LEAF's 2013-2014 Professional Development Catalog is Now

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Nov 15, 2013 ... Leadership for Educational Achievement Foundation, Inc. A Complete Listing of .... The Council's Officers and Executive Committee . ... assistant superintendents, and district leadership team members. governance - The LEAF ...
2013/2014 Professional Development Catalog A Complete Listing of Professional Development Opportunities

Leadership for Educational Achievement Foundation, Inc.

Table of Contents Letter from the President and Director of LEAF..................................................3 LEAF’s Mission and Goals................................................................................4 The Council’s Mission and Goals .....................................................................4 Consulting Services........................................................................................5 LEAF’s Educorps..............................................................................................6 Educational Leadership Policy Standards: ISLLC 2008......................................7 Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) Requirements........................8 EARLY CAREER/CABINET Aspiring Superintendents Workshop...............................................................9 Future Superintendents Academy .................................................................10 Annual Leadership Summit for Deputy and Assistant Superintendents ...........10 Scholarship Opportunities............................................................................11 New Superintendents Institute .....................................................................12 2nd and 3rd Year Superintendents Institute...................................................12 LEADERSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE/TEAM-BASED PROGRAMS Professional Development Leadership Credential ..........................................14 Summer Institute at Harvard . .......................................................................14 Supporting and Sustaining Instructional Leadership......................................15 Leadership for Student Achievement.............................................................15 The Council’s Conferences.............................................................................16 LEAF Officers and Board Members.................................................................16 LEAF Staff.....................................................................................................17 The Council’s Officers and Executive Committee.............................................19 The Council’s Staff........................................................................................19

Leadership for Educational Achievement Foundation, Inc.

Explore Opportunities with LEAF, Inc. Dear Colleagues:

Mary Alice Price President of LEAF, Inc.

Kelly O. Masline Director, LEAF, Inc.

The Leadership for Educational Achievement Foundation, Inc. (LEAF) is the professional development arm of the New York State Council of School Superintendents (The Council). LEAF provides high quality professional learning to support superintendent development and the development of school district leadership team members. In partnership with The Council, LEAF’s programs are research-based, aligned to the needs of the field, responsive to changing expectations for school leaders, and cost effective. LEAF’s programs are available to all school leaders including superintendents, deputy/assistant superintendents, principals and directors. Participation in LEAF programs enables school leaders to learn from experts and from one another. These learning experiences offer opportunities for reflection and for intellectual conversation with colleagues.

In 2012-2013 the LEAF Foundation responded to members’ needs and requests to offer high quality training to teams of educators on APPR, Common Core and leadership. With funding provided by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, LEAF was able to establish regional training programs in collaboration with five BOCES from across New York State. The regional training programs will continue in 2013-2014 and have been expanded to six locations, with our goal to continue offering training opportunities that are timely and responsive. We are proud to present this professional development catalog where you will find a description of programs and services. Some of our program offerings have yet to be developed and will be based upon your immediate needs. This catalog is only available electronically. We feel that it is important to be more economically conscious in these difficult fiscal times and it also allows us to update our offerings throughout the year. We welcome any questions or suggestions you may have regarding our professional development offerings. Sincerely,

Mary Alice Price President of LEAF, Inc.

Kelly O. Masline Director, LEAF, Inc.

Leadership for Educational Achievement Foundation, Inc.

Mission & Goals The mission of LEAF is to be the premier organization offering comprehensive professional development to ensure the success of educational leaders and the students they serve through opportunities that are excellent in quality, pertinent in focus, and readily accessible to all. Goals: 1. Professional Development - Provide professional development to school leaders and district leadership team members by offering opportunities that are responsive to changes in expectations, timely, relevant, and affordable. 2. Communication - Expand the knowledge of superintendents, assistant superintendents and district leadership team members about LEAF’s professional development offerings by effectively marketing opportunities and services throughout New York State. 3. Technology - Use technology to operate more effectively as an organization and provide greater professional development opportunities to superintendents, assistant superintendents, and district leadership team members. 4. Governance - The LEAF Board of Directors will continually review the organizational structure of the Foundation to ensure that they are operating effectively and providing the highest quality programs and services to school leaders. 5. Fiscal Wellness - The LEAF Board of Directors will develop a LEAF fiscal wellness plan to ensure fiscal health and sustainability.

