The Stinger, Newsletter of the Alabama Beekeepers Association—Page 1.
February 2010. Letter from the President. Your Board of Directors is working for
The Stinger, Newsletter of the Alabama Beekeepers Association—Page 1
Inside This Issue Letter from the President
Letter from the Vice-President
Letter from the Secretary/Treasurer
Dr. Tew’s Spring Beekeeping Symposium
Letter from the Editor
Brushy Mountain Bee Farm Free Shipping
Minutes of the BOD Meeting on February 6
Summary of 2009 Transactions
Etowah County Honors Wil Montgomery
Henry County Beekeeping Snowman
Homemade Yard Feeder
Letter from the President
February 2010
Editor - Lonnie Funderburg, 1260 Easley Bridge Rd; Oneonta, AL 35121-4110 205-625-3464
[email protected] Website: Webmaster: Bob Fanning,
[email protected]
and our own trailer mounted grill. It looks like the membership continues to grow. That really makes me feel good. We must be doing something right. I am always open for suggestions. If you have an idea for the Association, send me an e-mail. My address is
[email protected]. If you don’t have e-mail, my snail-mail address is on page 8. All of you begin thinking about nominations for Beekeeper of the Year for 2010. Let’s not wait until the last minute. Also, my term is up in October. Be thinking about who you want as your president next
year. David Ellis, President. Your Board of Directors is working for the Association. We had a good meeting after Dr. Tew’s Letter from the Vice-President workshop at Auburn. There are several projects on the If you were not at Auburn on February 6th, you drawing board: the picnic, the annual meeting, a new missed a great workshop. By Angie Rodgers official wireless/hands free microphone for the sound system, registration, there were 300 in attendance. By my un-
The Stinger, Newsletter of the Alabama Beekeepers Association—Page 2
February 2010
official headcount, there were a great many new beekeepers. We heard more on the Africanized Honey Bee from Mr. Paul Jackson, State Apiarist of Texas for forty-one years. Dennis Barclift, Alabama State Apiarist, brought us up to date on the Africanized Honey Bee that is not yet in Alabama.
Association 4th annual picnic at Cooter’s Pond in Prattville on June 5th. The Board of Directors decided, after much discussion, to get chicken this year. We don’t want to wear out Barry Banks. So, when you are thinking about what to bring, we will be eating fried chicken.
James E. Tew and able assistant, Sherry Ferrell, will be present along with Mr. Kent Williams. Kent Williams is a commercial beekeeper who lives most of the time in Kentucky. He is a past president of the Eastern Apicultural Society. The Walter T. Kelley Co., Inc. markets a hivetool designated the KW Hive Tool. Kent Williams designed the KW Hivetool. Just as there was in 2009, there will several presentations by local beekeepers. Put October 8th and 9th on your calendar and make plans to attend our 2010 annual
tive Assistant, Mary Swann, for sitting at the Alabama Beekeepers table all day at Auburn. She took in dues for twenty-eight members and sold various items for the Association. Editor’s Note: Wil Montgomery also staffed the table while Mary Swann assisted Ken Swann with his presentation.
We are making progress with the 2010 annual meeting, which will be at Taylor Road Baptist Church in Montgomery on October 8th and 9th. Key speakers from out of state will include Dr. Keith Delaplane from the University of Georgia. Dr. Delaplane last Make plans to attend the Alabama Beekeepers addressed our Association in 2004. Of course Dr.
