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Lessons from Implementing a Software Metrics Program. Jakob Iversen. Department of Computer Science. Aalborg University, Denmark. Email: [email protected].
Proceedings of the 33rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2000

Lessons from Implementing a Software Metrics Program Jakob Iversen Department of Computer Science Aalborg University, Denmark Email: [email protected]

Lars Mathiassen Department of Computer Science Aalborg University, Denmark Email: [email protected]


information on the negative or positive impact of improvement initiatives, it is difficult to manage the improvement effort. By implementing metrics programs to measure software size, error reports, customer satisfaction, or man-hours, and by doing it across projects for the entire company, it becomes possible to paint a picture of the software operation that is different from those emerging from software assessments based on normative maturity models [19]. A survey of the literature on the effect of SPI initiatives is provided in [11]. This paper presents lessons on how to implement a software metrics program to inform about the effect of SPI efforts within a specific company. The argument is based on a single case in which the organization struggles with the implementation of a software metrics program. The initiative turns out to be long and complex and the involved actors are confronted with a number of dilemmas based on contradictory demands and value conflicts related to the metrics program. In the general literature on metrics programs "there is an overwhelming focus on the technical aspects of measurement but very little on the cultural and human side of metrics implementation" [10]. To make sense of the case we therefore interpret the events from both a technical and a cultural perspective. First, we see the implementation process as a rational, engineering process [8, 9] in which the metrics program is designed and constructed [3, 4, 6, 13]. The underlying approach is that of instrumental problem solving [29]. The challenge is to build a device, i.e. the metrics program, which provides information about the software operation based on a number of indicators. The quality of the effort is related to the usefulness of the provided information in making decisions about the improvement effort. The focus is, in other words, on building a signaling device to support rational decision-making about SPI [12]. Second, we view the implementation process as an evolutionary cultivation process in which interests and values within the software organizations are confronted and transformed [8, 9, 28]. The underlying approach is in this view that of organizational intervention [1, 2]. The challenge is to transform the software culture from being based on espoused theories, i.e. on what software

Software process improvement is seen by many as a viable strategy for overcoming the software crisis. It is, however, difficult to determine the actual effect of such improvement efforts. This paper reports from an organization that is implementing a software metrics program with the expressed purpose of measuring the effects of their improvement project. The metrics program is intended to measure key indicators of all completed projects and summarize progress information in a quarterly management report. The paper describes important events during the implementation of this metrics program. The process turns out to be long and complex and the software organization finds itself confronted with dilemmas based on contradictory demands and value conflicts. The paper interprets the implementation process from two complementary perspectives. First, it is viewed as a rational, engineering process in which a metrics program is constructed and put into use. Second, it is seen as an evolutionary, cultivation process in which basic values of the software organization are confronted and transformed. This analysis leads to practical advice on how to implement metrics programs as part of software management practices.

1. Introduction Software Process Improvement (SPI) is conducted as continuous, evolutionary improvements to the processes in software organizations. SPI is not based on a single method, but rather on a collection of different approaches applied as necessary in each company. Common to the many general approaches is a focus on establishing sound project management practices before attempting to implement more advanced and organization-wide techniques. SPI is today seen as one of the most viable approaches to decisively improve the state of software development [18, 20]. A weakness in most SPI efforts is the lack of focus on measuring actual effects in business and other terms that are independent of the maturity models. With little

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developers and managers believe and say, to being based on indicators of the theories-in-use, i.e. the deeply rooted assumptions [28] that govern the actual software practices. The quality of the effort is, from this viewpoint, related to successful integration of the measurement program into its use context. The focus is therefore on the symbolic aspects of the metrics program as an element in changing management practices [12]. The next section presents the case organization, its SPI project, and the underlying research approach. Then follows a mainly descriptive section presenting the sequence of events that took place in implementing the software metrics program. The next section is then mainly interpretative applying the engineering and cultivation perspectives above to make sense of the described events. Based on these interpretations we propose a number of lessons on how to successfully implement software metrics programs.

