LCAS Course Catalog 2017-2018.pdf - Google Drive

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Page 1 of 20. Lynwood Unified School District. Day Classes Tel: (310) 603-1485 Evening Classes Tel:(310) 604-3096. LYNWO
Lynwood Unified School District


Community Adult School

“Enter to Learn. Depart to Serve.”

Free Enrollment: GED/HI-SET/CITIZENSHIP/ESL/HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA Low Cost: CTE Classes and Typing Certificate Day Classes Tel: (310) 603-1485

Evening Classes Tel:(310) 604-3096






First Semester/First Trimester

Mr. Gudiel R. Crosthwaite, Superintendent and Secretary to the Board of Education


Alma-Delia Renteria, M.Ed……………………………………….President Briseida Gonzalez, MSW……………………………………Vice President Maria G. Lopez ………………………………………………………………Clerk Gary Hardie, Jr…………………………………………………………..Member Alfonso Morales, Esq………………………………………………....Member


Bambi Smith………………………………………………………….....Principal Linda Hembrick…………………………………………Assistant Principal LEADERSHIP TEAM Michael Takade………………..Instructional Lead/Teacher Advisor Belinda Andrews…..Teacher-Director CTE Medical/ Dept. Chair Estella Banks…… Instructional Lead/Dept. Chair, ESL/EL Civics Rachael Robinson………………...................Dept. Chair, CTE Business Manuel Fragoso…………………………...………………..CBET Developer Maria Torres………………………………………...…………….ASE Teacher Scott Wiseman……………………………………...................…ASE Teacher Michele Lawrence…………………………………..Senior Records Clerk Victor Wilson…………………….ASB Advisor/Dept. Chair ABE/ASE Nina Brown………………………………………………………..POA Teacher


Deborah Hebert……………………………………………………….Secretary Michele Lawrence…………………………………..Senior Records Clerk Graciela Santacruz-Dominguez…………………….Office Assistant II Yuliana Duenas……………………………………....Attendance Assistant Amie Hayden……………………………………………...Health Technician Joel Flores……………………………………………………Office Assistant II Silvia Chavarin……………………………………..Instructional Assistant Joanna Pico………………………………………………..Testing Technician Juanita Ramos…………………………………………………..Custodial Staff Leonard Johnson………………………………………………Custodial Staff

Pre-Registration Begins…..July 5, 2017-August 23, 2017 Instruction Begins for 1st Semester /1st Trimester Wednesday, August 23, 2017 Labor Day Holiday……………Monday, September 4, 2017 Adult Education and Family Literacy Week Sunday……. September 24, 2017-Saturday, September 30,2017 Back to School Night……...Wednesday, October 26, 2017 LVN Graduation………………….Thursday, October 5, 2017 Second Trimester Pre-Registration Begins ...........Monday, Nov. 6-17, 2017 1st Trimester Ends………………………Friday, Nov. 24, 2017 Instruction Begins for 2nd Trimester November 27, 2017 Veteran’s Day Holiday……….Friday, November 10, 2017 Thanksgiving Holiday.............Mon.-Fri., Nov. 20-24, 2017 Pre-Registration Begins for 2nd Semester Monday, November, 27-Dec. 15, 2017 1st Semester Ends……………..Friday, December 15, 2017 Winter Recess……...Mon.-Fri., Dec, 18, 2017-Jan. 5, 2018


Second Semester

Instruction Begins For 2nd Semester…………….......Monday, January 8, 2018 Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday..........................Monday, January 15, 2018 Lincoln Holiday………………...Monday, February 12, 2018 Washington Holiday………….Monday, February 19, 2018

Third Trimester

Pre-Registration Begins..................................Monday Feb. 26-March 10, 2018 2nd Trimester Ends…………………….Friday, March 9, 2018 Instruction Begins For 3rd Trimester…………………. Monday, March 12, 2018 Open House……………………..Wednesday, March 14, 2018 Cesar Chavez Holiday………….Thursday, March 29, 2018 Good Friday Holiday………………..Friday, March 30, 2018 Spring Recess………………………...Monday, April 2-6, 2018 Health Fair………………………………….Friday, May 11, 2018 Memorial Day…………………………..Monday, May 28, 2018 Adult School Graduation…………..Thursday, June 7, 2018 Last Day of School*……………………..Friday, June 15, 2018


General Information……………………………………4-5, 16-18 Career Training Education………………………………..……6-9 Business and Information Technology …………………...6-8 Medical Programs………………………………………………….8-9 Adult Basic Education………………………………………..……10 High School Diploma ………………………………………....10-12 High School Equivalency Test Preparation………….12-13 English as a Second Language (ESL)…………………...13-15 Registration Process……………………………………………….16 Community Program………………………………………………15 Class Sites and Addresses…………………………………………18



Community Adult School is committed to providing lifelong educational opportunities and services to all members of our diverse community. Additionally, Lynwood Community Adult School is dedicated to assisting students in obtaining their educational and vocational goals by encouraging them to become knowledgeable community members, productive employees, responsible family members and lifelong learners. We, at Lynwood Community Adult School, are dedicated to preparing our students, academically and vocationally, to meet the challenges of the 21st Century.

MISIÓN: La Escuela Comunitaria de Adultos de

Lynwood esta obligada en proveer a todos los miembros de nuestra comunidad diversa con servicios y oportunidades educacionales que les serviran para toda la vida. Adicionalmente, la Escuela Comunitaria de Adultos de Lynwood está dedicada en asistir a los estudiantes a obtener sus metas educacionales y vocacionales, animándolos a convertirse en miembros de la comunidad bien informados, empleados productivos y miembros de familia responsables. Nosotros, en la Escuela Comunitaria de Adultos de Lynwood estamos dedicados a preparar a nuestros estudiantes académica y vocacionalmente para poder hacerle frente a los retos del siglo venidero.




School-wide Learner Outcomes - (SLOs)

What each student should know, understand and be able to do upon exit from the school or by the time the student completes any course of study offered. Students at Lynwood Community Adult School will become: 1. Self-directed learners who: • Acquire academic, career, and interpersonal skills. • Set educational goals and pursue lifelong learning. 2. Effective Communicators who: • Demonstrate reading, listening, speaking and writing skills appropriate for home, work and community environments. • Use technology to prepare for employment, improve basic skills, and enhance personal and educational goals. • Participate in community activities and are aware of community resources. 3. Critical Thinkers who: • Analyze, synthesize & solve problems. • Are creative and resourceful. Please Note: “Adults have priority over high school students in all Adult Education classes.” (E.G. 52523 (a)) Continuing Education: The mission of Lynwood Community Adult School is to prepare students for the future. In fulfilling this mission, Lynwood Community Adult School offers educational programs and classes that provide lifelong educational experiences for adults and youth living in a changing and complex society. A flexible and comprehensive program, featuring the four primary roles of adult life, is offered at various locations throughout the city.

