Lepton flavor violation in decays

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Aug 28, 2006 - seesaw mechanism with nonholomorphic terms for the lepton sector at a large tan . ... that the seesaw mechanism is one of the natural ways [3].
PHYSICAL REVIEW D 74, 035010 (2006)

Lepton flavor violation in  decays Chuan-Hung Chen1,3,* and Chao-Qiang Geng2,3,† 1

Department of Physics, National Cheng-Kung University, Tainan, 701 Taiwan Department of Physics, National Tsing-Hua University, Hsin-Chu, 300 Taiwan 3 National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Taiwan (Received 7 June 2006; published 28 August 2006)


We study the lepton flavor violation (LFV) in tau decays in the framework of the supersymmetric seesaw mechanism with nonholomorphic terms for the lepton sector at a large tan. In particular, we analyze two new decay modes  ! ‘f0 980 and  ! ‘K K  arising from the scalar boson exchanges contrast to  ! ‘0 from the pseudoscalar ones. We find that the decay branching ratios of the two new modes could be not only as large as the current upper limits of O107 , but also larger than those of  ! ‘0 . Experimental searches for the two modes are important for the LFV induced by the scalarmediated mechanism. In addition, we show that the decay branching ratios of  ! ‘  are related to those of  ! ‘ and  ! ‘f0 980. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.74.035010

PACS numbers: 12.60.Jv, 13.35.Dx

In the standard model (SM), since the neutrinos are regarded as massless particles, the processes associated with lepton flavors are always conserved. Inspired by the discoveries of nonzero neutrino masses [1,2], it has been studied enormously how to generate the neutrino masses which are less than a few eV. By supplementing with singlet right-handed Majorana neutrinos with masses MR required to be around the scale of unified theory, it is found that the seesaw mechanism is one of the natural ways [3] to obtain the small neutrino masses. Accordingly, in non-SUSY models, it is easy to understand that the effects of the lepton flavor violation (LFV) are suppressed by 1=MR . However, in models with SUSY, due to the nondiagonal neutrino mass matrix, the flavor conservation in the slepton sector at the unified scale will be violated at the MR scale via renormalization [4 –6]. The flavor violating effects could propagate to the electroweak scale so that instead of 1=MR , the suppression of the LFV could be 1=MSUSY with MSUSY  O TeV being the typical mass of the SUSY particle. Consequently,  the lepton flavor violating processes, such as ‘ i ! ‘j      and ‘i ! ‘j ‘k ‘k become detectable at the low energy scale. The LFV has been extensively studied in the literature. For example,  ! , B ! e; , and the   e;  conversions can be found in Refs. [7–12], while that to the detection of the LFV in colliders is given in Ref. [13]. In the large tan region, it has been pointed out that the nonholomorphic Yukawa interactions [14 –17] play very important roles for flavor changing neutral currents (FCNCs) in the quark sector. In the SUSY-seesaw model, the nonholomorphic terms [6] in the lepton sector naturally induce the LFV due to the Higgs couplings. It has been shown that the contribution to the decay of  ! 3 from *Electronic address: [email protected] † Electronic address: [email protected]

1550-7998= 2006=74(3)=035010(6)

the Higgs-mediated LFV at large tan could be much larger than that from  !  !   [6,18]. Recently, the experimental limits on the radiative decays of  ! ‘ (‘  e; ) have been improved from O106  [19] to O107  [20,21]. Moreover, the sensitivity of probing the LFV in  decays with single pseudoscalar (P) or vector (V) and double mesons in the final states, i.e.,  ! ‘P; V and  ! ‘PP, have also reached O107  [22]. In this paper, we will simultaneously analyze  ! ‘ and  ! ‘X, where X are   , 0 , , f0 980, 600, and K  K  , respectively, in the Higgs-mediated mechanism. In particular, we would like to check whether it is possible to have large rates for the processes beside the mode of  ! 3. Note that the decays of  ! ‘S with S  f0 980 and 600 and  ! ‘; K  K   have not been explored previously based on the Higgs-mediated mechanism in the literature, while  ! ‘P have been studied in Refs. [7,9,23]. We start with the Higgs-mediated mechanism. It is known that, by the induced slepton flavor mixing, the effective Lagrangian with induced nonholomorphic terms for the Higgs bosons coupling to leptons is given by [6]

Leff  E Ri Yi ij Hd0   1 ij  2 Iij Hu0 ELj  H:c:  E R M0 EL  H:c:; (1) ‘

where Y denotes the diagonalized Yukawa matrix of leptons, Iij  m2L~ ij =m20 and 12 is related to the induced lepton flavor conserving (violating) effect, expressed by [6]


© 2006 The American Physical Society


PHYSICAL REVIEW D 74, 035010 (2006)


