Lexical Perspectives on Voice Constructions in Tsou
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The DMC, which is exemplified in (22), consists of a subject, a verb, a weak ... Daimler bought a way into the Chinese market and then removed. Chrysler from it.
The school is part of a highly successful chain of language schools. (institution- ...... Bingley: Emerald Group ... The theory of markedness in generative grammar.
that student-TOP Japan-from come-PAST person-NOM ani-ta. NCOP- ... syntax that forms a phonological word with its adjacent N host, indicated by the '=' in (3).
Farrell Ackerman, UC San Diego ([email protected]). Lexical ..... Kuroda, John Moore, Sharon Rose, Andy Spencer, Tapani Salminen, Gert Webelhuth.
Jul 18, 2018 - Accounting for the distribution and polysemy of a motion verb ... To provide a plausible route of the semantic change that motion verbs undergo.
Martin, P. and McMurry, N. (2017) Politicians' perspectives on voice and ..... budgetary and administrative data; event-
movement of the wh-words, in contrast to languages like Mandarin Chinese, in ...
Key words: Tsou, wh-question, movement, wh-in-situ, island effect. 1.
deverbal nouns in -er listed in the lexicon, and can also function as the ... Hence, the word-internal syllable boundary does not coincide ...... its prosodic host.
John Benjamins. ... number of researchers (Browne 1971; Brisson 1994; van Hout 1996: 5-7; ...... Gleitman, Lila, Henry Gleitman, Carol Miller and Ruth Ostrin.
descriptive representation of South African politicians has important substantive implications. Individual-level charact
independent of concepts. Fuller further explicates this distinction in a linguistic manner. He argues that CC is best co
stressed, not the entire NP-with-NP string. (21) Tanja. Tanya s with. Vasej. Vasya ... 'Tanya and Vasya stayed at home. Dasha ...... In T. H. K. Steven Franks and.
Dorota-NOM z with. Mirkiem. Mirek-INSTR poszli ... In doing so, we will run our Polish and Russian data against a battery of constituency and coordination tests.
1989, Booij 1990, Johnson 1991, Roeper and Keyser 1992, and Neeleman 1994). If so, the .... and the presence of a negative polarity item (F(1,79)=31.68, p
Lexical Perspectives on Voice Constructions in Tsou
2.1 ACTION VERBS.5 Action verbs here refer to verbs that require an agent to act .... NOM dog. Ti tossed pork to the dog.Ð b. os-Ðo. toÐs-eni ta pangka si tposu.