Admission: Adults 18 years of age or older, not attending day high school or high school graduates of any age may attend. Students who wish to take courses for High School credit must see a counselor. Concurrent Student Admission: The Education Code (52500) of the State of California allows high school students to take classes in Adult Schools under certain conditions. The counselor at the high school must first counsel with the student and the parent or guardian and agree that the enrollment in the proposed Adult Education class is for “sound educational purposes.” It must also be understood that enrollment in the proposed Adult Education class is strictly voluntary. Interested students must have a concurrent high school enrollment form with signatures of the counselor and the parent acknowledging these conditions in order to be considered for enrollment.

Attendance: Excessive absences may cause classes to be closed or combined, or individual students may be dropped. All classes are expected to have 30 or more students enrolled. If enrollment falls below 20 at any time, a class may be discontinued. Books and Supplies: All textbooks and supplies are available for purchase at the Adult School office. However, class sets are available for classroom use.

Counseling: All students who wish to take courses for high school credit must see a guidance advisor. For more information please call (310)604-3096. Enrollment Procedures: Registration begins two weeks prior to the start of each semester or trimester depending on your selected program. Register at the Imperial Site Adult School office at 4050 Imperial Hwy. Lynwood, CA 90262. Or Atlantic Site Adult School office at 11277 Atlantic Ave, Lynwood, CA 90262. Parking: Students may park on streets or in the school parking lot.

Security: Adult School staff and Security patrol the campus. Please respect their authority and help keep the school a safe place to learn. Student Conduct: Students are expected to exhibit an attitude that is conducive to a positive learning environment. The basic rules and regulations are outlined in the Lynwood Adult School Discipline and Dress Code Regulations.


As part of the Adult School’s ongoing effort to provide job assistance to our vocational, business and medical students, we will be offering a new course called Ready For Work that will assist you in job interviews, career advancement and/or placement. In addition, we will offer a nationally recognized customer service certification. For more information call (310) 604-3096



Favor de Tomar Nota: “Los adultos tienen prioridad sobre los alumnos de la secundaria superior en todas las clases de Educación para Adultos.” (E.G. 52523(a))

Educación Contínua: La missión de la Escuela Comunitaria de Adultos de Lynwood es la de preparar a los alumnos para el futuro. En cumplimiento de esta misión, la Escuela Comunitaria de Adultos de Lynwood ofrece programas educativos y clases que proporcionan experiencias de educación perdurables para los adultos y jóvenes que habitan en una sociedad cambiante y compleja. Un flexible y comprensivo programa, destacando los cuatro aspectos principales de la vida del adulto, es ofrecido en varias localidades a traves de la ciudad. Admision: Adultos de 18 años o mayores, que no estén asistiendo a la escuela durante el día, o alumnos graduados de la secundaria superior de cualquier edad pueden asistir. Alumnos menores de 18 años que no se han graduado de la secundaria superior, podrán ser admitidos bajo permiso especial dado por el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Lynwood. Aquellos alumnos que desean tomar cursos con crédito para la Secundaria Superior deberan ver a un consejero.

Admision para Alumnos Concurrentes: El Codigo de Educación (52500) del Estado de California permite a los alumnos de la secundaria superior el tomar clases en la Escuela para Adultos bajo ciertas condiciones. El consejero de la secundaria superior deberá primero tener una sesión de aconsejamiento con el alumno y su padre/ madre/tutor y estar en acuerdo de que la propuesta inscripcion en la Educación para Adultos es con “propósitos educativos sólidos”. Deberá también entenderse que la inscripción en la propuesta clase es estrictamente voluntaria. Los alumnos interesados deberán tener un formulario de inscripción concurrente de la secundaria superior firmado por el consejero y el padre del alumno dando conocimiento a estas condiciones en orden de que se considere al alumno para ser inscrito.

Asistencia: Las clases de Educación para Adultos son financiadas en acuerdo al prorrateo del Estado por asistencia. Ausencias excesivas podran causar que las clases se cancelen, combinen, o que los alumnos sean eliminados individualmente de la lista de asistencia. Todas las clases deberan tener inscritos 30 alumnos o mas. Si la asistencia es menor de 20, la clase podrá ser descontinuada.


Libros y Materiales:Todos los libros de texto y materiales escolares estan a la venta en la oficina de la Escuela para Adultos. Sin embargo, libros para uso dentro del salón están disponibles.

Consejeros: Todos los alumnos que desean tomar cursos para acreditación de la Secundaria Superior, deberán ver a un consejero o asesorador. Llame al telefono (310) 604-3096 para mas informacion.

Procedimiento de Inscripcion: Inscripciones dan principio dos semanas antes de la fecha de iniciación del semestre. Inscríbase en la Oficina de la Escuela para Adultos ubicada adentro de la Lynwood High School.

Estacionamiento: Los alumnos podrán estacio narse en las calles adyacentes o en el estacio namiento de la escuela.

Seguridad: El personal de la escuela y policia patrullan el recinto escolar. Favor de respetar su autoridad y ayude a que la escuela sea un lugar seguro para aprender. Conducta Estudiantil: Se espera que los alumnos observen un actitud que es conduciva a un ambiente positivo para el aprendizaje. Los reglamentos básicos están delineados en el Codigo de Reglamentos de Disciplina y Vestuario de la Escuela para Adultos.


Como parte del esfuerzo continuo de la escuela de adultos para proporcionar asistencia laboral a nuestros estudiantes de negocios, y enfermeria, ofreceremos un nuevo curso llamado Listo para el trabajo’Ready for Work’ que le ayudarán en las entrevistas de trabajo, promoción profesional o colocación. Además, ofreceremos a nivel nacional reconocida certificación de servicio al cliente. Para más información llamar al (310) 604-3096.



Careers in business are in demand and Lynwood Community Adult School offers the courses you need to prepare yourself for the demands of the 21st Century workplace. The chart below outlines the course sequence that will allow you to obtain a well-rounded complement of skills and knowledge necessary for ANY business setting, no matter the industry sector. It is recommended that you begin with the Introductory courses, then progress to the Concentrator and then Capstone courses. Courses may be taken individually, as long as you meet the prerequisites for the course. These courses may be taken concurrently with high school diploma courses in order to simultaneously prepare for employment while completing your diploma. Courses are eligible for elective high school credit. * Blended Learning Classes – Apex Learning Certification: Students who complete this course will have reviewed all of the exam objectives and be on their way to preparing for the corresponding Microsoft Office Specialist Certification Exam.

