Oct 2, 2015 - development of a professional culture based on trust and respect. Workshop ... Primary, Ruby Nasser - Depu
Lesson Study London: Sharing Learning from London Schools Excellence Fund Programmes Imperial College, South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ Friday 2nd October 2015, 9.30am to 4pm Morning Workshops
Workshop Guide Please include your morning and afternoon workshop preferences on the application form when booking at
[email protected].
Afternoon Workshops
1. How to track impact on a lesson study project ........................... 2
2. Lesson Study for Assessment in SEN/D .................................... 5
3. Developing teachers as leaders of lesson study ........................ 2
4. Lesson study in the Early Years ................................................. 5
5. Leading Lesson Study as a whole school approach to CPD ...... 2 6. Public Lesson Study - widening the community of practice........ 3
7. Using Lesson Study to improve learning and to ‘grow’ the new mathematics curriculum ................................................................. 5
8. Leading Lesson Study and embedding it into the heart of school practice .......................................................................................... 3
9. How teachers learn in lesson study: results of Cambridge research into teachers learning through talk .................................. 6
9. How teachers learn in lesson study: results of Cambridge research into teachers learning through talk .................................. 3
11. Organising, analysing and interpreting lesson study data and observations to maximise improvement ......................................... 6
10. Making Lesson Study new practice knowledge visible and mobilising it across classrooms and schools.................................. 3
13. Facilitating lesson study in order to improve practice in writing 6
12. Using lesson study to meet the needs of higher ability children in mathematics ............................................................................... 4
17. How Lesson Study helped us to evolve our new mathematics curriculum and moving Lesson Study across the school. .............. 7
15. Understanding Mathematical Thinking in the Early Years ........ 4
18. What we found out about how to help children with reasoning in the new mathematics curriculum .................................................... 7
16. "You want us to do what?" - Lesson study against the odds! ... 4
14. Facilitating lesson study in two Special School Contexts ......... 6
20. How intelligent video technology can enhance lesson study.... 7
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Morning Workshops No Workshop
This workshop explores how teachers can track the impact of Adam Jeffreys is an NQT at Hayes Secondary and lesson study and shares a variety of tools from different lesson Rachael Swarbrick is an NQT at Pickhurst Infants. study projects including: Both are involved in the Bromley Ascend LSEF Lesson Study project. David Godfrey is a Research Associate • Descriptions of teacher practice; at IOE who has been closely involved in two major • Teacher confidence surveys; LSEF (London Schools of Excellence Fund) projects • Process feedback from teachers; (Ascend and Lambeth Connecting Knowledge) for Teachers involved in the LSEF Ascend Lesson Study project which he has developed a set of tools to evaluate will give personal accounts of the impact of lesson study. impact. His particular area of expertise is in how schools can develop research engaged practices.
How to track impact on a lesson study project Lesson Study and Impact Cross Phase
This workshop shares findings from a project running across Lambeth schools to develop teachers as leaders of lesson study. The workshop explores the role of the teacher-leader and their professional development needs. It also shows what evidence has shown about how best to retain fidelity to the principles of lesson study when handing over responsibility to teacher-leaders. The two teachers involved in the project will share their experiences and explore the challenges of taking on the leadership role in a lesson study process.
Esther Gee and Fran Webb are Lambeth primary teachers who have been participating in an LSEF project to develop leadership of lesson study, led by Rosendale Children’s Centre. Sarah Seleznyov is a Programme Leader at the Institute of Education who has been supporting the project with impact evaluation.
Leading Lesson Study as a whole school approach to CPD
This workshop will give an overview of how lesson study can be developed within schools. A 'journey to maturity' model will be shared in order to explore how participants can develop from their own starting point, including:
Leonie Osborne, Headteacher of Pickhurst Infants, and Paul Foster, Deputy Headteacher of Hayes School in Bromley, have co-led the Ascend LSEF Lesson Study project involving 28 schools from Bromley, Lewisham and Croydon and across the phases. From this project and through implementing lesson study for all teachers in their own schools, Paul and Leonie have developed insights into how to make lesson study a workable approach for schools in a range of contexts.
Developing teachers as leaders of lesson study Leadership of Lesson Study
Presenter and Biography
Leadership of Lesson Study Cross Phase
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Public Lesson Study widening the community of practice Mobilising knowledge through Lesson Study Cross Phase
Leading Lesson Study and embedding it into the heart of school practice Leadership of Lesson Study
This workshop focuses on features of lesson study that distinguish it from simple lesson observation, to support the development of a professional culture based on trust and respect. Workshop participants will discuss teachers' accounts and case studies from the High Challenge project, and reflect on how to ensure that the lesson study process maintains a critical focus on children's learning, not teacher performance.
Matt Lewis is Advisory Teacher for Mathematics in Barking and Dagenham, and sits on the executive of the National Association of Mathematics Advisers. In the LSEF funded High Challenge for High Achievement project Matt has worked with nine primary and secondary teachers, each of whom has hosted a public research lesson - nearly 100 visitors have participated. In 2013 Matt attended an immersion programme in Japan focused on lesson study in maths.