2. Case: Financial Software Solutions Financial Software Solutions (FSS) is a subsidiary of Financial Group, a financial institution centered on a bank, Finance Bank. Financial Group provides all aspects of financial services (banking, mortgaging, insurance, etc.). The primary business function of FSS is the development of IT systems and services for Financial Group, but FSS also sells IT systems to other financial institutions across Europe. FSS has expertise in the development of banking, insurance, mortgage and financing applications. FSS has approximately 850 employees located at four geographically dispersed development centers. Projects in FSS vary greatly in size. Most projects are small and short-term, with 3-5 people on the project team for 6-12 months, but some are major projects with strategic implication for the entire corporation. This includes the Y2K project and a project to integrate the international branch offices in the central computer systems. Such projects are staffed with 10-20 people and run for years rather than months. FSS is divided into four development divisions, each of which is headed by a Senior Vice President. Each division is composed into departments headed by Vice Presidents. The departments typically have 20-25 people divided into approximately 5 projects. Project managers manage regular projects, whereas a Vice President manages highprofile projects.

2.1. SPI in Financial Software Solutions FSS was recently made into an independent subsidiary delivering IT services to Financial Group. In principle then, the mother organization would be free to choose

other providers, if they were dissatisfied with FSS. Faced with this reality, it has become a major thrust for FSS to stay competitive. SPI is seen as one of the strategies for keeping the business with the rest of the corporation. It was recognized from the beginning of the SPI effort that leadership would be very important to the success of the effort. The project was thus given a high profile in the organization by letting an experienced Vice President act as project manager, and have other Vice Presidents as team members. The idea was that each of the four divisions would have one representative on the project team. The representatives were appointed, but only a few were actually active on the project. Those who were active were, however, very committed towards the project and well respected in the rest of the organization. Further adding to the image of a high-profile, organization-wide project, the SPI project refers directly to a steering committee consisting of all the senior managers (Chief Executive Officer and four Senior Vice Presidents). The SPI project organization is shown in Figure 1. Steering Committee Improvement Projects

SPI Project Team Process Support Group External Researchers

Improvement Group

Project Mgmt. Diff. & Adoption Quality Assur. Self Assess. Metrics.

Figure 1: Organization of the SPI project Since FSS is still at CMM level 1 [22], the improvement group does not function as a proper software engineering process group [15], but acts more as a catalyst for specific improvement projects. Each project deals with one improvement area and makes the detailed decisions on how and what to improve. Currently, the following improvement projects are ongoing: project management; diffusion and adoption of methods and techniques; quality assurance in projects; self-assessment; metrics. FSS has accepted the challenge of measuring the impact of the SPI project on the software development process. The focus on measurement is specifically intended to enable the SPI project and senior management to assess the effect of the improvement activities and hence to make better informed decisions about future initiatives. Apart from giving guidance to the improvement group and the improvement projects, the measurements are also seen as a way of getting attention from and feedback to the rest of the organization on the SPI project.

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Table 1: Timeline of key events Year 1997 1998 1999 Month J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D 4 6 7 8 2 3 Event 1 5

2.2. Research approach The presented research is part of a large research project involving four software-developing companies, two universities, and a consultancy company. The researchers and consultants participate actively in the SPI projects of each of the four companies over a three-year period [24]. The SPI project in FSS was initiated along with the research project in January 1997 and it is expected to continue beyond 1999. At FSS, the researchers collaborate with the practitioners within the SPI project team, and the research methodology applied is thus action research [14]. The main interaction between the researchers and the organization takes place at the monthly SPI meetings, but also in informal meetings, working sessions, and workshops in which specific improvement initiatives are discussed. As the researchers are part of the SPI organization they obtain real insights into what the issues facing the SPI project are. According to the classification by Galliers [16] this paper is thus presenting a case study reported as part of an action research effort. Two of the major problems in reporting from action research projects are 1) the limited ability to generalize findings [26], and 2) the frequent neglect by many action researchers to collect adequate data to be able to demonstrate convincingly what was learned during the study. The former problem is dealt with in this paper by determining a number of practical lessons that were learned both by the researchers and the internal SPI members. These lessons are compared and contrasted with similar research findings [10] and conveyed as practical advice to other companies involved in implementing software metrics programs. We have attempted to overcome the latter problem by systematically collecting as much data as possible about the organizations. This include all the ‘natural traces’ of the SPI program such as project plans, meeting minutes, memos etc. In addition to this, we have tape-recorded the monthly SPI meetings as well as some of the working sessions and workshops. The relevant segments for the metrics program were transcribed.