Prerequisites: 1. Proficiency in oral/written English equivalent to completion of or concurrent enrollment in ESL Intermediate Low. Minimum reading level of 4.0. 2. Minimum reading level of 6.0 as measured by the TABE 9/10 Reading. 3. Typing proficiency of 25 words per minute, or concurrent enrollment in a Keyboarding course. 4. Completion of Keyboarding and Introduction to Information Technology 5. Completion of the Microsoft Office Specialist [MOS] Excel 2010 Core course.

The courses necessary for the Business career pathway are listed below by the course descriptions and schedules. Introductory



• Keyboarding 1 • Keyboarding 2 • Introduction to Information Technology • Business Applications* • Introduction to Business and Marketing* • Information Technology Applications*

• Office • Microsoft Excel Procedures 2010 Expert ® • Microsoft Excel 2010 Core • Microsoft® PowerPoint 2010 • Microsoft® Word 2010 Core

Introduction to Information Technology - The course is designed to provide students with technical instruction and practical experience in basic computer operation. You will learn about the computer and its parts, computer operating systems, basic word processing, digital file management, Internet concepts and procedures, email, computer ethics, online and desk top security, virus/spyware protecting, workplace safety, and resource management. Prerequisites: 2, 3. Cost: $25. Offered Every Trimester August 23, 2017, November 27, 2017, March 12, 2018 Day at Atlantic Site Night at Imperial Site

Keyboarding 1 - This course is designed to introduce students to proper keyboarding techniques, mastery of alphabetic, numeric and symbol keys, and fundamental skill development of speed and accuracy. This course also includes a basic exploration of employability skills. Prerequisites: 1. Cost: $25. Offered Every Trimester August 23, 2017, November 27, 2017, March 12, 2018 Day at Atlantic Site Night at Imperial Site



Keyboarding 2 - This course is designed to improve upon students’ computer keyboarding skills; emphasizing the development of accuracy and speed. This course also includes computer terminology, operation safety and maintenance, keyboarding review, document formatting and applications, office career preparation, and basic employability skills. Prerequisites: 1. Cost: $25. Offered Every Trimester August 23, 2017, November 27, 2017, March 12, 2018 Day at Atlantic Site Night at Imperial Site

Microsoft® Excel 2010 – Core This course teaches the information worker how to work with different types of documents using a variety of core and intermediate features to create and edit professionallooking spreadsheets for a variety of purposes and situations. Some topics may appear to be basic skill sets but are discussed in more detail, exploring at a higher level different options that can be chosen or applied for that skill set. Prerequisites: 2, 4. Certification: . Cost: $40 (Includes Student Textbook). Offered Every Trimester August 23, 2017, November 27, 2017, March 12, 2018 Day at Atlantic Site Night at Imperial Site Microsoft® Excel 2010 Expert - This course teaches the information worker how to work with different types of documents using a variety of core and intermediate features to create and edit professional-looking spreadsheets for a variety of purposes and situations. The expert level emphasizes the use of templates and multiple workbooks, formatting numbers, printing workbooks, working with toolbars, using macros, displaying and formatting data, using analysis tools, and collaborating with workgroups. Prerequisites: 2, 5. Certification: Cost: $40 (Includes Student Textbook). Offered Every Trimester August 23, 2017, November 27, 2017, March 12, 2018 Day at Atlantic Site Night at Imperial Site Microsoft® PowerPoint 2010 - This course teaches the information worker how to create and manage presentations using a variety of core and intermediate

features. Some topics may appear to be basic skill sets but are discussed in more detail, exploring at a higher level different options that can be chosen or applied for that skill set. Prerequisites: 2, 4. Certification: . Cost: $40 (Includes Student Textbook). Offered Every Trimester August 23, 2017, November 27, 2017, March 12, 2018 Day at Atlantic Site Night at Imperial Site Microsoft® Word 2010 – Core - This course teaches the information worker how to work with different types of documents using a variety of core and intermediate features to create and format business documents such as letters, forms, and newsletters. Some topics may appear to be basic skill sets but are discussed in more detail, exploring at a higher level different options that can be chosen or applied for that skill set. Prerequisites: 2, 4. Certification: Cost: $40 (Includes Student Textbook). Offered Every Trimester August 23, 2017, November 27, 2017, March 12, 2018 Day at Atlantic Site Night at Imperial Site Office Procedures & Professional Skills - This course is designed to help you develop the skills to transition to the workplace, develop an understanding of managing a working life, and develop professional skills


CAREER TRAINING EDUCATION for the workplace. You will learn: the role of office worker and the nature of office work, behaviors expected of office professionals; appropriate communication with customers and co-workers and interpersonal skills in order to create a smooth running environment in any industry sector; how to file and organize paperwork and manage computer files; how to prioritize your daily tasks; the basic functions and practices in a business environment; and time management and teamwork skills that will prepare you for success in the workplace. Prerequisites: 2, 3. Cost: $25 Material Fee. Offered Every Trimester August 23,2017, November 27, 2017, March 12, 2018 Day at Atlantic Site Night at Imperial Site

Online/Blended Learning Courses through APEX Learning:Apex Learning is computer-based curriculum designed to be completed independently from your offsite location. Unit assessments must be completed under the supervision of the instructor on our campus by appointment between 5:00 - 9:15 pm. Please call our office for schedule information or visit us in person to register. Business Applications* - In this course, students explore careers in business while learning skills applicable to any professional setting. Through a series of hands-on activities, students will create, analyze, and critique reports, letters, project plans, presentations, and other professional communications. Prerequisites: 2, 4. Cost: $40.

Information Technology Applications* - Students will be able to demonstrate digital literacy through basic study of computer hardware, operating systems, networking, the Internet, web publishing, spreadsheets and database software. Prerequisites: 2, 4. Cost: $40. Introduction to Business and Marketing* - Students exploring roles and functions that business and marketing play in a global society, develop an understanding of the market place, as well as understanding product placement and promotion. This course focuses on developing knowledge and skills around marketing, pricing, and distribution, while also focusing on economics and interpersonal skills. This course also addresses exploring career options in marketing as well as securing and keeping a job. Prerequisites: 2, 4. Cost: $40. Offered 2nd Semester- Starting January 8, 2018 Offered through APEX

Health Science and Medical Technology

Vocational Nursing Program -

This beginning course provides students with the basic knowledge of the principles and skills necessary for implementing nursing care in the hospital. Students receive clinical training in health care facilities and are prepared for the California State Board of Vocational Nursing Licensing examination. The program also prepares students for the NCLEX (National Council Licensure Examination for Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurses. Prerequisites: High School Diploma or GED Certificate,

participation in qualifying interview, present satisfactory physical examination and current CPR Certification. A pre-entrance exam starts in February 2018.

