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Book List. 1. Macmillan Cancer Support Publications. All Macmillan publications are free .... such as sex, thoughts of murder, .... The story of a family finding their.
Book List Macmillan Cancer Support Publications All Macmillan publications are free of charge to people affected by cancer and can be ordered online at or through their helpline on 0808 808 2020 or the Macmillan YouthLine on 0808 808 0800 if you are between 12 and 21 years of age

Cancerbackup Publications All Cancerbackup publications are free of charge to people affected by cancer, their families and friends within the UK and can be ordered online at or through their helpline on 0808 800 1234


Coping with the emotional effects of cancer The experience of cancer is about more than just the physical effects of the disease and its treatment. There are emotional effects too, such as feelings of fear, anger, sadness or depression, and these are quite normal. They may come and go, or may seem to be there most of the time. Throughout their lives, people build up ways of coping with the events that life throws at them. If cancer proves to be one of those events, you may need support in calling on all your own ways of coping, and building up those coping strategies to meet the challenge you are now facing. There are many sources of support to help you deal with these feelings – not just professional help but also voluntary organisations, websites, books and support groups. These sources are described on our website and include national ones as well as those specific to Kent and Medway. You can draw on these resources to help keep yourself, or someone close to you, on the right track emotionally. Visit our website on


Information about Specific Cancers




Understanding cancer of the bladder

Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and Cancerbackup treatment; living with a urostomy; details of useful organisations

Understanding cancer of Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and Cancerbackup the large bowel (colon treatment of bowel cancer; advice on financial issues; details of and rectum) useful organisations. Also available as an audiotape Understanding breast cancer

Describes causes, symptoms, Cancerbackup diagnosis, stages and treatment of breast cancer; includes details of useful organisations and other resources. Also available as an audiotape

Understanding secondary breast cancer

Describes breast cancer that has come back or spread to another part of the body; information on symptoms, treatment, recovery; details of useful organisations


Understanding cancers of the head and neck

Covers the different types of head and neck cancer, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options, quality of life, feelings; details of useful information. Also available as an audiotape


Understanding acute lymphoblastic leukaemia

Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and Cancerbackup treatment options; sources of practical and financial support; details of useful organisations

Understanding acute myeloid leukaemia

Causes, symptoms and treatment options; sources of practical and financial support; details of useful organisations. Also available as an audiotape






Understanding chronic Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, Cancerbackup lymphocytic leukaemia staging and treatment; sources of practical and financial help; details of useful organisations Understanding chronic myeloid leukaemia

Symptoms, diagnosis and treatments; details of useful organisations

Understanding lung cancer

Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and Cancerbackup treatment options; information on clinical trials; sources of financial support; details of useful organisations. Also available as an audiotape

Understanding mesothelioma

Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options; who can help, financial help and compensation; details of useful organisations


Understanding nonHodgkin’s lymphomas

Diagnosis and treatment; sources of practical and financial support; details of useful organisations


Understanding cancer of the gullet (oesophagus)

Symptoms, diagnosis, stages and treatment options; self help and sources of support; details of useful organisations. Also available as an audiotape


Understanding cancer of the ovary

Causes and types of ovarian cancer, screening, symptoms, diagnosis, staging and grading and treatment options; self help and support, financial help; details of useful organisations. Also available as an audiotape


Understanding cancer of the pancreas

Risk factors, types, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment; self help and sources of support; details of useful organisations. Also available as an audiotape







Understanding cancer of the prostate

Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options, follow-up, emotional issues, support; sources of further information. Also available on CD


Understanding the PSA test

To help men decide whether to Cancerbackup have the PSA blood test; causes and symptoms of prostate cancer; treatment options; details of useful organisations. Also available as an audiotape

Understanding cancer of the skin

Deals with the two common types Cancerbackup of skin cancer; causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment; details of useful organisations. Also available as an audiotape

Understanding malignant melanoma

Types of malignant melanoma; causes, symptoms, diagnosis, staging, treatment options; details of financial benefits, useful organisations


Understanding cancer of the stomach (gastric cancer)

Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, stages and grading, treatment options; advice on self help and financial help and benefits; useful organisations


Information about Cancer Treatments Coping with chemotherapy

What to expect – what treatment is, how the drugs work and different ways they can be given

Understanding chemotherapy

What it is, why, when and how it is Cancerbackup given; most common side-effects; details of useful organisations. Also available as an audiotape 5

Sheldon Press




Understanding radiotherapy

What it is, why it may be required, who’s involved, what happens, treatment and side-effects; details of useful organisations. Also available as an audiotape


General Information about Cancer Adjusting to life after cancer treatment

Covers emotional recovery, relationships, finances, further treatment, returning to work, useful contacts


Being a cancer patient’s carer: a guide

Information and advice about dealing with the most common problems faced by carers

Radcliffe Medical Press

Cancer and older people Information about cancer, treatment options, practical help and support and communicating with healthcare professionals


Caring for someone with cancer

Help in understanding cancer and basic treatments available

Age Concern

Caring for someone with advanced cancer

Includes advice on what to do after discharge from hospital, how to get practical help and support, help with money, useful contacts


Caring at home when cancer is advanced

Helps to explain the caring role and address the emotions, changes to relationships, getting help, money matters

Macmillan Cancer Support

Coping with advanced cancer

For people who have been told their cancer has come back or spread, their families and friends






Living at home when cancer is advanced

Information on practical support for people at home, emotional issues, dealing with symptoms

Macmillan Cancer Support

The Selfish Pig’s Guide to Caring

Written by a carer it airs topics such as sex, thoughts of murder, coping with incontinence and dealing with friends and officials who fail to understand

Polperro Heritage Press

What can I do to help?

75 practical ideas for family and friends from someone with cancer


Challenging cancer: fighting back, taking control, finding options

Aims to help you make sense of Class Publishing your diagnosis and move away (London) Ltd. from chaos towards having control back in your life

Controlling cancer pain

Illustrated; about cancer pain and the wide range of medical and complementary treatments for controlling it


Controlling the symptoms of cancer

Common and less common symptoms; causes; medical and complementary therapies to help. Also available as an audiotape


Coping with fatigue

Discusses the causes and effects and ways of coping at home and work. Also available as an audiotape


Coping with hair loss

Illustrated; information and practical hints on wigs, scarves and turbans; useful organisations and contacts


Coping with long term illness

Tackles problems around isolation, financial issues, pain

Sheldon Press

Diet and cancer

Weight loss, extra energyprotein, sore or dry mouth, taste changes, difficulties eating, useful contacts. Also available as an audiotape






Directory of information materials for people with cancer 2006/2007

Directory of information and how to access it

Macmillan Cancer Support

Face to face with cancer

Information about tests, diagnosis and treatment, medical hierarchy, diet, exercise and relaxation, impact of fear, anxiety and anger

Lion Publishing Plc

Hello, and how are you?

Information handbook written by people who have cared for someone with cancer

Macmillan Cancer Support

Living with a long-term illness: the facts

Identifies challenges posed by long-term illness and suggests ways of dealing with them

Oxford University Press

Lost for words: how to talk to someone with cancer

Covers importance of talking and listening, how to be a good listener and how to help a person with cancer


Men and cancer

Cancer from a male perspective based on experiences of a group of men who have had cancer or cared for someone with cancer

Macmillan Cancer Support

Cancer. Any age, any time

Published in co-operation with the Men’s Health Forum, gives expert advice on all aspects of prevention and treatment in the unique Haynes Owners Manual Workshop style

Haynes Publishing

Relationships, sex and fertility for young people affected by cancer

Written for teenagers or young adults; how cancer and treatment may affect sexuality, fertility and relationships.


Sexuality and cancer

Impact of surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and hormone therapy; suggests possible solutions. Details of useful organisations. Also available as an audiotape






Taking control of cancer

Getting information, treatment options, choices, self-help, personal stories

Class Publishing (London) Ltd.