The purpose of The Council shall be to provide leadership and membership services through a professional organization of school superintendents: • to promote the interest of education and children in New York State; • to influence local, state, and national policy affecting education; • to enhance the superintendency as a profession; • to uphold the integrity of the office; • to foster support and collegiality among its members; • to provide leadership and membership services through a professional organization of school superintendents. Goals: . . 3. 4.

Establish a greater regional presence for The Council. Support superintendents with difficult boards. Increase visibility and impact of The Council’s advocacy efforts. Support superintendents in raising achievement for all students and closing the achievement gap. Leadership for Educational Achievement Foundation, Inc.

Consulting Services Highly regarded educational experts offer customized assistance to superintendents and school districts in New York State. The Council and LEAF offer a variety of services provided by independent consultants with expertise in areas such as educational leadership, curriculum and instruction, operations and facilities utilization, transportation, strategic planning and school finance. Services offered reflect the needs of New York State school districts in a time of increasing demands at the local, state and national levels. Consultants have vast knowledge and a wealth of rich educational resources not found with many private, and often costlier consulting firms. Customized Consulting Services include: • • Facility Utilization Studies • • Efficiency Reviews • • Enrollment Studies • • Strategic Planning • • Team Building • • Focus Group Facilitation

School Improvement Transportation Reviews Policy/Regulation Review Curriculum Reviews Special Education Reviews Superintendent/School Board Retreat

Regional Retreats and Professional Development The Council and LEAF, Inc. can provide customized professional development such as administrative retreats and workshops. The staff will work directly with the superintendent to provide professional development designed to meet specific needs. Topics can include strategic planning, professional learning communities, superintendent and school board relations or a specific topic identified by your group.

Leadership for Educational Achievement Foundation, Inc.

LEAF’s Educorps LEAF’s Educorps service provides a unique support system for superintendents statewide. Superintendents can feel comfortable knowing they have an experienced, highly respected support network available to help them succeed. Superintendents can call LEAF when they have something pressing on their minds, whether it is a major source of concern in their district, an operational need or an organizational challenge. As current and former superintendents recruited from among the finest practitioners, Educorps consultants can provide thoughtful and objective advice, research best practices or help “troubleshoot” the best course of action. For the first time, all new superintendents whose BOCES have joined Educorps will be assigned a free mentor to assist them during their first year of the superintendency. LEAF’s Educorps Service Network consists of school districts whose BOCES have paid the annual Educorps membership fee. As members of the network, districts of participating BOCES may receive Educorps Informal/Confidential consulting services at no charge. All conversations are confidential. For more information on the above services please contact Nancy Wengert, Program Associate ([email protected]) at 518-694-4872 or Kelly Masline, Director ([email protected]) at 518-694-4880.

Leadership for Educational Achievement Foundation, Inc.

Educational Leadership Policy Standards: ISLLC 2008 LEAF’s professional development offerings are designed around the Educational Leadership Policy Standards: ISLLC 2008. The standards were written by the Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) in partnership with the National Policy Board for Educational Administration. According to the Council of Chief State School Officers, these standards reflect the new information and lessons learned about educational leadership and provide high-level guidance and insight about the traits, functions of work, and responsibilities expected of school district leaders. Following are the six standards. To review the full document, please visit http://www.ccsso. org/content/pdfs/elps_isllc2008.pdf.

Standard 1 An education leader promotes the success of every student by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by all stakeholders. Standard 2 An education leader promotes the success of every student by advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth. Standard 3 An education leader promotes the success of every student by ensuring management of the organization, operation, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment. Standard 4 An education leader promotes the success of every student by collaborating with faculty and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources. Standard 5 An education leader promotes the success of every student by acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner. Standard 6 An education leader promotes the success of every student by understanding, responding to, and influencing the political, social, economic, legal and cultural context.

Leadership for Educational Achievement Foundation, Inc.