Vocational Nursing Testing Dates:2018: Tuesday, Feb. 27, 2018 Tuesday, March 6, 2018 Tuesday, March 13, 2018 Tuesday, March 20, 2018 Tuesday, March 27, 2018

For more information call: (310) 604-1786.


Health Science and Medical Technology Health Science and Medical Technology

NEW**Certified Phlebotomy Technician Course-CPT1

Phlebotomy Technicians are in demand as one of the fastest growing occupations in healthcare. Launch your career as a Phlebotomy Technician, collecting blood samples from patients in a hospital, clinical laboratory, medical office, or clinic. Through lectures and hands-on training, learn what you need to know about the circulatory system, venipuncture technique and specimen collection, risk factors compilations, and quality assurance. This course provides a complete learning experience- with 48 hours of classroom instruction and a 40-hour hands-on externship, and prepares you to take the National Certification exam to become a Certified Phlebotomy Technician 1 (CPT1). A certificate of completion is awarded upon successful completion of the course. You must be at least 18 years old to take the class and have a high school diploma or equivalent to earn certification.

Classes offered by Semester

For more information call: (310)604-3096

homes. Prerequisites: 18 years of age or older, satisfactory physical examination and TB screening, and a minimum of 10.0 on the entrance examination. CPR card and fingerprint record required prior to beginning clinical training and assignment. Call (310) 604-1786 for entrance testing dates. Fee: $350. B. Andrews/A. Hayden M-Th 5:00 pm-8:15 pm Lynwood MS

CNA Testing Dates: Tuesday, January 16, 2018 Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Medical Assistant Program

In the Back Office Module, students will learn about principles of infection control, diagnostic tests, medications, administering injections and more. In the Front Office Module, students will learn secretarial, clerical and reception skills needed to work in the medical front office.

Registration for Fall 2017 Back Office Starts July 5, 2017-August 23,2017 Registration for Spring 2018 Front Office Starts November 27,2017-December 15, 2017. Fees: Back Office $450 Every Fall. Front Office $450 Every Spring.

Nurse Assistant/Home Health Aide

This course provides basic nursing skills for use in acute care hospitals, long term care facilities, and private


Adult BASIC Education Program

The mission of the Adult Basic Education Program is to improve students’ basic skills in reading, writing and mathematics. These students must have an oral command of English and be able to understand directions and generate language in English. If you improve your: Reading Spelling Vocabulary Knowledge of American Government Knowledge of Science Knowledge of Mathematics Writing Command of the English Language

You can: Earn Your High School Equivalency Certificate/High School Diploma Help Your Children With Homework Get Job Training Get a Better Job

Adult Basic Education Classes: The following courses are designed to provide instruction in basic language arts and math skills. Basic language arts integrates reading, writing, speaking, and listening while emphasizing individual student progress. Course content depends on the student's abilities entering the course. Instruction may include vocabulary building, spelling and grammar, writing and composition, reading silently and aloud, improving listening, critical thinking, and comprehension skills. Basic English (Language Arts) Offered Every Trimester at Atlantic Site-Day Classes August 23, 2017, November 27, 2017, March 12, 2018 Offered Every Semester at Imperial Site- Night Classes August 23, 2017, January 8, 2018

Basic English (Reading) Offered Every Trimester at Atlantic Site-Day Classes August 23, 2017, November 27, 2017, March 12, 2018 Offered Every Semester at Imperial Site- Night Classes August 23, 2017, January 8, 2018

Basic Math Review Offered Every Trimester at Atlantic Site-Day Classes August 23, 2017, November 27, 2017, March 12, 2018 Offered Every Semester at Imperial Site- Night Classes August 23, 2017, January 8, 2018

Pre-Algebra Offered Every Trimester at Atlantic Site-Day Classes August 23, 2017, November 27, 2017, March 12, 2018 Offered Every Semester at Imperial Site- Night Classes August 23, 2017, January 8, 2018

Adult Secondary Education Program

Lynwood community Adult School is "A-G" approved The intent of the "A-G" subject requirements is to ensure that students have attained a body of knowledge that will provide breadth and perspective to new, more advanced study. Courses from California high schools used to satisfy the "A-G" subject requirements must be certified by University of California system and appear on the schools "A-G" course list. These courses are to be academically challenging, involving substantial reading, writing problems and laboratory work (as appropriate), and show serious attention to analytical thinking, factual content and developing students' oral and listening skills. Interested in earning a High School Diploma? You’re never too old! It’s never too late! Call today!

¿Interesado en obtener el Diplomade la Secundaria Superior? ¡Nunca es tarde! ¡Llame hoy mismo!


1. Applications for admission to the program must be submitted. 2. Transcripts reflecting previous education must be given to the Adult School prior to enrollment. 3. Personal interviews with counselors must be made prior to registration. 4. In order to receive credit for classwork, 80 percent attendance of the total hours that the class meets must be maintained. 5. Required credits are: English (9-12)………………………………………………..40 credits Mathematics, including Algebra………………………30 credits Science (Biology, Chemistry)…………………..………20 credits U.S. Government………………………………………………5 credits U.S. History (A & B)………………………………………...10 credits World History (A & B)……………………………………10 credits Economics……………………………………………………….5 credits Fine Arts/Foreign Language…………………………...10 credits Electives………………………………………………………...50 credits 180 credits


Adult Secondary Education Program

Residency Requirement: Candidates for the high

school diploma must complete at least two classes (10 credits) to establish residency as an adult diploma student at the Lynwood Community Adult School.


