Leaders Guide

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Apr 1, 2011 - Cost: $12 per scout (includes Camporee patch) and $9 per adult. .... Hosting Troop will be ranked on the n
Ancient Civilizations 2011

Seminole Springs District 2011 Spring Camporee

Leader’s Guide March 4, 2011

General Information for Seminole Springs District Spring Camporee Date: April 1st – 3rd, 2011 Location: Camp Rybolt field at Camp La No Che Cost: $12 per scout (includes Camporee patch) and $9 per adult. Camporee Tee Shirt $6. Please register before March 24th. OA Pancake Breakfast $4. Contacts: Host: Troop 263 Camporee Senior Patrol Leader: Steven Pope - [email protected] Camporee Scoutmaster: Scott Ankerholz - [email protected] Time: Check in for camp begins Friday at 4pm. Check out Sunday 10am. Merit Badges: Railroading, Leatherwork, and Photography will be offered. There will be an additional expense of $12 for Leatherwork. The scout will make a belt which they will keep. Preregistration is needed for Leatherwork merit badge to ensure we have the supplies needed. Scouts must bring a digital camera to take the Photography merit badge. Please contact [email protected] to register for Leatherwork merit badge as soon as possible. Schedule: The final weekend schedule will be given out at check in. There will be a Cracker Barrel for SPLs and Scoutmasters Friday night to cover schedule and ask for adult volunteers to help man the morning games. Please bring the name of any scouts or patrols that would like to volunteer to help with the Flag Ceremonies, Sunday Service (Assistant Chaplain Aide) or Bugler. Games: Morning games will be challenging team activities emphasizing basic scouting skills such as lashing, fire building, and first aid organized by the host troop. The afternoon is reserved for Troop games sponsored by attending troops. Each troop is to bring a game to share that was played by their

civilization. See point system and awards at the end of this Leader’s Guide. Programs: Troops are requested to prepare a skit or song for the Saturday evening program. The language and content must be approved by their Scoutmaster and camporee staff before the program begins. Camporee Staff will be available between 12 and 4 to approve skits. Parking: After troop set up on Friday please move vehicles to designated parking area for the safety of the scouts. Troop trailers may remain at the campsite. If one additional vehicle is needed at the camp site please see staff at check in for parking permit. 10 Points will be taken off for vehicles in campsite without a permit. Campsites: Troop Campsites will be assigned prior to the start of camporee. Size and location of campsite will be determined by the number of troops registered and number of participants as of March 24th. Please remember to practice Leave No Trace principals and leave your campsite as clean as you found it or better. Please notify camporee staff when your troop campsite is cleaned and ready for inspection. Camporee patches will be handed out after inspection. Leader Training: Boy Scout Leader Specific Sessions 1-3 will be offered Saturday at the camporee. It will start between 9 and 10. Safety: The camporee will follow the Guide to Safe Scouting. There will not be a health care provider at the camporee. Please handle any incidents within your troop. Please notify camporee staff of any major health issue. Restrooms: Please discuss with your troop the importance of respecting the toilet facilities. Rybolt field has permanent facilities located at the north end of camp. Additional portable restrooms will be placed through out the camp. Restrooms are not for camp trash. Restrooms are not for dishwashing. Trash: Each troop is expected to carry out their own trash.

Behavior: The Scout Oath and Law will be the code of conduct for the camporee. Profanity and fighting will not be tolerated. Alcohol and the use of illegal drugs are not allowed at any Boy Scout event. The Boy Scouts of America strongly urge leaders not to use tobacco products in the presence of scouts. Anyone violating the above will be asked to leave the camporee. Emergency Procedures: In the event of hazardous weather, we will evacuate to camp La No Che and shelter in a building designated by the camp staff. Uniform: The complete official Boy Scout uniform (class A) should be worn at all flag ceremonies and worship service. At other times troop shirts, scouting themed shirts or costumes of your civilization should be worn. Campfire: The local OA Chapter will be responsible for the Saturday night campfire. All scouts must respect the fire ring and safe fire procedures. Camp hours: All scouts should be in their tent and quiet between 11:00pm and 6:00am. Fires: Individual troops may have campfires that are raised off the ground in a safe fire pit. No fires on the soil. Camp fires will be subject to county fire regulations. Volunteers Opportunity: 1) Assistant Chaplain’s Aide or qualified scout to help with Sunday morning service. 2) Scout to help with Flag Ceremonies 3) Bugler for Reveille and Taps

Updated 3/4/2011 Schedule Seminole Springs District Spring Camporee April 1st – 3rd April 1st 4pm- 8pm 8pm



Troop check in and set up Welcome schedule covered and outdoor Movie Senior Patrol Leader and Scoutmaster cracker barrel Taps

