x â 3Ïxuuu. 2 xut â ξuuuu. 4 x. â Ïuuuu. 3 xut + 3(Ïxu â ξxx)uxx â 3Ïxxutx. + 3(Ïuu â 3ξxu)uxuxx â 6Ïxuuxuxt. â 3Ïuxutuxx â 6ξuuu. 2 xuxx. â 3Ïuuuxutuxx â 3Ïuuu.
LIE GROUPS AND SOLUTIONS OF NONLINEAR PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS P. WINTERNITZ CRM-1841 Abstract. The application of local Lie point transformation groups to the solution of partial differential equations is reviewed. The method of symmetry reduction is presented as an algorithm. Included is the construction of group invariant solutions, partially invariant solutions and also the use of conditional symmetries. The emphasis is on recent developments, including the use of computer algebra. Many examples and applications are treated. Résumé. Les applications de la théorie de Lie des transformations locale ponctuelles à la résolution d’équations aux dérivées partielles sont brièvement présentés. La méthode de réduction par symétrie est formulée comme un algorithme. La construction des solutions invariantes et partiellement invariantes est envisagée ainsi que l’utilisation des symétries conditionnelles. L’emphase est mise sur les développements récents, incluant l’utilisation de calculs symboliques sur l’ordinateur. On traite plusieurs exemples.
Date: July 1993. Lectures delivered at School on Recent Problems in Mathematical Physics, Salamanca, Spain, June 15–27, 1992. 1
Contents 1. Introduction 2. How to determine the Lie Point symmetries of a differential system 2.1. General comments 2.2. The algorithm 2.3. Example of the variable coefficient Korteweg–de Vries equation 2.4. Example of an infinite dimensional symmetry group: The Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation 3. Symmetry reduction for partial differential equations 4. Classification of subalgebras of finite dimensional Lie algebras 4.1. General comments 4.2. Subalgebras of a simple Lie algebra 4.3. Subalgebras of direct sums: The Goursat method 4.4. Subalgebras of semidirect sums 4.5. Finite dimensional subalgebras of infinite dimensional Lie algebras 5. Painlevé analysis and its applications 6. Group invariant solutions of the stimulated Raman scattering equations 6.1. General comments 6.2. Symmetry group of the SRS equations 6.3. Subalgebras of the symmetry algebra 6.4. Invariant solutions of the SRS equations for g = 0 6.5. Invariant solutions of the SRS equations for g != 0 7. Partially invariant solutions 7.1. Formulation of the problem for a complex nonlinear Klein–Gordon equation 7.2. Reduction of the NLKGE by the subalgebra {P0 , W } 7.3. Reduction by the subalgebra {P1 , W } 7.4. Reduction by the subalgebra {P0 − P1 , W } 7.5. Reduction by the subalgebra {K, W } 7.6. General comments 8. Group classification of equations 8.1. General comments 8.2. Allowed transformations for the variable coefficient Korteweg–de Vries equation 8.3. Symmetries of the VCKdV equation 9. Conditional symmetries 9.1. General comments 9.2. Further comments on conditional symmetries 10. Conclusions Acknowledgements References
3 4 4 5 7 9 11 13 13 14 15 17 21 21 24 24 25 26 27 31 32 32 33 34 35 35 35 35 35 36 38 39 39 44 44 45 45
1. Introduction The purpose of these lectures is to show how Lie group theory can help us to obtain exact analytic solutions of partial differential equations. The emphasis will be on nonlinear equations and nonlinear phenomena in physics. The topic of Lie groups and differential equations is a vast one and has a long history, going back to the classical work of S. Lie. Several modern books on the subject exist [1–9]. The subject is currently going through rapid developments, mainly as far as applications are concerned. This is partly due to increased motivation. Indeed nonlinear phenomena play a crucial role in most areas of physics, biology and other sciences. Lie group theory provides universal tools for obtaining at least particular solutions of the equations describing such phenomena. Another reason for the recent flourishing of group theoretical methods is the fact that algebraic computing, using symbolic languages such as macsyma, reduce, maple, mathematica, etc. can be used very efficiently in this field of activity. Computations, that are algorithmic, but tend to be very cumbersome, can now be done on a computer. Further, developments in abstract Lie algebra and Lie group theory can now be put to good use. These include new results on the classification of finite and infinite dimensional Lie algebras. Recent methods and algorithms for classifying subalgebras of Lie algebras make it possible to systematically generate group invariant solutions. Group theoretical methods can be combined with the recent results on integrability of nonlinear differential equations, in particular with Painlevé analysis [10, 11]. In these lectures we shall restrict ourselves to Lie groups of local point transformations. By definition, these will have the form (1.1)
x˜ = Λg (x, u),
u ˜ = Ωg (x, u),
x ∈ Rp , u ∈ Rq ,
where x and u are the independent and dependent variables, respectively. The functions Λ and Ω thus depend on x and u, but not on derivatives of u. They also depend on the group parameters g and are well defined for g close to the identity transformation, g = e, and for x and u close to some origin in the space X × U of independent and dependent variables. Contact transformations, for which Λ and Ω also depend on the first derivatives ux , or generalized transformations, for which they depend on higher order derivatives, will not be treated here. The main motivation for studying Lie point transformations in the context of differential equations can be summed up as follows: 1. Symmetry transformations, leaving the solution set of a given differential system invariant, can be applied to a known solution, in order to obtain new solutions. Sometimes one can get families of nontrivial solutions from one trivial one. 2. Symmetry transformations can be used to perform “symmetry reduction”. For ordinary differential equations (ODEs) this amounts to reducing the order of the equations. For partial differential equations (PDE) symmetry reduction provides a reduction of the number of independent variables. If successful, the reduction for ODEs provides the general solution. For PDEs it provides particular solutions, satisfying particularly symmetric boundary conditions. 3. Different equations can be transformed amongst each other by Lie point transformations. Equations can thus be classified into equivalence classes. Two equivalent equations have isomorphic symmetry groups. The isomorphism between symmetry groups can be used as a necessary condition for two equations to be transformable into each other.
2. How to determine the Lie Point symmetries of a differential system 2.1. General comments. Let us now consider a completely general system of differential equations ∆i (x, u, u(1) , u(2) , . . . , u(n) ) = 0
i = 1, . . . , m,
x ∈ Rp , u ∈ Rq ,
p, q, m, n ∈ Z>0 ,
where u(k) denotes all partial derivatives of order k of all components of u. We now wish to obtain the local Lie group G of local Lie point transformations (1.1) taking solutions of eq. (2.1) into solutions. In other words, the group G acts on a manifold (2.2)
M ⊂ X × U,
X ∼ Rp , U ∼ Rq
in such a manner that whenever u = f (x) is a solution of eq. (1.1), then so is u˜(˜ x) = g · f (x). Following S. Lie, as presented e.g. in Ref. 1, we shall look for infinitesimal group transformations, i.e. construct the Lie algebra L of the Lie group G. We shall present the algorithm in a purely utilitarian manner. For all proofs we refer to the literature [1–4] specially P. Olver’s book [1]. The Lie algebra L will be realized in terms of vector fields on M , i.e. differential operators of the form (2.3)
vˆ =
p !
ξ i (x, u)∂xi +
q !
φα (x, u)∂uα .
and are to be determined. The fact that they depend on the independent The functions variables x and the dependent variables u, but not on derivatives of u with respect to x, corresponds to our restriction to point transformations. A basic tool to be used are prolongations. Thus, if we are given a function: ξi
(2.4) then its n-th prolongation
f : X → U, u = f (x), "
pr(n) f (x) = f, fxi , fxi xj , . . . , , fxi1 ,...,xin
consists of the function and all of its derivatives up to order n. If we are given a point transformation G on M G : {x, u} → (˜ x(x, u), u˜(x, u)) ∈ M (2.6) f (x) → f (˜ x) = g · f (x),
taking functions into functions, then its prolongation also takes derivatives into derivatives: (2.7)
pr(n) G : {x, u = f (x), fxi (x), . . . , fxi1 ...,xin (x)} → {˜ x, u ˜ = f˜(˜ x), f˜x˜ (˜ x), . . . , f˜x˜ ...,˜x (˜ x)}. i1
pr(n) G
We note that all the information about the prolongation of a point transformation is already contained in the transformation G itself (we assume that all functions involved are sufficiently smooth, at least locally). If we were to take a global approach to Lie point symmetries, we would set (2.8) and calculate derivatives as and solve for u ˜x˜ : (2.9)
u˜ = Ω(x, u),
x ˜ = Λ(x, u)
˜x˜ ) u ˜x˜ = (Ωu ux + Ωx )(xx˜ + xu˜ u u˜x˜ =
(Ωu ux + Ωx )xx˜ . 1 − (Ωu ux + Ωx )xu˜
Similarly we can calculate u˜x˜x˜ and higher derivatives (these equations are to be taken literally for the case of one independent and one dependent variable, symbolically otherwise). In any case, substituting into the differential system (2.1) and requiring that u(˜ ˜ x) satisfies the same equations as u(x), we obtain a system of equations for Ω(x, u) and Λ(x, u). The equations are nonlinear if eq. (2.1) is nonlinear. Usually they are totally unmanageable. The point of Lie algebra theory is that the Lie algebra L actually catches all the local continuous phenomena represented by the group G. If we consider infinitesimal transformations, we put (2.10)
x) = uα (x) + $φα (x, u), u˜α (˜
x ˜i = xi + $ξi (x, u).
When evaluating the derivatives u˜x˜ and higher order derivatives, we only keep terms linear in $. The equations for φα (x, u) and ξi (x, u) are then linear by construction. The results are best formulated in terms of the vector fields (2.3). Below we shall present an algorithm for calculating the coefficients ξi (x, u) and φα (x, u). Once they are known, we obtain the group transformations by integrating the vector fields. Each vector field (2.3) provides a one parameter Lie group G(λ) obtained by integrating the following system d˜ xi = ξ i (˜ x, u ˜) dλ d˜ uα = φα (˜ x, u ˜) dλ
x ˜i $λ=0 = xi , $
u ˜α $λ=0 = uα .
Vice versa, given a one parameter group of transformations (2.8), we obtain the coefficients of the vector fields by differentiating dΛiλ (x, u) $$ d˜ xi = = ξ i (x, u), λ=0 dλ dλ (2.12) d˜ uα dΩλ (x, u) $$ = = φα (x, u). λ=0 dλ dλ The entire symmetry group is obtained by composing the one-dimensional subgroups corresponding to the distinct one-dimensional subalgebras of L: g = g(λ1 )g(λ2 ) . . . , g(λr ), where r is the dimension of the Lie algebra L and Lie group G. 2.2. The algorithm. The vector field vˆ of equation (2.3) acts on functions F (x, u) of the independent and dependent variables. The n-th prolongation pr(n) vˆ acts on functions F (x, u, ux , . . . , unx ) of x, u and all derivatives of u up to order n. Integrating the vector field as in eq. (2.12) we obtain the group transformations, integrating the prolongation of the vector field, we obtain the prolongation of the group action (see eq. (2.7)). The prolongation of the vector field is again a differential operator that we can write as pr(n) vˆ = vˆ +
q n ! ! !
α=1 k=1
where J is a multiindex: (2.14)
J ≡ J(k) = (j1 , . . . , jk ),
1 ≤ jk ≤ p,
∂ , ∂uαJ k = j1 + j2 + · · · + jk .
The coefficients φJα depend on x, u and the derivatives of u up to order k (for J = J(k)). They can be expressed in terms of the functions ξ and φ figuring in eq. (2.3) and their derivatives. An explicit formula is given by Olver [1], here we shall reproduce a recursive formula, also given by Olver [1], that we find more convenient to use.
For the first prolongation we have (2.15)
pr(1) vˆ = vˆ +
q ! p !
α=1 i=1 p !
φiα = Dxi φα −
φiα (x, u, uxi ) (Dxi ξ k )uαxk ,
∂ , ∂uαxi i = 1, . . . , p , α = 1, . . . , q
where Di ≡ Dxi is the total derivative operator: (2.17)
Dxi =
! ∂uα ∂ ! ! ∂uα,xj ∂ ∂ + + + ··· . ∂xi ∂xi ∂uα ∂xi ∂uα,xj α α j
For the higher order terms in eq. (2.13) we have (2.18)
J φJ,k α = Dxk φα −
p !
(Dxk ξ a )uαJ,xa .
Among the properties of the prolongations of vector fields we mention linearity (2.19)
v + bw) ˆ = a pr(n) vˆ + b pr(n) w ˆ pr(n) (aˆ
and the Lie algebra property (2.20)
pr(n) [ˆ v , w] ˆ = [pr(n) vˆ, pr(n) w]. ˆ
Hence, if the vector fields {ˆ vi } form a Lie algebra, their prolongations realize an isomorphic Lie algebra. The algorithm for determining the Lie algebra L of the symmetry group G of the system of eq. (1.1) is now simply (2.21)
pr(n) vˆ ∆i $∆l =0 = 0,
i = 1, . . . , m . l = 1, . . . , m
In other words, for a system of n-th order equations, the n-th order prolongation of the vector field vˆ must annihilate the equations on the solution set of the equations. Condition (2.21) provides a system of linear ordinary differential equations of order n for the coefficients ξi and φα of the vector field vˆ. These coefficients depend on x and u only. The expression (2.21) contains derivatives of uα . The “determining equations” for the symmetry operators vˆ are obtained by setting equal to zero the coefficient of each linearly independent expression in the derivatives uα,xj1 ...,xjk . In practice the algorithm for finding the symmetry algebra L boils down to the following steps. 1. Calculate the n-th prolongation (2.13) of the vector field (2.3). 2. View the original system (2.1) as a system of algebraic equations for a set of m of the highest derivatives of uα . Call these derivatives v1 , . . . , vm . They must be so chosen that no vi is a derivative of the other ones, that no derivative of vi figures in the equation and each vi involves at least one derivative. Moreover, it must be possible to solve eq. (2.1) for v1 , . . . , vm unambiguously (preferably linearly). 3. Apply pr(n) vˆ to the system (2.1), replace the expressions vi by their expressions found in Step 2 and equate to zero. 4. Identify all linearly independent expressions in the remaining derivatives of uα and set the coefficient of each such expression equal to zero. This provides the determining equations. They will be linear, even if the original system (2.1) is nonlinear. Their linearity is due to the infinitesimal approach: this corresponds to keeping only terms linear in $ of eq. (2.10). 5. Solve the determining equations and obtain the functions ξi (x, u) and φα (x, u).