meeting.. Phillip Garrison
Letter from the Secretary/Treasurer Many thanks to my very capable Administraand drinks. Feeding this many people in such a limited time requires many coordinated efforts by all involved. I especially would like to thank all of those who braved the cold and helped to get the meal together: David and Susan Ellis, John Mynard, Lisa Fifield, Lynn Kelton and Tammy Conkle. It would have been impossible to pull off the meal without them. Remember, if your expiration date on the mailing label of your Stinger says 12/31/09, it’s time to pay your 2010 dues. Thanks. Bonnie
Many thanks to all those who helped by cooking all of the meat and spaghetti noodles ahead of time for us and to all of those who brought desserts
Dr. Tew’s Spring Auburn Beekeeping Symposium Review Our Vice-President already told you that there were 300 in attendance at Dr. Tew’s annual Auburn Beekeeping Symposium a.k.a. Workshop. Beekeeping is experiencing a rebirth. When Dr. Tew asked for a show of hands of the new beekeepers, about half the room raised their hand. This is most encouraging. I am uncharacteristically optimistic. More beekeepers means more attention from the group in Montgomery. More attention is what beekeeping needs. CCD started it . Let’s try to keep the ball rolling.
The Stinger, Newsletter of the Alabama Beekeepers Association—Page 3
This workshop has been growing every year since the first symposium in 1996. There were only seventy-five in attendance back then; but that was a surprise for the organizers who had planned on fifty and had hoped for twenty-five. The meeting location has moved from the administration building, to the Chemistry Building, to the School of Veterinary Medicine, to the Lowder School of Business. Next year it may be necessary to find a facility that will accommodate an even larger group. Lunch provided by the Alabama Beekeepers Association was the brainchild of Rick and Nancy Le-
February 2010
ber. The first occurrence was at the 2004 workshop in the old dairy barn. The old dairy barn is gone. Bonnie Funderburg began organizing lunch at the 2006 meeting and has kept it up for five meetings. Let’s hope she will keep it going for years to come. Texas state apiarist, Mr. Paul Jackson, came back for a second year to report on his experiences with Africanized Honey Bees. It was very interesting to learn from Mr. Jackson that Walt Disney World near Orlando, Florida removed all the managed colonies of honey bees from their acreage. After the Africanized Honey Bees occupied that acreage, Walt Dis-
ney World is now paying beekeepers to place European honey bees on their acreage. Do you suppose others will learn from this lesson. I am not optimistic. Very likely, there will be more incidences of the uninformed enacting unenforceable regulations and too
1983. The incorporators were Dr. George H. Blake, Jr., Frank W. Randle, Coralyn Harrell, and R.F. Harrell. Since the Alabama Secretary of State website shows the date of incorporation as July 25, 1933, additional inquiries were made. Another call to Jackie at the Judge of Probate in Montgomery produce the late realizing their ignorance and errors. original Articles of Incorporation. Because they were Letter from the Editor – of such poor quality, Jackie said that there would be Recall the note in the December 2009 Stinger no charge for a copy. When they arrived in the mail, about the Articles of Incorporation of the Alabama it was clear why they were of such poor quality. The Beekeepers Association. Do you remember that the original Articles of Incorporation are hand written on Association was incorporated in 1933? When Bonnie lined paper. Your secretary and editor examined the received the Articles of Incorporation from the court originals for several hours on Christmas Day and all in Montgomery, the articles were dated October 21, the next day. Rudimentary forensic document enhancement techniques, e.g. a magnifying glass and scanning and enlarging with a photo editing program, enabled us to “read” about three fourths of the 1 & ½ pages of script. None of this issue of the Stinger will be wasted trying to reproduce any of the original articles. If I remember, I’ll bring the copy to the picnic for anyone who wished to see it.
E.F. Day, V.R. Thagard, Zed Gafford, P.M. Williams, J.T. Hactel, James Allen, and Powell Givens.