Annual Professional Performance Review Requirements (APPR) The Nine Training Requirements According to the Commissioner’s Regulations (30-2.9) the substance of the training needs to cover the following nine training elements: . NYS Teaching Standards and the ISLLC, 2008 Leadership Standards . Evidence-based observation techniques 3. Application and use of the student growth and value-added growth model 4. Application and use of State-approved teacher/principal rubrics 5. Application and use of any assessment tools you intend to use (e.g. portfolios, surveys, goals) 6. Application and use of any State-approved locally developed measures of student achievement you intend to use 7. Use of the Statewide Instructional Reporting System 8. The scoring methodology used by the department and/or your district 9. Specific considerations in evaluating teachers and principals of English language learners and students with disabilities *** Other: While not listed as a training component, districts will need to ensure inter-rater reliability for both their teacher and principal evaluation systems.

Leadership for Educational Achievement Foundation, Inc.

Early Career/Cabinet One of LEAF’s objectives is to provide The Council’s Deputy Assistant Superintendents and Directors with high quality professional development opportunities. We work closely with a group of Cabinet Members to provide professional development specifically tailored to their needs. We offer programs for those aspiring to the superintendency and workshops for those who intend to stay in their current positions.

Superintendent Preparation Programs LEAF is committed to supporting and preparing a continuum of strong educational leaders for the superintendency. In 2013-2014, LEAF will offer two superintendent preparation programs designed for those interested in exploring the career as a superintendent and those interested in pursuing a superintendency in the near future.

Aspiring Superintendents’ Workshops (6 hour session) Audience: Date: Location: Cost: Contact:

Deputy/Assistant Superintendents, Directors and Principals interested in becoming a Superintendent December 5, 2013 (Albany) March 26, 2014 (Putnam/Northern Westchester BOCES) Albany, NY and Westchester, NY $150 Vreneli Banks, Assistant Director ([email protected], 518-694-4875)

The Aspiring Superintendent workshop is a one-day program offered in Albany and Westchester (Co-sponsored by Putnam/Northern Westchester BOCES.) School leaders with an interest in the superintendency are encouraged to attend. Topics covered include: the superintendency as a career; educational and financial leadership roles of the superintendent; superintendent and the school board relationships; professional and personal challenges associated with the job; the resumé, credentials and interview process, and the rewards of being a school leader.

Leadership for Educational Achievement Foundation, Leadership Inc. for Educational Achievement Foundation, Inc. 

Future Superintendents Academy (104.5 hours total) Audience: Dates: Cost: Location: Contact:

Deputy/Assistant Superintendents, and Principals July 2013; September 2013; October 2013; November 2013; January 2014, February 2014; March 2014; April 2014; May 2014 $2,350; accommodations and travel are additional BOCES Aid is Available Albany, NY Nancy Wengert, Program Associate ([email protected], 518-694-4872)

Co-sponsored with Capital Region BOCES The Future Superintendents Academy was offered for the first time in 2009 and has received outstanding reviews by those who have participated. The Academy requires a year-long commitment, beginning in July 2014 and concluding in May 2015. Participants are required to attend a three-day summer institute and eight weekend sessions throughout the year. The program includes discussions of critical topics relevant to the superintendency such as communications; change, systems and planning; governance; financial leadership; human resources; instructional leadership, and the search process. Case studies, journals, reading assignments and projects are integrated throughout the program. The program is designed to be highly intensive and has a rigorous application process. Upon completion of the Future Superintendents Academy, participants are expected to pursue a superintendency in New York State. The 2014-2015 application will be available in March 2014.

Annual Leadership Summit for Deputy Assistant Superintendents, and Directors (6 hours for full-day session) Audience: Date: Locations: Cost: Contact:

District Level Administrators (Deputy Assistant Superintendents, Business Officials, and Directors) April 2014 (dates to be determined) Albany, NY TBD Vren Banks, Assistant Director ([email protected] or 518-694-4875)

As a part of LEAF’s commitment to develop and enhance services for district level administrators, we instituted a Leadership Summit specifically designed to address their needs. The Summit is now an annual event and will offer: •

Updates from the NYS Education Department

A keynote address by a national speaker

Timely concurrent sessions

Opportunities to network, share best practices and build collegiality


Leadership for Educational Achievement Foundation, Inc.