The above steps 1, . . . , 4 are entirely algorithmic, but can be very cumbersome and timeconsuming, not to mention sensitive to errors. They are best performed on a computer. Numerous routines performing this task exist (in reduce [12], macsyma [13, 14], mathematica [15] and other languages). Step 5, solving the determining equations, is less algorithmic. The system is usually overdetermined and the following possibilities occur. 1. The only solution is ξi = 0, φα = 0. In this case there is no nontrivial symmetry group. 2. The general solution depends on a finite number N of significant integration constants. We then obtain an N -dimensional Lie algebra and N -dimensional symmetry group. 3. The general solution depends on arbitrary functions. In this case the Lie algebra is infinitedimensional, as is the corresponding Lie group. The reduce package [12] goes quite far in solving the determining equations. The macsyma packages [13, 14] solve the simplest equations and use the result to simplify the remaining ones. Finite algorithms exist that determine the dimension of the symmetry algebra and its commutation relations, without integrating the determining equations [16]. In any case, the tedious and time consuming part of the exercise is the derivation of the determining equations, and that the computer packages do very well. 2.3. Example of the variable coefficient Korteweg–de Vries equation. The Korteweg–de Vries equation (KdV) ut + uux + uxxx = 0
is an equation describing the propagation of weakly nonlinear weakly dispersive unidirectional waves in shallow water of constant depth and density, either in a narrow channel, or on an unbounded surface. It is the prototype of an “integrable equation” [10, 11]. It has soliton and multisoliton solutions, a linear Lax pair that makes it possible to obtain large classes of solutions by linear techniques, infinitely many conservation laws and other nice properties. The KdV equation can be derived from the fundamental equations of hydrodynamics, the Euler equations, under rather drastic simplifying assumptions. If these assumptions are somewhat relaxed, allowing e.g. for variable depth and density, one obtains more general equations, for instance the variable coefficient KdV equation (VCKdV): ∆ ≡ ut + f (x, t)uux + g(x, t)uxxx = 0.
Let us investigate the Lie point symmetries of this equation, assuming at first only that (2.24)
f (x, t) != 0, g(x, t) != 0
in some open region of the (x, t)-plane [17]. We write the vector field of eq. (2.3) in the form
vˆ = ξ(x, t, u)∂x + τ (x, t, u)∂t + φ(x, t, u)∂u .
Its third prolongation will have the form (2.26)
pr(3) vˆ = ξ∂x + τ ∂t + φ∂u + φx ∂ux + φt ∂ut + φxx ∂uxx + φxt ∂uxt + φtt ∂utt + φxxx ∂uxxx + φxxt ∂uxxt + φxtt ∂uxtt + φttt ∂utt .
We apply pr(3) vˆ to the VCKdV equation, as in eq. (2.21) and obtain $
(2.27) pr3 vˆ · ∆$∆=0 = {gφxxx + φt + uf φx + f ux φ + (ξfx + τ ft )uux + (ξgx + τ gt )uxxx }$∆=0 = 0.
Thus, we need to calculate the coefficients φt , φx and φxxx of pr(3) vˆ, but do not need the other ones (an intelligent computer program takes this into account). The vanishing of pr3 vˆ · ∆, on the
solution surface, rather than vanishing identically, is best assured by setting 1 v1 ≡ uxxx = − (ut + f uux ) g
everywhere in eq. (2.27). Replacing ut from the equation (2.23) is mathematically equivalent, but would lead to many more terms in intermediate expressions. In particular, terms like utx , utxx , . . . , would have to be calculated from eq. (2.23) and replaced in (2.27). Again, an intelligent computer program will make the appropriately intelligent choice (or the choice will be inputted by the user). Using eqs. (2.16)–(2.18) we find φt = φt − ξt ux + (φu − τt )ut − ξu ux ut − τu u2t
(2.29) (2.30)
φx = φx + (φu − ξx )ux − τx ut − ξu u2x − τu ux ut
φxxx = φxxx + (3φxxu − ξxxx )ux − τxxx ut
+ 3(φxuu − ξxxu )u2x − 3τxxu ux ut
+ (φuuu − 3ξxuu )u3x − 3τxuu u2x ut − ξuuu u4x − τuuu u3x ut + 3(φxu − ξxx )uxx − 3τxx utx + 3(φuu − 3ξxu )ux uxx − 6τxu ux uxt − 3τux ut uxx − 6ξuu u2x uxx
− 3τuu ux ut uxx − 3τuu u2x uxt − 3ξu u2xx
− 3τu utx uxx + (φu − 3ξx )uxxx − 3τx utxx − τu ut uxxx − 4ξu ux uxxx − 3τu ux uxxt . The next step is to substitute φt , φx and φxxx into eq. (2.27) and to replace uxxx everywhere, using eq. (2.28). The coefficients of uxxt ux , uxxt , (uxx )2 , ux uxx , and uxx must vanish separately and we obtain the simplest subset of determining equations (2.31)
τu = 0,
τx = 0,
ξu = 0,
φuu = 0,
φxu − ξxx = 0.
Thus, τ and ξ do not depend on u. This means that the corresponding transformations are “fiber preserving”. The new independent variables x˜ and t˜ will not depend on the original dependent variable u. Furthermore, φ is linear in u and hence the symmetry transformations will be linear. The result (2.31) should now be used to simplify the remaining equations. The simplification is very significant: all terms involving derivatives like τxu , φuu , etc. drop out and the dependence on u is now explicit. The term u2 occurs only once and its coefficient yields (2.32)
φux = 0.
The result obtained so far can be summed up as follows. For f (x, t)g(x, t) satisfying (2.24), but otherwise arbitrary, the symmetry algebra will be realized by vector fields of the form (2.25) with (2.33)
ξ = b(t)x + c(t),
τ = τ (t),
φ = a(t)u + R(x, t),
where a, b, c, τ and R are as yet undetermined functions of the indicated arguments.
We now set the coefficients of ux , u, uux , ut and 1 in eq. (2.27) equal to zero and obtain the remaining determining equations: ˙ − c˙ + Rf = 0, −bx
(2.34) (2.35)
a˙ + f Rx = 0,
(bx + c)fx + τ ft + (τ˙ − b + a)f = 0,
(bx + c)gx + τ gt + (τ˙ − 3b)g = 0,
gRxxx + Rt = 0.
A further analysis depends crucially on the form of the functions f (x, t) and g(x, t) in the eq. (2.23). We postpone a study of this question to Section 8 and restrict to the case of the KdV itself, i.e. (2.39)
f = f0 = const,
g = g0 = const.
We solve eqs. (2.34)–(2.38) and find that eq. (2.33) restricts to (2.40)
ξ = c1 + c3 t + c2 x,
τ = c + 3c2 t,
φ = −2c2 u + c3 .
We see that the solution of the determining equations depends on 4 arbitrary constants. The symmetry algebra of the KdV equation is hence four dimensional. As a basis we can choose the elements corresponding to c0 , c1 , c2 and c3 separately, i.e. (2.41)
P0 = ∂t
P1 = ∂x ,
D = x∂x + 3t∂t − 2u∂u ,
B = t∂x + ∂u .
The connected component of the symmetry group is obtained by integrating the vector fields as in eq. (2.11) and composing the results. We obtain (2.42)
t˜ = e3λ (t − t0 ),
x ˜ = eλ [x − x0 + v(t − t0 )],
u ˜(˜ x, t˜) = e−2λ u(x, t) + v.
The constants t0 , x0 , λ and v correspond to P0 , P1 , D and B respectively. We see that P0 corresponds to time translations, P1 to space translations, D to dilations (with different scales for x, t and u) and B to Galilei boosts. The statement about solutions is: if u(x, t) is a solution of the KdV equation, then so is (2.43)
u˜(˜ x, t˜) = e−2λ u(x, t) + v,
t = e−3λ t˜ + t0 ,
x = e−λ x ˜ + x0 − ve−3λ t˜,
where t0 , x0 , v and λ are arbitrary constants. Had we used e.g. the macsyma program of Ref. 14, it would have directly compiled the determining equations (2.31), (2.32) and (2.34)–(2.38). Solving them would be left to the user. This relatively simple example shows rather clearly why Lie group methods for solving differential equations were underused before computer algebra became available. Now one can use formulas like (2.30) without ever actually seeing them! Finally, let us write out the commutation relation for the symmetry algebra: (2.44)
[D, P0 ] = −3P0 , [B, P0 ] = −P1 ,
[D, P1 ] = −P1 , [B, P1 ] = 0,
[D, B] = 2B, [P0 , P1 ] = 0.
We see that the Lie algebra is solvable and has a three-dimensional ideal {B, P0 , P1 }, isomorphic to the Heisenberg algebra. 2.4. Example of an infinite dimensional symmetry group: The Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation. Let us now consider another example, namely the Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation (KP), also known as the two-dimensional KdV equation [18]. We shall write it in the form (2.45)
3 1 ut + uux + uxxx 2 4
3 σuyy = 0, 4
σ = ±1.
For functions u independent of y the KP essentially reduces to the KdV equation. It describes water waves in a similar regime as the KdV equation, but allows the wave crests to have a shape, e.g. “horse-shoe” shaped solitons. To find the symmetry algebra, this time we make full use of the macsyma program [13, 14]. The vector field vˆ is written as vˆ = ξ∂x + η∂y + τ ∂t + φ∂u ,
where ξ, η, τ and φ depend on x, y, t, u. The original set of determining equations represents a set of 89 linear differential equations for ξ, η, τ and φ. The computer solves the 6 simplest equations (they are ξu = τu = ηu = 0, τx = τy = ηx = 0) and implements the result in the remaining system. This reduces the number of equations to 17 and these are printed out. They are quite easy to solve and more elaborate programs do that [12]. In any case, the result is that the vector field vˆ of eq. (2.46), representing a general element of the symmetry algebra, depends on three arbitrary functions of time and can be written as [19] (2.47)
vˆ = T (f ) + Y (g) + X(h).
Here f = f (t), g = g(t) and h = h(t) are arbitrary C ∞ (I) functions of time t, where I is an open interval in R and we have ' ( ' ( 1 2 2 4σ 2 ... 2 ¨ 2 ˙ y f − xf + uf ∂u , T (f ) = f ∂t + xf˙ − σy 2 f¨ ∂x + y f˙ ∂y − 3 9 3 27 9 3 2 4σ (2.48) Y (g) = g ∂y − σy g∂ ˙ x− y¨ g∂u , 3 9 2˙ X(h) = h ∂x + h∂ u, 3 (the dots indicate time derivatives). A subalgebra of physically obvious symmetries is obtained by restricting f (t), g(t) and h(t) to be first order polynomials in t. We obtain P0 = T (1) = ∂t ,
P1 = X(1) = ∂x , P2 = Y (1) = ∂y , 1 2 2 D = T (t) = t∂t + x∂x + y∂y − u∂u , 3 3 3 (2.49) 2 R = Y (t) = t∂y − σy ∂x , 3 2 B = X(t) = t∂x + ∂u , 3 i.e. translations in t, x and y, dilations D, Galilei boosts B and the “pseudorotations” corresponding to R. This last symmetry is a “left over” from the rotational invariance and Galilei invariance (in the y-direction) of the Euler equations, from which eq. (2.45) was derived. The commutation relations for the complete algebra (2.48) are 2 σX(g˙ 1 g2 − g1 g˙ 2 ), 3 (2.50b) [Y (g), X(h)] = 0, [X(h1 ), X(h2 )] = 0, 2 1 (2.50c) [T (f ), Y (g)] = Y (f g˙ − f˙g), [T (f ), X(h)] = X(f h˙ − f˙h). 3 3 The symmetry algebra L thus has a decomposition
[T (f1 ), T (f2 )] = T (f1 f˙2 − f˙1 f2 ),
S = {T (f )}
[Y (g1 ), Y (g2 )] =
N = {Y (g), X(h)},
where N is an infinite-dimensional nilpotent ideal and S is an infinite-dimensional simple Lie algebra. The algebra S can be identified as a centerless Virasoro algebra, isomorphic to the algebra
of the group of diffeomorphisms of a real line. The algebra N is a subalgebra of a centerless ) Kac–Moody algebra (the loop algebra sl(4, R)). Thus, the symmetry algebra L of the Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation has the structure of a Kac–Moody–Virasoro algebra [20–22]. This property is shared by all known integrable equations involving 3 independent variables. In particular we mention the Davey–Stewartson equation [23], the 3-wave resonant interaction equations [24] and quite a few others [25]. 3. Symmetry reduction for partial differential equations The most important application of the symmetry group G of Lie point transformations, leaving a system of PDEs invariant, is to perform symmetry reduction. In the case of PDEs that means a reduction of the number of independent variables in the equation. In particular, it may be possible and desirable to reduce to an ODE or even to an algebraic equation. The basic idea of symmetry reduction is to take some subgroup G0 ⊆ G of the symmetry group G and look for solutions that are invariant under G0 (rather than transformed into other solutions). Requiring invariance is equivalent to imposing additional first order linear equations on solutions. These can be solved and the result inputted into the original equations. This provides the reduced systems to be solved. The procedure involves an obvious loss of generality. We obtain particular solutions for which boundary conditions can be imposed on surfaces invariant under the chosen group G0 , rather than on arbitrary surfaces. The procedure for performing symmetry reduction can be outlined as an algorithm, consisting of the following steps. Step 1. Find the symmetry group G of local point transformations (1.1), leaving the considered system (2.1) invariant, and obtain the corresponding Lie algebra L of vector fields (2.3). The method for doing this was presented in Section 2 above. As mentioned above, this step has been computerized [12–16]. Step 2. Identify the symmetry algebra L as an abstract Lie algebra. In Step 1 one obtains a finite or infinite set of linearly independent vector fields. From these one can calculate the structure l of the Lie algebra. The structure constants are basis dependent. The aim is to constants Cik extract basis independent information from them. The idea is to transform to a “canonical basis”, in which all the basis independent properties are obvious. In particular, if the Lie algebra is decomposable, it should be decomposed into the direct sum of indecomposable Lie algebras (3.1)
L = L1 ⊕ L2 ⊕ · · · ⊕ Ln .
For each indecomposable component L1 one should obtain its Levi decomposition [26, 27] L = S * R,
[S, S] = S, [S, R] ⊆ R, [R, R] ⊆ R,
where S is semisimple and R is the radical of L (maximal solvable ideal). For each solvable Lie algebra R it is useful to identify its nilradical (maximal nilpotent ideal) [26, 27]. For low dimensional Lie algebras it is possible to go further and to completely identify their isomorphism class. Algorithms exist for identifying a Lie algebra from its structure constants [28] and they have been at least partly computerized [29, 30]. They are valid for finite-dimensional Lie algebras, and need to be generalized to infinite dimensional ones. Step 3. Classify the subalgebras of L into conjugacy classes under the action of the Lie group G. This is a classification under inner automorphisms of L, if G is restricted to being the connected component exp L of G. In some cases it is convenient to enlarge the classification group G to include discrete transformations, leaving the studied equations invariant. This problem will be discussed below in Section 4.