Bonnie made a phone call to determine that Zed Gafford was Bill Gafford’s father. A shotgun email to a bunch of beekeepers soliciting any knowledge of these charter members produced this response from Laurence Paul Cutts down in Florida, “Sir, Paul Cutts was my daddy and J.M. Cutts was my The charter members are W.A. Ruffin, Pres; Paul Cutts, V. Pres; J.M. Robinson, Sec. Treas.; W.E. grandfather. M. C. Berry had two sons. I believe his youngest son, Joe, has a daughter that lives in the Harrell, Thomas Atchison, H.C. Short, J.M. Cutts, Paul Cutts, M.C. Berry, Jasper Knight, A.I. Forehand, Snowdown area. The daughter gave my great niece some of Joe's old bee equipment and I am sure I could
The Stinger, Newsletter of the Alabama Beekeepers Association—Page 4
get her name from Emily if you would like. To the best of my knowledge there are no survivors to the Forehand clan. My daddy bought out the last two who had bees back in the 40's and 50's because there was no family to carry on the operations.” Continued inquiries are warranted. This history of the Association is most interesting. Also announced in the December Stinger was the plan to upgrade to MemberTies Professional. MemberTies has been upgraded to the Professional version. The December issue was e-mailed to seventyfive members. As of this date, eighty-nine members have indicated that they will accept the Stinger by ethe mailing label. If the label says 12-31-09, it’s time to pay your dues. There is an form on page 5 for your use. Thank you for supporting the Alabama Beekeepers Association. Congratulations to David Edhegard, newly elected president of the Wiregrass Beekeepers Association. Somebody double check the Wiregrass listing to make sure I have it correct. Another new president of a local club is David Kelton. Congratulations David on being elected president of the Etowah County Beekeepers Association. Plan to attend the picnic on June 5th. Do you like this format for the Stinger? Please tell me.
February 2010
mail. E-mail saves postage, paper, and time. The pictures are in color. Anyone wishing to receive their Stinger by e-mail, just send a message with DIGITAL STINGER as the subject to
[email protected] . If I mess up and don’t send your Stinger by e-mail, give me another chance. There are five hundred fifty-five names on our list. There are four hundred twelve paid members. That’s just an indication of the number of members who have dropped out since 2005. Bonnie mentioned in her letter that it’s time to pay your dues. If I e-mail your Stinger, your expiration date will be in the e-mail message. If you receive your Stinger by paper, your expiration date will be on Lonnie W. Funderburg, Editor
Brushy Mountain Bee Farm
offers Free Shipping to new beekeepers participating in a bee school. “Brushy Mountain Bee Farm would like to encourage all of your new students in the fascinating realm of beekeeping by offering them FREE SHIPPING on their first order per household with us. We have made this offer in years past but this year we have some additional requirements for submitting the student information.” If you did not receive this notice from Brushy Mtn., send me an e-mail,
[email protected] and I will get a copy to you.
Bonnie read minutes of October meeting. Bill Miller moved to approve minutes as read, Bill Hewett Board of Directors Meeting on February 6th, 2010 imseconded. There was no discussion. Minutes were mediately following Dr. Tew’s Auburn Beekeeping approved. Symposium. Bonnie reported that the Association had purMeeting was called to order by President chased a CD for $3,000 for six months at 2% and a David Ellis. A quorum was recognized. Those present CD for $5,000 for a year at 2%. were: President David Ellis, Vice-President Phillip Garrison, Secretary/Treasurer Bonnie Funderburg, There was discussion of the food and heaters. Directors Damon Wallace, Bill Miller, Bill Hewett, Phillip moved to approve the expenditure of $617.59 Mike Stoops, Jeff Lee, and past president Lonnie for lunch. Damon seconded. Motion approved. Funderburg. Mike Stoops gave a report on the Honey Minutes of the BOD Meeting
The Stinger, Newsletter of the Alabama Beekeepers Association—Page 5
Queen project.
February 2010
There was discussion of e-mailing the Stinger. It was requested that Lonnie make cover of Stinger with plea to sign up for E-Mail Stinger.
There was discussion of the food for the spring picnic at Cooter’s Pond. Chicken seems easiest meat to serve. Bill Miller moved that we purchase Jeff Lee moved to pay the Stinger invoice for store bought cooked chicken. Damon seconded. Mo- $167.03. Damon Wallace seconded. Motion was aption approved. proved.