3. Key events in implementing the program This section presents the process of implementing a metrics program in FSS. The presentation is structured around eight events that have influenced the

implementation process. Table 1 shows a timeline of the individual events. Some of the key stakeholders are listed and described in Table 2.

3.1. Press conference — January 1997. One of the first things that happened in the overall SPI project was a press conference. At this conference, the CEO of FSS stated that “We expect to gain a 10% improvement in efficiency through this project […] that is equal to 30 mill. DKK.”

Table 2: Key stakeholders of the metrics program Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Vice Presidents Project Managers Peter John Ashley Cole



Sponsor of the SPI project. Stated that FSS should improve efficiency by 10% through SPI. Responsible for 20-25 people and 3-5 projects, they are what the CMM terms “first-line software managers”. Their attitude towards the metrics program is important to how the project managers and developers perceive the metrics program. Required to provide data on their project to the metrics program. Project manager of the SPI project from March 1997 to February 1998 and again after June 1, 1998. Project manager for the SPI project from February 1998 to June 1, 1998. Full time employed on the SPI project. Project manager for the metrics project until mid-1999. Full time employed on the SPI project. Took over project manager responsibility for the metrics project mid-1999. Vice President and member of the SPI improvement group. Was heavily involved in defining the metrics program. Vice President and member of the SPI improvement group. Has not been directly involved in the metrics program.

This statement has become an important focal point of the SPI project in FSS. In the project contract, completed on April 3, 1997, one of two critical success factors of the SPI project were thus “[…] that FSS within the project's 3-year time span has achieved an improved efficiency of the system development process of at least 10% […] The project's continuous measurements of effect throughout the

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project will establish the baseline for specifying in further detail the efficiency improvement that can be expected at the project's completion.”

From the beginning of the project it has been important to document this 10% improvement. However, neither the CEO nor the contract were explicit on what should be measured and how the data should be analyzed to show this 10% efficiency improvement. This was left to those members of the SPI team who were made responsible for implementing the metrics program.

3.2. Decision to implement — March 1997. After some input from the researchers, the improvement group decided to measure the 6 factors listed in Table 3. This decision was discussed at the SPI project team meeting on March 25, 1997. Although no precise definitions existed at this point, the improvement group had some ideas about how to measure each factor. More precise definitions can be found in the May 13, 1997 decision memo about the metrics program, as reflected in the 'definition' column in Table 3.

they should be placed at a milestone, and be adapted to the natural system development process. Data should be collected on projects that were finished (to keep disturbances to a minimum) and results should be published every quarter. The volume of the projects should be calculated using an automatic counting algorithm for function points [21]. Function points are usually calculated by experts with significant practice in counting function points. Not many organizations have attempted counting function points automatically, and it was therefore a relatively risky endeavor to engage in this work. Therefore, the project concentrated some effort (approximately 1-2 man-months) on implementing the system to do this automatic calculation.

3.3. First report — September 1997.

Factor Project Productivity

Definition Resources used to develop the system relative to its size in function points


Number of error reports both absolute and relative to size in function points

Adherence to schedule

Variation from agreed time of delivery both absolute and relative to size in function points

Adherence to budget

Variation from estimated use of resources

Customer satisfaction

Satisfaction with the development process and the implemented solution (multiple choice questionnaire)

The first visible result of the measurement program was the first measurement report, which was completed in September 1997 with results from 13 of 56 projects that were completed in 3rd quarter 1997. The report had data on 3 of the 6 factors (adherence to budget, time-to-market, and project productivity). The data contained some surprising information especially regarding adherence to budget causing senior management to withhold the report from wide distribution. Parts of the results were, however, disseminated to the development organization through a 'roadshow' conducted by the improvement group to raise awareness towards the SPI project. The report was also criticized for being too academic. A workshop was held in October 1997 to improve the layout of the report to alleviate this problem. The problems in gaining acceptance for this first report did not bother the improvement group significantly, as it was, after all, the first report, and was seen as something of an experiment with less than optimal data foundation.