The reason this classification is needed is that each subgroup G0 , corresponding to a different conjugacy class of subalgebras L0 will give a different type of invariant solution. Step 4. Consider a subalgebra L0 ⊆ L, representing a class of subalgebras found in Step 3, and the corresponding subgroup G0 ⊆ G. The group G0 acts on the space M ∼ X × U of independent and dependent variables. Find the invariants of this action, i.e. the functionally independent solutions j = 1, . . . , N (3.2) I˜j (x, u), of the set of first order linear PDEs (3.3)
Xi F (x, u) = 0,
i = 1, . . . , n0 ,
where Xi are vector fields of the form (2.3) that form a basis of the Lie algebra L0 . The number of invariants N is equal to the codimension of the generic orbits of G0 in M : (3.4)
N = p + q − d,
where d is the dimension of these orbits. The following cases can arise. (i) Among the invariants I˜j (x, u) it is possible to choose q functions Ij (x, u) that provide an invertible mapping to the dependent variables. The Jacobian determinant then satisfies (3.5)
∂(I1 , . . . , Iq ) , ∂(u1 , . . . , uq )
det J != 0.
The remaining k = N − q invariants can be chosen to depend only on the independent variables and we denote them (3.6)
ξ1 (x), . . . , ξk (x),
k < p.
Now let us restrict to the solution set of eq. (2.1). We consider uj as functions of x and this can be imposed by setting (3.7)
Ii = Fi (ξ1 , . . . , ξk ). Using condition (3.5) we solve (3.7) for the dependent variables and obtain
ui (x) = Ui (x, Fi (ξ)).
Upon substitution into eq. (2.1) we obtain a set of equations involving only the functions Fi , i = 1, . . . , q, the variables ξa (a = 1, . . . , k) and derivatives of Fi with respect to ξa . Since the original equation is G invariant and eq. (3.2) provides a complete set of G0 invariants, the noninvariant quantities x in (3.8) must drop out. Since we have k < p, we have reduced the number of independent variables. If the reduced equations can be solved for Fi (ξ), substitution into (3.8) provides solutions of the original system. (ii) Eq. (3.5) is satisfied, but the complementary variables ξi of eq. (3.6) also depend upon u. We proceed as above, however substitution of Fi (ζ) with ξ = ξ(x, u) yields implicit solutions, rather than explicit ones, i.e. eq. (3.8) is a functional equation for u. (iii) The condition (3.5) on the Jacobian is not satisfied. Let the rank of the Jacobian J be (3.9)
1 ≤ r(J) = q # < q.
We choose q # of the invariant I˜j (x, u) such that we can invert q # relations of the type (3.7) for q # dependent variables, say u1 , . . . , uq! . We then have (3.10)
ui (x) = Ui x, Fi (ξ) ,
i = 1, . . . , q # .
The remaining variables uq! +1 , . . . , uq depend on all the original ones x1 , . . . , xp . Substituting into system (2.1) we obtain a system of PDEs in which some of the dependent
variables Fi (ξ) depend on fewer variables than the remaining ones. This imposes consistency conditions on the reduced equations. Solutions of the reduced equations then provide “partially invariant solutions” of the original equations. This concept was introduced by Ovsiannikov [4]. Partially invariant solutions very often turn out to coincide with invariant ones, i.e. the compatibility conditions force solutions to be invariant. Genuinely partially invariant solutions do exist in special cases [31, 32] and we shall return to this question below in Section 7. Step 5. Solve the reduced equations. This step is of course less algorithmic than the previous ones. The reduced equation may be integrable, even if the original one was not. Thus, it may be transformable into a linear equation, or solvable by inverse spectral transform techniques [10, 11]. If necessary, group theory can be applied once more to the reduced equation. If it is a PDE, we can further reduce the number of independent variables. For ODEs one can reduce the order of the equation. An approach that is often very fruitful is Painlevé analysis: An analysis of the singularity structure of the solutions of the reduced PDE, or ODE [33–36]. Step 6. The last step is to do physics with the obtained solutions: Analyze their stability, their asymptotic behavior, calculate observable quantities, etc. 4. Classification of subalgebras of finite dimensional Lie algebras 4.1. General comments. Let us consider a Lie algebra L of dimension N = dim L < ∞. The algebra L can be thought of as an algebra of real or complex matrices of some finite dimension N0 × N0 . Consider a group G of automorphisms of L: (4.1)
GLG−1 = L.
For our purposes G can be either the group of inner automorphisms of L, G = G0 = exp L, or an extension of G0 by some discrete group GD that also leaves the studied equations invariant. In most cases GD consists of various transformations like reflections in coordinate planes, time reversal, complex conjugation of one or more of the dependent variables, parity, etc. The task is to obtain a representative list of subalgebras Li of L such that any subalgebra of L is conjugate to precisely one in the list. Two subalgebras Li ⊂ L and L#i ⊂ L are conjugate under G if we have GL#i G−1 = Li ,
i.e., for any element x# ∈ L#i there exists an element x ∈ Li and an element g ∈ G such that (4.3)
gx# g−1 = x.
In order to be able to perform a subalgebra classification for an arbitrary Lie algebra L, it is sufficient to be able to handle the following situations: 1. The Lie algebra L is simple. 2. The Lie algebra is a direct sum of two subalgebras (4.4)
L = L1 ⊕ L2 .
3. The Lie algebra L is a semidirect sum of two subalgebras (4.5)
L = F * N, with F != ∅, N != ∅.
[F, F ] ⊆ F,
[N, N ] ⊆ N,
[F, N ] ⊆ N,
4.2. Subalgebras of a simple Lie algebra. If L is a simple Lie algebra, i.e. it does not contain any nontrivial ideals, then we start the classification by finding all maximal subalgebras LM ⊂ L. A subalgebra LM ⊂ L is maximal if the relations (4.6)
imply (4.7)
˜ ⊆ L, LM ⊆ L ˜ = LM , L
˜ L] ˜ ⊆ L, ˜ [L,
˜ = L. L
To find all maximal subalgebras of L we first consider a finite dimensional faithful irreducible representation E(L) of L by real, or complex matrices, acting on a space V with dimV = N0 < ∞. (The dimension N0 should be chosen as small as possible). Any subalgebra L0 ⊂ L, in particular any maximal subalgebra, will be imbedded in the representation E(L) either reducibly, or irreducibly. If LM is imbedded reducibly, then it leaves a subspace V0 ⊂ V invariant. To find the matrices representing LM , and hence LM itself, it suffices in this case to classify the subspaces V0 ⊂ V under the action of G, to choose a representative subspace for each class and then to find the set of matrices leaving the subspace invariant. Moreover, the subspaces V0 are completely characterized by their dimension, if no G invariant metric on V exists (e.g. for sl(n, R), or sl(n, C)). If there is an invariant metric, then V0 is characterized by its signature (e.g. for o(p, q)), the number of positive length, negative length and isotropic vectors in any orthogonal basis of V0 ). If LM is imbedded irreducibly, then it must be simple, semisimple or reductive (a semisimple algebra is a direct sum of simple ones, a reductive algebra is the direct sum of a semisimple and an abelian one). All semisimple subalgebras of the simple Lie algebras over C are known [37], for results over R see Cornwall [38]. The reductive subalgebras LM are obtained from the semisimple ones by finding their centralizers in L: (4.8)
Cent(LM , L) = x ∈ L | [x, LM ] = 0 .
Example. The Lie algebra of the conformal group of Minkowski space-time, [39, 40]. It is isomorphic to o(4, 2), the Lie algebra of matrices X ∈ R6×6 satisfying (4.9)
XK + KX T = 0,
K = K T ∈ R6×6 ,
signature K = (4, 2), (K is SL(6, R) conjugate to I4,2 = diag(1, 1, 1, 1, −1, −1)). Invariant subspaces that lead to maximal subalgebras have dimensions 1, 2 and 3 (higher dimensions need not be considered, since if V0 is invariant, its orthogonal complement in V is also invariant). The relevant signatures are (+), (−), (0), (++), (−−), (00), (+ + +), (+ + −). The signatures (+0), (+−), (−0), (+ + 0), (+ − 0) and (+00) do not lead to maximal subalgebras; no other signatures are possible. The corresponding maximal subalgebras of o(4, 2), imbedded reducibly in the considered representation, are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
(+) (−) (0) (++) (−−) (00) (+ + +) (+ + −)
o(3, 2) o(4, 1) sim(3, 1) o(2) ⊕ o(2, 2) o(4) ⊕ o(2) opt(3, 1) o(3) ⊕ o(1, 2) o(2, 1) ⊕ o(2, 1)
The simple pseudounitary Lie algebra su(2, 1) has a six-dimensional real representation in R6×6 leaving a metric with signature (+, +, +, +, −, −) invariant. Hence it is a subalgebra of o(4, 2).
There exists an element of o(4, 2) that commutes with all elements of su(2, 1). Adding it, we obtain the irreducibly imbedded maximal subalgebra u(2, 1): 9. u(2, 1) ∼ su(2, 1) ⊕ u(1).
The subalgebra u(2, 1) is realized by the matrices
0 a c d e f 0 j −a 0 −d c −f e −j 0 d 0 b g h 0 j −c ! −d −c −b 0 −h g −j 0 e −f g −h 0 −a − b 0 j f e h g a+b 0 −j 0
with a, . . . , j ∈ R. The algebra sim(3, 1) is the similitude algebra, i.e. the Poincaré algebra extended by dilations [41, 42]. The algebra opt(3, 1) is that of the “optical group”. It is analyzed in Ref. 43. For further details and the original work see Refs. 39, 40. Once the maximal subalgebras are found, we continue in the same manner to find subalgebras of the maximal simple ones (o(3, 2) and o(4, 1) in the example). For those that are direct sums (No. 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 in the example), we use the method of Section 4.3 below. For semidirect sums (sim(3, 1) and opt(3, 1) of the example) we use the method of Section 4.4 below. 4.3. Subalgebras of direct sums: The Goursat method. Goursat proposed a method for classifying subgroups of direct products of discrete groups [44, 45]. The method has been adapted to the classification of subalgebras of direct sums of Lie algebras [39]. Very briefly, the corresponding algorithm consists of several steps. Let us consider the Lie algebra L satisfying (4.11)
L = A ⊕ B,
dim A = na ,
dim B = nb ,
1 ≤ na < ∞, 1 ≤ nb < ∞,
where A and B are not necessarily indecomposable (the method can be applied iteratively to sums of several indecomposable Lie algebras). We wish to classify all subalgebras of L into conjugacy classes under the action of the direct product group (4.12)
G = GA ⊗ GB ,
GA = exp A,
GB = exp B.
We distinguish two types of subalgebras of the direct sum (4.11) (a) Nontwisted subalgebras. These are conjugate to direct sums of subalgebras A0 ⊆ A, B0 ⊆ B and can be represented by direct sums: (4.13)
L0 = A0 ⊕ B0 ,
A0 ⊆ A,
B0 ⊆ B.
(b) Twisted subalgebras. Subalgebras that are not conjugate to algebras of the form (4.13). In any basis there will be elements with nonzero projections onto both A and B. To provide a representative list of all G-conjugacy classes of subalgebras of L, we proceed in 4 steps. Step 1. Find representatives of all GA and GB conjugacy classes of subalgebras of A, and B, respectively. Denote them Aj,a ⊆ A, j = 1, . . . , na , a = 1, 2, . . . , (4.14) Bk,b ⊆ B, k = 1, . . . , nb , b = 1, 2, . . . ,
where the first subscript is equal to the dimension of the subalgebra, the second one distinguishes nonconjugate algebras of the same dimension. We put (4.15)
A0,1 = B0,1 = {∅},
Ana ,1 = A,
Bnb ,1 = B,
i.e. the trivial subalgebras are included. For each representative subalgebra find its normalizer group in GA , or GB , respectively: (4.16)
Nor(Aj,a , GA ) = {g ∈ GA | gAj,a g−1 ⊆ Aj,a},
Nor(Bk,b , GB ) = {g ∈ GB | gBk,b g−1 ⊆ Bk,b }.
Step 2. Form a representative list of all nontwisted subalgebras of L: (4.17)
S1 = Aj,a ⊕ Bk,b ,
j = 0, . . . , na ,
k = 0, . . . , nb ,
a = 1, 2, . . . ,
b = 1, 2, . . . .
Step 3. Form a representative list S2 of all twisted subalgebras of L. Two representatives subalgebras Aj,a ⊆ A and Bk,b ⊆ B can be twisted together (the “Goursat twist”) if a homomorphism (that may be an isomorphism) exists from one to the other, say (4.18)
τ (Aj,a ) = Bk,b
j " k " 1.
If a homomorphism τ exists then choose a basis for Aj,a = {a1 , . . . , aj } and construct the most general mapping τ : ai → τ (ai ) ∈ Bk,b .
A twisted subalgebra is obtained by taking ˜ j,a = {ai + τ (ai )}, (4.20) L
i = 1, . . . , j.
The mapping (4.19) will in general contain free parameters that make their appearance in ˜ j,a we apply the normalizer group eq. (4.20). In order to classify the subalgebras L (4.21)
Nor(Aj,a , GA ) ⊗ Nor(Bk,b , GB ). ˜ j,a for different values of the subscript a amongst each other This will transform the subalgebras L and change the values of the free parameters. We annul as many of the parameters as possible and standardize as many as possible of the remaining ones. If all parameters can be annuled, the algebra is not twisted and is conjugate to one in list S1 .
Step 4. Form a final representative list of all subalgebras of L by merging the lists S1 and S2 . The final list can always be ordered by dimension and isomorphism class. Moreover, the representative subalgebras can be so chosen, that the final list is “normalized”. This means that the normalizer algebra nor(Lj,a , L) of each algebra in the list is also in the list, where (4.22)
nor(Lj,a , L) = {x ∈ L | [x, Lj,a ] ⊆ Lj,a}.
Example. Subalgebras of o(2, 2) ∼ o(2, 1) ⊕ o(2, 1). We have B ∼ o(2, 1) ∼ {b1 , b2 , b3 } A ∼ o(2, 1) ∼ {a1 , a2 , a3 }, (4.23)
[a3 , a1 ] = a1 ,
[b3 , b1 ] = b1 ,
[a3 , a2 ] = −a2 ,
[b3 , b2 ] = −b2 ,
[a1 , a2 ] = 2a3 ,
[b1 , b2 ] = 2b3 .