Scholarship Opportunities The Council currently offers two scholarship opportunities for those interested in pursuing the superintendency as a career. LEAF also provides a scholarship for the Future Superintendents Academy. The Raymond R. Delaney Scholarship, sponsored by the Utica National Insurance Group, is awarded annually at the Fall Leadership Summit to one individual in the amount of $2,000. Current superintendents or educational administration faculty may nominate an individual they feel has the potential to be a successful school leader. The scholarship is awarded to a nominated individual enrolled in a graduate study program through which a School District Leader Certificate or Doctoral Degree may be earned. The Dr. Mary Barter Scholarship for Minorities and Women is awarded annually at the Winter Institute with the purpose of promoting and inspiring minorities and/or women interested in the field of educational leadership. Current superintendents or educational administration faculty may nominate minorities and/or women they feel have the potential to be successful school leaders. One scholarship is awarded in the amount of $2,000 to nominated minorities and/or women enrolled in a graduate study program through which the School District Leader Certificate or Doctoral Degree may be awarded. Mary Alice Price Scholarship for Future Superintendents was developed to help secure a strong continuum of school district leadership. The scholarship is awarded annually to one individual who has been accepted as a fellow into the Future Superintendents Academy program and demonstrates financial need. The scholarship is to be used to assist in the cost of tuition for the program.

“In my 35 years of working for a major not-for-profit, an international bank, central administration in public schools and now as a school superintendent, the Future Superintendent’s Academy has been beyond a doubt the best and most effective leadership learning initiative I have ever experienced.” -Dennis Kane, Superintendent, Cheektowaga CSD

Leadership for Educational Achievement Foundation, Inc.


Early Career Institutes New Superintendents Institute (6 hours for full-day session, 3 hours for half-day sessions) Audience: New Superintendents (first year or new to NYS) Dates/Locations: July 29-30, 2013 (Albany); September 22, 2013 (Saratoga); November 15, 2013 (Albany), January 16, 2014 (Albany); and March 2, 2014 (Albany) Cost: July ($235), September and March ($105) and November and January ($150) Contact: Vren Banks, Assistant Director ([email protected], 518-694-4875) The New Superintendents Institute is a year-long seminar series, consisting of five individual workshops, tailored to making the transition to the superintendency successful. Participants may opt to attend individual or all five of these workshops. Topics throughout the series include but are not limited to: developing superintendent/ school board relationships, finance and budget development, the superintendent’s role as district advocate and leadership responsibilites and ethics. Each session includes small group discussions with experienced superintendents. The first workshop, the New Superintendents Orientation is held in July, prior to the start of the school year, and offers an introduction to The Council, LEAF and the New York State Education Department. The New Superintendents Institute continues with sessions in September, November, January and March. The September and March workshops are planned to coincide with The Council’s annual conferences to help reduce time out of district.

2nd and 3rd Year Superintendents Institute Audience: Early Career Superintendents Dates & Locations: July 15-16, 2013 (Saratoga Springs); September 22, 2013 (Saratoga Springs) and March 2, 2014 (Albany) Locations: Saratoga Springs (July & September); Albany (March) Cost: July ($235); September & March ($105) Contact: Vren Banks, Assistant Director ([email protected], 518-694-4875) LEAF will host a July 2013 workshop in Saratoga Springs and two meetings in conjunction with The Council’s conferences in September 2013 and March 2014. In order to provide the highest quality and most pertinent information and support to early career superintendents, topics are determined by early career superintendents in advance of each session. The July workshop will delve into several key topics while the September and March sessions focus on a single issue from different perspectives.


Leadership for Educational Achievement Foundation, Inc.


Leadership for Educational Achievement Foundation, Inc.

Leadership Theory and Practice Professional Development Leadership Credential The Leadership for Educational Achievement Foundation, Inc. offers the Leadership Credential with the purpose of providing an opportunity for superintendents to strengthen their educational leadership skills through intensive, focused and customized professional development. The process leading to attainment of the leadership credential is designed to provide superintendents with a means of assessing the scope and effectiveness of their leadership efforts based upon the Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) 2008 Leadership Standards. The process relies on self-reflection, data and research analysis, and an aggressive professional development agenda focused on strengthening leadership to support student achievement. Superintendents interested in assuring that leadership development is systemic, research-based, and ongoing should consider participating. The program is open to any superintendent regardless of district size or level of experience but is highly selective with a maximum of five superintendents being selected to participate annually. To assist in the process, each participating superintendent is assigned with a Leadership Partner to provide support, guidance and feedback throughout the credential process. For more information please contact Kelly Masline, Director ([email protected] or 518/449-1063).