Employee satisfaction

Satisfaction with the development process (multiple choice questionnaire)

3.4. Second report — March 1998.

Table 3: Indicators of the metrics program

The decision memo also laid down some of the principles that the metrics program would adhere to:  Measurements should be relevant in relation to process improvement and quality, but also have general management interest.  Measurements should as far as possible be made automatic. Information should be interpreted rather than disturb the development organization.  Cost of performing the measurements should be minimal.  Use of questionnaires should be limited as much as possible, as the organization suffers from 'questionnaire-disgust'. If questionnaires are used,

Data for the second report, covering projects that completed in 4th quarter 1997, were collected in October through December 1997, and the report was completed in March 1998. The results were discussed in an SPI project team meeting on February 20, 1998. Data discipline had been greatly improved from the first to the second report. The percentage of complete data sets had gone up from 37% to 65%. This improvement in data discipline and thus in data quality was received with much enthusiasm at the meeting. However, the discussion soon centered on the issue of whether the report should be made public or not. At the meeting, there was some disagreement on how to

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distribute the report and how detailed the information should be:

cases users, who had not been involved in negotiating terms and contracts, had answered it.

John: “We could publish the main figures, and then anybody could request a copy. What will happen in the report is that projects will be mentioned with their names. In the first report, they were anonymous. They aren't sissies in the senior management group.” Linda: “I don't think it should just be a matter of requesting a copy. [The report] should be spread.” Ashley: “I'm […] a little nervous about including names and so on.”

Finley: “We send these questionnaires […] to people who were involved in the acceptance test of the system. And what we then ask are managerial, contractual, overall process-related questions on how the project was conducted. Then some random user has to answer if commitments were met. He hasn't seen the contract or anything. It’s bound to go wrong, and that's why management can’t recognize reality in these numbers.”

John and Linda had not been directly involved in the metrics program. Their concern was to improve the SPI project’s visibility in the organization; everybody must see what is happening. Ashley, on the other hand, had personally promised many members of the development organization that they would not be personally blamed for any bad results, so she was naturally not interested in getting personal information spread too widely. However, there was general consensus that senior management had accepted the idea that the measurements should be made public: Linda: “I think we have [the CEO’s] commitment that now he will [make it public], and we should of course make sure he sticks to that, once the report is completed.”

The report was finished in March 1998, and had a much clearer layout than the first report. The report did not include productivity data because the automatic calculation of function points was considered faulty. The results from the function point calculations did not match people’s perception of the systems. Instead, data on customer and employee satisfaction was included.

3.5. Decision not to publish — March 1998. The report was presented at the steering committee meeting on March 31, 1998. The data was considered insufficiently reliable to warrant a wide distribution of the report. The results of the satisfaction surveys showed very unfavorable results for key business areas for FSS, causing the steering committee to withhold the report. The presentation of the report to the steering committee was discussed at the SPI project team meeting on April 22, 1998: Meeting minutes: “The report is not and will not be made public internally in FSS. A strong contributing factor to this is that […] data validity is insufficient.” John [On presentation of customer satisfaction the report to senior management]: “But this number [customer satisfaction] – here he [the CEO] almost fell off his chair. For what is it that we in FSS should do? We should be business partners with the corporation. We are competent and should show them that.”

The SPI project team quickly agreed that the customer satisfaction questionnaire was of poor quality and primarily directed towards customers, whereas in most

The issue of management commitment towards metrics was discussed as well: Finley: “I don't know how much management commitment we have here. This is the second report. We ask for more resources, but nothing much is happening. And now we can't bear any more major discussions about this. We must end up with something that gives management a credible picture of reality. Otherwise they will say: this measurement stuff - forget it, I'll be better off trusting my intuition about how the reality actually looks.” Linda: “I get personally disappointed that [the CEO] does not release the report. I can understand that he is afraid of [the bank's central IT coordinator], but if we are ever going to get people interested in SPI, then they need to see what the project is doing.”