M1 2f1 M12 ; m2‘~ ; m2‘~   f1 M12 ; 2 ; m2‘~   2f1 M12 ; m2‘~ ; m2‘~   2 M2 f1 2 ; m2‘~  2f1 2 ; m2 ~‘ ; M22  ; L R L L R L 8 8


2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 M1 m0 2f2 M1 ; m‘~ ; m~L ; m~R   f2  ; m‘~ ; m~L ; M1   M2 m0 f2  ; m‘~ ; m~L ; M22  2 ’ L L L 8 8 2 2 2 2 (2)  2f2  ; m ~‘ ; m ~ ; M2  ; 1 ’

where M1;2 are the masses of gauginos from the soft SUSYbreaking terms,  stands for the mixing of Hu and Hd ,

and 12  g212 =4 with g12 corresponding to the gauge coupling of the U1SU2 symmetry. Because of the nonholomorphic term 2 Eij , the lepton mass matrix is not diagonal anymore. Consequently, after rediagonalizing the lepton mass matrix, the lepton flavor changing neutral interactions through the Higgs bosons appear. Since the nonholomorphic terms are expected to be much less than unity, to obtain the LFV, we take the unitary matrices used for diagonalizing lepton mass matrix to be ULR 1  LR as a leading expansion of 2 Eij , where LR are 3 3 matrices. From Eq. (15) and m2L~ ij  m2L~ ji , we may set L  R  . Hence, the diagonal mass matrix in Eq. (1) could be obtained by UM‘0 Uy 1  M‘0 1    M‘dia ; where M‘dia is the physical mass matrix of the lepton with the diagonal elements being M‘dia ii  me ; m ; m . At the leading order, we get ij

M‘0 ij  M‘0 jj

M‘0 ii

ij eff

p m‘i Cij    2GF 1=2 ‘iR ‘jL sin  H 0 cos2   cos  h0  iA0  H:c:;

xy lnx=y  yz lny=z  zx lnz=x ; f1 x; y; z   x  yy  zz  x w lnw  cyclic; f2 w; x; y; z   w  xw  yw  z

M‘0 ii M‘dia ii ;


i  j:

In terms of the physical mass eigenstates of the Higgs bosons, represented by [24]


where m‘i is the mass of the ith flavor lepton and Cij  2 Iij =1   1  2 Iii  tan2 . From Eq. (3), we see that the decays of  ! ‘P only pick up the contributions from the pseudoscalar boson A0 , while  ! ‘S and  ! ‘PP are governed by both scalar bosons H 0 and h0 due to the parity properties. In our following analysis, we only concentrate on the processes associated with the productions of ss and   pairs to avoid small Higgs couplings. We choose the decays of  ! ‘X with X    , 0 , f0 980600, and K  K  as the representative modes. For  ! ‘  , the formalisms for the decay rates dictated by scalar and pseudoscalar bosons are given by  ! ‘   ’ c‘

G2F m2 m7 jC‘ j2 3 29 3 cos6 

cs sc  m2h m2H


  sin 2 ; m2A (4)

where c‘  3=2 and 1 with ‘   and e, cs  cos   sin , and sc  sin   cos , respectively. To study the production of 0 , we adopt the quark-flavor scheme, defined by [25]      cos  sin q   ; (5) sin cos 0 s p  where q  uu  dd= 2 and s  ss. From h0jq 0  5 q0 jq0 pi  fq0 p , the mass of qs can be p  5 djq i (m2ss   5 u  md d expressed by m2qq  2 h0jmu u fq

2 fs

h0jms s5 sjs i). If we neglect the q contribution due to small mu;d , the decay rates for  ! ‘ can be written as

1 Re Hd0  vd  p cos H0  sin h0 ; 2 1 ReHu0  vu  p sin H0  cos h0 ; 2 1 ImHd0  p cosG0  sinA0 ; 2 1 ImHu0  p sinG0  cosA0 ; 2

 ! ‘ ’

where is the mixing angle of the two CP-even neutral scalars, the interactions for the LFV via the Higgsmediated mechanism are expressed by

   m2 2 G2F m3 jC‘ j2 6 m2 2 tan  sinfs ss : (6) 1  64 m2A m2

Similarly, the rate for  ! ‘0 is given by 1  m2 0 =m2 2   ! ‘0    cot2  : 2 2  ! ‘ 1  m =m


For  ! ‘f0 980600 decays, although the quark contents of f0 980 and 600 are still uncertain, we