English 9A, 9B, 10A & 10B - These courses emphasize written and oral communication and the mechanics of grammar taught through the process of writing. Offered Every Trimester at Atlantic Site-Day Classes August 23, 2017, November 27, 2017, March 12, 2018 Offered Every Semester at Imperial Site- Night Classes August 23, 2017, January 8, 2018

English 11A, 11B, 12A & 12B - These courses emphasize writing strategies, vocabulary expansion and expression, and written communication skills. Critical thinking is developed through research projects and critical essays. Offered Every Trimester at Atlantic Site-Day Classes August 23, 2017, November 27, 2017, March 12, 2018 Offered Every Semester at Imperial Site- Night Classes August 23, 2017, January 8, 2018


U.S. History “A” & “B“ - This course will cover American history from its beginning (colonization) through the Civil War, Reconstruction, Industrialization/Modernization, continuing to the present day. Offered Every Trimester at Atlantic Site-Day Classes August 23, 2017, November 27, 2017, March 12, 2018 Offered Every Semester at Imperial Site- Night Classes August 23, 2017, January 8, 2018

World History “A” & “B“ - This course will focus on the major turning points that shaped the modern world, from the late 18th century through the present. Offered Every Trimester at Atlantic Site-Day Classes August 23, 2017, November 27, 2017, March 12, 2018 Offered Every Semester at Imperial Site- Night Classes August 23, 2017, January 8, 2018 U.S. Government - This course will focus on the legislative, judicial, and executive branches of the U.S. Government. Offered Every Trimester at Atlantic Site-Day Classes August 23, 2017, November 27, 2017, March 12, 2018 Offered Every Semester at Imperial Site- Night Classes August 23, 2017, January 8, 2018

Economics - This course provides an understanding of the basic principles of economics and how they are applied to macroeconomic systems. Offered Every Trimester at Atlantic Site-Day Classes August 23, 2017, November 27, 2017, March 12, 2018 Offered Every Semester at Imperial Site- Night Classes August 23, 2017, January 8, 2018


Algebra 1A / 1B - This course includes the study of positive and negative numbers, equations, inequalities, polynomials and factors. Offered Every Trimester at Atlantic Site-Day Classes August 23, 2017, November 27, 2017, March 12, 2018 Offered Every Semester at Imperial Site- Night Classes August 23, 2017, January 8, 2018

Algebra 2A /2B - Algebra 2 is a mathematics course designed for students who have completed Algebra 1 and includes the study of linear, quadratic, square root, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions, equations, and inequalities. Offered Every Trimester at Atlantic Site-Day Classes August 23, 2017, November 27, 2017, March 12, 2018 Offered Every Semester at Imperial Site- Night Classes August 23, 2017, January 8, 2018 Geometry 1A / 1B - This course includes the study of angles, triangles, area and perimeter of polygons, circles, surface areas and volume of three-dimensional shapes. Prerequisite: Algebra 1. Offered Every Trimester at Atlantic Site-Day Classes August 23, 2017, November 27, 2017, March 12, 2018 Offered Every Semester at Imperial Site- Night Classes August 23, 2017, January 8, 2018


Fundamentals of Art - In this course, students will be introduced to the creative process through art making activities as well as encouraged to recognize and appreciate art and its expression in their communities. Offered Every Trimester at Atlantic Site-Day Classes August 23, 2017, November 27, 2017, March 12, 2018 Offered Every Semester at Imperial Site- Night Classes August 23, 2017, January 8, 2018


Film and Video Production - In this course, students will examine the multiple uses of video technology in various entertainment and industry sectors. Students will receive task oriented training in pre and post


Adult Secondary Education Program

GED and Hi-SET Information

production jobs and competencies, current and emerging technologies, and the collaborative nature of the creative process involved in video production. Offered Every Trimester at Atlantic Site-Day Classes August 23, 2017, November 27, 2017, March 12, 2018 Offered Every Semester at Imperial Site- Night Classes August 23, 2017, January 8, 2018


Spanish “I” & “II” - This course is designed to assist students in establishing conversational patterns, correct punctuation, and grammar usage, through reading, writing, and speaking Spanish at the beginning level and advanced level. Offered Every Trimester at Atlantic Site-Day Classes August 23, 2017, November 27, 2017, March 12, 2018 Offered Every Semester at Imperial Site- Night Classes August 23, 2017, January 8, 2018


Biology- This course provides an understanding of the basic theoretical concepts of biology as well as, growth and reproduction, and taxonomy. Offered Every Trimester at Atlantic Site-Day Classes August 23, 2017, November 27, 2017, March 12, 2018 Offered Every Semester at Imperial Site- Night Classes August 23, 2017, January 8, 2018

Chemistry- This course presents the fundamental principles of chemistry. Topics discussed include nomenclature, atomic structure, periodic properties & solution calculations. Offered Every Trimester at Atlantic Site-Day Classes August 23, 2017, November 27, 2017, March 12, 2018 Offered Every Semester at Imperial Site- Night Classes August 23, 2017, January 8, 2018

CALWORKs (Formerly known as GAIN)

California Work Opportunities and Responsibilities to Kids (CALWORKs) program is the nation’s largest welfare-to-work program. The mission is to assist families receiving Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF) in achieving a permanent, self-sufficient lifestyle. Since the mission of the program is client employment, CALWORKs students are constantly encouraged and directed to seek work while improving their education and acquiring new job skills. For more information about CALWORKs program, please contact Michael Takade or Estella Banks at: (310) 6031485 or Victor Wilson to (310) 604-3096.

TAKE THE High School Equivalency Certificate Test! Earn your High School Equivalency Certificate by taking and passing one of the high school equivalency tests offered by Lynwood Community Adult School. We offer the HiSET for people who wish to take the examination in a paper/pencil format, and we also offer the GED for those people who wish to take the examination on the computer. The cost for taking the HiSET is $130 for nonstudents and $120 for Lynwood Community Adult School students. Retest fees are $20 per test. The HiSET is available in English as well as Spanish. If you wish to take the GED test, please register and pay your fees through the GED Testing Service at You must first create an account at this Site, and then, after paying the fees, you may set up an appointment to take your test. In addition, the GED test is available in English as well as Spanish. The GED test is only offered in an online format. Tome el Examen HiSET o el GED Obtenga su certificado equivalente a la secundaria tomando y pasando uno de los dos exámenes que son ofrecidos por la Escuela Comunitaria de Adultos Lynwood. Ofrecemos el examen HiSET para la gente está interesada de tomarlo usando papel y lápiz, y también ofrecemos el examen del GED para la gente que quiera tomarlo en la computadora. El costo para tomar el examen HiSET es $120 para estudiantes de la escuela de adultos y $130 para los estudiantes de afuera. El costo para re-examinar es $20 por sección. El examen es ofrecido en inglés y español. Si usted gusta tomar el examen del GED, por favor regístrese y pague sus cuotas al GED Testing Service Usted tiene que crear una cuenta y pagar sus cuotas, luego tiene que hacer cita para tomar el examen. Para su información el examen del GED es solamente ofrecido en un formato basado en internet.