Four Leading Primary and Secondary Camden heads and Deputies set out the components of their Lesson Study Leadership Toolkit developed prior to and during their involvement in the LSEF project.
Jim O'Shea - Headteacher, St Aloysius Junior School, Kathy Bannon - Headteacher, Richard Cobden Primary, Ruby Nasser - Deputy Head, Edith Neville Primary, Chris Martin, Henrietta Barnett School.
Cross phase 9
How teachers learn in lesson study: results of Cambridge research into teachers learning through talk
Mercer (1987, 1995, 2004) and Dudley (2013) have studied Professor Jan Vermunt, Dr. Maria Vrikki, Cambridge how pupils and teachers learn through collaborative talk. The University Camden LSEF Lesson Study Mathematics project took these studies to scale analysing the pre and post research lesson discussion of teachers in 60 schools. This workshop shares emerging findings.
Lesson Study for progression and pedagogy 10
Making Lesson Study new practice knowledge visible and mobilising it across classrooms and schools
Helping other professionals to access the new knowledge Trevor Folley, Dr Annamari Ylonen, Lela Neli, Jean teachers develop from their research lessons is key to Lesson Lang Study. This workshop will share the overall impact of the Camden LSEF Lesson Study project and examine ways in which knowledge has and will be mobilised.
Mobilising knowledge through Lesson Study
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Using lesson study to meet the needs of higher ability children in mathematics Lesson Study for closing the gap Primary
Understanding Mathematical Thinking in the Early Years Lesson Study for subjects/aspects Early Years
"You want us to do what?" - Lesson study against the odds! Leadership of Lesson Study Primary/Special
This workshop explores how teachers can use Lesson Study to Deborah Gamble is a teacher at St. Paul's CE Primary focus on a particular ability group and will cover: School in Barnet. They were one of 60 schools in Barnet involved in the two year LSEF project with the first year being focussed on Lesson Study in Years 1, 3, 4 and 5. St. Paul's focussed their project on mathematics and the Lesson Studies were used specifically to look at the needs of the more able children in mathematics The workshop will focus on how young children’s understanding of mathematical concepts and problem solving skills was captured through the use of video. This invaluable source of evidence also allowed whole staff and parental involvement in the study. The fascinating insight gained into young children’s mathematical thinking had a direct impact on practice and in particular led to a more focussed but simplified approach to observation and assessment.
Kelly Brooker is the Deputy Head at Brookhill Nursery School which is part of the Barnet Early Years Teaching School Alliance. They embraced Lesson Study as it was aligned to their existing CPD. They focused on Maths as this is perceived as a weakness in the early years and an area that OFSTED is increasingly very focussed on.
"Childs Hill School is a one and half form entry primary with a large nursery class and an autism provision. Like all schools, life at Childs Hill can get complicated. Making lesson study work, and more importantly making it worthwhile, was going to be a challenge. Our aim was to ensure the project had impact on standards right across the school, to create opportunities for staff who ordinarily don't work together to have professional conversations. We included all of our classes, teachers and support staff in the lesson study learning journey....and we made it work!
Dan Hawkins is the Headteacher and Heather Payton is the LSEF Lead Teacher at Childs Hill Primary School in Barnet. Childs Hill is a one and a half form entry school with a Children's Centre and a Alternative Resource Provision for pupils with autism. They were one of 60 schools in Barnet involved in the two year LSEF project with Year 1 being focussed on Lesson Study. Childs Hill focussed their Lesson Studies on improving maths attainment.
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Afternoon Workshops No Workshop
Presenter and Biography
This workshop will explore case studies of Lesson Study in participating schools, focusing on the use of Lesson Study to explore Formative Assessment processes for three selected pupils with SEN/D in a whole class context. The workshop will also consider key principles of joint professional development and the potential impact on classroom practice and pupil attainment.
Dr. Amelia Roberts is a Lecturer in Joint Professional Practice in SENJIT. Amelia’s PhD focused on teachers’ professional practice in respect of High Quality whole class teaching to support pupils with a diverse range of needs. She leads on two National Award for SENCOs Programmes in partnership with Local Authorities. Amelia also facilitates on the MITA (Maximising the impact of Teaching Assistants) school development project. Including Dr. Annamari Ylonen.