PHYSICAL REVIEW D 74, 035010 (2006)

adopt two quark contents to describe the states. In terms of the notations in Refs. [26,27], the isoscalar states f0 980 and 600 are described by jf0 980i  cos jssi   and j600i  with sin jnni   sin jssi  cos jnni p  nn  uu  dd= 2 and being the mixing angle. The decay constants are defined as hf0s jssj0i

 mf0 f~sf0 ;

hs jssj0i

 m f~s ;


  d ! ‘K K   G2F m3 jC‘ j2 sc 2 K K  2 cs m ’ f   s s dQ2 m2h m2H 28 3 cos6     Q2 2 4m2 1=2 1  2 1  2K : (13) m Q From Eqs. (4), (6), and (9), it is interesting to see that the various decay rates mediated by the Higgs bosons have the relationship

where f0s and s represent the ss component in f0 980 and 600, respectively. As a result, the decay rates of  ! ‘f0 980 are given by  ! ‘f0 980 ’

G2F m3 jC‘ j2 ms mf0 f~sf0 cos 2 16 cos6    m2f 2 cs sc 2 2 2 1  20 : mh mH m


On the other hand, the rates for  ! ‘600 can be obtained by    ~s m f tan 2 1  m2 =m2 2  ! ‘600 : ’  ! ‘f0 980 1  m2f0 =m2 mf0 f~sf0 (10) For the three-body decays of  ! ‘K K  , the associated hadronic effects are much more complicated and unclear. Nevertheless, the uncertainties could be fixed by the B decays, such as B ! KKK. The related form factor including resonant and nonresonant effects is defined by [28] hK  p1 K  p2 jssj0i fsK 



 ! ‘   

where C  sin2  sinfs m2ss =22 1  m2 =m2 2 and Cf0  ms mf0 f~sf0 cos 2 1  m2f0 =m2 2 . We now consider the radiative modes of  ! ‘. At the large tan scenario, the dominant contributions to the decays are illustrated in Fig. 1. To simplify the estimations, we use the mass insertion method to formulate the decay amplitudes. The induced LFVs in the slepton mass matrix can be approximately written as [4,5,31]   1 2 Y y Y  2Ay A ln MU ; (15) m2L~ ij ’  6m ij 0 MR 4 2 where m0 , Y , and A denote the typical initial soft SUSYbreaking mass of the slepton, the neutrino Yukawa couplings, and the trilinear soft SUSY-breaking effects, respectively, at the unified scale of MU . From Fig. 1 and Eq. (15), the effective interactions for  ! ‘ are given by


G   ki k AR 1  5 p; T  pF em  k‘p 2 (16)

mS f~sS gS!KK  fsNR ; m2S  Q2  imS S (11)


where S stands for the possible scalar meson state, mS f~sS   hSjssj0i, gS!KK denotes the strong coupling for S ! KK, and   v  Q2 1 NR 1 2 fs  3FNR  2FNR   v 2 ln 2 ; 3 Q  (12)  12   x1 x12 Q2 1 12 2 FNR   4 ln 2 ; Q2 Q 


X M2  m2W 2 tanm  GS ; ‘ ~ L 4 2 M22 ~ S‘;~


  1  tan2 W fn x‘~L  fn x~L  ;  m2‘~ m2‘~  m2~L m2~L L L   fc x ~‘  fc x ~  4 ;  2  m ~‘  m2 ~ m2 ~‘ m2 ~

G‘~   G ~‘

v  m2K  m2 =ms  md , x11  3:26 GeV2 , 5:02 GeV2 , x21  0:47 GeV2 , and x22  0. It is found

with x12  that only f0 980 and f0 1530 have the largest couplings to the KK pair [29]. Note that in calculating B ! KKK [28], the factorization approach in Ref. [30] has been used. In our numerical estimations, we will only consider these two scalar contributions. The differential decay rates as a function of the invariant mass in the KK system are given by

  c‘ m2 m4  ! ‘  ! ‘f0 980  ; C Cf0 3 25 2 (14)


1 fn x  1  x2  2x lnx; 1  x3 1 fc x   3  4x  x2  2 lnx; 21  x3 with xS  M22 =m2S [5]. Here, we have set the masses of Higgsinos and gauginos to be the same, denoted as M2 . Subsequently, the decay rates of  ! ‘ are given by



PHYSICAL REVIEW D 74, 035010 (2006)


˜L R


H˜ d0

H˜ u0


˜ R


H˜ d−

˜ 0 W L

˜ − W L

H˜ u−



FIG. 1. The Feynman diagrams for  ! ‘ with a large tan. The crosses represent the various mixing effects.