This is probably the single most important event in the history of the metrics program. It caused a dramatic increase in the attention given to the program, and it resulted in the establishment of a project to improve the metrics program. So far, a lot of resources had been used on defining each metric, and deciding how to measure them. But some aspects had still been overlooked: the questions in the satisfaction questionnaires had not been carefully formulated, and the customer questionnaire was given to users instead of customers. On top of that, insufficient attention had been given to incentives for the development projects in reporting the necessary data, resulting in poor data discipline.

3.6. Project established — August 1998. After the disappointment that the report was not made public, the discussion in the SPI project team meeting on April 22, 1998, focused on actions that could be taken to improve the metrics program enough to enable publication of the next report. The group decided to try and establish a project to improve the metrics: Lars (researcher): “…it's all about planning. If we think of the establishment of the metrics program as a systematic improvement effort, then we need to have a plan for this project. A plan of how to systematically improve the initiative. […] As a first goal we need to give this sufficient solidity that the management group dare say that this is public. That should be a baseline for this year.”

The project was proposed in June 1998, and the contract was signed in August 1998. The project was

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established as an improvement project, with the expressed goal to improve the quality of the measurement report so much that it would be impossible for management to deny making it public. The main success criterion for the project was that a measurement report should be completed in April 1999 containing data on all 6 indicators and from all projects completed in 1Q99. Compared to the second report, this report should have improved the measurement process for all the indicators, and the layout of the report should also be enhanced. Among other things, the data quality of each indicator should be displayed, for instance as a percentage of complete data sets (as in Table 4). However, it was decided early that function points would not be included due to the problems of making an sufficiently accurate count. The possibility of using other size measures was examined, and rejected. All of the measures proposed (lines of code, compiled size, function points, and number of statements) had severe weaknesses that made it better not to include a size measure and just rely on the rest of the measures to provide information on the effect. Excluding a size measure, of course, seriously impedes reaching the original objective of measuring efficiency and productivity, as there is no longer a measure of the output of the project.

are any changes later."

During the improvement project a bonus system was introduced. In one of the divisions complete and accurate reporting of data for the metrics program was considered one of the bonus factors. This seemed to have help to some extent: Cole: "But because it has become a bonus goal in Division I, then the [Division vice President] wants this to happen, and that helps. Perhaps it will be possible to spread this practice to the rest of the organization."

In addition, the satisfaction surveys had been integrated into the quality assurance process, and seemed to work well. The projects had given the questionnaires to their customers and employees and the results were discussed in one or two quality meetings towards the end of the project.

3.8. Decision to publish — September 1999. On September 21, 1999, the measurement report for 2Q99 was presented to management. The report contained data from 51 projects out of the 80 projects that completed in the period. The report states that: "[This] is the best data foundation ever. The report's result should therefore provide a credible picture of the actual state of affairs in FSS."

The report also contains a word of caution:

3.7. Third report — April 1999. On March 29, 1999, the results of the improvement effort were discussed in the SPI project team. Ashley: "We have worked with this since October, and have achieved improvements of both the customer and employee satisfaction questionnaires. We pulled out data [...] for 1Q99 [...] and discovered that data discipline was as it had always been: lousy. Despite the fact that we have prompted people and sent out guidelines for how to fill in the fields [...]. So we have been a little depressed."

Only 10 projects had reported complete data in the period, and the data they had reported could not necessarily be trusted: Cole: "We have called them up and asked what their estimate was, and some of them said 'oh, well, yes it must be something like...' ... Many of these are not real estimates, then."

It was therefore decided not to make a measurement report, but instead produce a memo to senior management describing the problems with data discipline and recommending a strategy for alleviating the problems. The memo also described three problems involved in obtaining complete and accurate data about the projects:

"The data discipline should not only be maintained but should be clearly improved to ensure the data foundation for the future measurements [...] but commitment from the management hierarchy is required to reach a better result."

