Use voice, body percussion and percussion instruments to represent picture
cards of things in our environment. (Voice record). Outcomes: English:
ACELY1666 ...
Lesson 2 Use voice, body percussion and percussion instruments to represent picture cards of things in our environment. (Voice record) Outcomes: English: ACELY1666 - Listen for specific purposes The Arts: Music ASP2 – Identifies and uses a range of arts skills and appropriate techniques to make and communicate arts works. Objectives: - To experiment with sounds - Students to watch body percussion and percussion instrument videos to become familiar with those skills. - Students to experiment and decide which sounds (voice, body percussion or percussion instruments) they will use to recreate the sound of the picture card. - For students to cooperate in a group setting practicing active listening, no put downs and constructive criticism. - Students to capture each other’s representation on a voice recorder. Resources: Body percussion video (4:20-8:00) View Here Percussion Instrument video (0:00-3:15) View Here Picture cards View Here Percussion instruments Voice recorders (6) Learning Experiences Intro: (10 minutes) Students on the mat Watch videos Practice body percussion like we see in the video Practice percussion instruments Allocate students into 6 groups of 4 Recap on the use of voice recorders Main Body: (40 minutes) Students get into groups and experiment and decide which sounds (voice, body percussion or percussion instruments) they will use to recreate the sound of the picture cards Students capture each other’s representation of cards on a voice recorder Conclusion: (10 minutes) Gather students on the mat and have a listen to everyone’s recordings. Evaluation: - Observation of students working collaboratively in their groups to experiment and decide on the form of sound they are going to use for their representation. - Evaluation of the finished product (voice record) - did students utilise voice, body percussion or percussion instruments to do their recreation?