The diagrams in Fig. 1 can also induce  ! ‘  ,  ! ‘, and  ! ‘K K  when the photon is off-shell. From Eq. (16), it is easy to estimate the ratios of branching ratios (BRs) to be [5]   BR ! ‘X 

 O em  103 ; R‘  BR ! ‘ (20)     X    ; ; K K : Note that it is impossible to produce modes with X being a single pseudoscalar or scalar by the dipole operators in Eq. (16). In our estimations for the modes with X   and K  K  , we have used the hadronic matrix elements   qji  im f  k defined by h0jq and     K  K  Q2 , with  qjK p1 K p2 i  p h0jq  p F q 1 2 the form factors given in Refs. [28,32], respectively. It is clear that from the current limits on BR ! ‘, BR ! ‘X  are too small to be observed. We remark that other loop contributions to the decays, such as those from box diagrams, are expected to be small due to the light fermion final states. For the numerical estimations on  ! ‘ and  ! ‘X, we assume that M1  M2  m0    m‘~  m~ to simplify our discussions. Consequently, Eqs. (2) and (17) become   3 em

em 1 1 ; 1

 ; 2 16 3cos2 W sin2 W 4 sin2 2 W  AR

1 m2W 64 2 m2~

m2L~ ‘ m20

tan1  tan2 W ;

f~sf0  0:33 GeV [27] for  ! ‘f0 980; 600; v  2:87 GeV,   10:4 GeV4 , f~sf0 1530  f~f0 980  gf0 1530!KK  0:33 GeV, gf0 980!KK  1:50 GeV, 3:18 GeV [28], f0 980  80 MeV, and f0 1530  1:16 GeV [29] for  ! ‘K  K  . For simplicity, we do not distinguish the difference between Y y Y e and Y y Y  , i.e., m2L~ e  m2L~  . In Fig. 2, we present the BRs for  ! ‘ as a function of the slepton mass. In comparison with the BELLE and BABAR results of BR !  < 3:1 107 [20] and 0:68 107 [21], we see clearly that m~ > 1 TeV is favorable. The BRs of  ! ‘ as a function of the pseudoscalar mass are displayed in Fig. 3(a). From Eq. (7), we have BR ! ‘0   0:93BR ! ‘. The BRs of  ! ‘f0 980 and  ! ‘K K  as a function of MH  cs=m2h  sc=m2H 1=2 are shown in Figs. 3(b) and 3(c), respectively. In terms of Eq. (10), we get BR ! ‘600  0:2BR ! ‘f0 980. In addition, from Eq. (14), we obtain that BR ! ‘   ’ 0:33BR ! ‘  1:6BR ! ‘f0 980 . Clearly, all  ! ‘X modes except  ! ‘600 are suitable to search for the LFV. Finally, it is worth mentioning that if we take the decoupling limit, i.e., mH mA and !   =2 [24], leading to MH  mH , we get  ! ‘f0 980: ! ‘  : ! ‘ 1:3:0:36c‘ :1.


em 2 5 G m jA j2 : 2 F  R


 ! ‘ 


respectively. If we regard Ay A in Eq. (15) as Ay A‘  m20 Y y Y ‘  m20 O1, we get m2L~ ‘ =m20  2 8=4  lnMu =MR . Thus, we find that C‘ are insensitive to the SUSY-breaking scale and the decays of  ! ‘ and  ! ‘X are only sensitive to the masses of the slepton and Higgs bosons, respectively. In calculating the numerical values, we set GUR  1019 1014  GeV and tan  60. Other parameters in various modes are taken to be as follows:   39 , fs  0:17 GeV, and mss  0:69 GeV for  ! ‘0 [25];  30 , ms  0:15 GeV, and f~s 

60 45 30 15 0




1.5 mτ∼ (TeV)

FIG. 2. Branching ratios (in units of 107 ) for  ! ‘ as a function of the stau mass.







+ −


BR(τ→lK K )10

BR(τ→l f0(980))10




PHYSICAL REVIEW D 74, 035010 (2006) 3

2 1.5

200 (a)

250 300 mA (GeV)

2 1










200 (b)

250 300 MH (GeV)



200 (c)

250 300 MH (GeV)

FIG. 3. Branching ratios (in units of 107 ) for (a)  ! ‘ and (b)[(c)]  ! ‘f0 980K  K  as functions of the pseudoscalar and scalar Higgs masses, respectively.

In summary, we have studied the lepton flavor violating  decays through the Higgs-mediated mechanism with the nonholomorphic terms from the couplings between the Higgs bosons and leptons at the large tan. By assuming that all masses associated with SUSY breaking are the same, we have demonstrated that BRs of  ! ‘ only depend on the stau mass. In the Higgs-mediated mechanism, we have shown that the BRs of the new proposed decays of  ! ‘f0 980 and  ! ‘K K  arising from the scalar exchanges can be as large as the upper limits O107  of the current data and, moreover, they can be

larger than those of  ! ‘ from pseudoscalar exchanges. We have also pointed out that  ! ‘  are related with  ! ‘ and  ! ‘f0 980. It is clear that future experimental searches for the LFV in the leptonic and semileptonic tau flavor violating decays are important for us to identify the Higgs-mediated mechanism.

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