Liberia Child Protection Sub-Cluster - HumanitarianResponse

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Mar 16, 2015 - o Child Protection IMS ( o Child protection meetings from counties. 5. Discussion on
Liberia Child Protection Sub-Cluster Liberia Child Protection Sub-Cluster meeting minutes Date: March 9, 2015 at 3.00PM Venue: EOC Introduction: The Child Protection Sub-Cluster Meeting aims at providing technical and strategic direction for the EVD child protection response and a platform where child protection agencies can share information and coordinate intervention to maximize resources for effective and efficient results. Agenda 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

Opening Prayer Welcome, Opening Remarks and Introduction Review of the Action Points from the previous meeting Updates o Status of EVD affected children ( o SGBV Cases o Child Protection IMS ( o Child protection meetings from counties Discussion on Partners' Preparedness for the Rainy Season Partner updates o Kindly complete the Partner Update Template ( AOB Closing and Adjournment

Meeting Administration Chair: MOH/SW Co- Chair: MGCSP Secretariat: Save the Children

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Liberia Child Protection Sub-Cluster Meeting Notes Agenda Item:

Action: Responsible person and deadlines

1. 2.

Opening Prayer Welcome Opening Remarks and Introduction


Review of Action Points from Previous Meeting

(See attendance sheet attached) Action Points

Submission of Partners work Plans => Action Point partly achieved; Seven CPN partners have submitted their work plans. The work plans will be presented to the supervisor at the MoGCSP for review and signature prior to circulation to CPSC partners. Partners were reminded that sharing of work plans supports coordination of interventions amongst member organizations.

Submit/share work plan with MoGCSP All CPN members, Before March 23, 2015

Revision of existing schools brochure from MOE => Action Point partly achieved; Education authorities were engaged; The importance to liaise with the Social Mobilization team on the content of the messages were emphasized.

Liaise with MOE to review existing brochure and provide feedback to the CPSC Charlyn, March 23, 2015

Follow up on WFP package (resettlement package for EVD affected families including children) and feedback to the CPSC => Action Point not achieved; The MoGCSP shared a listing of children who had been affected by EVD with WFP for intervention.

Follow up on WFP package and feedback to the CPSC Samuel (CAFOL) and Daniel (ANPPCAN), March 23, 2015

Share signed off work plan with CPSC members Charlyn, March 23, 2015

Circulation of the updated 5Ws template to all partners => Action Point achieved; 3. 

Updates Status of EVD affected children

Number of children identified (does not cover River Gee and Maryland): 3,979 (1,909m, 2,070f). See the below break down as per categories.

Orphans (712)

Semi Orphans (2,069)

Others (1,198)

Number of children at the Hawa Massaquoi Transit home: 3 (2m, 1f) Number of children at the Jatondo town ICC: 3 (2m, 1f) Number of children at the Kakata ICC: 14 (7m, 7f) Number of children at the Nimba County ICC: 20 (6m, 14f) No child admitted at community care center (CCC)

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Liberia Child Protection Sub-Cluster Cash transfer (UNICEF/MoGCSP)  910 children (Phase 2) have been reached/received the one off cash grant in 11 counties and the process is ongoing for other counties Download  The complete update can be downloaded under following link: Concern Red Cross is said to be involved with cash transfer to Orphans and survivors from the LY-1 and LY-2 ETU. Does the MoGCSP have an idea on this? Response There has been not much details on this, but the Red Cross has been asked to share its listing with the MoGCSP. Independent Accreditation Committee (IAC) The Independent Accreditation Committee (IAC) for Child Welfare institutions of the-then Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (now with the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection) is being reactivated. The members, the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Health, will assess, accredit and monitor Child Welfare institutions in Liberia and ensure that these institutions meet the MoGCSP’s child protection standards. This is also timely given concerns that some EVD-affected children (particularly those who have lost one or both parents or primary caregivers due to EVD) are being encouraged by external partners to place the children institutional care and/or do not have the means to support children. This may lead to an increase in institutionalization of children.  SGBV cases The autopsy on the body of a child (12 years) who alledgelly died from being raped in Brewerville has been conducted after which the body was turned over to the MoGCSP for funeral arrangements. The body was transferred to the St. Moses Funeral Home with removal and burial scheduled for March 11 and 12 respectively. The autopsy report is not yet released. Court hearing of the case of a child (f, EVD affected) who was alledgely burnt with melted plastic by her caregiver in the Red Hills community began on March 2, 2015 at the Criminal Court E in Montserrado. The perpertrator has been arrested. On February 13, 2015, a rape case was reported involving a 13 year old child (f) and an adult (m). The child bled profusely and was admitted at a health center. The alledged perpetrator has been arrested with investigation ongoing.

