Prevention Project at Municipal Markets" ... municipal markets and its social, economical and .... economicos para la prevencion y el reciclaje deresiduos.
P-24 Life Cycle Management Applied to Ecodesign: "Daily Re-evolutions: Waste Prevention Project at Municipal Markets" Carlos Jimenez Martinez Drawing, Design and Aesthetics Department. Faculty ofFine Arts. University ofLa Laguna Carlos-jimenez@lycos. com markets.
Abstract Prevention has become an absolute priority for European Union Waste Policy in the last years before Reusing and Recycling Nevertheless, in spite of important achievements in these field under European Directive of Waste Packaging (1994), the truth is that waste amount is still increasing worryingly. Prevention strategies are obstructed by several factors such as the difficult to be approved by all the social actors, not much databases, and lack of experiences carried out in this sense. The project "Daily Re-evolutions" is born in this context, as a contribution to make up some ofthese lacks, trying to answer Local Council plans. The concept insists on the idea that every little acts and daily habits
are more relevant for the environment and by extension, for the planet, than we think. So, revolution starts by rethinking and changing our evolution patterns day by
* Visualizing aesthetic values of products made from recycled materials. * Contribution to proximity commerce such as municipal markets and its social, economical and environmentalassociatedbenefits.
i:: A
day. After the abstract, you should list a few key words that describe your paper. Typically, you should list about 5 to 7 key words, in alphabetical order, using 9 point Times New Roman Boldfont. An example is shown next.
2. Description
Key words: Consumption Habits, LCA, Markets, Recycling, Social Desigy.
double scope: product communications: A. Product Design: Consists
Figure 1 A. Current Scenery. B. Daili Re-Evolutions Scenery
"Daily Re-evolutions" campaign is focused on a a
kit of reusable
to be gradually given as a present to consumers shopping:
1. Objectives
* 1 shopping bag made of recycled LDPE from used dried fruits and beans sacks, available at the own market. * 3 bags of different sizes made of Eco-cotton,one of
Project's main purpose consists on reduction of the amount of superfluous packaging used by consumers at
Barcelona's Municipal Markets. As specific goals were considered the followings: * Making aware consumers about more sustainable shopping habits * Taking into practice waste prevention strategies in order to avoid massive demand for single use packaging. * Reusing materials considered rubbish by municipal
1-4244-0081-3/05/$20.00 @2005 IEEE.
on a
them for bread. * 1 Egg case made of recycled Polypropilene PP.
3. Environmental analysis To compare environmental imnprovement of the proposed scenery with the current one conformed mainly by LDPE bags, a simplified Life Cycle Management has been carried out using software SimaPro 5.0. In this LCM, materials, manufacturing processes, stage of use and management of waste packaging have been taken into account. Environmental costs for a conventional advertising campaign have not been considered here. Functional unit chosen was the shopping at Barcelona's Municipal Markets once a week over a period of five years by the shopping responsible for a four members
community. 3.1. Inventory
Figure 2. Shopping Bags Made of Recycled LDPE
Table 1: "Current shopping scenery" Source: Own Elaboration from Sellers Data
No handle bags LDPE
Small bags
Eggs case
Grey cardboard
B shirt bags
Figure 3. Detail of the Bag at the Shopping Point
Table 2: "Daily Re-evolutions project" Source: Own Elaboration
B. Graphic Communications: A system composed by logo, posters and flags, made of recycled sacks from the own market.
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Soping bag
Reused LDPE
Small sack
Bag for bread Eco-cotton Recycled PP
Figure 4. Logo Figure 5. Flag Made of Recycled Sacks
* Important saving for small traders, giving the chance to be more competitive. * Important saving in waste treatment.
3.2. Impacts Evaluation Some conclusions can been extracted from here: On the one hand, use of fossil fuels, needed for Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) production, causes most of the impacts at the "current scenery" besides the energetic processes associated On the other hand, the most relevant impact at "Daily Reevolutions" is found on serigraphy and inking processes.
4.3. Social aspects: * Promotion of social economy and employment in marginal collectives through bags dressmaking. * Promotion of a more involved Municipal Markets
Institute. Consumers becoming aware.
References G. Bureau, J.L. Multon, Embalaje de los alimentos de gran consumo, Editorial Acribia, Zaragoza, 1995. J. Rieradevall, X. Domenech, A. Bala, C. Gazulla. EcodiseiĀ°o de envases en el sector de la comida rapida, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~Elisava, Barcelona, 2000 J. Rieradevall, J. Vinyets. Ecodisseny I ecoproductes, Monografies de Medi Ambient, Generalitat de Catalunya Figure 5. Life Cycle Analysis - Departament de Medi Ambient, Rubes, Barcelona, 1999 D. Romano, P. Barrenechea (coords), Instrumentos 3.3. Results Interpretation economicos para la prevencion y el reciclaje de residuos urbanos, Bakeaz and Fundaci6n Ecologia y Desarrollo. Bilbao and Zaragoza, 2001 The "Daily Re-evolutions" scenery has obtained an environmental qualification of 0,0754 mPt, a 99% below Gratefulness of the estimated average of the current situation (8,53mPt)
Thanks to the Ecodesign Post degree (ELISAVA/UPF UAB) teaching staff, and especially to Catarina Telles de Freitas, partner and collaborator in this project.
4. Conclusions Following are some of the most remarkable conclusions obtained:
4.1. Environmental aspects * Significant reduction in use of fossil fuels, about 90%. Near 28 kg of LDPE and 7 kg of cardboard are needed to satisfy functional unit for current scenery, while just 0,100 kg of eco-cotton are used under "Daily Reevolutions" scenery. LDPE for bags come from recycled sacks and PP for egg cases is recycled as well. * Reduction of damage risk for sea life caused by plastic bags.
4.2. Economic aspects: * Saving for consumers taking into account the existence of taxes for plastic bags in some countries -Ireland: 0,15 e per unit- and supermarkets -Dia: 0,15 e per unit-, capable of be adopted by the rest of shopping centres.