Step 1. The representative subalgebras of A and their normalizer groups in GA ∼ O(2, 1) are:
Aj,a A0,1 = {0} A1,1 = {a 4 3} 5 a1 − a2 A1,2 = 2 A1,3 = {a1 } A2,1 = {a3 , a1 } A3,1 = {a1 , a2 , a3 }
Nor{Aj,a , GA } exp A3,1 ∼ GA [exp A1,1 ∼ O(1, 1)] ∪ eπ(a1 −a2 )/2
exp A1,2 ∼ O(2) exp A2,1 exp A2,1 exp A3,1 ∼ GA
and similarly for B. Step 2. The list S1 of nontwisted subalgebras consists of all pairs of the form (4.17) with Aj,a from the list (4.24) and Bk,b from an equivalent list for B. Step 3. Construct the homomorphisms Aj,a → Bk,b
A1,1 :
τ (a3 ) = λ1 b1 + λ2 b2 + λ3 b3 ,
A1,2 :
λi ∈ R,
A1,3 :
a1 − a2 τ = λ1 b1 + λ2 b2 + λ3 b3 , 2 τ (a1 ) = λ1 b1 + λ2 b2 + λ3 b3 ,
A2,1 :
τ (a3 ) = b3 + λb1 ,
λ ∈ R,
τ (a1 ) = νb1 ,
τ (a1 ) = µb1 1 A3,1 : τ (a2 ) = b2 , µ != 0, µ ∈ R, µ
ν ∈ R,
τ (a3 ) = b3
τ (a1 ) = νb2 1
τ (a2 ) = − b2 , ν != 0, ν ∈ R. ν τ (a3 ) = −b3
Using the normalizer group (4.21) we simplify the algebras formed as in (4.20) and obtain the list S2 of twisted subalgebras of o(2, 2)
˜ 1,1 = {a3 + λb3 }, L ˜ 1,2 = {a3 + b1 }, L 4 5 ˜ 1,3 = a3 + λ b1 − b2 , L 2 4 5 ˜ 1,4 = a1 − a2 + λb3 , L 2 4 5 a1 − a2 b1 − b2 ˜ L1,5 = +λ , 2 2 4 5 ˜ 1,6 = a1 − a2 + $b1 , L 2 ˜ 1,7 = {a1 + b3 }, L ˜ 1,8 = {a1 + $b1 }, L 4
˜ 1,9 = a1 + $ b1 − b2 , L 2 ˜ L2,1 = {a3 + b3 , a1 + κb1 }, ˜ 3,1 = {a3 + b3 , a1 + b1 , a2 + b2 }, L
λ > 0, λ > 0, λ > 0, λ != 0, $ = ±1, $ = ±1, $ = ±1, κ = 0, ±1,
˜ 3,2 = {a3 + b3 , a1 − b1 , a2 − b2 }. L
Step 4. Merge the two lists.
4.4. Subalgebras of semidirect sums. The method for classifying subalgebras of semidirect sums was elaborated and applied in Refs. 39, 41–43 and [8]. Let L have the form of eq. (4.5), i.e. it contains an ideal N and a factor algebra F that is itself a Lie algebra. In particular, this may be a Levi decomposition; then F is semisimple and N is solvable. We again proceed in a series of steps.
Step 1. Form a representative list S(F ) of subalgebras of the factor algebra F , classified under the action of the group GF = exp F : S(F ) = {F1 = {0}, F2 , . . . , FN ≡ F }.
The list should be normalized, i.e. for each subalgebra Fi its normalizer algebra in F should also be in the list S(F ). For each subalgebra Fi construct its normalizer group in GF . Step 2. Classify all “splitting” subalgebras of L. A subalgebra of a semidirect sum is called splitting if it is itself a semidirect sum of subalgebras of the two components: L0 = F0 * N0 ,
F0 ⊆ F,
N0 ⊆ N.
Splitting subalgebras of semidirect sums are thus analogs of the untwisted subalgebras of direct sums. The procedure for finding all splitting subalgebras is as follows. :i,α that are also 1. For each subalgebra Fi in the list S(F ) find all invariant subspaces N subalgebras:
:i,α ] ⊆ N :i,α , [Fi , N
:i,α ⊆ N, N
:i,α , N :i,α ] ⊆ N :i,α , [N
:i,0 = (if N is abelian then any subspace is a subalgebra). The trivial invariant subspaces N : {0} and Ni,n = N must be included for each Fi . ˜i,α into conjugacy classes under the action 2. For each Fi classify all invariant subalgebras N of the normalizer group Nor(Fi , GF ). Choose a representative Ni,α of each conjugacy class. à 3. Form a representative list of all splitting subalgebras of L
S1 (L) = {Li,α ⊆ L | Li,α = Fi * Ni,α }.
Note that the list S(F ) is contained in S1 (L). 4. For each subalgebra Li,α in the list S1 (L) find its normalizer group Nor(Li,α , G) in the group G. The list S1 (L) should be normalized: for each Li,α in the list, the normalizer algebra nor(Li,α , L) in the algebra L, should also be in the list. We have obtained the list S1 (L) in such a manner that each splitting subalgebra Li,α ⊆ L has a basis satisfying. (4.31)
Li,α = {Ba , Xj },
Ba ∈ F, Xj ∈ N, 1 ≤ a ≤ fi = dim Fi , 1 ≤
j ≤ r = dim Ni,α .
Step 3. Classify all “nonsplitting” subalgebras of L. By definition, a nonsplitting subalgebra is not conjugate to any splitting one. Nonsplitting subalgebras of a semidirect sum are generalizations of Goursat twisted subalgebras of direct sums. The procedure for finding all nonsplitting subalgebras is as follows. 1. Run through the list S1 (L) of all splitting subalgebras of L. For each member Li,α of the list take a basis as in eq. (4.31). Complement the basis {Xj } of Ni,α to a basis of N
N = {X1 , . . . , Xr , Y1 , . . . , Ys },
r + s = dim N.
2. For each splitting subalgebra Li,α form the vector space (4.33)
V = {Ba +
s !
caµ Yµ , Xj },
a = 1, . . . , fi ,
where the constants caµ are such that V is a Lie algebra (4.34)
[V, V ] ⊆ V.
j = 1, . . . , r,
In order to obtain equations for the constants caµ following from eq. (4.34) we must now specify the commutation relations for L in the chosen basis: (4.35)
c Bc , [Ba , Bb ] = fab
[Ba , Xk ] = αlak Xl ,
m Xm , [Ba , Yµ ] = ρνaµ Yν + σaµ
m [Xi , Xj ] = ωij Xm ,
σ m [Yµ , Yν ] = βµν Yσ + γµν Xm ,
m [Xi , Yµ ] = λνiµ Yν + τiµ Xm .
The condition (4.34) implies that the constants caµ in eq. (4.33) must satisfy a set of algebraic equations (4.36) (4.37)
c α = −caµ cbν βµν , cbν ραaν − caµ ραbµ − ccα fab
caµ λνjµ = 0,
for all a, b, α, j and ν. In general, equations (4.36) are bilinear, rather than linear and solving them is a nontrivial task in algebraic geometry. It reduces to linear algebra if the ideal N is such that (4.38)
α = 0, βµν
∀µ, ν, α.
In the simplest case, when the ideal N is abelian, we have (4.39)
m σ m m ωij = βµν = γµν = λνiµ = τiµ = 0,
and the equations for caµ reduce to a system of homogeneous linear equations (4.40)
c cbν ραaν − caµ ραbµ − ccα fab = 0.
In mathematical terms eq. (4.40) means that the quantities caµ form 1-cocycles. 3. Once the constants caµ are obtained as general solutions of the system (4.36), (4.37), or of (4.40) if N is abelian, the vector space V of eq. (4.33) becomes a Lie algebra. The Lie algebras V must now be classified into conjugacy classes under the group (4.41)
: = Nor(Li,α , G) * Nor(Ni,α , GN ), G
where GN = exp N . This classification is again simplified if N is abelian. Then we have Nor(Ni,α , GN ) = GN . In the abelian case we can generate trivial nonzero cocycles by conjugating the splitting subalgebras by elements of GN : (4.42)
exp (λµ Yµ )Ba exp (−λµ Yµ ) = Ba + λµ [Yµ , Ba ],
exp (λµ Yµ )Xj exp (−λµ Yµ ) = Xj .
We obtain an algebra conjugate to the splitting one, namely: (4.43)
Li,α ∼ {Ba − λµ ρνaµ Yν , Xj }.
The constants λµ can be freely chosen and the trivial cocycles (4.44)
δaµ =
s !
λα ρµaα
are called coboundaries. Any cocycle caµ can be replaced by caµ + δaµ . We choose the constants λα to annul as many as possible of the cocycles. If all cocycles can be annuled, the subalgebra is splitting. The remaining cocycles caµ (mod δaµ ) are to be further classified under the action of the normalizer Nor(Liα , G).
Step 4. Form the final representative list S(L) = S1 (L)∪S2 (L) of all G-conjugacy classes of splitting and nonsplitting subalgebras. At this stage it is convenient to rename the subalgebras in a unified may, independently of whether they are splitting or not. Thus, say Sj,α will denote an algebra of dimension j. Within a given dimension we should order by isomorphism class [46–49]. The list S(L) should be a normalized one. We note that most of the work in the classification procedure concerns nonsplitting algebras. Which algebras are splitting depends on the decomposition of L and this is usually not unique. Whenever possible, N should be chosen to be abelian. The algorithm starts with the assumption that the subalgebras of F are known. If this is not the case, then one of the methods described above should be applied to F : this is a lower dimensional problem, so the procedure is iterative. Example. The Euclidean Lie algebra e(3). We have e(3) ∼ o(3) * T(3). (4.45)
o(3) ∼ {L1 , L2 , L3 },
[Li , Lk ] = εikl Ll ,
T(3) = {P1 , P2 , P3 }.
[Li , Pk ] = εikl Ll ,
[Pi , Pk ] = 0.
We have F ∼ o(3), N ∼ T(3) and N abelian (translations). Step 1. The subalgebras of F and their normalizers in O(3) are: (4.46)
F1 = {0} O(3) F2 = {L3 } exp L3 ∪ D2 F3 = {L1 , L2 , L3 } O(3)
Here D2 is the dihedral group, generated by rotations through π about each of the 3 axes. Step 2. F1 :
N1,1 = {0},
N1,2 = {P3 },
N1,3 = {P1 , P2 },
F2 :
N1,4 = {P1 , P2 , P3 }, N2,1 = {0},
N2,2 = {P3 },
N2,3 = {P1 , P2 },
F3 :
N2,4 = {P1 , P2 , P3 }, N3,1 = {0},
N3,2 = {P1 , P2 , P3 }.
This provides us with a list of all splitting subalgebras.
Step 3. Nonsplitting subalgebras. Let us start with L2,1 = {L3 }, and put ˜ 2,1 = {L3 + c1 P1 + c2 P2 + c3 P3 }. (4.48) L Find coboundaries:
[L3 , P1 ] = P2 ,
[L3 , P2 ] = −P1 ,
[L3 , P3 ] = 0.
Hence wave can add λ1 P1 − λ2 P2 to eq. (4.48). We obtain the nonsplitting subalgebra (putting λ1 = −c2 , λ2 = c1 ): (4.49)
L2,1 = {L3 + cP3 , c != 0}.
The only other nonsplitting subalgebra is (4.50)
L2,1 = {L3 + cP3 , P1 , P2 , c != 0}.
Step 4. The final list is S0,1 = {0},
S3,1 = {L1 , L2 , L3 },
S1,1 = {L3 },
S3,2 = {L3 , P1 , P2 },
S1,2 = {P3 },
S3,3 = {L3 + aP3 , P1 , P2 },
S1,3 (a) = {L3 + aP3 },
S3,4 = {P1 , P2 , P3 },
S2,1 = {L3 , P3 },
S4,1 = {L3 , P1 , P2 , P3 },
S2,2 = {P1 , P2 },
S6,1 = {L1 , L2 , L3 , P1 , P2 , P3 },
with a != 0. For more sophisticated examples, namely the Poincaré group, the similitude group, the optical group and the symmetry group of the heat equation, see Refs. 41, 42, 43 and 8, respectively. 4.5. Finite dimensional subalgebras of infinite dimensional Lie algebras. The classification methods for direct sums and semidirect sums described above have been generalized to the case of infinite dimensional Lie algebras. We shall not present the results here, but refer to the original articles [8, 19, 23–25]. An example will however be given in Section 6.3 below. 5. Painlevé analysis and its applications Before going over to specific physical problems, let us briefly review a method that provides exact solutions of certain classes of nonlinear ODEs that very often occur in applications. The equations that we have in mind are those having the Painlevé property. We shall say that an ODE has the Painlevé property if its general solution has no movable critical points anywhere in the complex plane. In this context a “critical point” means any singularity, other than a pole (e.g. a branch point, or an essential singularity). “Movable” means that the position of the singularity depends on the initial conditions (or, equivalently, on the integration constants). Linear equations always have the Painlevé property: they have no movable singularities at all. Singularities, including poles can only occur for t → ∞, or at points, where the coefficients in the equation are themselves singular. As an example, consider the ODE (5.1)
y˙ + y 2 = 0.
Its general solution is
1 . x − x0 Thus, eq. (5.1) has the Painlevé property: the general solution has a movable pole at x = x0 , where x0 is an arbitrary complex number. A further example is 1 (5.3) y˙ + y 4 = 0. 3 The general solution is (5.2)
y = (x − x0 )−1/3
and has a movable branch point at x = x0 . Thus, equation (5.3) does not have the Painlevé property. However the transformation (5.5)
y = w1/3
takes eq. (5.3) into an equation for w which does have the Painlevé property, namely eq. (5.1).
An equation, the general solution of which has a movable logarithmic branch point is (5.6)
y˙ + y¨ = 0,
The equation (5.7) allows a movable essential singularity (5.8)
y = y0 + ln(x − x0 ).
(y y¨ − y˙ 2 )2 + 4y y˙ 3 = 0 y = y0 e1/(t−t0 ) .
More generally, let y = y(t) satisfy an n-th order ODE, say (5.9)
y (n) = F (t, y, y # , y ## , . . . , y (n−1) ).
If eq. (5.9) has the Painlevé property, then the general solution can be expanded into a convergent Laurent series with a finite number of negative powers. The series, in order to be a general solution, must contain n arbitrary constants. This provides us with an algorithmic test [33], verifying whether an equation can have the Painlevé property (passing the test is necessary, not sufficient). Indeed, assume that the general solution of eq. (5.9) has the form (5.10)
y(t) =
∞ !
ak (t − t0 )k+α .
In order for eq. (5.9) to pass the test it is required that: (i) α is a negative integer. (ii) A recursion formula of the form (5.11)
P (k)ak = φk (t0 , a0 , a1 , . . . , ak−1 )
exists for the expansion coefficients, where P (k) is a polynomial that has n − 1 nonnegative integer zeros. These integer values k = kr , for which we have P (kr ) = 0, are called resonances. The coefficient ak for k = kr is not determined by the recursion relation and is hence a free parameter. (iii) A compatibility condition, called the resonance condition, must be satisfied identically at each resonance kr , namely (5.12)
φkr (t0 , a0 , a1 , . . . , akr −1 ) = 0.
