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Let s Play with Nanai! User Manual

English  version,  as  of  October  21,  2016

Let s Play with Nanai!  

THANK  YOU  SO  MUCH  for  purchasing  Letʼ’s  Play  with  Nanai!

Letʼ’s  Play  with  Nanai  is  an  Adult  Virtual  Reality  (VR)  game  made  for  Oculus  Rift  and  HTC  Vive.   ※System  Spec We  recommend  you  have  Oculusʼ’  official  “Oculus  Ready”  PC,  and  this  game  is  created  based  on   that  spec.   https://www3.oculus.com/en-‐‑‒us/oculus-‐‑‒ready-‐‑‒pcs/ NVIDIA  GTX970  or  AMD  R9  290  above Windows  7  above(Recommended  is  Win  10) Intel  i5-‐‑‒4590  above Memory  8GB  above   ※How  to  Play Please  unzip  the  downloaded  ZIP  file,  then  launch  nanai.exe For  HTC  Vive,  this  game  is  created  with  the  mind  of  using  room  scale.    Therefore,  it  does  not   have  camera  reset  feature.   Please  make  sure  you  play  this  game  by  setting  up  your  bed  or  Futon  beforehand,  so  that  such   area  can  be  the  center  of  the  play  field.    Your  pillow  should  be  facing  the  censor.

Syncing your Smart Phone

Enter  the  address  shown  on  the  Start   Screen  onto  your  smartphone’s  browser.   Then,  hold  down  the  smartphone  screen.    

Playing with Your Smart Phone If  you  have  both  a  smartphone  (*1)  and  an  Oculus  Rift/HTC  Vive,  you  can  use  the   smartphone  as  a  controller  (we  use  an  Inflatable  Love-‐‑‒doll  during  demonstrations  at   events,  but  you  can  also  use  your  smartphone  on  a  real  doll,  pillow  or  an  ona-‐‑‒hole   (Masturbation  hole)  and  it  should  work  fine)  and  play  on  your  device  of  choice  without   needing  to  use  a  mouse,  keyboard  or  Vive  Controller  (*2). If  you  have  an  Oculus  Rift/HTC  Vive  but  not  a  smartphone,  you  can  still  control  the  game   purely  via  gaze  controls.    Please  choose  “Sight  navigation  mode”  at  the  start  screen.  All   operations  are  controlled  by  the  gaze  icons  displayed  on  the  right  side  of  the  display. *1 If  you  are  using  an  Oculus  Rift/HTC  Vive  and  want  to  use  a  smartphone  as  a  controller,   you  will  need  an  iPhone  4  or  later  or  an  Android  4.2  device  or  later. *2 The  HTC  Vive  Controller  is  not  currently  supported.  Though  it  is  not  difficult  to  add   support  for  it,  the  point  of  using  the  smartphone  controls  is  to  allow  the  user  free  use  of   both  his  hands  (the  system  is  optimized  for  installation  of  a  smartphone  in  an  inflatable   love-‐‑‒doll,  pillow,  realdoll  or  onahole),  so  the  game  was  not  designed  with  such  a   controller  in  mind.  That  said,  this  controller  comes  with  the  Vive,  so  if  we  receive   feedback  with  useful  ideas  about  how  to  employ  it  we  might  find  a  use  for  it  in  the  future.

Select your Favorite Object to wrap your Phone OR  

…or  anything  that  can  work  J  

Recommended     Products:     《Toy's  Heart》  

Transparent  Girl  (Inflatable  Love  doll)  


  Seventeen    Bordeaux  (Masturba@on  Hole)  


Tilting Nanai in the Game

Support If  you  have  any  question  or  needs  technical  support,  please  contact   ImagineVR: ImagineVR  Official  Site http://www.imaginevr.io ImagineVR  Support  Desk: https://imaginevr.zendesk.com/hc/en-‐‑‒us Direct  Contact: https://www.imaginevr.io/contact When  you  submit  technical  support,  please  mention  your  system   spec,  type  of  HMD,  mobile  (if  applicable),  and  your  ImagineVR   account  name.