290 typed Net evaluated Speed : No. of total words typed – (No. of net mistakes x 10) Prescribed duration of test in minutes Thus, according to the above formula: Evaluated Speed = 290 / 10 = 29 words per minute 9. The transcripts of those candidates who do not type out 300 words / 1500 strokes in English or 250 words / 1250 strokes in Hindi in the prescribed time will not be evaluated. 8.

10. Candidates must start typing from the starting of the question paper and must complete the whole paper. If any candidate finishes the paper before the allotted time, he/she should restart the same passage and continue typing until expiry of the time. 11. The candidate should not leave the examination hall without prior permission. They should remain in their seats till their scripts are collected. Candidate shall not type/erase/write after the expiry of the allotted time. 12. The candidates must return the model passage paper along with their transcripts to the Invigilator after the examination is over. They should not take out of the examination hall either the model passage paper or transcript or any other blank typing paper. They should not tear any sheet given to them. If a candidate uses more than one sheet, he/she should fasten all the sheets securely before handing over to the Invigilator. 13. The candidates shall also abide by other instructions given by the Test Supervisor. 14. This call letter/test does not by itself give any entitlement whatsoever for any appointment on Railways. 15. Name, community, roll number etc. are required to be filled up by candidate compulsorily in foil attached to the Answer sheet. 16. This Railway Recruitment Board reserves the right of ordering re-test in the case of any candidate or all candidates. 17. Furnishing any false information to the RRB or deliberate suppression of any required factual information will at any stage of its detection, render the candidate liable for being disqualified and debarred from appearing for any selection or examination for appointment in the Railways and even if appointed his services may be summarily terminated. 18. Please note that in other matters the terms, conditions, etc. laid down in the Employment Notice shall apply mutatis mutandis. 19. Person involved in impersonation/Malpractices will be debarred for life and legal action will be initiated against him. 20. Candidates must maintain silence and are forbidden from talking to/or consulting other candidates. If the candidates fail to do so or indulge in disorderly or improper conduct, they will render themselves liable for expulsion from the test or such other action, as the RRB may deem fit. 21. The above instructions are not exhaustive and are indicative only. Instructions on the subject, as in vogue at the time of examination, will be followed. 22. Candidates are advised to come prepared to stay for one or two days additionally beyond the date of typing test. 23. Such Physically Handicapped candidates who are not able to type will have to produce necessary disability certificate in the format available on website of this RRB (