Relation (5.12) must be satisfied identically in t0 and in the values of ak at all lower resonances. If an equation passes the Painlevé test then at least a formal series solution exists, depending on n arbitrary constants. The test is not sufficient, for several reasons. First, the series may diverge everywhere, and thus not represent a local solution. Second, the fact that it depends on n constants does not guarantee that it is a general solution, able to satisfy arbitrary initial conditions. The first two parts of the test are usually easy to perform. To find α it is sufficient to keep the leading term only (5.13)
y = a0 (t − t0 )α + · · · ,
If several values of α ∈ Z0 q then eq. (5.9) does not have the Painlevé property. If the rest of the test is passed, then we conclude that the equation for (5.15)
w = yq
will pass the Painlevé test. Obtaining the resonances is also not difficult. It suffices to write the solution as (5.16)
y(t) = a0 (t − t0 )α + ar (t − t0 )α+r + · · · ,
substitute into the equation (α and a0 are already known) and to collect the coefficient of ar in the leading terms of the equation (those that gave us α in the first place). This gives us P (k) and we must find its nonnegative integer roots. The difficult, or rather time consuming part of the test is to verify the resonance condition (5.12). The original test, proposed by Ablowitz, Ramani and Segur [33] has been implemented as a macsyma program [34]. For a further discussion of the Painlevé test see e.g. Kruskal [50], Conte [51], Weiss [52] (for ODEs and PDEs). The importance of the Painlevé test is in the fact that it very often allows us to solve the considered ODE explicitly. First of all, the Painlevé property is invariant under Möbius transformations. Thus, if an equation for y(t) has the Painlevé property, then so does the equation for w(x) with (5.17)
w(x) =
α(x)y(t) + β(x) , γ(x)y(t) + δ(x)
αδ − βγ = 1,
x = φ(t), φ# != 0.
Hence, equations having the Painlevé property can be classified into equivalence classes under the action of the transformations (5.17). This has been done in the following cases. 1. First order equations [53] (5.18)
y˙ = F (y, t),
y˙ 2 = F (y, t),
where F is rational in y and analytic in t. If eq. (5.18) has the Painlevé property, it is equivalent to the Riccati equation (5.20)
u˙ = a(t) + b(t)u + c(t)u2
(or in particular a linear equation if c(t) = 0). If eq. (5.19) has the Painlevé property it is either equivalent to the Riccati equation, or to the equation (5.21)
u˙ 2 = a(u − u1 )(u − u2 )(u − u3 )(u − u4 ),
where a, u1 , . . . , u4 are constants. If all ui are different, eq. (5.21) is solved in terms of Jacobi, or Weierstrass elliptic functions. If two or more of the roots coincide we get solutions in terms of elementary functions (e.g. kinks and solitons). 2. Second order equations (5.22)
y¨ = F (y, ˙ y, t),
˙ y, t), y¨2 = F (y,
y¨2 = G(y, ˙ y, t)¨ y + F (y, ˙ y, t),
where F and G are rational in y˙ and y and analytic in t. The class of eq. (5.22) was studied by Painlevé [54] and Gambier [55]. They obtained 50 types of equations. They are solved in terms of one of the 6 Painlevé transcendents PI , . . . , PVI (depending on 0, 1, 4, 2, 4 and 4 parameters, respectively), or in terms of elliptic functions, elementary functions, the Riccati equation, or reduced to linear equations. In any case, the solutions are all known. Equation (5.23) were recently treated in an exhaustive manner by Cosgrove and Scoufis [56]. They have shown that whenever eq. (5.23) has the Painlevé property, it can be transformed by a contact transformation into an equation of the type (5.22). Equations (5.23) are thus solved in terms of the same functions as eq. (5.22) (and the derivatives of these functions).
The more general equations (5.24) were studied in a somewhat less complete manner by Bureau [57]. The conclusions were the same: if eq. (5.24) has the Painlevé property, then its solutions are expressed in terms of solutions of eq. (5.22) (and their derivatives). 3. Third-order equations. The study of third-order equations ... y = F (¨ (5.25) y , y, ˙ y, t) is very incomplete, though some work has been done [58]. Whenever higher order equations with the Painlevé property have occurred, it was always possible to find first integrals lowering the order and reducing to known solutions. In particular for special cases of eq. (5.25) it is possible to find an integral of the form ˙ t)¨ y + C(y, y, ˙ t) K = A(y, y, ˙ t)¨ y 2 + B(y, y,
such that dK/dt = 0 is equivalent to eq. (5.25) and (5.26) is one of the known Painlevé type equations (5.22), . . . , (5.24). For further information on Painlevé analysis, see Refs. 11, 36 and 59. 6. Group invariant solutions of the stimulated Raman scattering equations 6.1. General comments. We shall now apply the theory presented in the previous sections to a physical problem of considerable theoretical and practical importance, namely stimulated Raman scattering. This is a phenomenon usually studied in molecular gases irradiated by laser beams. The same type of phenomenon is used in optical fibers, where an optical pump is set up to enhance a signal propagating along a fiber. Stimulated Raman scattering has been studied theoretically by Wang and by Carman et al. [60, 61]. The equations they derived can be written as ∂A2 ∂X ∂A1 = −X A2 , = X ∗ A1 , + gX = A1 A∗2 , (6.1) ∂x ∂x ∂t where A1 , A2 and X are complex wave amplitudes and the stars denote complex conjugation. More specifically A1 , A2 and X are the pump wave, a Stokes wave and the material excitation, respectively. The independent variable x measures distance along the Raman cell, t is usually called “retarded time”, i.e. laboratory time with a position dependent origin. The real constant g satisfies (6.2)
and represents dissipation. The SRS equations (6.1) for g = 0 have a Lax pair, are integrable and have soliton and multisoliton solutions [62–64]. Experimentally, however, the solitons are not the most important solutions. On the contrary, the dominant behavior has all the characteristics of self-similar solutions. Here we shall present a group theoretical analysis of the SRS equations [65–67]. We first rewrite the equations in a more symmetric form, putting u1 = i A∗1 ,
u2 = A2 ,
u3 = X,
so that we have (6.4)
u1,x + i u∗2 u∗3 = 0,
u2,x − i u∗3 u∗1 = 0,
We also introduce the wave moduli and phases (6.5)
uk = Mk ei αk ,
u3,t + g u3 − i u∗1 u∗2 = 0.
k = 1, 2, 3, Mk ≥ 0, 0 ≤ αk < 2π.
Notice that the SRS equations have a first integral, namely (6.6)
I1 = |u1 |2 + |u2 |2 = I1 (t),
∂I1 = 0, ∂x
corresponding physically to the conservation of the number of photons. 6.2. Symmetry group of the SRS equations. We apply the algorithm of Section 2 to calculate the symmetry algebra. The vector field vˆ of eq. (2.3) is particularized to vˆ = τ ∂t + ξ ∂x +
3 !
(φµ ∂Mµ + ψµ ∂αµ ),
where τ, ξ, φµ and ψµ are real functions of x, t, Mk and αk . We skip all details. The calculation was done using the macsyma package [14]. It provided 44 determining equations, solved 20 of them and printed out the remaining ones, which we solved by inspection. The solution depends crucially on whether dissipation is absent (g = 0) or present (g != 0). For g = 0 (the integrable case) we obtain a Lie algebra involving two arbitrary functions of time t. A suitable basis is 1 V = −∂α2 + ∂α3 , T (f ) = f (t)∂t − f˙(t) (M1 ∂M1 + M2 ∂M2 ), P1 = ∂x , 2 (6.8) 1 D = x∂x − (M1 ∂M1 + M2 ∂M2 + 2 M3 ∂M3 ), U (h) = h(t)(−∂α1 + ∂α2 ). 2 The algebra L is a direct sum of 3 subalgebras (6.9a) (6.9b)
L = L1 ⊕ L2 ⊕ L3 ,
L1 = {D P1 },
L2 = {V },
L3 = {T (f ) U (h)}.
Since f (t) and h(t) are arbitrary functions (C ∞ in some interval), the algebra L3 , is infinite dimensional. The commutation relations are [T (f1 ), T (f2 )] = T (f1 f˙2 − f˙1 f2 ), [P1 D] = P1 , (6.10) ˙ [T (f ), U (h)] = U (f, h), [U (h1 ), U (h2 )] = 0. Thus {T (f ), U (h)} is a centerless Kac–Moody–Virasoro algebra [8, 20–25]. The elements P , D and V generate x-translations, dilations and changes of phase: (6.11)
u ˜1 = e−λ/2 u1 ,
t˜ = t,
x ˜ = eλ (x − x0 ),
u ˜2 = e−λ/2 e−i µ u2 ,
u ˜3 = e−λ ei µ u3 .
Further, U (h) generates time dependent changes of phase (a gauge transformation) (6.12)
t˜ = t,
x˜ = x,
u ˜1 = u1 e−i H(t) ,
u ˜2 = u2 ei H(t) ,
u ˜3 = u3 ,
(with H(t) = h(t)). Finally, T (f ) generates an arbitrary reparametrization of time: t˜ = F (t),
(6.13a) (6.13b)
x ˜ = x,
; ˜ ˙ ˜ ˜ X (6.20) t :1 + M2 ∂M :2 ) + f (t)H(t)(−∂α1 + ∂α2 ) + h(t)(−∂α1 + ∂α2 ). M 2 Choosing h (6.21) H˙ = − , f we find that X of eq. (6.19) for f != 0 is conjugate to T (f ), i.e. we can set h = 0 with no loss of generality. Now let us assume f != 0, h = 0 in (6.19) and perform a transformation (6.13). The vector field T (f ) is transformed into * + ∂ f F¨ − f˙F˙ > > V: f (t˜) = f F˙ + (M1 ∂M (6.22) :1 + M2 ∂M :2 ). ∂ t˜ 2F˙ Choosing F (t) such that
f F˙ = 1,
we obtain a time translation (6.24) Equivalently, we can choose (6.25)
V f (t) −→ V (1) = ∂t = P0 . f F˙ = t˜,
and obtain a dilation
* + 1 V f (t) −→ V (t) = t∂t − (M1 ∂M1 + M2 ∂M2 ). 2 Now consider X of eq. (6.19) with f = 0, i.e. X = U (h). Perform a transformation (6.13). For h˙ = 0 we have U (1) and this is invariant under time reparametrizations. For h˙ != 0 we obtain
? *
U h(t) −→ U h φ(t˜) ,
φ(t˜) = F −1 (t˜).
Choosing φ(t˜), i.e. F (t) appropriately, we can transform h(t) into any other function ˜h(t˜) (for ˜ ˜ != 0). In particular we can put h(t) = t. Thus L3 has the following one-dimensional ht != 0 and h t subalgebras (6.28)
C1,1 = {P0 },
C1,2 = U (1),
C1,3 = U (t).
Equivalently, we can replace C1,1 by a dilation as in (6.26). Combining the results (6.17), (6.18) and (6.28) together (i.e. using the Goursat method) we obtain the following list of one-dimensional subalgebras of the SRS symmetry algebra for g = 0:
L1 ($, a) = {D + $T (t) + aV },
L2 (a, b) = {D + aU (1) + bV },
L5 (κ, a) = {P1 + κU (1) + aV },
L6 ($, κ) = {P1 + $U (t) + κV },
L3 ($, a) = {D + $U (t) + aV },
L4 ($, a) = {P1 + $T (1) + aV },
L7 (κ) = {P0 + κV },
L8 (κ) = {U (1) + aV },
L9 (κ) = {U (t) + κV },
L1 0 = {V },
where we put $ = ±1, κ = 0, ±1, a, b ∈ R. Algebras L8 , L9 and L10 are pure gauge transformations, not acting on space-time. They are included for completeness, but will not produce reductions. B. g != 0 In this case we have a straightforward application of the Goursat method. The function h(t) in the gauge transformation U (h) cannot be changed. The subalgebras in this case are (6.30)
Lg1 (a, b) = {D + aP0 + bV },
Lg3 (κ, a) = {P1 + κP0 + aV }, Lg5 (a) = {P0 + aV },
Lg2 (a, h) = {D + aV + U (h)},
Lg4 (κ, h) = {P1 + κV + bU (h)},
Lg6 (h) = {V + U (h)},
Lg7 (h) = {U (h)}.
In (6.30) h = h(t) is an arbitrary function, κ = 0, ±1, a, b ∈ R. In Lg3 (κ, a) for κ = 0 we have a = 0, ±1. 6.4. Invariant solutions of the SRS equations for g = 0. Let us now use the subgroups corresponding to the subalgebras (6.29) to reduce the SRS equations to ODEs and obtain the corresponding solutions. We shall only be interested in genuinely three wave solutions, satisfying (6.31)
u1 u2 u3 != 0.
In all cases we follow the same procedure. The basis element of the considered algebra will have the form (6.32)
X = (αt + β)∂t + (γx + δ) +
3 !
{µk Mk ∂Mk + (νk t + σk )∂αk },
where α, β, γ, δ, µk , νk and σk are constants to be specified in each case. The invariants of the corresponding subgroup will satisfy XI(x, t, M1 , M2 , M3 , α1 , α2 , α3 ) = 0
and will be obtained by solving the characteristic system dM2 dM3 dα1 dα2 dα3 dt dx dM1 = = = = = . (6.33) = = αt + β γx + δ µ1 M1 µ2 M2 µ3 M3 ν1 t + σ1 ν2 t + σ2 ν3 t + σ3 For the algebras L1 , . . . , L7 elementary invariants will have the form I0 = ξ(x, t), (6.34) Ij = Ij (x, t, M1 , M2 , M3 , α1 , α2 , α3 ), j = 1, . . . , 6. In each case we shall then put
Ij (x, t, Mi , αi ) = I˜j (ξ),
j = 1, . . . , 6.
The Jacobian determinant condition (3.5) is always satisfied, so we can solve eq. (6.35) for Mi and αi . In all cases we got an expression for the dependent variables in the form (6.36)
uk (x, t) = Mk eiαk = ωk (x, t)fk (ξ),
k = 1, 2, 3.
The complex functions ωk (x, t) and the real function ξ(xt) are explicitly known. We shall call eq. (6.36) the “reduction formulas”. The reduction formula is substituted into the SRS equations (6.4). The factors ω(x, t) drop out and we obtain ODEs for fk (ξ). We put (6.37)
fk (ξ) = 6k (ξ)eiφk (ξ) ,
0 ≤ 6k < ∞, 0 ≤ φk < 2π,
separate the real and imaginary parts of the equations, decouple and solve. Let us run through the individual cases. (i) Subalgebra L1 ($, a) and self-similar solutions. The reduction formulas (6.36) particularize to u1 = t−(1+()/2 61 eiφ1 , (6.38) with 6i = 6i (ξ), φi = φi (ξ). The reduced equations are
u2 = t−(1+()/2 e−i(a ln t 62 eiφ2 , 1 u3 = eia ln x 63 eiφ3 ξ = xt−( , x
1 1 6˙ 1 = − 62 63 sin φ, 61 φ˙ 1 = − 62 63 cos φ, ξ ξ 1 1 6˙ 2 = 63 61 sin φ, 62 φ˙ 2 = 63 61 cos φ, ξ ξ ˙ 6˙ 3 = −$61 62 sin φ, 63 φ3 = −$61 62 cos φ. φ = φ1 + φ2 + φ3 + a ln ξ.