Summer Institute at Harvard: Leadership Development and Organizational Change (15 hours for a 2 day session) Audience: Dates: Location: Cost: Contact:

Superintendents, Deputy and Assistant Superintendents July 2014 Inn at Harvard, Cambridge, MA $750 per person Kelly Masline, Director of LEAF ([email protected] or 518-694-4880)

The Summer Institute at Harvard is targeted to school leaders (superintendents and assistant superintendents) and provides opportunities for personal reflection and for intellectual conversations with colleagues. You will have an opportunity to hear from Harvard faculty on issues such as leadership development, organizational change, developing high quality school systems, and student achievement. The program is limited to 35 participants. Special Support Provided by NYSIR, Signature Partner of The Council.


Leadership for Educational Achievement Foundation, Inc.

Team Based Programs Supporting and Sustaining Instructional Leadership Audience: Superintendents, Deputy/Assistant Superintendents, Principals and Directors Dates: • Erie I: November 18, 2013 and March 14, 2014 • Monroe #1/Monroe #2-Orleans: November 19, 2013 and March 15, 2014 • Washington-Saratoga-Warren-Hamilton-Essex BOCES: November 6, 2013 and March 25, 2014 • Greater Southern Tier: October 30, 2013 and March 20, 2014 • Putnam-Northern Westchester: November 7, 2013 and March 24, 2014 • Nassau: October 28, 2013 and March 17, 2014 Locations: Cost: Contact:

Nassau, Putnam-Northern Westchester, Greater Southern Tier, Washington-Saratoga-Warren-Hamilton-Essex, Monroe #1/Monroe #2-Orleans, Erie I $195 per person (Includes two sessions) Kelly Masline, Director ([email protected] or 518/694-4880)

The Leadership for Educational Achievement Foundation, Inc. (LEAF), in collaboration with regional BOCES, is pleased to present a series of professional development workshops designed to help superintendents and other school leaders in their efforts to support the ongoing development of school principals in their role as instructional leaders. The State’s new APPR for principals centers on the continual development of principals as instructional leaders with the knowledge and skill to get the “right things” done the “right way.” Part of the equation for success in the development of principals as instructional leaders is support, encouragement and guidance from superintendents. This workshop series will focus on what the research tells us about the knowledge bases and skill sets that define “instructional leadership” and how these findings can best be applied in the real world of school improvement. The relationship between the principal and superintendent will also be explored with attention given to roles, responsibilities and practices that support the ongoing development of instructional leadership. Participants will be provided with tools, skill building exercises, case studies, simulations and information to build on their current strengths as leaders. Six regional sites have been established in order to satisfy the requirement for providing a statewide opportunity for participation. With grant funding, we are able to keep the cost reasonable for participants in recognition of local budget constraints. BOCES aid is also available.

Leadership for Educational Achievement Foundation, Inc.



Leadership for Educational Achievement Foundation, Inc.

Leadership for Student Achievement Audience: Superintendents, Deputy/Assistant Superintendents, Principals, Directors of Curriculum, Teachers, Board Members Dates: November 2013 Location: New York City/Syracuse Cost: $299 per individual session Contact: Vren Banks, Assistant Director ([email protected], 518-694-4875) Co-Sponsor: Capital Region BOCES Leadership for Student Achievement is a series of two professional development workshops specifically developed for district teams interested in working together on improving student achievement. To guide the work of the team, superintendents are strongly encouraged to attend. Teams focus on how to best influence student achievement in their districts. Time is incorporated into each session for district planning, sharing and team-building. Participants are welcome to attend one or both workshops.

Leadership for Educational Achievement Foundation, Inc.