HiSET Test Dates

2017-2018 ESL

September 11-13, 2017 October 9-11, 2017 November 13-15, 2017 December 11-13, 2017 January 22-24, 2018 February 12-14, 2018 March 12-14, 2018 April 9-11, 2018 May 7-9, 2018 June 11-13, 2018

High School Equivalency Certificate Preparation

On March 13, 2014 the State Board of Education approved the use of three high school equivalency tests. The approved tests are the General Education Development test (GED), the High School Equivalency Test (HiSET) provided by Educational Testing Service and the Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC) provided by CTB/McGraw-Hill. Therefore, an examinee now has three choices (tests) to choose from when considering testing for the High School Equivalency Certificate. Lynwood Community Adult School will offer preparation classes that will prepare you for the high school equivalency examination. Offered by Trimester- August 23, 2017, November 27, 2017, March 12, 2018 Day at Atlantic Site Night at Imperial Site

Preparación para el Certificado de Equivalencia de la Preparatoria

El día 13 de marzo del 2014, el Departamento de Educación del estado aprobó el uso de tres exámenes de equivalencia de la preparatoria. Los exámenes aprobados son: el examen de Desarrollo General de Educación (GED), el examen de Equivalencia de la Preparatoria (HiSET) el cual es proveido por el Servicio Educacional de Exámenes, y el Examen que mide la Terminación de Estudios Secundarios (TASC) proveído por CTB/McGraw-HiII. Por esta razón, cada persona interesada en obtener un Certifica-do de Equivalencia de la Preparatoria, tiene tres diferentes opciones (exámenes) para escoger. La Escuela Comunitaria de Adultos de Lynwood ofrecerá clases de preparación que les permitirán a los interesados entrenarse para aprobar cualquiera de los exámenes de equivalencia. Ofrecido cada trimestre- Agosto 23, 2017, Noviembre 27, 2017, Marzo 12, 2018 Dia -Atlantic Noche -Imperial For further information regarding testing dates, fees, and schedules, please call (310) 604-3096.

English as a Second Language

Lynwood Community Adult School offers an English as a Second Language (ESL) program consisting of six different levels (from Beginning Literacy to Advanced) for adults who wish to learn or improve their English. Each level may be completed in one trimester. The ESL program concentrates on the four language skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. The program's objective is to help our students reach their personal, academic and vocational goals. The classes begin with simple lessons and progress through more advanced levels. At the time of registration, students are evaluated (with an entrance interview and placement exam) to determine the appropriate level of study. During the trimester, students will also take a life skills assessment called the Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System (CASAS) and an exit exam to determine that the course competencies have been met in order to continue to the next class level. Información en Español: La escuela Comunitaria de Adultos de Lynwood ofrece un programa de ESL que consta de 7 niveles diferentes (desde clases de alfabetización hasta clases de nivel avanzado) para todos los adultos que desean aprender o mejorar en el idioma inglés. Cada nivel puede ser completado en un trimestre. El programa de inglés como segundo idioma se concentra en las 4 partes importantes de lenguaje: audición, comunicación oral, lectura y escritura. El objetivo del programa es ayudar a nuestros estudiantes a realizar sus metas personales, académicas y vocacionales. Las clases comienzan con lecciones simples y progresan a niveles mas avanzados. Cuando se registran, los estudiantes reciben un examen de asesoramiento (oral o escrito) para determinar el nivel apropiado en que van a estudiar. Durante cada trimestre los estudiantes también reciben el examen de habilidades cotidianas CASAS (sistema comprensivo de evaluación para estudiantes adultos) y un examen de



English as a Second Language ESL

salida que determina si han obtenido los conocimientos necesarios para continuar con la clase del nivel siguiente.

ESL Literacy

This course is designed for students who have little or no ability to read or write in their native language. They are unable to function unassisted in a situation requiring spoken English. Offered Every Trimester August 23, 2017, November 27, 2017, March 12, 2018

Day at Atlantic Site

ESL Beginning Low

Night at Imperial Site

This course is designed for students who have little or no ability to read or write English. They are unable to function unassisted in a situation requiring spoken English. Emphasis is placed on developing students’ ability to listen and understand. All course content is relevant to the lives of students and integrates language functions and forms with informational sources, skills and topics. Agosto 23, 2017, Noviembre 27, 2017, Marzo 12, 2018 Dia- Atlantic Noche- Imperial

ESL Principiantes Nivel Bajo

Este curso está designado para los estudiates que tienen muy poco o carecen de conocimientos para leer o escribir en inglés. Estudiantes que no pueden funcionar sin asistencia en una situación en la que se requiera hablar inglés. Se le da énfasis a desarrollar las habilidades del estudiante de escuchar y de entender. Se integran las funciones y formas del lenguage con fuentes informativas, habilidades y temas. Ofrecido cada trimestre

ESL Beginning High

This course is designed for students who have a limited ability to read and write English. They function in the use of English in a very limited way, speaking English in situations related to their immediate needs. Emphasis is placed on developing the students’ fluency and communication. ESL Principiantes – Nivel Alto numero del curso 9982 Este curso esta designado para los estudiantes que tienen capacidad limitada para leer y escribir en inglés. Estos estudiantes funcionan de una manera limitada al hablar inglés, en suituaciones relacionadas a sus necesidades immediatas. Se le da énfasis a que los estudiantes desarrollen fluidez y a la comunicación. Offered Every Trimester August 23, 2017, November 27, 2017, March 12, 2018

English as a Second Language

Day at Atlantic Site

ESL Intermediate Low

Night at Imperial Site

This course is designed for students who function satisfactorily in the use of English in basic survival situations related to their needs. Emphasis is placed on fluency and communication. It integrates language functions and language forms with informational sources, skills, and topics. ESL Intermedio – Nivel Bajo numero del curso 9981 Este curso está designado para los estudiantes que funcionan satisfactoriamente usando englés en situaciones de sobrevivencia básica, relacionadas a sus necesidades. Se le da énfasis a la fluidez y a la comunicación. Offered Every Trimester August 23, 2017, November 27, 2017, March 12, 2018 Day at Atlantic Site Night at Imperial Site

ESL Intermediate High

This course is designed for students who have enough ability in the use of English to function independently in most familiar situations. Emphasis is placed on fluency and communication. The instructor teaches students the skills of self-monitoring. It integrates language functions and forms with informational sources, skills, and topics.

