Develop Achievement Teams to support children who are at risk of under-achievement. Ensure all pupils are challenged to
Areas of School Focus 2016 – 2017
Outcomes For Pupils
Teaching, Learning and
Further improve standards and progress in writing to close the gap between reading and maths through development of SPELLING. PRIORITY
Develop Achievement Teams to support children who are at risk of under-achievement.
80%+ pupils to achieve ARE in reading, GPS, writing and Maths by June 2017 Develop Community Code to embed Pupil’s responsibility for own learning.
Ensure all pupils are challenged to their full potential by developing mastery in the new curriculum. Higher Attaining Pupils (HAP’s) across all phases are a priority.
Improve outcomes for Pupil Premium & Disadvantaged Pupils. Introduce FAST LEARNING (ASPIRE model) to raise attainment across all groups of pupils.
Improve pupil response to Feedback and Marking. Develop Language of Learning and Pupil led termly targets. Introduce termly Science and Spelling assessments
Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare
Develop Pupil Leadership through “Learning Detectives” scheme and pupil training in learning behaviours and stamina. Children will receive “Looking for Learning” training.
Develop role of middle/phase leaders through ASPIRE programme.
& Management
Early Years
Develop Creative Development Opportunities across EYFS and maximise use of the outdoor classroom.
Develop Termly Learning Conferences where pupils discuss their learning with parents and teacher.
Improve Governors effectiveness to hold the school to account through ASPIRE programme resources and training in view of expension.
Improve transition from Pre-school to Reception through development of parent workshops in core areas.
Develop Student and Family Support Team (SaFS) to support achievement of most vulnerable groups of pupils and their families.
Increase impact of subject leaders.
Support progress for pupil premium pupils with Achievement for All Early Years programme – “Achieving Early” PRIORITY