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Leader Training: One Hope Community Groups

One Hope Church is on mission to make disciples

How do we grow? God’s Word (John 17:17) God’s People (Eph 4:15) God’s Spirit (2 Cor 3:18)

Community Group Acts 2:42 And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. Fellowship - κοινωνία association, communion, close relationships, generosity, partnership, share in something, participation, common

Intentional Relationships Knowing and being known - Fellowship

Jesus Centered

Understanding and Application of God’s Word

Spirit Filled Life Mission, Service, Hospitality

The Target

To know and to be known

Competence: Skills Planning Administration Leading a Team Hospitality Time Management Facilitating a discussion Listening Asking Good Questions Bible Knowledge/Navigation Caring for others Identifying Leaders Closing Time Praying

Planning I. II. III. IV. V.

Plan with your Group What rhythms will there be? Content: Bible, Book, Sermon? Who will lead each week? Have a plan.

Administration I. Write down your plan. II. Communicate with group. • Slack, FCBK, Groups, Email • Communicate Plan, Communicate Prayer, Communicate Events III.Track Attendance (Groups) • Who is coming? Who isn’t?

Leading a Team

I. What are you not good at? II. What are others good at? III.What are people passionate about? IV.You can ask…they can say no.

Hospitality I. Hosting II. Welcoming/warm environment III.Snacks/Meal IV.Ambiance/Music/lighting V. Room layout/space VI.Time to mingle/chat

Time Management I. Have a plan II. Be Flexible III.Let the Spirit lead IV.Announcements (Starting point) V. Watching the Clock VI.Transitioning

Facilitating a discussion I. Not a lecture II. Dropping the bomb III.Letting it play out IV.Rabbit trails V. Guiding not dominating VI.Everyone Speaks VII.External vs. Internal processors VIII.Calling on people IX.Invite don’t demand X.Wagon Wheels


I. Active vs. Passive Listening II. Hearing what people are saying III.Hearing what they are not saying IV.Hearing how people say something V. Body Language

Asking Good Questions I. Stems from good listening II. Just be Curious III.Everyone has a story, not everyone has someone to listen IV.Not telling people, asking people V. Open ended questions (What, how, when…) VI.Broad vs. Specific VII.Follow-up questions (progressive) VIII.Bringing it to the group IX.Stirring the Pot

Bible Knowledge/Navigation I. Speaking the Truth in Love II. Truth Grenades III.Knowing the Bible • Personal Study, Study Bibles, Commentaries IV.Knowing when to Speak and when to Sit (Job) V. Knowing where to point people VI.Theological Knowledge VII.Controversies & Hot Topics

Caring for others

I. Pray II. Only by the Spirit III.Check your heart IV.Empathy

Identifying Leaders I. Who is hungry? II. Who is passionate? III.Who is consistent? IV.Who is teachable? V. Who is pursuing humility? VI.Look for the 4 C’s

Closing Time

I. Wrapping up a discussion (plan for about 10-15 minutes before actual end time) II. Last check ins III.Review or last comments IV.Transition to prayer

Praying I. Praying for your group II. Leading people in prayer III.Having a heart of prayer IV.Inviting the Holy Spirit in V. Waiting upon the Spirit VI.Methods of praying