After lengthy discussion it was decided to reLonnie reported that a cordless/hands-free mith tain the June 5 date for the picnic. Bonnie was incrophone for our sound system would likely cost bestructed to send a letter to the Walter T. Kelley Co tween $300 and $400. He was directed to continue with explanation and giving our regrets that they will looking into this matter. not be able to attend the picnic. Mike Stoops is returning the extractor given Phillip Garrison reported on the progress of as the grand prize at the 2009 annual meeting. The the annual meeting. Speakers who have agreed to at- extractor will be available as a prize again at the 2010 tend are: Dr. Keith Delaplane, Dr. Jim Tew, and Mr. annual meeting. Kent Williams. There was discussion of the entertainThere was brief discussion of the Nominating ment and how much to spend. Committee. President Ellis requested nominations for BeeBill Miller informed the BOD of an event in keeper of the Year award.
Renewal _______
Alabama Beekeepers Association c/o Bonnie L. Funderburg, Sect/Treasurer 1260 Easley Bridge Rd. Oneonta, AL 35121-4110 Membership Application Form
New Member ______
2010 Annual dues $10 (per person) should be mailed to above address. Please Print All Information Clearly. Make check payable to Alabama Beekeepers Association
Name:____________________________________________ Adress:___________________________________________ City:_______________________State:________ ZIP:__ __ __ __ __ + __ __ __ __ County ___________________________ Telephone#:(_____) ______ - __________(Optional)
Would you like to receive the newsletter by e-mail? ____Yes
e-mail address _____________________________________
(Please provide your e-mail address even if you wish to receive the newsletter on paper)
Are you a Member of a local Beekeepers association? _____
If ‘YES’ which one? ___
(For Treasurer’s Use.) ___________________________________
Receipt Issued_____________
Date Received____________ Check No. ___________
The Stinger, Newsletter of the Alabama Beekeepers Association—Page 6
Chilton County in June or July and suggested that the Alabama Beekeepers Association have a presence. Lonnie was directed to put a notice in the Stinger regarding the event and solicit participation.
February 2010
our annual meeting. Phillip Garrison said he would check with the church.
Phillip Garrison presented a plan for a trailer mounted grill prepared by Nolan Dooley. The materiDamon Wallace would like to present a work- als would cost about $1,350. Nolan Dooley would doshop at the picnic about the Honey Show requirements nate the labor. No decision was made at this time. and offer suggestions for improving entries. Lonnie Phillip Garrison moved that we adjourn. was directed to put a notice in the Stinger about Lonnie seconded. Meeting adjourned. Damon’s workshop. Respectfully submitted by Bonnie L. FunderDamon brought up the contingency if there is a funeral at Taylor Road Baptist Church on the day of burg, Secretary/Treasurer
Summary of 2009 Transactions Beginning Balance—January 1, 2009 Cash ReceiptsDues Collected Annual Meeting Registration Sales of Merchandise Donations Total Cash Receipts Cash DisbursementsStinger printing expenses Food at Dr. Tew’s Auburn Workshop Food at annual picnic Annual Meeting expenses Dues to EAS—two years Domain Name and Website expenses Bank Charges Copy of Articles of Incorporation Purchased two CDs totaling— Total Cash Disbursements Excess of Cash Disbursements over Cash Receipts Ending Balance—December 31, 2009
$ 5,881.05 3,715.00 7,270.00 611.95 200.00 $ 11,796.95 1,055.37 405.42 265.56 5,195.33 100.00 178.40 14.25 6.00 8,000.00 $ 15,220.33 - 3,423.38 $ 2,457.67
The Alabama Beekeepers Association has $8,000 in CDs at Hometown Bank in Oneonta in addition to the checking account at Wachovia Bank shown above. There has been a renewed interest in beekeeping an the last few years. This interest is reflected in the membership of the Association. Good meetings are expensive. The Association has been frugal. There
is sufficient cash available to the Board to plan for good meetings with speakers, facilities, and food that will attract more participation. At your next opportunity, thank your officers and directors for their efforts.