Saturday April 7am


8:30am 9am- 12pm 12pm-2pm 2pm- 5pm 12pm-4pm 5pm-7pm

7:30pm 11pm

2nd Reveille Breakfast and clean up Flag raising (class A uniform) Camporee scout skill games Lunch and clean up Troop sponsored games Skit and song approval at staff tent Dinner and cleanup Campfire program Taps

Sunday April 2nd 7am

Reveille 7:30am OA pancake breakfast $4 per person 8:30am Worship Service (class A uniform) 9:15am Closing Ceremonies (class A uniform) 10am Check out - please have your campsite inspected before leaving. Camporee patches given out after inspection. Schedule is subject to change and with updates provided at the Cracker Barrel on Friday the 1st.

Seminole Springs 2011 Spring Camporee Registration Form Camp Rybolt April 1st – 3rd Ancient Civilizations Troop# _____________________________________________ Scoutmaster’s Name:__________________________________ E- Mail: ____________________________________________ Civilization: _________________________________________ # of youth planning to attend: _______ X $12.00 = __________ # of adults planning to attend: _______ X $ 9.00 = __________ Camporee T-Shirt price $6.00 _____s _____m ______l ______xl Please Register by March 24, 2011 Method of Payment: Make checks payable to: Central Florida Council, Boy Scout of America Wayne Densch Scout Center 1951 South Orange Blossom Trail # 102 Apopka, FL 32703 If paying by credit card, you may fax to 407- 889-4406. Any faxes after March 31st will not be processed. Fees are refundable if Service Center 407-889-4403 is notified AT LEAST 24 hours BEFORE the event. Office use: ___________ Cash ______ Check # _______ Amount $ ___________________________ Visa/ MasterCard/Discover/Amex# __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Expiration Date ___/___/_____ Signature _______________________________ Phone # ________________________

Camporee Scoring Guide Place

Judging Method

Judged Troop Awards Top Civilization Display Top Campsite Award

1st/2nd/3rd 1st/2nd/3rd

Top Competition Game Host+


Display Criteria Forms completed by judges Campsite Inspection Form completed by judges Number of participant Score cards returned

+Games and Competitions will be spontaneous events based on the imagination of the hosting Troop and/or Scout skills. Hosting Troop will be ranked on the number of participating teams. Patrols/Teams will be ranked based on skilled participation. Team\Patrol Awards Skilled Participation in Game \Competition Patrol Spirit

Points 1st/2nd/3rd

Troop Spirit Award

Troop Spirit Criteria* Civilization housing display

Earned Points 25 50 75 100 Points 25

Organize a Game\Competition


Run a Game\Competition


Troop Adult judge Troop Bugler Troop Chaplain’s Aide

10 10 10

per game


Ranked based on 1-10 points per game/ competition Ranked based on 0-5 points per encounter by competition hosts, and volunteering for campfire skit or song Level Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Requirements Design a housing display related to your Troop civilization Display housing by 10am Saturday Plan a game or safe competition based on your civilization and/or scout skills Devise a 1-10 point scoring plan to award to teams participating in your game. Create winner ribbons for 1st/2nd/3rd place. Coordinate Troop members to run a game for the allotted game time Record consistent scores ranging from 1-10 for participating teams on provided score cards. Adult volunteer judge for troop awards Bugler volunteer for Taps or Reveille Chaplain’s Aide for Sunday service

*Troops will register for the Troop Spirit Criteria items at the Friday SPL/Scoutmaster cracker barrel.

Troop Civilization Display Criteria Troop Number:_______ Reviewed Item Display accurately depicts an aspect of housing representative of the chosen civilization Creative use of materials in civilization display Scouting skills evident in construction of civilization display

Points 0-10 Comments

Quality of effort evident in display Overall effect of presentation

Sample Team/Patrol Score Card Info Hosting Troop Competition/Game Participant Troop/Patrol Name Score (1-10 points) Patrol Spirit (0-5 points)


Troop Campsite Inspection Checklist Troop Number:_______ Reviewed Item American flag displayed Troop flag displayed Patrol flag(s) displayed Established Patrol Areas Tents erected properly and gear neatly stored Established Cooking area Food properly stored Established Dishwashing area Dishes/Cooking gear properly stored Campfire safety observed Hydration station in a prominent area First Aid Kit in prominent area Facilities for personal washup available Campout Schedule posted Menus posted Duty Rosters posted Campsite free of litter Campsite neat and orderly No vehicles without permit Bonus for camp gadgets

Points 0-5


Spring Camporee Tee Shirt Design

Ancient Civilizations

Ancient Civilizations Camporee 2011


Spring Camporee Seminole Springs District



! Front ! !





