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sign-in, counter neat, stamp clean. Consistently is willing to dust and vacuum. Picks up trash and cleans tables. Puts i
R. L. Stevenson Middle School Grading Policy for Library Practice Class By Mr. G. Oram Category

A, 100-90%

B, 89-80%

C, 79-70%

D, 69-60%


Always takes duties seriously without direction of librarian and assists patrons. Seeks tasks without direction.

Consistently completes duties without direction and assists patrons regularly.

Completes duties sometimes and occasionally assists patrons. Needs direction most of the time.

Rarely completes duties without direction. Does not assist patrons.


Always willing to help. Finds additional tasks to do. Demeanor is pleasant and cooperative.

Consistently willing to help. Finds additional tasks to do most of the time. Demeanor is pleasant and cooperative most of the time.

Occasionally willing to help. Sometimes finds additional tasks to do. Demeanor is pleasant and cooperative some of the time.

Rarely willing to help and find tasks to do by self. Demeanor is not pleasant and cooperative.


Completes all assignments on time. Masters the skills taught. Earns at least 90% grading mark.

Completes all assignments on time. Masters most skills taught. Earns at least 80% grading mark.

Completes all assignments on time. Masters some of the skills taught. Earns at least 70% grading mark.

Does not complete assignments on time. Minimal skills are learned with poor grading marks.

Area and Shelf Maintenance

Minimal amount of books out of filing order when graded. Assigned area is neat and clean. Maintenance is self directed

A few books are out of filing order when graded. Area is neat and clean and is self directed.

Many books are out of filing order when graded, and the librarian has to direct student to keep area clean.

Student is not filing books and not keeping his area neat and clean.

Library Maintenance

Always keeps the library clean by pushing in chairs, tables clean, trash picked up, daily sign-in, counter neat, stamp clean.

Consistently is willing to dust and vacuum. Picks up trash and cleans tables. Puts items in their proper place.

Generally keeps the library clean and puts items in their proper place.

Does not clean, dust, and vacuum. No pick up of trash. Messes up desk counter. Does not put items in proper place.

Circulation Service

Always follows circulation procedures and asks for help when needed. Does not collect money but calls over the librarian.

Consistently follows circulation procedures and sometimes asks for help and collect money.

Generally follows circulation procedures and sometimes asks for help. Collects money.

Does not date stamp books. Collects money. Forgets to obtain I.D. Does not circulate items correctly.