Equation (6.39) have two first integrals a I2 = 61 62 63 cos φ − 621 , 2 (where I˙1 = I˙2 = 0 follows directly from eq. (6.39)). We can now express 62 , 63 and φ in terms of 61 :
I1 = 621 + 622 ,
62 = (I1 − 621 )1/2 ,
63 sin φ = −ξ 6˙ 1 (I1 − 621 )−1/2 , ' ( 1 a 2 I2 + 61 (I1 − 621 )−1/2 . 63 cos φ = 61 2 Once 61 is known, we can obtain the phases φ1 , φ2 and φ3 by quadratures. (6.41)
Multiplying the first of equations (6.39) by ξ, differentiating once and substituting from the other equations and from (6.41), we obtain an ODE for 61 : (6.42)
61 6˙21 (I2 + (a/2)621 )2 a2 I2 − 61 − $631 + 23 . + I1 $ − ξ 6¨1 + 6˙1 = −ξ 2 2 I1 − 61 ξ61 (I1 − 61 ) 4ξ ξ61
Equation (6.42) is in the class studied by Painlevé and Gambier [53–55] and we can apply the techniques of Section 5. It does not pass the Painlevé test, since we obtain α = − 12 in eq. (5.10). The rest of the test is passed, i.e. we obtain one resonance and the resonance condition (5.12) is satisfied. This means that the equation for H(ξ), where 61 =
will pass the Painlevé test. We then look for a Möbius transformation (5.17) taking the equation for H(ξ) into one of the 50 standard equations [53]. The final result is that we put 1/2
61 (ξ) = (I1 )
where W (ξ) satisfies the PV equation: (6.45)
¨ = W
W (ξ) W (ξ) − 1
, (
2 1 1 ˙ )2 − 1 W ˙ + (W − 1) αW + β + γ W + δW (W + 1) , + (W 2W W −1 ξ ξ2 W ξ W −1
where the constants α, β, γ and δ are (6.46)
2 1 2I2 +a , α=− 2 I1
2I22 , I12
γ = 2$I1 , δ = 0.
Notice that the variable ξ is real and so are all the constants in the equation. Thus we have solved the SRS equations in terms of the Painlevé transcendent PV (ξ; α, β, γ, 0). For I2 = 0, a = 0 the equation simplifies and the PV transcendent can be transformed into a special case of PIII , also with real parameters. A large body of knowledge exists on the Painlevé transcendents [11, 36]. Particularly important in the present context are connection formulas, relating the behavior of the functions at various fixed singular points, e.g./ ξ = 0 and ξ → ∞ (in various directions). For these we refer to the literature [11, 36, 68, 69]. For a discussion of the asymptotics of 61 , 62 and 63 for ξ → ∞ and plots of the self-similar solutions, see the original articles [65, 66]. The obtained self-similar solution in terms of PV or PIII is particularly robust: large classes of initial data provide solutions that asymptotically approach the PV or PIII ones [66, 70]. (ii) Subalgebra L4 ($, a) and travelling wave solutions. The reduction formulas (6.36) reduce to (6.47)
u1 = 61 eiφ1 , ξ = x − $t,
u2 = e−i(at 62 eiφ2 ,
u3 = eiax 63 eiφ3 ,
6i = 6i (ξ),
φi = φi (ξ).
The reduced equations are
6#1 = −62 63 sin φ, (6.48)
6#2 = 63 61 sin φ,
61 φ#1 = −62 63 cos φ, 62 φ#2 = 63 61 cos φ,
6#3 = −$61 62 sin φ, 63 φ#3 = −$61 62 cos φ, φ = φ1 + φ2 + φ3 + aξ.
This time 3 first integrals exist: (6.49)
I1 = 621 + 622 ,
I2 = 621 − $623 ,
a I3 = 61 62 63 cos φ − 621 . 2
Using eq. (6.49) we express 62 , 63 and φ in terms of 61 . From (6.48) we get a first order equation for 61 . The Painlevé test again suggests the transformation A 61 (ξ) = Z(ξ),
and for Z(ξ) we obtain an elliptic function equation (6.50) with (6.51)
˙ 2 = −4$(Z − Z1 )(Z − Z2 )(Z − Z3 ), (Z) $a2 , 4 Z1 Z2 + Z2 Z3 + Z3 Z1 = I1 I2 + $aI3 , Z1 + Z2 + Z3 = I1 + I2 − Z1 Z2 Z3 = −$I32 .
Real finite solutions for 61 are obtained in the following cases: (a) $ = 1, Z1 < 0 < Z2 ≤ Z ≤ Z3 . (6.52)
Z = Z3 − (Z3 − Z2 ) sn2 (pξ, k),
p = (Z3 − Z1 )1/2 ,
k2 =
Z3 − Z2 , Z3 − Z1
where sn(pξ, k) is a Jacobi elliptic function [71]. These solutions are periodic. (b) $ = 1, 0 = Z1 = Z2 ≤ Z ≤ Z3 = I1 − a2 /4, I2 = I3 = 0, (6.53)
Z3 . Z3 (ξ − ξ0 )
This is a typical soliton solution, first obtained by Chu and Scott [62]. We have Z → 0 for ξ → ±∞, Z = Z3 for ξ = ξ0 . (c) $ = −1, 0 < Z1 ≤ Z ≤ Z2 < Z3 . (6.54)
Z = Z1 + (Z2 − Z1 ) sn2 (pξ, k),
p = (Z3 − Z1 )1/2 ,
(d) $ = −1, 0 < Z1 ≤ Z ≤ Z2 = Z3 . (6.55)
Z = Z2 −
k2 =
Z2 − Z1 . Z3 − Z1
Z2 − Z1 . Z2 − Z1 (ξ − ξ0 )
In optics, this is sometimes called a “black soliton”: a “well”, or a “hole” on a constant background: Z → Z2 for $ → ±∞, Z = Z1 < Z2 for ξ = ξ0 . (iii) Subalgebra L5 ($, a) and phase-wave solutions. For κ = 0 in L5 (κ, a) we get trivial solutions. For κ = $ = ±1 the reduction formulas are
u1 = e−i(x 61 eiφ1 ,
u2 = ei((−a)x 62 eiφ2 ,
u3 = eiax 63 eiφ3 .
The reduced equations are elementary and their solution is (6.57)
u1 = −(1 − $a)1/2 (H # )1/2 e−i((x+(H+φ) , u2 = (H # )1/2 ei(((−a)x+φ) , u3 = −(1 − $a)1/2 ei(H ,
where H(t) and φ(t) are arbitrary functions, a is a constant, $ = ±1. (iv) Algebra L7 ($) and plane wave solutions. The reduction formulas are (6.58)
u1 = f1 (x),
u2 = e−i(t f2 (x),
u3 = ei(t f3 (x),
and the reduced equations yield the solution u1 = αei(−(β
2 x+γ)
i((a2 x−(t+δ)
u2 = βe
i[((β 2 −α2 )x+(t−γ−δ]
u3 = −$αβe
The plane wave solutions are similar to solutions of linear equations, except that the velocities and the amplitudes of the waves are related. The example of the SRS equations for g = 0 has brought out the importance of the subgroup classification. Each of the 4 considered subgroups has given very different solutions. The fact that we could always solve in terms of known functions is related to the integrability of the original system (6.1). Indeed, it confirms the Painlevé conjecture [10, 11, 33] that all reductions of equations solvable by the inverse scattering transform should have the Painlevé property, possibly after some transformation. 6.5. Invariant solutions of the SRS equations for g != 0. For g != 0 we restrict ourselves to one example, namely the subalgebra Lg1 (a, b), corresponding to self-similar solutions. We shall, moreover choose b = 0, a != 0. The reduction formulas are 1 u2 = e−t/(2a) 62 eiα2 , u3 = ξ ag 63 eiα3 , u1 = e−t/(2a) 61 eiα1 , x (6.60) 6i = 6i (ξ), φi = αi (ξ), ξ = xe−t/a , a != 0. The reduced equations are
61 φ˙ 1 = −62 63 ξ ag−1 cos φ, 62 φ˙ 2 = 63 61 ξ ag−1 cos φ, 6˙3 φ = φ1 + φ2 + φ3 . 63 φ˙ 3 = −a61 62 ξ −ag cos φ,
6˙ 1 = −62 63 ξ ag−1 sin φ,
6˙ 2 = 63 61 ξ ag−1 sin φ,
= −a61 62 ξ −ag sin φ,
We again have two conserved quantities I1 = 621 + 622 ,
6.66 I2 = 61 62 63 cos φ,
so that we can put 622 = I1 − 621 , I2 63 cos φ = A , 61 I1 − 621
For 61 (ξ) we obtain the ODE (6.64)
6¨1 = −
6˙ 1 ξ −ag+1 63 sin φ = − A . I1 − 621
61 6˙21 ag − 1 I 2 ξ 2(ag−1) a I 2 ξ 2(ag−1) + 6˙ 1 − 2 + 61 (I1 − 621 ) + 2 3 . 2 2 I1 − 61 ξ 61 (I1 − 61 ) ξ 61
Inspired by the Painlevé test for the case g = 0 we put %
61 = I1
and obtain (6.66)
¨ = W
W W −1
, %
2 1 1 ˙ 2 + ag − 1 W ˙ + 2a I1 W + 2I2 ξ 2(ag−1) (W − 1)2 −W + 1 . + W 2W W −1 ξ ξ I12 W
For g = 0 eq. (6.66) reduces to the Painlevé equation PV , as we already know. For g != 0 the equation does not pass the Painlevé test: it will have complicated movable logarithmic branch points. The “guilty” ξ-dependence cannot be transformed away and we cannot get a solution in terms of any known special functions. We can, however, calculate the asymptotic behavior and we can obtain perturbative solutions, perturbing about the g = 0 solution [67]. 7. Partially invariant solutions 7.1. Formulation of the problem for a complex nonlinear Klein–Gordon equation. In Section 6 we have seen how the method of symmetry reduction can lead to group invariant solutions. The method was outlined in Section 3 in a step by step manner. In step 4 we mentioned that condition (3.5) on a certain Jacobian determinant is necessary in order to obtain invariant solutions. This section is devoted to the case when condition (3.5) is not satisfied. We shall look for examples of partially invariant solutions [4, 31, 32, 72, 73]. As a vehicle we shall use a complex nonlinear Klein–Gordon equation [31] utt − uxx = f (|u|)u,
where f (|u|) is a so far unspecified real function of the modulus |u|. Introducing the modulus ρ = |u| and phase ω of u, we rewrite eq. (7.1) as a pair of real equations ρtt − ρxx − ρ(ωt2 − ωx2 ) = f (ρ)ρ
ρt (ωtt − ωxx ) + 2(ρt ωt − ρx ωx ) = 0.
For any function f (ρ) eq. (7.1) is invariant under a four-dimensional group. Its Lie algebra is given by (7.2)
P0 = ∂t ,
P1 = ∂x ,
K = t∂x + x∂t ,
W = ∂ω .
The considered equation is also invariant under the discrete group G0 generated by time reversal T , parity Π and complex conjugation C: T : x → x, t → −t, u → u, Π : x → −x, t → t, u → u, (7.3) C : x → x,
t → t,
u → u∗ .
For some specific functions f (ρ) the symmetry group may be larger; e.g. for f = ρn it includes dilations. Let us now classify the subalgebras of the symmetry algebra L into conjugacy classes under the symmetry group G = G0 * exp L. We have L = L1 ⊕ L2 , L1 = {K, P0 , P1 }, L2 = {W }, (7.4) [P0 , K] = P1 , [P1 , K] = P0 , [P0 , P1 ] = 0. Applying the methods of Section 4, we obtained the following result. A representative list of all subalgebras L0 of L consist of the following Lie algebras: dim L0 = 1 (7.5) dim L0 = 2 (7.6a)
{P0 + aW }, {P1 + aW }, {P0 − P1 + W }, {P0 , P1 }, {P0 , P1 + aW }, {P0 + aW, P1 },
{P0 + P1 , P0 − P1 + W }, {K, P0 − P1 }, {K + aW, P0 − P1 },
(7.6b) (7.7a)
{K}, {P0 }, {P1 }, {P0 − P1 }, {W }, {K + aW },
dim L0 = 3
{P0 , W }, {P1 , W }, {P0 − P1 , W }, {K, W }, {K, P0 , P1 },
{K + aW, P0 , P1 }, {K, P0 − P1 , W }, {P0 , P1 , W },
with a ∈ R, a != 0. Thus, we have an equation (7.1); we know its symmetry group (the direct product of the Poincaré group in two dimensions with a one-dimensional group of global gauge transformations). We also know all the subalgebras of the symmetry algebra. The next step is to find the invariants of the subgroups in the space {x, t, ρ, ω}. For dim L0 = 1 all subgroups except the one corresponding to W will provide reductions to ODEs and ultimately group invariant solutions. The subalgebras (7.6a) and (7.7a) provide reductions to algebraic equations and invariant, but trivial, solutions. Those to be investigated in the context of partially invariant solutions are subalgebras (7.6b) and (7.7b). 7.2. Reduction of the NLKGE by the subalgebra {P0 , W }. The invariants of {P0 , W } are I1 = ξ = x, I2 = ρ. Thus, the phase ω does not figure among the invariants. The relevant Jacobian (3.5) is (7.8)
∂I1 ∂ρ J = ∂I2 ∂ρ
∂I1 % & ∂ω 0 0 , = 1 0 ∂I2 ∂ω
det J = 0.
We proceed as in eqs. (3.9), (3.10); i.e. we express ρ in terms of the other invariant and obtain no information about ω. Hence, instead of the usual reduction formulas, we have (7.9)
ρ = ρ(x),
ω = ω(x, t).
