Lecture 1

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May 8, 2013 ... Course Overview and Expectations. 3. ... Course notes to be posted on class web site. - It is the ... Land surveying and engineering works.
CE 271.2 Spring Survey Camp 2013

Lead Instructor: A d a m H a m m e r l i n d l , P. E n g . University of Saskatchewan Civil and Geological Engineering

30 April 2013

Welcome! You’re in for a treat….

CE 271.2 Spring Survey Camp

30 April 2013

Instructors  Prof. Moir Haug, Ph.D., P.Eng. S.L.S (Ret)  Home Room Instructors:  David Parker  Kyle Scale

 Roanne Kelln  Thomas Baer  Mike Amos  Jordan Matheson CE 271.2 Spring Survey Camp

30 April 2013

Overview 1. Housekeeping and Schedule 2. Course Overview and Expectations 3. Safety 4. Surveying – General Knowledge 5. Part I Field Notes 6. Part II Horizontal Distance Measurement a.

Compass and Pacing


Taping (Chaining) CE 271.2 Spring Survey Camp

30 April 2013

Housekeeping and Schedule  Pay Cynthia @ 3B48 or you will be removed from the class by 4pm today.  Students are responsible for printing notes for each day  Logbooks  Final exam: 10 May 2013 at 09:00 am (3 hr, in Home Rooms)  Lunch will be from 12:00 to 1:00 pm  Pack a lunch  Bring water  Dress for the weather  Don’t make a mess of the hallways or classrooms CE 271.2 Spring Survey Camp

30 April 2013

Housekeeping and Schedule  Equipment sign in/out

CE 271.2 Spring Survey Camp

30 April 2013

Course Overview Lead Instructor:

Adam Hammerlindl, P.Eng. ENG 1C16 Phone: 966-5534 Email: [email protected]

Lectures: Tutorial:

Dates TBA

09:00 – 10:30 and/or 1:00 – 2:30

ENG 1B71

08 May 2013

09:00 – 12:00

Instructor Home Room






Moir D. Haug, Ph.D, P.Eng. S.LS. (Ret) Email: Nope.

Course notes to be posted on class web site - It is the student’s responsibility to print these notes prior to the appropriate lecture


Quizzes Assignments Log Book Laboratory Final Exam

5% 10% 5% 15% 65% CE 271.2 Spring Survey Camp

30 April 2013

Course Overview and Expectations 

Part I: Field Notes

Part II: Horizontal Distance Measurement 


Part III: Horizontal Control 



Part IV: Leveling 

Two Peg Test

Differential Leveling

Part V: Simple Curves

Part VI: Total Station and GPS CE 271.2 Spring Survey Camp

30 April 2013

Course Overview and Expectations  Schedule of Activities Date


Quiz Compass & Pacing






Closing the Chaining & Horizon & 2 Peg Test Breaking Transit & Leveling the Chain Traverse

Intro Lecture (Morning) & Horizontal Lecture Horizontal Control Distance (Afternoon) Assignment

3-May Horiz. Control

Compass & Horizontal Pacing Distance

4-May Simple Curves



GPS and Total Station TBA (Either Day)

Horizontal Control


Simple Curves



GPS Slope Total Review Profile & Station Session Cut-Fill Topographic with TA s

Simple Curves

Simple Curves





Study Day Final Exam

GPS and Total No Lecture No Lecture No Lecture Station TBA (Either Day)

 Camp runs from 9 am to 5 pm daily  Practical Lab participation is mandatory CE 271.2 Spring Survey Camp

30 April 2013

Safety  Stay away from roads  Dress for the weather  We will work in rain/sleet/snow  Good shoes or boots

 Drink lots of water  Campus Safety: (306) 966-5555  Just 5555 from campus phone

 Note evacuation route from home rooms and location of first aid kits CE 271.2 Spring Survey Camp

30 April 2013

General Questions?

Source: Wikipedia CE 271.2 Spring Survey Camp

30 April 2013

Surveying: General Knowledge  Commonly called “Land Surveying”  A measure of:  Distance, angles and positions  3-D position of points (referenced) 

Cartesian or geographic grids

 Planning  Construction  Mapping/Navigating  Property boundaries CE 271.2 Spring Survey Camp

30 April 2013

Surveying: General Knowledge  Control Survey  Points used as reference for other survey work

 Preliminary Survey  Data gathering – site features, roadways, property markings etc.

