Letter of Invitation WU Vienna in cooperation with The Hong ... - Groups

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WU Vienna in cooperation with The Hong Kong Polytechnic University would like to invite you to the ... WU - Vienna Unive

Letter of Invitation

WU Vienna in cooperation with The Hong Kong Polytechnic University would like to invite you to the following afternoon workshop: Knowledge Management across Borders: A Chinese/Austrian Perspective Date: 22 May 2013, 13:00-17:00 Venue: R1109 11/F R Core, Shirley Chan Building, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University In this workshop we seek to firstly present ideas and challenges of Global Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning. A roundtable discussion will allow us to discuss current strategies of Austrian/European subsidiaries pursued in Hong Kong and China, how key capabilities are shared and protected, how information systems are effectively used and how intercultural differences can be managed. Participation is free! NOTE: SIGN UP TODAY - THERE IS A LIMIT TO THE NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS Please register by e-mail to [email protected] including your name, job role and affiliation All registration requests will be answered as soon as possible. For local inquiries in Hong Kong please contact: Ms Fennie Chan, T: 3400 3564, E: [email protected] We are looking forward to meeting you at the workshop. Sincerely,

Prof. Edwin Cheng Dean, Faculty of Business Chair Professor of Management The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Prof. Dr. DI Edward W.N. Bernroider Head of Institute, CISA, CISM Institute for Information Management and Control WU - Vienna University of Economics and Business

9/F, Li Ka Shing Tower, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍紅磡香港理工大學李嘉誠樓 9 樓

Tel 電話 (852) 2766 5084 Fax 傳真 (852) 2362 5773 Email 電郵 [email protected] Website 網址 www.polyu.edu.hk/fb