ESL Intermedio – Nivel Alto

Este curso está designado para los estudiantes que estan mejor capacitados, en el uso del idioma inglés, para funcionar independientemente en situacioñes corrientes, se le da énfasis a la fluidez y a la comunicación. Se integran las funciones y formas del lenguage con fuentes informativas, habilidades y temas. Offered Every Trimester August 23, 2017, November 27, 2017, March 12, 2018 Day at Atlantic Site Night at Imperial Site

ESL Advanced Low

This course is designed for students who have enough ability in the use of English to function effectively in familiar and unfamiliar situations and familiar work situations. Emphasis is placed on fluency and communication. Students demonstrate the skills they have learned in self-monitoring when using basic grammatical structures. It integrates language functions and forms with informational sources, skills and topics.

ESL Avanzado –Nivel Bajo



English as a Second Language ESL

Este curso está designado para los estudiantes que tienen suficiente capacidad para funcionar efectivamente usando inglés en situaciones familiares o desconocidas y en el trabajo. Se le da énfasis a la fluidez y a la comunicación. Se integran las funciones y formas del lenguage con fuentes informativas habilidades y temas.

English as a Second Language

Road to Success for ESL Students

Ofrecido cada trimestre

Agosto 23, 2017, Noviembre 27, 2017, Marzo 12, 2018 Dia en la Oficina de la Atlantic Noche en la oficina de la Imperial

ESL Conversation and Pronunciation ESL Conversation - Multi-Level

In this course, students develop pronunciation, fluency and communication skills (listening and speaking) in English, while discussing real-life topics. This course is designed for Beginning. Low and Beginning High ESL students. Offered Every Trimester August 23, 2017, November 27, 2017, March 12, 2018 Day at Atlantic Site Night at Imperial Site

Complete ESL Levels 1-5

ESL Pronunciation - Multi-Level

This course is provides instruction in pronunciation basics to improve English language proficiency for limited English speaking adults. Reading comprehension is enhanced by introducing simple spelling and sounding rules for identifying words in written text. Emphasis is placed on fundamental aspects of pronunciation that build and reinforce listening and speaking skills for students at all levels.

Offered Every Trimester August 23,2017, November 27, 2017, March 12, 2018 Day at Atlantic Site Night at Imperial Site


In our commitment to provide the best possible educational opportunities to members of our community, Lynwood Community Adult School is offering the following classes at various locations throughout the City of Lynwood. Basic Computer Literacy Offered by Semester- August 23, 2017, January 8, 2018 Locations Available: Lynwood Senior Center

Health and Fitness Offered by Semester- August 23, 2017, January 8, 2018 Locations Available: Lynwood Senior Center, Lynwood Health Care Center, Vista Veranda

Adult Basic Education Offered by Semester- August 23, 2017, January 8, 2018 Locations Available: Vista Veranda, Royal Oaks

Life Skills and Functional Academics Offered by Semester- August 23, 2017, January 8, 2018 Locations Available: Lynwood Middle School


How to Register to Lynwood Adult School


Gender Equity Lynwood Community Adult School strives to ensure that all students have equitable access to, and the opportunity to participate in and benefit from, high-quality curricular and extracurricular activities. Furthermore, students have access to qualified teachers, administrators, and other staff members. All educators have access to high quality professional growth opportunities.

Need your High School Diploma?

Step 1: Bring your Official Transcripts to us for review Step 2: Fill out Registration Forms Step 3: Take proper Assessment Tests Step 4: Get registered for classes

Need High School Equivalency Certificate Preparation? Step 1: Fill out Registration Forms Step 2: Take Assessment Tests Step 3: Get registered for GED or Hi-SET classes

Interested in Career and Technical Education (CTE) classes? Step 1: Fill out Registration Forms Step 2: Take Assessment Test Step 3: Enroll in your CTE course today! Start a new career!

If you have a suggestion for a new course, please contact the office. A new course may be added if 20 or more people express an interest by pre-registering and sufficient resources and funding are available to respond to that request.

Interested in taking College Courses? Join COMPTON COLLEGE - Here at Lynwood Community Adult School

We offer Compton College courses here on our campus.

Classes are made available through the Adult Education Block Grant (AEBG).

For more information call (310)604-3096

Uniform Complaint Procedures The Governing Board recognizes that the district has primary responsibility for ensuring that it complies with state and federal laws and regulations governing educational programs. The district shall investigate and seek to resolve complaints at the local level. The district shall follow uniform complaint procedures when addressing complaints regarding an alleged violation of federal and state laws or regulations governing the following educational programs: 1. Adult Basic Education established pursuant as listed in Education Code Sections 8500 through 8538 and 52500 through 52616.5; 2. Consolidated Categorical Aid programs as listed in Education Code Section 6400(a); 3. Migrant Education established pursuant to Education Code Sections 54440 through 54450; 4. Vocational Education established pursuant to Education Code Sections 52300 through 52480; 5. Child Care and Development programs established pursuant to Education Code Sections 8200 through 8493; 6. Child Nutrition programs established pursuant to Education Code Sections 49490 through 49560; and 7. Special Education programs established pursuant to Education Code Sections 56000 through 56885 and Education Code Sections 59000 through 59300; 8. Complaints which allege unlawful discrimination on the basis of ethnic group identification, religion, age, sex, color or physical or mental disability, in a program or activity conducted by a local agency, which is funded directly by, or that receives or benefits from any state financial assistance.

Sexual Harassment - Board Policy The Board of Education of the Lynwood Unified School District maintains that sexual harassment of or by any employee shall not be tolerated. Sexual harassment is considered to be a major offense which may result in disciplinary action or dismissal of the offending employee. It is the Policy of the Lynwood Unified School District to provide a work environment free from harassment.


GENERAL INFORMATION Pursuant to Education Code Section 212.5, unwelcome advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment. Tobacco Free School District Lynwood Unified School District Policy #6820, approved by the Board of Education on December 13, 1994 is effective January 1, 1995. It is the responsibility of every manager to enforce this policy at the work site and immediately address any violation. The Board of Education finds and declares that it is in the best interest of the Lynwood Unified School District, its students and employees, and the public, to prohibit smoking and the use of tobacco products within an enclosed area of a District building, facility, or vehicle, and on District grounds.


The Lynwood Community Adult Education Program is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Accreditation is an assurance of quality and a guarantee that classes taken for credit will be accepted for credit by other educational institutions. All teachers are certified in their teaching area by the California State Commission on Teacher Credentialing.