The report contained data from 2Q99, and was released to all vice presidents in the organization. The senior vice presidents had a few corrections they wanted made. On that basis it was decided to distribute the next report (3Q99) to project managers as well, and every report from 4Q99 on to all employees of FSS. The metrics team would have liked to see the 2Q99 report distributed to all employees. But this event was certainly seen as a step in the right direction, and it expressed the kind of recognition that the group had hoped for since the first measurement report was withheld by management in September 1997. Table 4: Data discipline in the metrics program. Period 3Q97 4Q97 1Q99 2Q99

Report 1 2 3 4

# projects 56 29 44 80

Complete data sets # % 21 37 19 65 10 23 51 64

Ashley: "There are some who simply do not enter data into the system. There are some that have misunderstood the definition of the fields and have entered other things in these fields. There are some who are not particularly good at maintaining the data they have entered, if there

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4. Engineering and cultivation Interpreting these events from a rational, engineering perspective we see a rather inefficient effort with only modest success. The effort got a flying start with explicit goals and maximum management attention (event # 1). A detailed design of the involved metrics was created together with basic principles for the implementation of the program (event #2). This design was debated with and accepted by management. The first measurement report only included 20% of the projects and only 3 out of 6 factors. In addition, the report was criticized for being too academic (event #3). Data discipline was improved in the next report and the report had a much clearer layout than the first report (event #4). The data were, however, still considered too unreliable by management (event #5) and that led to the establishment of a new, intensified metrics project in which the metrics program was redesigned. As part of this redesign the metrics to provide information on productivity (based on function points) was dropped (event #6). Some improvements were then made in gathering information about customer satisfaction (event #7). Finally, after 2.5 years of effort, the quality of the quarterly report was considered to have a quality that warranted a decision to publish the results and start using them as part of managing the SPI operation. Quite a different picture emerges, however, when the same events are interpreted from an evolutionary, cultivation point of view. An ambitious statement was announced by top management implying that a transformation of current management practices was needed (event #1). The productivity should improve and a metrics program should be implemented to evaluate whether this goal was being achieved. The existing management practice, which was mainly based on espoused theories of software developers and managers, was to be complemented with a data-driven intervention approach based on indicators of the theories-in-use in the software organization. When the first report was presented to management it contained surprising and negative information on current practices causing senior management to withhold the report from wide distribution (event #3). A dilemma emerged between, on the one hand, publication of the report — to increase knowledge, stimulate debate, increase participation in the project, and improve data quality — and, on the other hand, a concern for the validity and negative effects of the data provided. But no shared understanding of possible strategies to overcome this dilemma was reached (event #4). At the same time it turned out that the chosen strategy for measuring function points was far from successful, which confronted the effort with another dilemma between the relevance of the data and the economy of gathering them. As a consequence it was decided to drop the productivity

metrics (events #5 and #7). This problematic situation made the involved actors realize that the effort had to be reorganized as a proper improvement initiative with more resources and incentive schemes to make software developers participate more actively in the effort (event #6). After intensive efforts to improve the quality of the quarterly report management finally made a first important move towards new managerial practices by publishing the reports (events #7 and #8). This move will subsequently lead to increased organizational awareness of the SPI initiatives, it will give management a basis for evaluating and adjusting their goals, and it will establish a sound basis for continued improvements of the metrics program. From a technical point of view we see an engineering project with very slow progress and limited success. But from a cultural point of view, we see an initiative that was first conceived as a rather straightforward engineering effort being transformed into a successful transformation of managerial practices. The organization has, in this second view, gained significant experience in implementing data-driven intervention. Data is now being collected and distributed on a regular basis and they will contribute to critical reflections on the beliefs and intuitions on how the organization operates. The case demonstrates in this way the importance of complementing a technical view of measurement with "the cultural or human side of metrics implementation" [10].

5. Lessons learned The general lesson that can be drawn from this case is not new: Successful use of technology in organizational contexts requires efforts that go beyond instrumental problem solving. Some studies within the field of information and software technology suggest that, in addition to a more traditional engineering approach, we need to focus on the involved formative contexts [7]. Others argue that we must understand and transform the involved communities-of-practice [5]. The reported experiences have, however, in the context of successful implementation of metrics programs given rise to a number of specific lessons, which we present in the following. The lessons are drawn from the case, but in presenting them we systematically relate to similar findings by Dekker [10]. This comparison hopefully helps the reader critically assess the general applicability of the lessons for other companies attempting to implement software metrics programs.