Talking about your cancer

Simple, practical advice to help people with cancer talk about their needs and feelings


The cancer guide

Information for people with cancer and those who care

Macmillan Cancer Support

The emotional effects of cancer

Suggestions on how to deal with anxiety, anger, sorrow and withdrawal; common symptoms of depression


Travel and cancer

Covers insurance, vaccinations and immunisation, avoiding health problems; includes useful organisations


Trust me, I’m a cancer patient

Written from a personal perspective by a doctor, it offers practical and accessible advice

Radcliffe Medical Press

Work and cancer

Work issues during treatment and after, taking time off, discrimination, financial issues, giving up work for good; also work issues that may affect carers


Help with the cost of cancer

A guide to benefits and financial help for people affected by cancer

Macmillan Cancer Support

C: because cowards get cancer too

John Diamond’s personal experiences, from his column in “The Times”

Vermilion / Random House

Close relationships and cancer

Impact cancer has on relationships with partners, family and friends

Macmillan Cancer Support





Directory of cancer self help and support 2005/2006

Details of over 750 groups that support people with cancer, their relatives and friends

Macmillan Cancer Support

Cancer and complementary therapies

Therapies most often used and an idea of what is involved. Also available as an audiotape


Directory of complementary therapy services in UK cancer care

Services available in the voluntary and public sectors, arranged by county

Macmillan Cancer Support

Understanding cancer research trials (clinical trials)

What clinical trials are and how and why they are carried out; questions to ask before making a decision; how to find out where trials are being carried out


Understanding cancer genetics

The role of genes in specific cancers, how risk is inherited and role of genetic counselling and testing. Includes useful contacts


Hospice and palliative care directory – 2006

Details of organisations offering hospice and palliative care services

Hospice Information

Death and Bereavement When someone with cancer is dying

Considers some of the anxieties commonly experienced by those who are dying, and their families and friends

Macmillan Cancer Support

Living and dying with cancer

Follows the impact of the disease from diagnosis, through treatment to death

Cambridge University Press





After the death of someone very close

Guide to the emotions commonly experienced during the grief of bereavement

Cruse Bereavement Care

Dying with cancer

Includes coping with the news, facing an uncertain future, choosing where to die, symptom control, putting affairs in order, useful organisations and books


A Child’s Grief

Supporting a child when someone in the family has died

Winston’s Wish

Badger’s Parting Gifts

The tale of an old badger near to death; illustrated in colour throughout


Milly’s Bug-Nut

The story of a family finding their way through bereavement

Winston’s Wish

When someone dies

Help for young people coping with grief


People with learning difficulties Title



Looking after my breasts

Ideally should be used to prepare women with learning disabilities before they go for mammogram / breast screening tests or to increase their breast awareness

Royal College of Psychiatrists

Getting on with cancer

“Books Beyond Words” series; tells the story of Veronica, a woman with Down’s Syndrome, who has cancer

Royal College of Psychiatrists


Children and Young People Title



Why Mum? A small child Children’s picture book exploring dealing with a big the serious illness of a parent problem through the eyes of 7-yr-old Matthew


A parent’s guide to children’s cancers

For parents who have a child diagnosed with cancer


A Child’s Grief

Supporting a child when someone in the family has died

Winston’s Wish

Badger’s Parting Gifts

The tale of an old badger near to death; illustrated in colour throughout


As Big as it Gets

Supporting a child when someone in their family is seriously ill; includes some suggestions about what parents might say to children and how to offer support

Winston’s Wish

Talking to children about How to talk about cancer with cancer: a guide for children from 2-16; includes parents and carers details of useful organisations and other resources. Also available as an audiotape


Talking to children when an adult has cancer

Support and advice on whether, when and what to tell; includes advice on explaining about treatment and talking about dying

Macmillan Cancer Support

Mary has a brain tumour

Mary’s story through diagnosis, surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy; illustrated


My brain tumour adventures

The story of a little boy coping with a brain tumour, for 2-7 year olds; illustrated

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Ben’s bone marrow transplantation

Illustrated book for children who need a bone marrow transplant

UK Children’s Cancer Study Group





Health issues: cancer

Explains how cancer occurs, common cancers, possible causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Hodder & Stoughton Childrens

