Study with your team for one hour in a new location (required!) 1 ... on your level
sheet: 1) one thing you learned about the topic and 2) the source for your.
LEVEL 6 LC Study Challenge First/Last Name: _____________________________
Player Name: ________________________
Team Name:
Complete at least 5 of the tasks below to finish this level. Tasks in bold must be completed. Write your initials in the box next to each task you complete, and collect signatures where indicated. Return this form to the Study Challenge Dropbox on the Abel/Sandoz or Schramm Front Desk. Task Study with your team for one hour in a new location (required!) Give a practice test to yourself & teammates; see rules in Tip below (required!) Attend a First-Year Experience Success Workshop (schedule at ); write topic & one thing you learned on back of this sheet (signature: ) NOTE: If you can’t attend FYE you can research this week’s workshop topic and write on your level sheet: 1) one thing you learned about the topic and 2) the source for your research (name & URL of website or title of book/article along with author, city/state it was published in, publisher, & date published). Meet with your subject librarian for help on an assignment or to understand how they can help you research (list of librarians at Visit the Sheldon Museum of Art! Write on this sheet the title and artist of your favorite artwork you saw AND Tweet a picture of yourself inside the Sheldon to the Learning Communities Twitter page @UNLLearnCom You must include #LCStudy in your Tweet AND write your Twitter handle on this sheet to get credit. Study at Study Stop for one hour; see for schedule (signature: )
2 POINT BONUS: Turn in completed Level 6 by March 6, 9 a.m. TOTAL POINTS:
Points 1 1 1
2 5
Tip of the Week: Self-testing— A Purdue University researcher found that short study sessions followed by practice testing helps students’ performance on test day. Choose a class for which you have a test or quiz and write out five questions likely to be on the test. Next, test yourself in three ways: first, talk through the possible answers out loud (before looking them up in your textbook/notes); second, look up the answers to see where you can correct or perfect your answers, writing out notes or flashcards where necessary; third, after going over your notes for 5-10 minutes, set a timer (give yourself more or less time depending on if you have short answer, short essay, or problem-solving questions), and, without consulting your textbook or notes, write out your answers by hand. Repeat all of these steps to help you commit your answers to memory. Practice alone and test your team members as well. Attach a copy of your questions and answers to this sheet.