LEAVE RULES General 1. Leave Application: A leave ... - bbdgei.ac.in

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Leave Application: A leave application shall be submitted on prescribed format well in ... a maximum of Twelve (12) days of casual leave in one calendar year. 2.
LEAVE RULES General 1. Leave Application:

A leave application shall be submitted on prescribed

format well in advance and should be sanctioned before availing it.


faculty members must make alternate arrangements/internal adjustments among the faculty members from his/her or any other department (leave arrangement form should be filled) to keep the students engaged. 2. No leave can commence unless it has been sanctioned:


submission of leave application does not authorize an employee to avail the leave applied for.

Availing of leave without getting the same sanctioned

makes the employees liable to disciplinary action besides penal deductions. 3. No leave will be sanctioned on telephone except in case of extraordinary circumstances/sudden illness, etc.

This shall however, be

regularized immediately upon joining his/her duties, in writing. 4. Continued absence of more than six days, or repeated irregularity without intimation of any kind may render an employee liable to disciplinary action including termination of services besides penal deduction. 5. Leave Calendar year Commences on July 1st and closes on 30th June. 6. Leave is a matter of privilege and not a right: It may be refused or revoked by the authority empowered to grant it.

It would, however,

generally be granted unless the exigencies of service so demand. Kinds of Leave o

Casual Leave



Medical Leave



Earned Leave



Leave Without Pay



Extra Ordinary Leave



Duty Leave



Sabbatical Leave



Study Leave



Vacational Leave



Maternity Leave



Casual Leave (CL)

1. Every Permanent Employee of the Institute is entitled to One (1) day casual leave for each thirty (30) days block of duty performed by him/her subject to a maximum of Twelve (12) days of casual leave in one calendar year. 2. On Probation Employee joining the Group till 15 th of the month may be entitled to one CL in that month. For joining dates after 15th of the Month, CL for that month may not be given. 3. A minimum of half (1/2) day or a maximum of Three (3) days of CL can be availed of at a time. Half day CL will not be granted on half working days. 4. CL can be pre-fixed/suffixed with all types of holidays/leaves. Sunday and Holidays falling during period of CL may not be counted as part of CL. 5. CL upto total accumulated period but not exceeding seven (07) days may be granted under very special circumstances.

6. CL will not be carried forward to next calendar year and will lapse at the end of the ensuing calendar year. 1.2

Medical Leave


Medical leave may be granted in case of sickness of the employee and not his/her dependents.

A medical certificate from Doctor or a registered

medical practitioner would be required. 2.

Medical Leave shall not be granted for less than 03 days at a time.


15 MLs may be allowed in a Leave Calendar Year and the balance of previous years may be carried forward.


Sundays and Holidays may be prefixed/suffixed to MLs. Sundays and Holidays falling during a period of ML may be counted as part of ML

5. No ML may be allowed during Probation period. 6. Accumulation of such leaves is possible to the maximum limit of 180 days. 1.3

Earned Leave

1. EL is admissible to all employees and shall be credited after completing one leave calendar year or one year of service. 2. EL will be credited as 1 EL for every period of 24 days spent on duty subject to a maximum of 15 days in a leave calendar year. 3. No EL may be allowed during Probation period.

4. Min. 3 ELs may be taken at a time and at the most EL may be taken only 4 times during a leave calendar year. 5. Sundays and Holidays can be prefixed/suffixed to ELs. Sundays and Holidays falling during the period of EL shall be counted as part of the EL. 6. Accumulation of such leaves is possible to a maximum limit of 180 days. 7. Earned Leave is to be granted only after it is earned. 1.4 1.

Leave Without Pay No provisions as such exist for grant of leave without pay. However, for reasons beyond ones control, if an employee has to avail leave in excess of ones authorization, he may be granted, “Leave without Pay” at the discretion of the Vice Chancellor/ Director/Management subject to exigencies of service. Such leave shall not exceed 30 (Thirty) days in a calendar year subject to a maximum of 15 (Fifteen) days at a time.


Absence of an employee without sanctioned leave is a case of indiscipline and does not fall under this category.


“Leave without pay” should also be sanctioned in advance like any other leave.