5.1. A real project At first, the metrics program at FSS was considered an integrated part of the SPI project. In this phase, there was

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no plan for the work, and the objectives were described in vague terms in the SPI project contract. It was only because of the dedication of a few employees that a metrics program was being developed at all. Later in the process, when a real project was established, it became far easier for the actors to argue that adequate resources should be available, and the focus on the initiative was generally increased. When established as a proper improvement initiative, missing or unreliable data are not only seen as defects. They become baselines for additional initiatives in which improvements in the quality of the metrics can then be tracked. Completely in line with our findings, Dekkers recommends setting solid objectives and plans for the measurement program (secret #1). The measurement program should be conducted as if it were a regular software engineering project, complete with requirements, design, and project management. She recommends applying an approach such as Goal-Question-Metric [3]. Briand et al. [4] offer engineering guidelines for this approach based on the following steps: 1) characterize the environment; 2) identify measurement goals and develop measurement plans; 3) define data collection procedures; 4) collect, analyze and interpret data; 5) perform postmortem analysis and interpret data; 6) package experience.

5.2. Start simple The attempt at FSS to measure six indicators, each of which was of a complex nature with no previous measurement process in place, can only be characterized as extremely ambitious. It is easy to become disappointed when the collected data doesn’t have the expected quality, and measuring some indicators must be abandoned. A more sensible approach is to start out by measuring a few indicators, perhaps just collecting and analyzing data that are already there. Later, when the measurement team and the development organization have gained experience in measuring and being measured, other measures can be added to improve the program. Such a stepwise introduction of a metrics program will take longer than the ambitious approach. But the likelihood of success is greater. Dekkers advocates for applying a complementary suite of measures (secret #7) like in the balanced score card approach [25]. Several measures provide a more complete understanding of the software development process minimizing the risk of sub-optimizing management actions. While a complementary suite of measures must be the goal, we strongly advice to adopt a stepwise strategy in which relatively simple measures are implemented first. We are supported in this viewpoint by Briand et al. [4] who state that "it is a good strategy to start with a small

number of goals, gain experience, and then develop the program further." The technical complexity of establishing high quality measures together with the many cultural uncertainties involved in transforming managerial practices warrants a cautious strategy in which learning from experience must be used to minimize the risk of failure. Such a stepwise learning process will, as advocated by Dekkers, help the SPI group gain a thorough understanding of what measurement is all about — including benefits and limitations (secret #3).

5.3. Establish incentives The FSS case illustrates the value of establishing incentives to improve data quality. From the outset, all projects were required to record several data in the on-line project and hour registration system. But almost no projects recorded complete and accurate data mainly because they saw no immediate use for the data they provided. A marked improvement of data quality was achieved by using a combination of informing the project managers of what data they should report and how to do it, as well as informing about the importance of the data they provided and showing results based on the data. Moreover, when reporting complete and accurate data became part of the bonus system, a very clear incentive scheme was established, and the data quality clearly improved for the projects starting after the bonus system was established. Dekkers argues that the measurement program should be a natural part of the development process (secret #2). When the results of the program are readily useful to those who supply the data, they are far more likely to supply the necessary data of sufficient quality and at the right time. This also protects the program from budget cuts. Dekkers recommends realigning the corporate reward system to promote collection of complete and accurate data (secret #5), thus tying the existing, formal incentive structure to the metrics program.

5.4. Publish widely Probably the biggest disappointment for the measurement team at FSS has been management’s decisions to withhold reports from distribution. In order to improve the metrics program it is vital that the development organization be given the opportunity to provide feedback on the quality and relevance of the metrics program. But measurements do, at the same time, provide views on sensitive issues. It is therefore necessary that they be based on data that are sufficiently accurate to support fruitful discussions.