Conferences The Council supports its members by providing exceptional opportunities to expand and enrich their expertise and knowledge in the area of educational administration through statewide conferences. The Fall Leadership Summit and the Winter Institute offer keynote addresses by national experts in the fields of leadership, education and related areas; opportunities for members to share best practices with colleagues through smaller educational sessions; an interactive discussion with the Commissioner of Education about New York State issues and initiatives; and networking for support and collegiality among members through social interaction, group discussions, meetings and workshops. Each event focuses on a theme over several days. The Fall Summit is typically held in late September or early October and includes an Annual Banquet where retired superintendents are honored. The Winter Institute is scheduled for March 2014 and is connected to our Lobby Day. The Council’s annual events are open to all New York State superintendents, deputy/assistant superintendents, directors, Strategic Partners, retired life members and friends of The Council. 2013 Fall Leadership Summit September 22 – 24, 2013 The Saratoga Hotel & Saratoga Springs City Center Saratoga Springs, NY

2014 Winter Institute/Lobby Day March 2 – 4, 2014 The Hilton – Downtown Albany Albany, NY

The Council’s Legal Briefing Workshops Audience: Dates: Locations:

Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents, School Administrators, School Attorneys and Superintendent Designees are encouraged to attend November 2013 Long Island (November 4, 2013), Southern Westchester (November 5, 2013), Herkimer (November 15, 2013) and Rochester (November 14, 2013).

Attendees will: • Receive practical tips from knowledgeable school law attorneys designed to keep the superintendent out of harm’s way. • Review cutting edge issues shaping the future of school administration. • Get an up-to-date review of recent laws, regulations, and court decision affecting school district administrators. • Learn about recommended “Best Practices” from the legal experts.


Leadership for Educational Achievement Foundation, Inc.

2012-2013 LEAF, Inc. Officers/Board of Directors President Mary Alice Price Retired Superintendent, Pittsford CSD

Laura Feijoo NYC Department of Education

Past President Henry L. Grishman Jericho UFSD

Charles Dedrick District Superintendent Capital Region BOCES

Vice President Neil F. O’Brien Port Byron CSD

Deborah Shea Assistant Superintendent Niskayuna CSD

Treasurer John E. Bierwirth Herricks UFSD

Robert J. Reidy, Jr. Executive Director Ex Officio Board Member The Council

LEAF, Inc. Staff: Kelly O. Masline Senior Associate Director (The Council) and Director of LEAF, Inc. Vreneli G. Banks Assistant Director for Professional Development Nancy E. Wengert Program Associate

Leadership for Educational Achievement Foundation, Inc.



Leadership for Educational Achievement Foundation, Inc.

The Council’s 2012-2013 Officers President James Langlois Putnam/Northern Westchester BOCES

Past President Marilyn Terranova Retired

President-Elect Mary Beth Fiore Elmira Heights CSD

Vice President Neil O’Brien Port Byron

Treasurer Maureen Donahue Southwestern CSD

Executive Director Robert J. Reidy, Jr.

The Council’s Executive Committee • • • •

Sharon L. Contreras, Syracuse City Laura Feijoo, NYC Douglas W. Huntley, Queensbury Corliss C. Kaiser, Fayetteville-Manlius

• • • •

Lorna R. Lewis, Plainview-Old Bethpage Ralph Marino, Horseheads Richard Organisciak, New Rochelle City Philip Steinberg, Retired

The Council’s Staff Executive Team Robert J. Reidy, Jr. Executive Director Venerina T. Greco Executive Assistant to the Executive Director [email protected]

Advocacy/Legal Team Jacinda H. Conboy, Esq. General Counsel [email protected] Robert N. Lowry, Jr. Deputy Director [email protected] Kyle McCauley Belokopitsky, Esq., Assistant Director for Government Relations [email protected]

Operations/Membership Team Deidre G. Hungerford Assistant Director for Business Development [email protected] Dena A. Gauthier Senior Graphic Designer [email protected]

Kelley Pratt Administrative Assistant [email protected] Deborah N. Orsini Associate Director for Finance and Human Resources [email protected] Melanie Seiden Membership Services Associate [email protected] Theresa A. Wutzer Associate Director/ Director of Marketing and Communications [email protected]

Professional Development Team Vreneli G. Banks Assistant Director for Professional Development [email protected] Nancy Wengert Program Associate [email protected] Kelly O. Masline Senior Associate Director The Council Director of LEAF, Inc. [email protected]

Leadership for Educational Achievement Foundation, Inc.


The mission of LEAF, Inc. is to be the premier organization offering comprehensive professional development to ensure the success of educational leaders and the students they serve through opportunities that are excellent in quality, pertinent in focus, and readily accessible to all. Contact Information The Council and LEAF, Inc. 7 Elk Street Albany, NY 12207 Phone: 588-449-1063 Fax: 518-426-2229 www.nyscoss.org/leaf_inc/