 Layout Survey  Land surveying and engineering works

CE 271.2 Spring Survey Camp

30 April 2013

Surveying: Definitions  Meridian:

A line on the mean sur face of the earth joining the north and south poles.

Think compass directions or lines of longitude:

Source: Wikipedia

CE 271.2 Spring Survey Camp

30 April 2013

Surveying – Definitions:  Azimuth:

The direction of a line as given by an angle measured clockwise from the nor th end of a meridian (Ranging from 0 º to 360 º ).

Kavanagh, 2009 CE 271.2 Spring Survey Camp

30 April 2013

Surveying – Definitions:  Bearing:

The direction of a line as given by the acute angle between the line and a meridian .

AB - N62º 30’E

BA - S62º 30’W


Kavanagh, 2009 CE 271.2 Spring Survey Camp

30 April 2013

Surveying – Definitions:  True North: Direction along the earth’s surface towards the geographic north pole.

 Magnetic North: The northerly direction in the earth’s magnetic field as indicated by the north -seeking pole of a compass needle. 

Magnetic north deviates year-to-year. Magnetic north position from 2011 seen in Figure 1 (next slide).

Currently in Saskatoon: 10º 51’ East

Changing at approximately 11.9’ per year West

CE 271.2 Spring Survey Camp

30 April 2013

Magnetic North

Figure 1: Deviation of Magnetic North

CE 271.2 Spring Survey Camp

30 April 2013

Magnetic North

Figure 2: Magnetic Declination (Isogonic Lines)

CE 271.2 Spring Survey Camp

30 April 2013

Magnetic Declination Eas t Declinat ion:  Your g eog raphic position in t he field is wes t of ~ Thunder Bay, ON  Mus t ADD X -deg rees to m ag net ic com pas s reading Wes t Declinat ion:  Your g eog raphic pos it ion is eas t of ~ Thunder Bay, ON  Mus t SUBTRACT X degrees to m ag net ic com pas s reading

Figure 3: Magnetic Declination Correction - Courtesy: Prof. D. Milne (U of S)

CE 271.2 Spring Survey Camp

30 April 2013

Using a Compass 1.

Hold compass away from body at ~chest level to ~eye level and sight in object using the V -notch on the top of the lid.

CE 271.2 Spring Survey Camp

30 April 2013

Using a Compass 2.

W i t h o b j e c t s t i l l s i g h te d i n , a d j u s t t h e c o m p a s s h o u s i n g ( d i a l ) s o t h a t t h e m a g n e t i c n o r t h a r row i s a l i g n e d w i t h t h e a r r ow o n t h e b a s e . Re a d o f f t h e b e a r i n g f ro m t h e d i a l w h e r e t h e i n d ex to u c h e s t h e d i a l : 2 21 º i n t h i s c a s e . (No correction necessary!)

CE 271.2 Spring Survey Camp

30 April 2013

PART I: Field Notes Page 1:  The title of the job, date, weather, location and names of party members should be recorded.

 Only info on this page  Always a right hand page

CE 271.2 Spring Survey Camp

30 April 2013

PART I: Field Notes  Field notes should be organized in a form appropriate to the type of survey.  Since other people may very well use these notes, generally standard forms are used for each of the different types of survey. 

Any standard forms or formats will be given out and explained

CE 271.2 Spring Survey Camp

30 April 2013

PART I: Field Notes  Frequent sketches are used when needed for clarification.  Since field books are inexpensive as compared to the other costs of surveying, crowding sketches or other data does not really save money.

CE 271.2 Spring Survey Camp

30 April 2013

PART I: Field Notes  Field measurements must not be erased when mistakes are made.  A line should be drawn through the incorrect number and the corrected value written adjacent to the old value.

 Erasures cause suspicion that there has been some dishonest alteration of values, but a crossed out number is looked upon as an open admission of a blunder.

CE 271.2 Spring Survey Camp

30 April 2013

PART I: Field Notes  Notes are printed with a sharp medium hard pencil so that the records will be relatively permanent and will not smear.

CE 271.2 Spring Survey Camp

30 April 2013

PART I: Field Notes  It is essential that notes are checked before leaving the site of the survey in order to make sure that all of the required information has been obtained and recorded.