Lesson Study for Assessment in SEN/D Lesson Study for subjects/aspects
Lesson study in the Early Years Lesson Study for progression and pedagogy Early Years
Using Lesson Study to improve learning and to ‘grow’ the new mathematics curriculum Lesson Study for subjects/aspects
This workshop will give an overview of the Early Years Further to 10 years as a Primary headteacher Jean Lang was responsible for developing Lesson Study in Learning Cluster Lesson Study project, including: Early Years and Primary Education in Lancashire and impact on participants’ knowledge and understanding of then nationally as Senior Director in the Primary National the Characteristics of Effective Learning (CoEL). Strategy and in Camden where she is now Head of impact on participants knowledge and understanding of Learning. Working with Bernadette Duffy, Jean led the research on effective pedagogy and interactive strategies Camden funded Early Years Lesson Study project in in early learning contexts which practitioners from schools and Children's centres outcomes for children in project settings worked together using lesson study to improve learning the outcomes of bringing together practitioners from and practice and to break down silos that can exist children’s centres and reception classes of primary schools between school and centre based staff. Japan grows its national curriculum by analysing outcomes of thousands of research lessons over five year periods. Ex HMI national lead for mathematics, Nigel Bufton, and school based Lead Mathematics LS professionals Lisa Chow (secondary) and Julie Dent (Primary) worked together to grow the new mathematics curriculum and progression maps by studying how pupils learn it and sharing the outcomes.
Lisa Chow is Head of Mathematics and a Mathematics Lead Professional at Maria Fidelis Secondary school, Camden and Julie Dent is a former AST and a Senior Teacher at Argyle Primary school, Camden.
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How teachers learn in lesson study: results of Cambridge research into teachers learning through talk Lesson Study for progression and pedagogy
Organising, analysing and interpreting lesson study data and observations to maximise improvement Lesson Study and impact
Facilitating lesson study in order to improve practice in writing Lesson Study for subjects/aspects Primary
Facilitating lesson study in two Special School Contexts Lesson Study for progression and pedagogy Special
Mercer (1987, 1995, 2004) and Dudley (2013) have studied Pete Dudley, London Borough of Camden & Paul how pupils and teachers learn through collaborative talk. The Warwick Cambridge University. Camden LSEF Lesson Study Mathematics project took these studies to scale analysing the pre and post research lesson discussion of teachers in 60 schools. This workshop shares emerging findings. To be effective, rigorous and to guarantee that the evidence from research lessons are put to the best use, the approach to lesson study data and analysis must be fit for purpose and user friendly but also highly accountable and able to stand scrutiny. Primary and secondary Lesson Study leads Gail, Jeremy and Camden project Doctoral scholar Haiyan Xu share approaches across this large study that have not only 'worked' but have enable insights and conclusions to be readily drawn with relative ease.
Gail Carlyle is deputy headteacher of Richard Cobden Primary school in Camden and has played an important role in the Camden project in developing teachers as researchers. Haiyan Xu comes from China and was involved in Lesson Study in China and Japan; she is now completing a PhD in Lesson Study at Leicester University. Jeremy Silk is a Mathematics Lead Professional and teaches mathematics at Hampstead Secondary school in Camden.
This workshop explores how teachers can use Lesson Study Katie Dawbarn is the Headteacher and Gorana Henry to focus on improving writing by focussing on the development is a Leading Practitioner at Wessex Gardens Primary of reading into writing. The session will cover: School in Barnet. They were one of 60 schools in Barnet involved in the two year LSEF project with Year 1 being 1. How the Lesson Studies were organised; focussed on Lesson Study. Wessex focussed their 2. How the children were selected as a focus; Lesson Studies on "reading into writing" 3. What the teachers did to evaluate the lessons; 4. What the impact of the Lesson Studies were This workshop demonstrates how special schools can use Lesson Study, firstly to improve literacy in a Barnet special school and secondly, how Lesson Study can help teachers to improve outcomes in mathematics for pupils in classrooms where children have emotional, social, behavioural and social difficulties in a Camden ESBD setting.
Lesley Burgess is the Headteacher and Simon Metcalf the Deputy Head of Northway Special School in Barnet. They were the only Special School to take part in our LSEF Project and were initially concerned at whether Lesson Study would work in a Special School setting but found that it had a very positive impact. Including Su Gibbons and Simon Fletcher, Camden Centre for Learning
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How Lesson Study helped us to evolve our new mathematics curriculum and moving Lesson Study across the school.
Transforming learning.
professional Paula Murray-Mower, Deputy Headteacher at South Park Primary and Kirstie Southall at Redbridge Primary, London Borough of Redbridge.
Leadership of Lesson Study 18
Croydon Group (Camden LSEF project) - Barbara Simpson - Beulah Junior School, Croydon and Lorraine Ashley - Farnborough Primary School, Bromley and Joanne Wallin, Octavo Partnership.
What we found out about how to help children with reasoning in the new mathematics curriculum Lesson Study for progression and pedagogy
How intelligent video technology can enhance lesson study Lesson Study for progression and pedagogy
This workshop will show how using video within a cloud-based environment can enhance the Lesson Study process. Workshop participants will be able to hear presentations from the two leading video technology companies: Iris and Star Lesson and find out about the equipment used, the storage and management of video clips, associated costs
Paul Foster is Deputy Headteacher at Hayes School, Bromley. Gwen Lee is headteacher at Christopher Hatton School in Camden. Hamish Chalmers is Managing Director of Star Lesson and Lesson Gem. Graham Newell co-founded Iris Connect. Both are passionate about using video-based technology to enhance Teaching and Learning.
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