However in the case of sickness or cases of pregnancy and child birth, an employee may avail leave without pay with prior permission.


Extra Ordinary Leave


As the name suggests, this leave is granted under extra-ordinary circumstances only. This may include the following:-



Prolonged sickness of self or a family member


Higher education


Forced exile/renunciation

Although there can not be fixed guideline for the duration of such a leave, yet it shall not exceed 05 years.


Such type of leave will be without Pay & will be availed after getting prior approval from the management.


During probation period no such type of leave may be granted.

1.6 1.

Duty Leave Duty leave may be granted for one or more of the following purposes: a)

To deliver academic lectures.


To work on behalf of the Institute/College/University.


To read/present a research paper in a Conference/ Symposium of National/International level.


To attend selection committee or other such like committee meetings provided they are convened by a statutory body/University recognized by the Government.


To inspect academic institutions attached to a statutory body or a University recognized by the Government.

f) g)


To bring recognition to the Institute/College/University. All these leaves put together, shall not exceed 45 days in a year.

Duty Leave for the Affiliating Universities Examination/Work. Any employee going for any/all kind/examination works for affiliating university can avail duty leave. This shall include duty leave for examination work of other universities/statutory bodies.


Duty Leave for Short Term Course May be given once in an academic year. One qualifies for the same after one year of service. No financial commitments shall be made. Such leaves can only be permissible, provided other faculty members are available for regular academic activities.


Duty Leave for FDP sponsored by affiliating University Delegation to FDP may be allowed once in an academic year, provided other faculty members are available for regular academic activities.


Duty Leave for attending Conferences One qualifies for delegation to conferences/seminars/symposia only after completion of one year in service. Duty leave can be availed by employees for attending conferences/seminars/symposia, as per limits defined in duty leave rules.




Sabbatical upto a period of ONE year may be granted once in every FIVE years for attachment to a research organization or an Institute of good standing with the sole aim of pursuing research Activity.


Although the employee will hold the lien with the parent organization, yet he/she will not be entitled to draw salary from this organization.


Study Leave 1.

Leave for upto a maximum of Three years may be granted once in the

tenure of service for pursuing higher studies at a recognized Institute, however , salary shall not be payable for the period. 2.

Study Leave may be granted after an employee has rendered at least 2

years of unblemished service to the Institute.

He/She will be required to furnish

a bond on non-judiciary stamp paper of Rs. 100/- that he/she will serve the Institute at least for a period of 3 years after return from the study leave. However, the Management may reduce the bond period, and also allow such leave without a bond (under special circumstances). 3.

Study leave for pursuing Masters & PhD programmes Study leave may include full time Masters degree/PhD course work/part-

time PhD and examination thereof, thesis writing etc.

An employee having a minimum service of 24 months in the group shall be entitled to study leave. Entitlement shall be one month for each year of service to a limit of three months in an academic session. However for full time Masters/PhD study, leave shall be without salary. An employee having less then one year of service shall not be allowed any study leave whatsoever. 4.

Study leave may be granted up to a maximum of 10% of the sanctioned

posts in any department. 1.9

Vacation Leave


All teaching/Institutional faculty is entitled to 15 Days summer and/or

winter vacation subject to their being able to complete the preparations for the next semester. If, however, the exigencies of service do not allow an employee to avail of these vacations, the short fall in period of vacation not availed of by the employee will be converted into earned leave and rules of earned leave will apply. (at the discretion of competent authority) 2.

The vacation leave shall require to be sanctioned in advance in writing,

as for any

other leaves. 3.

The vacation period amongst the faculty members shall generally be

staggered to ensure that the Group functioning is not hampered. 4.

Like earned leave, vacation leave shall first be earned. An employee

who has not worked for the preceding semester shall not be entitled to vacation leave. He/she shall however, be entitled to reduced period of vacation on prorata basis. Each six months period will be counted from the first day of an academic session. 1.10

Maternity Leave Maternity leave may be granted subject to the approval from the management.






CL/EL/Vacation/ML as permissible to the employee and club them together for maternity leave, as a special privilege, with prior approval from the management. Such leaves may be allowed two times in the period of service.