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O bject of S tudy



The different versions of the metrics program at FSS have been subject to intensive discussions in the SPI group and with management. These discussions have revealed several weaknesses, and the decision to publish future reports widely will provide additional feedback. Implementing a metrics program forms an important shift towards a culture where decisions are based on relevant and accurate data about practice rather than vague intuitions. In order for the metrics to reach a sufficiently high level of quality, the organization must be willing to make less than optimal data available for broad discussions about the accuracy of the data, and the assumptions underlying the measurements. But perhaps more importantly, it should be recognized that even if the accuracy of data is not as high as could be wished, the information implied by the data might still carry some relevance. Numbers should never be taken as absolute truths and it is vital that the data and their quality are discussed amongst those involved in and affected by the metrics program. Broad discussions serve in this way both to critically evaluate the metrics program and as an important element in making sense of the provided data and results. This is in line with Dekkers’ general advice to focus on cultural issues (secret #4). Those affected by the program must be involved in its design so that resistance to change is minimized. This can best be achieved through an iterative process of redesigns in which results and procedures are continuously published and debated by those affected by the metrics program

Finally, after 2.5 years of effort to implement a metrics program, FSS is now in a position where managers, SPI specialists, and systems developers in general can start making use of the data and results. If the data are not used to gain insight and as a basis for making corrective actions the metrics program will soon degenerate into a bureaucratic procedure that merely adds to the overhead of developing software without contributing to the continuous improvement of the software operation. This fundamental lesson is in line with Dekkers who points out that the organization must be ready to take corrective actions based on the measurements (secret #6). If no consequences are drawn from poor measurement results, then the metrics program is likely not to succeed. Figure 2 illustrates a metrics program as a continuous cycle of collecting data, interpreting the results, and intervening based on the insights obtained from the measurements. Previous lessons have suggested ways to collect complete and accurate data (establish incentives, publish widely, facilitate debate) and to ensure active interpretation of the results (publish widely, facilitate debate). This final lesson (use the data) closes the basic learning cycle of a well-functioning metrics program. The two last lessons (a real project, start simple) summarize basic principles for how to organize metrics implementation efforts.


5.5. Facilitate debate

5.6. Use the data


Metrics will likely yield unpleasant results about the software operation. Being able to cope with such results and use them to improve the organization rather than just figuring out who is to blame for the bad results is an important part of the cultivation involved in implementing metrics programs. It is therefore important that performance measures of individuals be kept to the individual. Otherwise, everybody would do what they can to make their data look better, and the entire purpose of the metrics program to establish indicators of current theories-in-use would be lost. Dekkers calls for creating a safe environment for collecting and reporting data (secret #5). It is important that those who report the data feel safe that the data will not in any way be used against them. One way of minimizing the fear that anyone might feel for reporting data is to publish what the data are used for together with relevant aggregate results.

O b je


Figure 2. The learning cycle of a metrics program.

6. Conclusion Metrics in software development are primarily used to direct the course of a single development project [3, 6, 13, 17, 27] and secondarily used for management overview of all projects. At FSS a metrics program have been developed to obtain the latter by using post-mortem measurements to characterize the overall state of the company's software operation. The information obtained from these measurements is used as an indicator of the effect of ongoing SPI initiatives within the organization.

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The lessons learned from this experiment illustrate that it is far from simple to implement a software metrics program. There are many challenges involved in engineering useful metrics and ensuring a satisfactory level of reliability of the involved data. On top of this, any effort to implement a metrics program will necessarily challenge and eventually transform current management practices. It is essential that this cultivation aspect be seen as a key to ensure successful implementation of metrics programs in software organizations.





7. Acknowledgement [13]

Financial Software Solutions is thanked for granting access to their SPI project and providing excellent conditions for conducting this research. The Danish National Center for IT Research has financially supported this research. The following colleagues have provided valuable input to the paper: Ivan Aaen, Jesper Arent, Gro Bjerknes, Karlheinz Kautz, Jacob Nørbjerg, and Rens Scheepers. An earlier version of this paper appeared at the 22nd Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia (IRIS 22) [23]. We wish to thank all those who participated in that workshop and gave constructive feedback.





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