Substituting into eq. (7.1b) we obtain ρxx + f (ρ), ρ ρx =2 . ρ
ωx2 − ωt2 =
ωtt − ωxx ωx
The left-hand sides of eq. (7.10) depend on x and t, the right-hand sides only on x. The subalgebra P0 + aW leads to invariant solutions of the form ρ = ρ(x), ω = at + φ(x). In order to have genuinely noninvariant solutions we impose the condition (7.11)
ωtt != 0,
this also implies ωx != 0. We solve eq. (7.10a) for ωt , substitute into (7.10b) and obtain (7.12)
ρxx = + f (ρ) [1 − S(t)ρ4 ]−1 , S(t) ≥ 0, ρ % & 2 4 ρxx ωt = S(t)ρ + f (ρ) [1 − S(t)ρ4 ]−1 , ρ
where S(t) is some nonnegative-definite function of t. The compatibility condition for eq. (7.12), ωtx = ωxt , implies (7.13)
' % & % &−1 ( S˙ $ 4ρx ρxx ρxx √ = + (1 − Sρ4 ) +f +f , ρ ρ ρ ρ S x
We differentiate (7.13) with respect to t and separate variables (7.14)
% & % & % &−1 ρxx 1 S˙ . 2 ρxx √ +f +f = −$0 ρ = 4λ, ρ ρ S˙ S x
$ = ±1.
where λ is a constant and S˙ = ! 0. From (7.14) and (7.13) we obtain equations for S(t), ρ(x) and f (ρ), namely √ (7.15) (λ, µ) != (0, 0), S˙ = 4 S(λS + µ), λ (7.16) ρx = $ 0 , ρ(1 + µρ2 ) 4λ 12µ(λ + µρ4 ) (7.17) fρ + f + = 0. ρ(λ + µρ4 ) ρ It follows from eq. (7.17) that partially invariant solutions of eq. (7.1) corresponding to the subalgebra {P0 , W }, are very rare: they only exist if the function f (ρ) satisfies eq. (7.17), i.e. has the form f (ρ) = cλρ−4 + µc − 3µλ − 3µ2 ρ4 .
For f (ρ) as in equation (7.18) we can solve the equations for ω(x, t) explicitly and obtain the partially invariant solutions. They are 1. λ = 0, µ != 0, 1 , ω = [−4µc(t2 − x2 )]1/2 . (7.19) ρ2 = − 2$0 µx 2. λ != 0, µ = 0, (7.20)
ρ = 2$0 λx,
3. λµ > 0, 2
ρ = (7.21)
% &1/2 %
c−λ 16λ
λ µ
ε0 tan(2 λµz),
c−λ 16λ
C(z) = cos(2 λµ z).
√ t + t2 − x2 √ ln . t − t2 − x2
C(t) + [C(x − t)C(x + t]1/2 , C(t) − [C(x − t)C(x + t]1/2
The constants in (7.19), (7.20) and (7.21) must satisfy some obvious inequalities in order ot have ≥ 0, ω ∈ R. We see that the t dependence in ω is quite nontrivial and quite different than for invariant solutions. Equation (7.1) has no additional symmetries for the “potential” (7.18), unless we have λ = c = 0, or µ = 0. Even in these particular cases, the additional symmetries do not provide the solutions (7.19), . . . , (7.21) as invariant solutions. ρ4
7.3. Reduction by the subalgebra {P1 , W }. The results are the same as for the subalgebra {P0 , W } after the replacement (7.22)
x ↔ t,
f ↔ −f.
7.4. Reduction by the subalgebra {P0 − P1 , W }. In this case we have
ρ = ρ(ξ),
ω = ω(ξ, η),
ξ = x + t,
Equation (7.1) reduces to (7.24)
ωξ ωη =
1 f (ρ), 4
ωξη ρξ =− . ωη ρ
η = x − t.
We integrate the second equation with respect to ξ, require compatibility and obtain (7.25)
2(x − t) 1 , −λ ρ(ξ)
ρ3 f (ρ)
λ ξ, 4
λ = constant.
Thus, partially invariant solutions are obtained for any function f (ρ). Once f (ρ) is chosen, ρ(ξ) is obtained by a quadrature. 7.5. Reduction by the subalgebra {K, W }. Using the same reasoning as in Section 7.2 we find that invariant solutions exist only for (7.26)
f0 −4ρ2 /λ e , ρ4
and that they have the form %
ρ = 2$λ ln
ξ ξ0
D E 2 2 1/2 η − η0 f 0 ξ0 + λ arcsin , 2 4λ ln(ξ/ξ0 ) ω= D E 2 + λ2 1/2 f ξ η − η0 0 0 − arc cosh , 2 4λ ln(ξ/ξ ) B
λ2 + f0 ξ02 > 0, λ2 + f0 ξ02 < 0,
x (7.28) ξ = t2 − x2 , η = arc tanh , t (ξ is the Lorentz invariant variable). The three-dimensional subalgebras (7.7b) only lead to solutions equivalent to invariant ones. 7.6. General comments. Let us draw some conclusions from this analysis: 1. Partially invariant solutions that are not invariant under some subgroup of the symmetry group do exist, but they are rare. 2. When such solutions exist, they are just as good as invariant ones. They satisfy different boundary conditions than the invariant ones. 3. A careful subgroup classification is essential in a study of partially invariant solutions, as it is in the study of invariant ones. Without such a classification we have no way of knowing, whether a partially invariant solution is not actually invariant. Moreover, different subgroups lead to different equations, as we see by comparing the potentials f (ρ) in eqs. (7.18) and (7.26). 8. Group classification of equations 8.1. General comments. A further application of Lie group theory is to classify differential equations according to their symmetries, or to construct equations having a given symmetry. For instance it is possible to a priori specify the number of dependent and independent variables in a differential equation as well as the order of the equation, and then to construct the most general equation invariant under a given Lie group G. This approach was recently taken to construct the most general second order scalar equations invariant under Poincaré, similitude and conformal groups in 2 dimensions [74]. Similarly Galilei, Galilei-similitude, and Schrödinger group invariant equations have been constructed [75]. Here we shall review a different approach, in which the general form of the equation is specified, but the coefficients involve arbitrary functions of some variables. The Lie point symmetries of the equation will then depend on the choice of the arbitrary functions [17, 76]. It is convenient to proceed in two steps.
(i) Determine the “allowed transformations” leaving the form of the equation invariant, but changing the arbitrary functions. To do this we take a global approach [17] though an infinitesimal one is also possible [77, 78]. (ii) Among the allowed transformations find the symmetry transformations that leave the equation invariant. The allowed transformations can be used to simplify the calculations by standardizing certain vector fields and thus simplifying the determining equations. To illustrate the method, we shall use the example of the variable coefficient Korteweg–de Vries equation (2.23), the analysis of which was started in Section 2. We shall follow Ref. 17. 8.2. Allowed transformations for the variable coefficient Korteweg–de Vries equation. Let us return to eq. (2.23), where f and g are nonzero, but otherwise nonspecified. We shall classify these equations into equivalence classes under local fiber preserving point transformation ∂(X, T ) ∂U != 0, det != 0. (8.1) u = U (˜ x, t˜, u ˜), x = X(˜ x, t˜), t = T (˜ x, t˜), ∂u ˜ ∂(˜ x, t˜) “Fiber preserving” means that the new independent variables depend only on the old independent variables, not on the original dependent ones. Allowed transformations are subject to the requirement that u(˜ ˜ x, t˜) should satisfy x, t˜)˜ uu ˜x˜ + g˜(˜ x, t˜)˜ ux˜x˜x˜ = 0. (8.2) u˜t˜ + f˜(˜ Symmetry transformations in addition satisfy the condition (8.3) f˜(˜ x, t˜) = f (˜ x, t˜), g˜(˜ x, t˜) = g(˜ x, t˜). Using (8.1), calculating the appropriate derivatives, substituting into the VCKdV equation (2.23) and imposing that eq. (8.2) be satisfied, we find that allowed transformations for any f and g must have the form: u(x, t) = A(t)˜ u(˜ x, t˜) + B(x, t), x ˜ = α(t)x + β(t), t˜ = θ(t),
where the functions A, B, α, β and θ satisfy
αx ˙ + β˙ + f Bα = 0, A˙ + f Bx A = 0,
(8.5a) (8.5b) (8.5c) (8.5d)
A(t) != 0,
Bt + f BBx + gBxxx = 0, ˙ != 0. α(t) != 0, θ(t)
The coefficients in the transformed equation (8.2) satisfy (8.6a)
A(t)α(t) f˜(˜ x, t˜) = f (x, t), ˙ θ(t)
g˜(˜ x, t˜) =
with t = t(t˜) = θ −1 (t˜),
α3 (t) g(x, t), ˙ θ(t)
x ˜ − β(t(t˜)) . α(t(t˜))
The result of an analysis of eq. (8.5) can be summed up as follows: Six classes of VCKdV equations exist. They are distinguished by the types of allowed transformations they permit. 1. f (x, t)g(x, t) generic, i.e. not satisfying any of the conditions occuring below. The allowed transformations (8.4) are only dilations of u, dilations of x, translations of x and reparametrizations of t: (8.7)
A = A0 ,
α = α0 ,
β = β0 ,
B = 0,
θ = θ(t).
2. fx = 0, g(x, t) arbitrary. We reparametrize time to set (8.8)
f = 1. The generic transformations preserving condition (8.8) are dilations and translations: t˜ = e2k (t − t0 ),
x ˜ = ek+d (x − x0 ),
u = ek−d u ˜.
Further, we have two nongeneric transformations, namely Galilei transformations (8.10)
t˜ = t,
x˜ = x − bt,
u=u ˜ − b,
and projective transformations (8.11)
x ˜=
x , 1 − λt
t˜ =
t , 1 − λt
u ˜ − λx . 1 − λt
3. f (x, t) = x + q(t), g(x, t) arbitrary. Generic transformations, taking x + q(t) into x ˜ + q˜(t˜) are (8.12)
t˜ = A0 t + t0 ,
x˜ = α0 x + x0 ,
u = A0 u ˜.
A nongeneric transformation, also preserving the form of f is x˜ = xeλt + λ
qeλt dt.
4. f (x, t) = x−1 , g(x, t) arbitrary. Transformations taking x−1 into x˜−1 can be generic (8.14)
x˜ = xe(d1 /4+d2 ) , or nongeneric
x˜ = √
x , 1 − λt
t˜ = (t − t0 )ed1 ,
u=u ˜e(d1 /2−2d2 ) ,
√ t˜ = t 1 − λt,
u ˜ − 12 λx2 . 1 − λt
5. f (x, t) = [x + q(t)]r(t) , r(t) != 0, ±1; g(x, t) = [(x + q)2 /(r 2 − 1)r][h(t)(x + q) + (1 − r)q˙ − r(x ˙ + q) ln(x + q)]. Generic transformations in this case satisfy (8.16)
α = α0 ,
A = A0 ,
β = β0 ,
Nongeneric ones satisfy α˙ A˙ (8.17) = (1 − r) , β˙ = q α, ˙ A α where α is a solution of the equation (8.18)
% &.
α˙ α
B = 0,
α˙ B = − (x + q)1−r , A
% &2
1 α0
+ (r − 1)
θ = A0
α˙ α
α˙ = 0, α
α1−r 0 dt + θ0 .
θ˙ = Aα1−r ,
α˙ != 0.
6. f (x, t) = p(t)exq(t) , g(x, t) = −(q/q ˙ 3 )x + h(t), q != 0, p != 0. Allowed transformations, preserving the form of f and g satisfy (8.19)
α = α0 , B=−
A = A0 exp −
β˙ −qx e , α0 p
q ˙2 β˙ + β − α0
They are nongeneric if we have β˙ = ! 0.
˙ dt , βq %
θ = θ(t), &
p˙ + hq 3 β˙ = 0. p
8.3. Symmetries of the VCKdV equation. We now return to the determining equations (2.34), . . . , (2.38) derived in Section 2.3. They will have different types of solutions, depending on whether f (x, t) and g(x, t) are generic, or satisfy one of the conditions 2, . . . , 6 of Section 8.2. For the analysis we refer to the original articles [17]; here we just present the results in the case when the VCKdV has a symmetry group of dimension d ≥ 3. The results are: (i) The symmetry group of the VCKdV equation is of dimension d with 0 ≤ d ≤ 4. The value d = 4 is achieved only if the VCKdV is equivalent under allowed transformations to the usual KdV of eq. (2.22). This happens only if we have fx = gx = 0, ' = t ( (8.20) f (s)ds + c2 , (c1 , c2 ) != (0, 0). g(t) = f (t) c1 0
This is also the only case whe the VCKdV equation passes the Painlevé test [79, 80] and allows infinitely many conserved quantities [81]. (ii) The VCKdV equation has a three-dimensional symmetry algebra precisely if it is equivalent, under allowed transformations, to one of the following cases. A. The Lie algebra sl(2, R). 1. f = 1, g = x. X1 = ∂t ,
X2 = t∂t + 12 x∂x − 12 u∂u ,
2. f = 1/x, g = 1/x. X1 = ∂t , 3. f =
1 1 X2 = t∂t + x∂x − u∂u , 4 4
X3 = t2 ∂t + tx∂x + (x − tu)∂u . 1 X3 = t2 ∂t + t∂x + 2
x + t, g = − 43 (x + t)2 .
1 2 x − tu ∂u . 2
√ 1 X2 = t∂t + x∂x − u∂u , X3 = t2 ∂t + (2tx + t2 )∂x + (2 x + t − tu)∂u . 2 B. The decomposable solvable Lie algebra {X1 , X2 } ⊕{ X3 } with [X1 , X2 ] = X1 . 4. f = x, g = x3 /t. X1 = ∂t − ∂x ,
X1 = tx∂x + ∂u ,
X2 = −t∂t + u∂u ,
X3 = x∂x .
X1 = t∂x + ∂u ,
X2 = −t∂t + u∂u ,
X3 = ∂x .
5. f = 1, g = t2 .
C. The nilpotent Lie algebra satisfying [X1 , X2 ] = X3 , [X1 , X3 ] = [X2 , X3 ] = 0. 6. f = x, g = x3 . X1 = ∂t ,
X2 = tx∂x + ∂u ,
X3 = x∂x .
D. Indecomposable solvable nonnilpotent Lie algebras satisfying %
[X1 , X3 ] X1 =A , [X2 , X3 ] X2
7. f = 1, g = tα , A=
1 2
≤ α < ∞, α != 2.
1 2−α 0 , X1 = ∂x , 0 −1 − α 3 √ 8. f = 1, g = 1 + t2 e3α arctan(t) .
α 1 , −1 α
X1 = ∂x ,
9. f = 1, g = e3t . %
[X1 , X2 ] = 0,
1 0 A= , −1 1
X2 = t∂x + ∂u ,
X2 = t∂x + ∂u ,
X1 = ∂x ,
a b A= , c d
a, b, c, d ∈ R.
1 1 X3 = t∂t + (2 − α)x∂x − (1 + α)u∂u . 3 3
X3 = (1 + t2 )∂t + tx∂x + (x − tu)∂u + α(x∂x + u∂u ).
X2 = t∂x + ∂u ,
X3 = x∂x + u∂u + ∂t .