The Stinger, Newsletter of the Alabama Beekeepers Association—Page 7
February 2010
Etowah County Beekeepers recognize contributions of Wil Montgomery. At the regular monthly meeting of the Etowah County Beekeepers on February 4th , 2010, newly elected president David Kelton presented immediate past president Wil Montgomery with a certificate from the members thanking him for his tireless efforts on behalf of the club and his contributions to its growth and success. Wil Montgomery had been president for six years, taking over the club leadership when attendance and activities were at an all-time low. The club had been meeting only four times a year. Montgomery worked hard to
Wil Montgomery (left) and David Kelton
generate interest, conduct workshops, provide door prizes, and present programs to stimulate interest and attract new members. Attendance increased from almost nothing to an average of fifteen. The club began meeting twelve times each year. Although much deserving of a break and relieved of his responsibilities as president, Montgomery will continue supporting the club as Secretary/Treasurer. Thank you Wil for all you have done for the Etowah County Beekeepers Association. David Kelton
Alabama Beekeeping Snowman This photo, taken by past ABA director Roslyn Horton of Newville and submitted by current ABA director Bill Miller of Dothan, appears to illustrate that we have a lull in global warming. Before you get out your atlas, Newville, in Henry County, is
middle of the reinforcing ring. Transfer this measurement to the inside of the bucket. From the inside of the bucket, drill very small (1/16”) holes that emerge within approximately the middle of the reinforced about thirty miles from Florida. ring and between each rib. My bucket has thirty ribs. Homemade Yard Feeder So I will drill about thirty holes. See illustration. The At the February meeting of the Etowah lid must fit air tight. Just as with a glass feeder jar in a County club, David Kelton presented this homemade Boardman feeder, the bucket is inverted. A vacuum bulk feeder that he fabricated from a 5-gallon bucket. develops that prevents the syrup from streaming out. The feeder requires the type of 5-gal. bucket that has The bees will feed all around the reinforced ring. Of a reinforced ring an inch or two below the lip. Care- course, the bees will not completely drain the bucket; fully measure from the lip of the bucket down to the but they will get about four of the five gallons of
The Stinger, Newsletter of the Alabama Beekeepers Association—Page 8
February 2010
syrup that you gave them. I got my bucket from a restaurant. It held mild detergent and is slightly translucent. I expect that I will be able to see the level of syrup. David Kelton had another recommendation concerning feeding bees. When feeding a patty of pollen substitute, cut the patty into small pieces so the bees can get all around the piece. The piece of patty should be no wider than a top bar. The bees will be better able to keep the Small Hive Beetles from using the patty as a refuge or retreat. I’d like to get some feedback on this idea. If anyone tries this idea, let me know if it works as well for you as it seem to have worked for David Kelton.