Lucy has a tumour

Booklet written to help young children understand about having a tumour


My brother has cancer

The story of a brother and sister whose little brother has cancer; aimed at children under 9

UK Children’s Cancer Study Group

Need to Know: cancer

Need to Series looks at a range of different cancers; treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy


The Secret C: straight talking about cancer

Aimed at supporting parents or carers to explain to their child what cancer means; aimed at 710 yr olds

Winston’s Wish

What’s it like? Cancer

Introduces 5-7 yr olds to conditions and disabilities that may affect them, or their friends and family


Milly’s Bug-Nut

The story of a family finding their way through bereavement

Winston’s Wish

When someone dies

Help for young people coping with grief


Jack’s Diary

An illustrated book for children with leukaemia; includes photographs

Leukaemia Research

Joe has leukaemia

Colour illustrated book telling the story of a boy with leukaemia

Leukaemia Research

Living with leukaemia

Following the real-life experiences of children with leukaemia; colour illustrated; index of further information

Hodder & Stoughton Children’s





Two Weeks with the Queen

Colin’s quest to find the best doctor in the world for his brother who has cancer

Puffin Classic

Peppermint Ward

A story about children with cancer; Cancerbackup written for 6-9 yr olds

Audio-visual Materials Cancerbackup Audiotapes: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Understanding cancer of the large bowel (colon and rectum) Understanding breast cancer Coping with advanced cancer Adjusting to life after cancer treatment Caring for someone with advanced cancer Diet and cancer Controlling the symptoms of cancer Coping with fatigue Coping with hair loss Controlling cancer pain The emotional effects of cancer Sexuality and cancer Talking about your cancer Talking to children about cancer – a guide for parents and carers Understanding chemotherapy Cancer and complementary therapies Understanding radiotherapy Understanding cancers of the head and neck Understanding acute myeloid leukaemia Understanding lung cancer Understanding cancer of the gullet (oesophagus) Understanding cancer of the ovary Understanding cancer of the pancreas Understanding the PSA test Understanding cancer of the skin Understanding cancer of the stomach (gastric cancer) Understanding cancer of the prostate (CD)


Other Audiotapes, CDs, Videos and DVDs •

Relax and breathe: learn to manage breathlessness (Macmillan Cancer Support) – CD

The Cancer Guide: information for people with cancer and those who care (Macmillan Cancer Support) – large print and Braille versions available; audiotape will be available later in 2007

You’re not alone coping with cancer: some personal experiences of coping with the diagnosis of cancer (Jimmy Logan Memorial Cancer Trust) – DVD

Chemotherapy and radiotherapy: by patients for patients (Cancerbackup) – video

Talking about leukaemia: made by people with leukaemia (Leukaemia Research) – video plus illustrated booklet

Life with lung cancer: three people talk about their experiences (British Lung Foundation) – DVD and video

Take a breather: demonstrates practical techniques to cope with breathlessness (Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation) – DVD and video

Understanding non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas: patients talk about their personal experience (Lymphoma Association) – video

Men Talk: 7 men who have had prostate cancer talk about their experiences (The Prostate Cancer Charity) – CD and audiotape

Treatment options in early prostate cancer: a number of men talk about their experiences (Prostate Research Campaign UK) – DVD and video

Your BSL guide to the prostate (The Prostate Cancer Charity) – DVD and video

Audio-visual materials in other languages •

Chemotherapy and radiotherapy: by Asian patients for Asian patients (Cancerbackup) – video available in Urdu, Hindi, Gujerati and Bengali

Humar safar: a south Asian family’s experience (Cancerbackup) – video in Hindi, with English subtitles

Caring for someone with cancer: follows the experience of a person with cancer and their carer (Afiya Trust) – CD available in Arabic, Bengali, Cantonese, French African, Gujerati, Hindi, Punjabi, Somali, Tamil and Urdu


Kent & Medway Cancer Network Preston Hall, London Road, Aylesford, Kent ME20 7NJ Tel: 01622 713146 Email:

Version 1 – Published July 2007 16