Salt Lake Community College Library System Objectives and Detail Tasks 1
Determine and implement library hierarchy and organization that best serves the library and promotes library operations. - Clear and concise chain of command - Have our own IT department - Redistribution of duties among help desk/info desk - Determine leadership of the library
Initiate processes to improve Café services and area. - Improve Café Services - Food services presence in café - Better café area
Initiate staff recognition and team building programs. - Staff Recognition - News letter - Staff retreats to address needs and concerns - Team building
Initiate formal interdepartmental collaboration processes to increase faculty and staff use of library resources and services. Better connection with the Academic Research Oriented Departments - Improve integration of Library Research into curriculum - Outreach liaison services - Collaborate with departments for events at the library - More interaction with departments
Implement processes to continually improve facilities and space management for library patrons' use. - Eliminate or minimize disruption of student study space - Update facilities to be more attractive to students - Be the lead resource on space - Less floor space for lab computers - Sprucing up library space - More usage by students Take out unnecessary vegetation make study or meeting place - Reclaim more space - Group study areas - Provide more reserve rooms for patrons - Less floor space dedicated to lab computers - Reduce computer space in the basement, math emporium - Improve computer usage through collaboration - Remodel the library
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Implement processes and procedures to continually evaluate and resolve employee workload issues and communication concerns. - Review Job Description - Reevaluate staff positions and duties - More communication between branches, more transparency within library
Review and strengthen financial processes to safeguard assets, properly account for asset values, and improve budgetary procedure and approval processes. -
Re-evaluation of One-Time Budget/On-going Budget Develop informed budget process Maintain and safeguard financial assets and resources Inventory and manage miscellaneous catalog items Maintain accurate accounting records for print and data base assets
Initiate processes to continually enhance and improve communication processes with patrons. - Staff Book of the Month - Improve communication to students to better serve them - Control content of flat screen TV - Focus Groups - Marketing strategies
Update and digitize library collections and resolve electronic resource shortcomings. - More electronic resources - Update fiction collection to provide more variety - Build up DVD Collection - Better quality collection - Review data base usage to gauge needs - Usage statistics for strategic purchasing decisions - Weed out - Update print collections - Update textbook collections
10 Implement processes to improve employee flexibility and cross training to better serve patrons. - Cross training among library employees - Flexibility to make changes quickly 11 Increase access to library resources. - Digitization of archive collections - Make available archives material to the world
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12 Improve customer service. - Give the students what they want - Identify who works in the library - Feedback box and answers - SLCC Library Scholarship from Café funds - Expanding operating hours - Use Employees costumes to improve usage of library - Better help with computers for students - Automated phone answering with menu options - Upgrade cash registers for all credit cards - Prepare a list of people to call for non-library calls - Survey to address the needs of the patrons - Have interactive screen for information - Control over information on large screens - Reference computer on second floor - Polo shirts to provide more professional appearance - Decorate library for holidays - Improve libraries image Determine what the student needs to achieve what they want - Begin general interest program - Improve delivery time between campuses - Student friendly furniture - Develop online tutorials - Look into alternative technology - Customer service training for library personnel Have welcoming persons to respond to students during high traffic times (can do now) - Computer lab dedicated to graphic arts - Monthly exhibits to attract library patrons - Ability to recognize library employees