Interim Statement of Cash at February 13, 2010 Cash Balance @ December 11, 2009 $ 2,337.67 Dues Collected 120.00 Cash Balance @ December 31, 2009 $ 2,457.67 Cash Receipts Dues $ 920.00 Donation 28.00 Sales of merchandise 108.00 Total Deposits 1,056.00 Cash Disbursements December Stinger $ 167.03 Lunch at Dr. Tew’s Auburn Workshop 627.59 Total Disbursements 794.62 Excess of Receipts over Disbursements 261.38 Cash Balance @ February 13, 2010 $ 2,719.05 We have $8,000 into CDs. A reminder that dues are payable in January for 2010. Many of you have already paid. Check your mailing label if you are unsure. Membership 385 Members as of December14, 2009 Report: + 27 New members 412 Members as of February 13, 2010
2010 Officers and Board of Directors
Webmaster—Bob Fanning,
[email protected] Editor—Lonnie W. Funderburg, 1260 Easley Bridge Rd., Oneonta, AL 35121-4110
President David Ellis, 9705 Bankston Road, Dora, AL 35062- Sect/Treas Bonnie Funderburg, 1260 Easley Bridge Rd, Oneonta, AL 35121-4110 1722 Vice-President Phillip Garrison, 178 County Road 1327, Vine- Director - 2010 James MacIlveen, 2408 Circle Dr. SE, Decatur, AL 35603-5620 mont, AL 35179-6871
The Stinger, Newsletter of the Alabama Beekeepers Association—Page 9
February 2010
Director - 2010 Mike Stoops, PO Box 35, Excel, AL 36439-0035 Director - 2011 Bill Hewett, 12751 Bear Creek Rd, Duncanville, AL 35456-2532 Director - 2011 Damon Wallace, 2003 Highpoint Dr, Opelika, AL 36801-2005
Director - 2012 Jeff Lee, 102 Whitfield Rd. Athens, AL 356132716 Director - 2012 Bill Miller, 2991 Eddins Rd. Dothan, AL 363017478
Regional Clubs/Associations
North-West Alabama Bee Club: Phillip Irions, 6010 County Road 87, Waterloo, AL 35677-3681 Tel (256) 766-0793. E-mail
[email protected] Meet 3rd Thu 6:20 P.M. at Darby Drive Church of Christ, Florence, AL North-East Alabama (Calhoun County & surrounding area): Joe Abernathy, Pres. 256-835-1214,
[email protected]. Meet 6:30 P.M. 2nd Thu 17th & Noble Sts, Auburn Extension Administration Building, Anniston, AL (Updated 12-10-2009) Sand Mountain Beekeepers (Blount, DeKalb, Jackson, Marshall & NE AL): Lyle Greenwood, Pres, Tel (256)586-2206,
[email protected]. Meet 6:30 P.M. on 3rd Thu of even numbered months at Guntersville Public Library, 1240 O’Brig Ave. (Updated 0426-09) SAUGAHATCHEE BEEKEEPERS ASSOCIATION (Lee Co.) John Lang, president,
[email protected]. Meet 1 st Tuesday of even numbered months 6:00 P.M. at Lee County Extension Office, 600 S. 7th St., Opelika, AL. Contact Dani Carroll, (334) 749-3353. (Updated 1-07-2009) South Alabama (Mobile County): This local association has ceased meeting and disbanded. (Updated 10-26-2007) Southeast Alabama Beekeepers Association: Al Liepins, pres. 260 County Road 7700, Troy, AL 36081-4424, (334) 566-7340,
[email protected], Meet 7:00 P.M. 1st Thu of each month at the Coffee County Farm Center in New Brockton, AL (Updated 01-05-2008) Tallapoosa River: There has been no communication from this organization. Tennessee Valley Beekeepers Association: Ernie Norton, pres. 100 Point Rd, Town Creek, AL 35672-9042, (256) 446-6197. Meet 2nd Thu of even months at 7:00 P.M. at the Moulton City Hall, 720 Seminary St, Moulton, AL (Updated 08-18-2008) Walker County: Lonnie Funderburg, 1260 Easley Bridge Rd, Oneonta, AL 35121-4110 Tel (205) 625-3464. Meet 6:30 P.M. 4th Mon at Ext Svc Bldg, 1501 N. Airport Road, Jasper, AL except July and December, picnic in July. (Updated 01-26-09) West Alabama Beekeepers Association (Bibb, Tuscaloosa, Hale, & Pickens Cos.) Bill Hewett, Pres