CE 271.2 Spring Survey Camp

30 April 2013

PART I: Field Notes A few other requirements are: i ) Page numbering, right and lef t hand pages have the same number. ii ) Table of contents. iii) Clear separation o f each day's work by star ting on a clean page each day. Each lab will require a title page containing the information from Point #1 . The title page is always the right hand page . iv) Use lef t hand pages for field data and right hand pages for sketches. v) Indicate the general direction of Nor th ( assumed/project, magnetic or true) on each sketch. vi ) Notes must be neat, organized and legible! CE 271.2 Spring Survey Camp

30 April 2013

Lectures and Quizzes  Horizontal Distance Measurement  This afternoon at 1:00 pm

 Please arrive 5 minutes early to get seated

 Meet each day at 9am SHARP in your home room….quiz at 9:05 until 9:25. Lectures (1B71) at 9:30. CE 271.2 Spring Survey Camp

30 April 2013

PART I: Field Notes  Questions? petticoatsandpistols.com

CE 271.2 Spring Survey Camp

30 April 2013

Housekeeping and Schedule 

Meet everyday at your home rooms 9 am – SHARP

GROUP 1 David Parker ROOM 1B12

GROUP 2 Kyle Scale ROOM 2B52

GROUP 3 Roanne Kelln ROOM 2C40

GROUP 4 Thomas Baer ROOM 2C02

GROUP 5 Mike Amos ROOM 2C01

GROUP 6 Jordan Matheson ROOM 2B53

Adhikari, Riwaj

Agnew, Russell A. Boobyer, Bradley M. Danderfer, Janine M. Ferris, David M. Guandong, Bayak D. Jackson, Lindsay F. Lazic, Suzana MacLennan, Kailey M. McWillie, Justin N. Ackerman, Daryl Peberdy, Brett L. Rac, Tony J. Schuett, Paige Carlson, Bryan W. Krupka, Alexander Zoerb, Everhett A. Wenz, Matthew Nelson, Robert

Allen, Jay A. Baryluk, Joel K. Brar, Manjeet Earnshaw, Alexander D. Fleischhacker, Jonathan J. Herzog, Stephen N. Johnson, Alesha A. Leniuk, Mariell H. Matheson, Emilie J. Meldrum, Eliza H. Nevland, Erik A. Peifer, Colby Rosvold, Lori D. Scott, Matthew D. Smith, Read W. Tryhuba, Scott B. Wingate, Morgan Silva, Michael

Anhorn, Carter Bedford, Brandon E. Small, Colleen J. Emmanuel, Promise A. Gillis, Shaun B. Hignett, Jonathon M. Koroluk, Matthew R. Liu, Chao Yi McCallum, Mitchell J. Monteiro, Meagan M. Noble, Jordan J. Pichler, Regan J. Sattler, Kelvin D. Shahsavar, Shayla

Antunes, Ryan T. Berg, Jacob R. Cherepuschak, Tawni L. Ericson, Evan L. Houston, Kate S. Kowbel, Taylor J. Liu, Yu McGonigal, Cody D. Moroz, Calvin E. Nyandwi, Alexis N. Pohler, Bradley M. Sawka, Ory B. Shewchuk, Kyle N.

Arzani, Amir Bigsby, Eleanor G. Colville, Scott Evjen, Matthew J. Gould, Derek R. Huynh, Kevin Kruger, Sara N. Lothian, Austin R.

Auckland, Grayem Bischoff, Jayelle L. Cunningham, Haley L. Fenton, Tyler K. Gress, Brandon K. Inglis, Travis J. Lapp, Sidney M. Luo, Xiang McOuat, Conor F. Movahedzadeh, Abdullah Palmer, Patrick J. Schmidt, Niko J. Silversides, Regan J. Symak, Kendria H. Warkentin, Luke T. Waronek, Brooke G. Manion, Michael

Snell, Garrett M. Tyler, Thomas J. Wright, Felicia V.

Story, Keegan R. Vogel, Timothy M. Xu, Mengyuan Keene, Ryan

McIntyre, Sheldon D. Morrison, Gregory J. Olafson, Jesse T. Princewill, Lolo V. Anderson, Brandon Shrestha, Protsahan M. Sun, Johnson Wang, Mingyue Zhu, Yulin

Remember to be safe…..and HAVE FUN!!

Pay Cynthia @ 3B48 or you will be removed from the class by 4pm today. CE 271.2 Spring Survey Camp

30 April 2013