Sep 7, 2011 - Is there a difference in life expectancy between men and women? Women tend to have higher life expectancy
Life Expectancy in Abu Dhabi
Created by: Health Authority – Abu Dhabi Surveillance Section September 7, 2011
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What is life expectancy? Life expectancy is the estimated number of years that a person can expect to live, taking into consideration the patterns of death that currently exist. Why do we use life expectancy? Life expectancy is a good measure to assess the growth, economic, and health status of the population (World Bank, 2010). What is the current trend in life expectancy in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi? In Abu Dhabi, the life expectancy has increased from 79.9 to 80.4 from 2008 to 2010. Overall, Japan has the highest life expectancy in the world.
Is there a difference in life expectancy between men and women? Women tend to have higher life expectancy than men, but the reasons for this are not entirely certain. Although men are more likely to die from injuries, including unintentional (such as from car crashes) and intentional (such as from war and homicide). What can be done to improve life expectancy in Emirate of Abu Dhabi? Focus on awareness: Healthcare professionals can talk to their patients and family members about the risk and protective factors (such as wearing seatbelt, physical activity, regular visit for your doctors for health checkup) to increase about their public knowledge. Why is this important? Because talking about risk and protective factors helps people understand that there is something they can do, that it's not too late, and that they really can be part of the solution. They can be part of improving or even saving people's lives.
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References 1. World Health Organization. (2011). World Health Statistics. Retrieved August 23, 2011 from 2. Health Authority Abu Dhabi. (2010) Mortality Report, Surveillance section.