[email protected] Meet 6:00 P.M. 3rd Thu monthly at County Extension Service Auditorium, 714 Greensboro Ave.,Tuscaloosa, Al 35401. Current website (Updated 03-05-2009) Wiregrass (Houston County): David Edhegard, Pres. 334-445-1719,
[email protected]. Meet 7:00 P.M. 1 st Thu every month at Houston County Extension Office, Ross Clark Circle #4;
Baldwin County: John Kittrell, Pres. 10828 County Road 1, Fairhope, AL 36532-5913;
[email protected] . Meet 7:00 P.M. 1st Tue at Robertsdale Fire Dept, St. Paul & Racine Streets, across from water tower. (Updated 03-04-2007) Central Alabama Beekeepers Association: Allyson Andrews, Pres. Meet 6:00 PM 1st Thursday of every month at Heritage Baptist Church Family Life Center, 1849 Perry Hill Rd (Vaughn & Perry Hill, from I-85 Exit 4) Contact Fred Fulton 334-279-7359 or
[email protected] (Updated 12-14-2009) Choctaw County: Tim Dykes, 1211 Briarwood Rd, Gilbertown, AL 36908-2508 Tel (251) 459-3470. Meet 7:00 P.M. monthly at Butler Civic Center, Call for details on dates of meeting. Cullman County: Phillip Garrison, Pres. 178 County Rd 1327, Vinemont, AL 35179-6871, Tel (256) 734-5963, Meet 2nd Tue at 6:30 P.M. every odd month at Main Alfa Building, 307 Main Ave N.W., Cullman, AL 35055 (Updated 11-12-2002) East Alabama Beekeepers: Ralph Sanchez, Pres, P.O. Box 68, Delta, AL 36258-0068, (256) 488-5426. Meet at 6:30 P.M. at Clay Co. Extension Office in Ashland. (Updated 01-13-07) Escambia County: Clyde Bruley says that this club is no longer meeting. (Updated 8-26-09) Etowah County: David Kelton, Pres. 1590 Tabor Cutoff, Gasden, AL 35904-9755,
[email protected] ; Tinsley H. Gregg, Auburn Ext Ofc Agent, 3299-A West Meighan Blvd, Gadsden, AL 35094. Tel (256) 547-7936. Meet 1st Thu at 6:30 P.M. at Carnes Recreation Center, 103 Case Avenue, Attalla, AL 256-570-0202 Updated (2-04-2010) Jefferson County: Glenn Cobbs, Pres. 3262 Dell Rd, Birmingham, AL 35223-1318,
[email protected] . Meet 7:00 P.M. 3rd Thu Birmingham Botanical Gardens, 2612 Lane Park Rd. Birmingham, AL 352231802 County agent, Sallie Lee (205) 879-6964 Ext 11 (Updated 03-052009) Limestone County Beekeepers Association: Mark Nelson, pres.
[email protected] 256 729 1445 . Meets 2nd Thu of even months at 6:00 PM in ALFA building, 524 Hwy 72 West, Athens, Al 35611 (Updated 03-06-2009) Madison County: Harold Green, Pres., 1009 Kinsey Dr; Huntsville, AL 35803-3903 Tel (256) 881-8531. E-mail
[email protected] Meet 6:30 P.M. 2nd Thu in odd-numbered months at Botanical Gardens, 4747 Bob Wallace Ave, Huntsville, AL (Updated 07-16-2007) Mobile County: Contact James L. Smith, 3280 Salco Road, Chunchula, Dothan, AL. (Updated 12-24-2007) AL 36521 (Updated 3-11-2009) Monroe County: Contact Toria Sims at 4349 Turkey Hollow Rd. Frisco City, AL 36445-5154; 251-267-3520;
[email protected], meet 7:00 P.M. 2nd Thu of third month (Mar. Jun. Sep. Dec.) at Southern Pine Building. (Updated 1-14-2009)
The Stinger, Newsletter of the Alabama Beekeepers Association—Page 10 The Stinger 1260 Easley Bridge Rd. Oneonta, AL 35121-4110
Place Stamp Here February 2010
Vol. 23 No. 1
Inside This Issue Page 1
Check your mailing label. 12-31-2009
means it’s time to pay your dues.
Our next event is the annual picnic at
Cooter’s Pond in Pratville on June 5th. The
Association will provide fried chicken, bev-
erages, and paper products. The picnic pa-
vilion has already been reserved. Bring the
whole family.
If you would like to receive the Stinger by
e-mail, send an e-mail to
[email protected]
with DIGITAL STINGER as the Subject.