Lesson 2 Use voice, body percussion and percussion ... - Creative Arts

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Use voice, body percussion and percussion instruments to represent picture cards of things in our environment. (Voice record). Outcomes: English: ACELY1666 ...
Lesson 2 Use voice, body percussion and percussion instruments to represent picture cards of things in our environment. (Voice record) Outcomes: English: ACELY1666 - Listen for specific purposes The Arts: Music ASP2 – Identifies and uses a range of arts skills and appropriate techniques to make and communicate arts works. Objectives: - To experiment with sounds - Students to watch body percussion and percussion instrument videos to become familiar with those skills. - Students to experiment and decide which sounds (voice, body percussion or percussion instruments) they will use to recreate the sound of the picture card. - For students to cooperate in a group setting practicing active listening, no put downs and constructive criticism. - Students to capture each other’s representation on a voice recorder. Resources:  Body percussion video (4:20-8:00) View Here  Percussion Instrument video (0:00-3:15) View Here  Picture cards View Here  Percussion instruments  Voice recorders (6) Learning Experiences Intro: (10 minutes)  Students on the mat  Watch videos  Practice body percussion like we see in the video  Practice percussion instruments  Allocate students into 6 groups of 4  Recap on the use of voice recorders Main Body: (40 minutes)  Students get into groups and experiment and decide which sounds (voice, body percussion or percussion instruments) they will use to recreate the sound of the picture cards  Students capture each other’s representation of cards on a voice recorder Conclusion: (10 minutes)  Gather students on the mat and have a listen to everyone’s recordings. Evaluation: - Observation of students working collaboratively in their groups to experiment and decide on the form of sound they are going to use for their representation. - Evaluation of the finished product (voice record) - did students utilise voice, body percussion or percussion instruments to do their recreation?