Equidad de Sexos La Escuela Comunitaria de Adultos de Lynwood hace lo posible para que los alumnos tengan acceso equitativo para y la oportunidad de participar en y beneficiarse por, la alta calidad de actividades detro del Plan de Estudios y actividades extracurriculares. Ademas, los alumnos tienen acceso a maestros competentes, administradores y miembros del personal en general. Todos los educadores tienen acceso a oportunidades de desarrollo profesional de alta calidad. Procedimientos Uniformes de Queja La Mesa Directiva reconoce que el distrito tiene la responsabilidad primordial para asegurar que este esta en cumplimiento con las leyes y reglamentos estatales y federales que rigen los programas educativos. El distrito investigara y buscara el resolver las quejas a nivel local. El distrito seguira procedimientos uniformes de queja cuando se haga referencia a una alegada violación a las leyes federales o estatales o reglamentos que gobiernan los siguientes programas educativos:


1. Educación Basica para Adultos establecida conforme al Código de Educación (EC) Sección 8500 a 8538 y 52500 a 52616.5; 2. Programas Auxiliares Categoricos Consolidados enlistados en el Código de Educación Sección 6400 (a); 3. Educación para Migrantes establecida conforme al Código de Educación Secciones 54440 a 54450; 4. Educación Vocacional establecida conforme el Código de Educación Secciones 52300 a 52480; 5. Programas de Cuidado y Desarrollo de Menores establecidos conforme al Código de Educación Secciones 8200 a 8493; 6. Programas de Nutricion para Menores establecidos conforme al Código de Educación Secciones 49490 a 49560; 7. Programas de Educacion Especializada establecidos conforme al Código de Educación Secciones 56000 a 56885 y Secciones 59000 a 59300; 8. Quejas que alegan discriminacion ilegal basada en identificación de grupo etnico, religión, edad, sexo, color o incapacidad fisica o mental, en programas o actividades conducidas por la agencia local la cual es solventada directamente por, o que recibe o se beneficia por cualquier asistencia financiera estatal.

Acosamiento Sexual-Poliza de la Mesa Directiva La Mesa Directiva de Educacion del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Lynwood sostiene que el acosamiento sexual de parte o contra cualquier empleado no sera tolerado. El ascosamiento sexual es considerado como una ofensa mayor que puede resultar en una accion disciplinaria o despido del empleado ofensor. Es la poliza del Distrito el proporcionar un ambiente libre del acosamiento sexual. En acuerdo al Codigo de Educacion Seccion 212.5, propuestas por favores sexuales y cualquier otra conducta verbal o fisicia de naturaleza sexual constituye acosamiento sexual. “Un Distrito Escolar Libre de Tobaco” Poliza #6820 del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Lynwood aprobada por la Mesa Directiva de Educacion el 13 de diciembre, 1994 con efectividad el 1o de enero, 1995. Es la responsabilidad de todo administrador la de reforzar esta poliza en el lugar de trabajo e inmediatamente tratar cualquier violacion. La Mesa Directiva de Educación encuentra o declara que es en el mejor interes del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Lynwood, sus alumnos/empleados y el publico, el prohibir el fumar y el uso de products del tobaco dentro de una area encerrada de una propiedad escolar, edificios o vehículos.



El programa educativo de la Escuela de Adultos Lynwood esta Acreditado por el Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Esta acreditación es una seguridad de calidad y una garantía que las Clases tomadas por crédito seran aceptadas por crédito en otras instituciones educacionales. Todos los maestros están certificados en su área de enseñanza por el California State Commission on Teacher Credentialing.

Resultados del Aprendizaje

Lo que se espera que cada alumno debera saber, entender y ser capaz de hacer al salir de la escuela o cuando este termine cualquier curso de studio ofrecido. Los alumonos de la Ecuela Communitaria de Adultos Lynwood lograran ser: 1. Estudiantes Autodirigidos Quienes: • Desarrollaron habilidades academicas, vocacionales e interpersonales. • Demontraron metas educativas y procuraran el aprendizaje durante toda la vida. 2. Comunicadores Efectivos Quienes: • Demonstraran habilidas en la lectura, en la audicion, asi como en el lenguaje oral y escrito de manera apropiada para funcionar en el hogar, el trabajo y la comunidad. • Usaran la tecnologia para prepararse en el empleo, mejorar sus habilidades basicas y fortalecer sus metas educacionales y personales. • Participaran en actividades de la comunidad y esten enterados de los recursos dentro de la misma. 3. Individuos con Pensamiento Critico Quienes: • Analicen, sinteticen y resuelvan problemas. • Sean creativos e ingeniosos.

Vista Veranda 3540 Martin Luther King Blvd. Royal Oaks 3565 E. Imperial Hwy. Lynwood Health Care Center 3611 E. Imperial Hwy. Lynwood Senior Center 11329 Ernestine Avenue Basic Computer Literacy, Health and Fitness, English as a Second Language (ESL)

COMMUNITY Partnerships

Lynwood Community Adult School would like to recognize and thank its supporters in the community. 1. St. Francis Medical Center • LVN 2. City of Lynwood Recreation Department • Health and Fitness • Basic Computer Literacy • English as a Second Language 3. Country Villa Convalescent • Health and Fitness 4. Westview Services Adults with Disabilities 5. Royal Oaks Health and Fitness


LCAS Atlantic Site 11277 Atlantic Avenue Career Technical Education Business, Adult Secondary Classes, Adult Basic Education Classes, English as a Second Language (ESL)

LCAS Imperial Site 4050 E. Imperial Highway Career Technical Education Medical & Business, Adult Secondary Classes, Adult Basic Education Classes, English as a Second Language (ESL) Classes, Citizenship Classes

Lynwood Middle School 12124 Bullis Road English as a Second Language (ESL)

Lynwood Middle School 12124 Bullis Road Career Technical Education Medical


Lynwood Community Adult School

Imperial Site (Night Classes) Main Registration Office 4050 Imperial Highway Lynwood, CA 90262 (310)604-3096 Fax (310)635-9107 M-Th 8:00 a.m- 9:15 p.m F 8:00 a.m-4:30 p.m Atlantic Site ( Day Classes) 11277 Atlantic Avenue Lynwood, CA 90262 (310)603-1485 Fax (310)637-6894 M-F 7:30 a.m – 4:00 p.m LVN Department 12124 Bullis Road Lynwood, CA 90262 (310)604-1786

Lynwood Community Adult School is an Approved Test Center for Pearson Vue

Popular Tests include GED, COMPT TIA, CISCO, ADOBE, CBEST, CSET and many more. For a complete list of available tests, go online to

LCAS Test Center 11277 Atlantic Ave, Lynwood, CA 90262

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