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Liberia Child Protection Sub-Cluster Follow up done by the MoGCSP revealed that 20 SGBV related cases have been placed on the dockets by the sex crime unit of the Ministry of Justice for the March term of court. Additionallly, pretrials (identification of witnesses, etc) are ongoing for 6 cases. Other Child Abuse case A visit is scheduled for Grand Bassa County form March 16-21, 2015 to assess the case of a child (m, 16 years) who was found drowned dead.  Child Protection IMS The encoding of the backlog data of children is still ongoing with the process being at about 70%. The Data Encoders have encoded 2,600 children data out of a total of 3,700. However, since the entry only covers the psychosocial client profile forms which do not capture details of the children as required by the MoGCSP tracking tool, a decision has been made to have all of the children followed up on and documented using the revised tracking and follow up forms. In Montserrado, the process has begun with Social workers being placed into the four IMS sectors. Sector One had an orientation session where Social workers reviewed the forms and set their strategies. At the session, the Supervisors received the forms and the listing of children to be followed up and documented in the sector. The remaining sectors have all scheduled their meetings, which will be supervised and supported by the CPSC IMO. The next focus now is to have the process initiated for the other counties. If Child Protection agencies can take lead of the process for the other counties, it will help the process. Concerns The importance to roll out the CP IMS to the other counties was emphasized. While the roll out in all counties is desirable, priority on counties depending on the case load (ie. Lofa and Bong) seems more realistic. The CPSC at national level needs to map out where the CPSC/CPN coordination meetings are active or not active. This will greatly help to inform our decisions on who takes lead. An update on the CP IMS can be found under following link:


Discussions on partners preparedness for the Rainy Season:

As the rainy season approaches, it is important that partners are prepared for continuing interventions in remote/hard to reach/worst affected communities.

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Liberia Child Protection Sub-Cluster See below some preparedness plans and suggestions  


To ensure that children’s education is not hampered by the rain, Street Child has begun schools renovation. The Community Link Technology will be launched in April, 2015 and will enable continuous follow up with affected children and their families even during the rainy season. Childfund emphasized the need for strengthening community based child protection structures (eg. CWCs) as the members are community based and thus can reach out to children/beneficiaries even in adverse weather conditions. The coverage/presence of Child Protection Actors needs to be mapped in order to identify gaps. (Save the Children) Partner updates Save the Children

Achievements  With the support of the Social Welfare Assistants and local community authorities, Save the Children has established CWCs in 3 communities (Paye, Worhn and Peter Town) in Margibi County.  Along with the Social Welfare Assistants, Save the children reunified 1 child (m, 16 years) who was discharged from the ETU in Margibi with his biological family in Neakee’s Town on the Bong Highway  Save the Children conducted Child Rights and protection training for the CWC (8m, 8f) in Taylor Town in Bong County.  4 babies (2m, 2f) who have been made orphans as a result of the Ebola virus were provided infant formula (SMA milk) in Bong County. These babies are in currently in kinship care in Gbonota and Maimu.  Jointly with the Social Welfare Assistants, Save the Children conducted follow up visits with 8 EVD affected families who have benefited from affected household kits in Montserrado. It was established that the local community leaders have regular engagements with them which have significantly enhanced their adjustment at communities. Upcoming/Planned activities  Psychological First aid training for Teachers, PTA members and CWCs in Margibi County  Distribution of Food and nonfood items to 30 families who are currently providing foster/kinship for ebola affected orphans/children in Montserrado  Work with the MoGCSP at County levels (Montserrado, Bong and Margibi) to arrange plans for the hiring of Data Entry Clerks  Raising of EVD prevention awareness (Bong and Montserrado)  Hold feedback sessions with radio listening clubs in Montserrado to discuss key issues relating to the program  Holding planning and working sessions with the MoGCSP to review forms and fast track the follow up and

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Liberia Child Protection Sub-Cluster documentation of children in Margibi and Bong Counties using the revised Tracking tool and follow up forms UNICEF 

UNICEF Child Protection Field Officers continue to support Social Workers and psycho-social support teams on community level in Grand Gedeh, Bong and Margibi. One field officer will be moved to Lofa for support by 13th March. The Child Protection Field Officers provide support to the Social Workers and PSS teams at county level so that all children affected by EVD are identified, registered, followed up and received the cash grant and other needed support in their counties of assignment. They also trouble shoot, for example if there are vehicle or communication challenges to expedite follow-up. The UNICEF supported National Youth Service Program (NYSP) volunteers support the Back to School program in twelve counties. Volunteers and Social Workers are coordinating with school authorities to identify school children affected by EVD, which might not yet have been registered with the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection. IRC

Achievements  IRC started a new programme hiring 800 mothers in Buzzy Quarter, Gobarchop, New Kru Twon, West Point and Doe Community. The mothers will form 200 groups of four. In these groups mothers will discuss child rights and child protection.



Concern The issue of children being labelled as Ebola orphans/survivors for economic gain requires urgent attention. At the MoGCSP on Monday morning, March 9, 2015, children as young as approximately 4 years demonstrated for support through the MoGCSP claiming to be Ebola orphans. Investigation revealed that some/most of the children were not actually Ebola orphans.

MoGCSP to follow up and identify the institution where the children were brought from and feedback to the CPSC on the outcome. (Charlyn, March 23, 2015)

Upcoming events 

Based on recommendation from the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection, a 6 days need assessment is expected to be conducted with affected children in Lofa County by FHI 360 (LTTP). Following the assessment, the children will be provided with support excluding tuition and cash grant.

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Liberia Child Protection Sub-Cluster 

Independent Accreditation Committee holds a revitalization meeting at the Ministry of Health on March 10, 2015 at 10.00 AM

The Child Protection Sub Cluster meeting in Grand Bassa will be held at the Gender Office at the Administrative Building on March 13, 2015.

Sector 3, in Montserrado meeting is scheduled for March 10, 2015 at 11.00 Am at the Gardnersville Town Hall.

Sector 4, in Montserrado meeting is scheduled for March 13, 2015 at 11.00 AM at the Duport Road Health center. 7. Closing and Adjournment: 

The meeting was adjourned and the next meeting will be held on March 23, 2015 at the EOC at 3.00 PM.

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