9. Conditional symmetries 9.1. General comments. We have shown in Sections 3 and 6 how the method of symmetry reduction can be used to decrease the number of independent variables in a PDE. Recently Clarkson and Kruskal [82] posed a complementary question: how can one obtain all reductions of PDEs to PDEs with fewer independent variables, or to ODEs? In other words, does Lie’s classical method provide all reductions? They studied the Boussinesq equation (9.1)
utt + uuxx + (ux )2 + uxxxx = 0
and applied what is now called the “Clarkson–Kruskal direct method”. Namely they set *
u(x, t) = U x, t, w(z) ,
z = z(x, t)
and requested that the functions U and z be such that w(z) should satisfy an ODE, once u(x, t) is substituted into equation (9.1). Without using any group theory, the authors solved the problem completely. In addition to known reductions, due to dilational and translational invariance, they obtained quite a few new reductions with no apparent group theoretical origin. A group theoretical explanation of these new reductions was soon provided [83]. It involved “conditional symmetries” related to the “nonclassical method” of Bluman and Cole [2, 84] and to the “side-conditions” of Olver and Rosenau [85, 86]. “Conditional symmetries” of a differential system are transformations that leave only a subset of the solution set of the system invariant. Other solutions, not in the considered subset, are transformed out of the solution set. To formulate this concept precisely, consider an n-th-order scalar equation in two independent variables (9.2)
∆n (x, t, u, ux , ut , uxx , uxt , utt , . . . ) = 0.
The symmetry algebra of equation (9.2) will be realized by vector fields of the form (9.3) satisfying (see Section 2) (9.4)
vˆ = ξ(x, t, u)∂x + τ (x, t, u)∂t + φ(x, t, u)∂u , $
pr n vˆ∆n $∆n =0 = 0.
Conditional symmetries can be obtained by adding a further equation (the condition) to be satisfied simultaneously with equation (9.2) (9.5)
C m (x, t, u, ux , ut , uxx , uxt , utt , . . . ) = 0
and requiring that the overdetermined system (9.2), (9.5) be invariant (9.6)
pr n vˆ∆n $∆n =0,C m =0 = 0, $
prm vˆC m $∆n =0,C m =0 = 0.
The Lie algebra determined by equation (9.6) can be quite different than that determined by equation (9.4). Indeed, the corresponding transformations have to leave two equations invariant, but they can only be applied to a smaller set of solutions. The first question is how to choose the condition (9.5) in order to constrain the vector field vˆ as little as possible. The answer is suggested by the Bluman and Cole nonclassical method [2, 84]. Namely, consider a first order equation (m = 1 in equation (9.5)) that is adapted to the vector field that we are looking for (9.7)
∆1 (x, t, u, ux , ut ) = ξ(x, t, u)ux + τ (x, t, u)ut − φ(x, t, u) = 0,
where ξ, τ and φ are the same functions as in equation (9.3). We then have (9.8) and hence (9.9)
pr(1) vˆ∆1 = −(ξu ux + τu ut − φu )∆1 , $
pr(1) vˆ∆1 $∆1 =0 = 0
is satisfied identically for any funtions τ, ξ and φ. Thus, the condition (9.9) poses no restrictions on the vector field vˆ of eq. (9.3). The determining equations for the conditional symmetries can now be obtained in exactly the same manner as those for ordinary symmetries. Namely, we put (9.10)
pr(n) vˆ∆n $∆n =0,∆1 =0 = 0.
We also impose equation (9.9), but that is satisfied automatically. If we have τ (x, t, u) != 0, we can, in the search for conditional symmetries, set τ = 1, i.e.: (9.11)
vˆ = ∂t + ξ∂x + φ∂u ,
∆1 = ut + ξux − φ = 0.
Equation (9.12) and its differential consequences allow us to eliminate ut and all higher derivatives like utt , utx , utxx , etc. The highest purely x derivative is eliminated using equation (9.2). The determining equations are then read off from equation (9.10) and solved. In general there will be fewer determining equations than for ordinary symmetries, since there will be fewer linearly independent expressions in the derivatives. The case τ = 0, ξ != 0 must be considered separately. We can then put ξ = 1 and have (9.13)
vˆ = ∂x + φ∂u ,
∆1 = ux − φ = 0.
Thus, we can eliminate ux using equation (9.14) and the highest purely t derivative using equation (9.2). Before going over to the example of the Boussinesq equation, let us make several general comments on conditional symmetries. 1. The determining equations for conditional symmetries, as opposed to those for ordinary symmetries, will be nonlinear, since the condition (9.7) involves the functions ξ, τ and φ, to be obtained from the determining equations.
2. Each conditional symmetry generator vˆ comes with its own condition (9.7). Hence conditional symmetries do not form a Lie algebra, nor even a vector space. For instance, the sum of two conditional symmetry operators is, in general, not a symmetry operator at all. The same goes for the commutator of two conditional symmetry operators. Neither is the sum of an ordinary symmetry operator and a conditional one, a symmetry operator of any kind. 3. The vector fields representing conditional symmetries can be integrated to give group transformations. These transformations are not useful for generating solutions from solutions: they either take solutions out of the solution set, or leave them invariant individually. 4. The conditional symmetries are just as good as ordinary symmetries from the point of view of symmetry reduction for PDEs. Moreover, the symmetry reduction is performed in exactly the same manner. Example. Example of the Boussinesq equation. First of all, the ordinary symmetries of the Boussinesq equation are well known [87]. The symmetry algebra is three-dimensional and involves only dilations and translations D = x∂x + 2t∂t − 2u∂u ,
P1 = ∂x ,
P0 = ∂t .
The Boussinesq equation (9.1) is also invariant under parity and time reversal. Let us now derive the conditional symmetries [83]. We restrict ourselves here to the case τ != 0 in equations (9.3) and (9.7). The case τ = 0 was studied by Lou [88]. We apply the macsyma program [14] to the pair of equations (9.1) and (9.12), setting v1 = uxxxx and v2 = ut . The program will eliminate uxxxx , ut , utx , utt , utxx , etc. from expression (9.10). The determining equations are obtained from the coefficients of terms of the type (ux )n1 (uxx )n2 (uxxx )n3 . For ordinary symmetries (rather than conditional ones) we would, in principle, have more determining equations, namely the coefficients of (ux )n1 (uxx )n2 (uxxx )n3 (ut )n4 (utt )n5 (utx )n6 (utxx )n7 (uttx )n8 × (uttt )n9 (utxxx )n10 (uttxx )n11 (utttx )n12 (utttt )n13 .
(ni are nonnegative integers). The program finds the determining equations, solves some of them and finally prints out a reduced system. Altogether, we obtain 14 equations for ξ and φ (having set τ = 1). From these equations we find that the conditional symmetry operator is (9.16) vˆ = ∂t + [α(t)x + β(t)]∂x
− [2α(t)u + 2α(α˙ + 2α2 )x2 + 2(αβ˙ + αβ ˙ + 4α2 β)x + 2β(β˙ + 2αβ)]∂u ,
where α(t) and β(t) are solutions of the ODEs
α ¨ + 2αα˙ − 4α3 = 0, β¨ + 2αβ˙ − 4α2 β = 0.
(9.17a) (9.17b)
Equation (9.17a) will be solved below in terms of elliptic functions, or elementary ones. Equation (9.17b) is then a linear equation for β(t). The conditional symmetry operator vˆ can be used directly to reduce the Boussinesq equation (9.1) to an ODE. Indeed, the corresponding invariants satisfy vˆφ(x, t, u) = 0, for which the characteristic equation is (9.18)
dt =
du dx =− . 2 2 ˙ αx + β 2[αu + α(α˙ + 2α )x + (αβ + αβ ˙ + 4α2 β)x + β(β˙ + 2αβ)]
Solving (9.18) we obtain two invariants z and w, and the reduction formula (9.19a)
u(x, t) = w(z)K 2 (t) − (αx + β)2 ,
z(x, t) = xK(t) −
K(t) = exp −
= t 0
= t 0
β(s)K(s)ds, &
α(s) ds .
We substitute (9.19) into the Boussinesq equation and obtain the ODE w#### + ww## + (w# )2 + (Az + B)w# + 2Aw = 2(Az + B)2 ,
where the primes are derivatives with respect to z and we have = αβ − β˙ α2 − α˙ t α2 − α˙ , B= + β(s)K(s) ds. (9.21) A= K4 K3 K4 0
Using equations (9.17) (it is not necessary at this stage to solve them), we verify dA = 0, dt
dB = 0, dt
i.e., A and B are constants. Equation (9.20) was also obtained by Clarkson and Kruskal [82], so we see that the results of the two methods (the direct method and conditional symmetries) coincide. To proceed further we must solve equations (9.17). The first equation has the Painlevé property and is actually PX of Ince [53]. To integrate it we put (9.23)
with H(t) satisfying
H˙ , 2H
H˙ 2 = h0 H 3 + h1 ,
h0 , h1 constants.
For H˙ = ! 0 we obtain β from (9.17b) as (9.25) Let us now solve equation (9.24) (i) h0 = h1 = 0 (9.26)
α = 0,
= H˙ H˙ t H(s) β = β1 + β2 ds. H H 0 H˙ 2 (s)
β = β0 + β1 t,
K = 1,
A = 0,
(β0 and β1 are constants). For β1 = 0 we have a classical symmetry (9.27)
B = −β1 ,
vˆ = ∂t + β0 ∂x (translations). For β1 != 0 we can simplify using ordinary symmetries (translations and reflections) to obtain
(9.28) (9.29) (9.30)
vˆ = ∂t + t∂x − 2t∂u , 1 u = w(z) − t2 , z = x − t2 , 2 w### + ww# − w = 2z + c1 .
Equation (9.30) is solved in terms of the Painlevé transcendent PII . Notice that the Boussinesq equation is not Galilei invariant, but the conditional symmetry operator (9.28) corresponds to a Galilei transformation. (ii) h0 != 0, h1 = 0 (9.31)
1 α=− , t
β2 , t
β = β1 t4 +
K = t,
A = 0,
B = −5β1 .
We substitute into the vector field vˆ of (9.16), translate in x to set β2 → 0, dilate in order to obtain β1 = 1, or β1 = 0. Finally
x vˆ = ∂t + − + β1 t4 ∂x + t β1 = 0 or
1 z = xt − β1 t6 , 6
β1 = 1,
2 6 u + 3 x2 − 2β1 t2 x − 4β1 2 t2 ∂u , t t
x u(x, t) = w(z)t − − β1 t4 t 2
For β1 = 0 the reduced equations can be integrated to 1 w## + w2 = c1 z + c0 . 2
For c1 = 0 equation (9.33) is solved in terms of elliptic functions. For c1 != 0, (9.33) is the equation for the first Painlevé transcendent PI . For β1 = 0, equation (9.20) is integrated to (9.34)
w### + ww# − 5w = 50z + c0
integrable in terms of the transcendent PII . (iii) h0 = 0, h1 != 0 (9.35)
1 , 2t
β = β1 t +
1 K=√ , t
β2 , t
3 A= , 4
B = 0.
For β1 = 0 we obtain an ordinary symmetry, namely dilations. We can set β2 = 0 by an x translation and dilate β1 into β1 = 1 (assuming β1 != 0). We obtain (9.36) (9.37) (9.38)
vˆ = ∂t +
x 1 + t ∂x − (u + 2x + 4t2 )∂u , 2t t %
2 1 x w(z) − +t , t 2t 3 3 9 w#### + ww## + (w# )2 + zw# + w = z 2 . 4 2 8
x 2 z = √ − t3/2 , 3 t
Equation (9.38) can be solved in terms of PIV . (iv) h0 != 0, h1 != 0. We obtain α in terms of a Weierstrass elliptic function P as (9.39)
1 P˙ , α= 2P
P˙ 2 = 4P 3 − g3 ,
= t P˙ P˙ P(s) ds β = β1 + β2 * +2 , ˙ 2P 2P 0 P(s)
P = P(t, 0, g3 ).
We can x-translate β1 to β1 = 0. We then have * +−1/2 3g3 , A=− K = P(t) , B = 0, 4 % ˙ & 1 P P˙ x + β2 W ∂x vˆ = ∂t + 2 P P ' ˙ % & % &( P β2 1 1 2 1 2 ˙ ˙ ˙ − u + 3Px + + 12PW x + β2 W + 6PW ∂u , (9.40) P 2 P 2 P = * +−1/2 * +−1/2 t 1 + β2 g3−1 P(t) P(s) ds, z = x P(t) 3 0 % ˙ &2 1P P˙ x + β2 W , u(x, t) = w(z)P −1 − 2P 2P where we have put
W (t) = The reduced equation is
= t P(s) ds * +2 . 0
˙ P(s)
3 3 9 w#### + ww## + (w# )2 − g3 w# − g3 w = g32 z 2 . 4 2 8 Equation (9.41) is again solved in terms of the Painlevé transcendent PIV [82]. We see that in the case of the Boussinesq equation the direct method and conditional symmetries give the same result. We also see that ordinary symmetries give less than half of the reductions presented here. (9.41)
9.2. Further comments on conditional symmetries. Since [82] and [83] were published, the direct method and the method of conditional symmetries have been applied to numerous physically interesting equations [89–94]. In some cases reductions were obtained that cannot be obtained by ordinary symmetries. In other cases, conditional symmetries give nothing new with respect to ordinary ones. Recently it was shown, in a rather general setting [94, 95], that the method of conditional symmetries will always yield all the results of the direct method, as it is currently formulated. Moreover, if the ratio ξ/τ of the coefficients of the vector field (9.3), realizing the conditional symmetry, depends on u, then conditional symmetries give more general results than the direct method [92, 94]. The additional solutions are usually implicit ones, since the “symmetry variable” z will, in this case, depend on both the independent and dependent variables: z = z(x, t, u). 10. Conclusions This review concentrated on one aspect of the application of Lie group theory to differential equations: the use of Lie point symmetries to solve partial differential equations, specially nonlinear ones. We have reviewed several group theoretical tools available for obtaining solutions. These include: symmetry reduction leading to group invariant solutions, the calculation of partially invariant solutions and the use of conditional symmetries. The example of stimulated Raman scattering clearly brought out two very general aspects of the group analysis of differential equations. First of all, a classification of subgroups of the symmetry group is an essential part of the algorithm for calculating solutions: different subgroups provide very different solutions. Secondly, the exact analytic solutions obtained by group theory are important not simply because they exist and are explicit. They very often are physically particularly relevant. Indeed, they are stable and asymptotically, they attract solutions, that originally do not satisfy the initial conditions imposed on invariant solutions.
For lack of space, several important aspects of group analysis of differential equations have been left out in this presentation. This includes a study of the application of Lie groups to ODEs. Higher symmetries, in particular contact symmetries, were not treated at all. Regrettably, recent applications of Lie group theory to the analysis and solution of differential-difference equations [96–99] could also not be included. Though the theme of group theory and differential equations is an old one, much remains to be done in this field. That concerns basic theory, the development and computerization of algorithms, generalizations to other types of equations and further applications. Acknowledgements. The final version of these lectures was written during the author’s visit to the Departamento de Física Teórica, Universidad de Valladolid, where the manuscript was also prepared. The author is much indebted to members of the Departamento, specially to M. A. del Olmo, for hospitality and for great help in preparing the manuscript. The author’s research is supported by research grants from NSERC of Canada and FCAR du Québec. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.
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Centre de recherches mathématiques, Université de Montréal, C.P. 6128, succ. Centre-ville, Montréal, QC H3C 3J7, Canada