Life-Threatening Upper Airway Obstruction ... - KoreaMed Synapse

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Kyeung A Ryu, Sung Tae Seo, Ki-Sang Rha and Bon Seok Koo. Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Cancer Research Institute, Research ...

ISSN: 2384-3799 Int J Thyroidol 2015 November 8(2): 187-189

Life-Threatening Upper Airway Obstruction Caused by Delayed Hematoma Occurring 8 Days Post-Thyroidectomy Kyeung A Ryu, Sung Tae Seo, Ki-Sang Rha and Bon Seok Koo Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Cancer Research Institute, Research Institute for Medical Sciences, Chungnam National University College of Medicine, Daejeon, Korea Due to modern methods, thyroid surgery is generally considered quite safe. However, post-thyroidectomy hematomas, although rare, can be life-threatening and unpredictable complications of thyroid surgery. Most postthyroidectomy hematomas occur within 24 hours of surgery, with delayed hematomas occurring after one post-operative week being exceedingly rare. Herein, we report a case of delayed post-thyroidectomy hematoma with respiratory distress occurring on the eighth post-operative day in a patient who was not taking anticoagulants and had no hematologic diseases. Although most bleeding occurs within 24 hours, caution should be used even in such patients who are considered low-risk. Key Words: Thyroidectomy, Hematoma, Postoperative complication

layed hematomas forming in the first post-operative


week are exceedingly rare. We report a rare case of delayed post-thyroidectomy hematoma with respira-

Better preoperative preparation and proper surgical

tory distress occurring on the eighth postoperative day

techniques have decreased the rate of complications

in a patient who was not on anticoagulants and had

to less than 2-3% in thyroid surgery. The most dis-

no hematologic disease.

turbing complications of thyroid surgery include recurrent laryngeal nerve injury and permanent hypo-

Case Report

parathyroidism. Post-thyroidectomy hematomas, although rare, are potentially life-threatening and un-

A 52-year-old female presented to our department

predictable complications of thyroid surgery reported

for surgical treatment of thyroid cancer. She had no

at an incidence of 0.1-1.1%.


notable medical history and her coagulation tests were

Relatively few studies have focused on prevention

normal. On surgery, the vessels were ligated by

of and risk factors for postoperative hemorrhage and

Harmonic scalpel. The specimen size was 4×2×1.5

hematoma after thyroidectomy. Most authors are un-

cm to right lobe, 4.5×1.5×1.5 cm to left lobe, 2.5×1

able to definitively identify perioperative risk factors for

cm to isthmus. Surgical drain was not inserted be-


Most post-thyroi-

cause the blood loss was not significant and hemo-

dectomy hematomas occur within 24 hours and de-

stasis was well achieved by absorbable hemostat. The

the development of hematoma.

Received January 5, 2015 / Revised February 10, 2015 / Accepted February 16, 2015 Correspondence: Bon Seok Koo, MD, PhD, Department of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, Chungnam National University College of Medicine, 282 Munhwa-ro, Jung-gu, Daejeon 301-721, Korea Tel: 82-42-280-7695, Fax: 82-42-253-4059, E-mail: [email protected] Copyright ⓒ 2015, the Korean Thyroid Association. All rights reserved. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Kyeung A Ryu, et al

duration of the surgery was about 60 min. Postoperative vocal cord movements were normal and there was no laryngeal edema. The incision appeared to be

rhage. After 5 days, the patient was discharged with no wound swelling.

healing well with no swelling 3 days post-operatively, so the patient was discharged.


On the eighth postoperative day, the patient was rushed to the emergency room with a rapidly pro-

Hematoma following thyroid surgery is a rare but

gressive anterior neck swelling and acute respiratory

potentially life-threatening complication, with a re-

distress. Her respiratory rate was 30 breaths/min and

ported rate of 0.1% to 4.7%.5) It is generally difficult to

the SpO 2 was 59%. The patient was intubated then

predict which patients are at risk for developing hem-

a neck angio CT scan was conducted, which re-

atoma after thyroid surgery.6,7) Post-thyroidectomy

vealed a hematoma in the thyroidectomy bed and

hematoma may have a multifactorial etiopathogenesis,

edematous changes in the retrovisceral space and

including slipping of ligatures on major vessels, re-

upper mediastinum (Fig. 1). Her coagulation tests were

opening of cauterized veins, increased blood pressure


during recover. Coughing, the Valsalva maneuver,

Bedside decompression was performed in emergency room and revealed a deep hematoma. After

retching or vomiting can also increase venous pressure.


hematoma removal in the thyroidectomy bed, the

While drains have long been used empirically in

bleeding focus was identified just above the cricoid

thyroid surgery, there are now many studies, including

cartilage as the cricothyroid artery, a branch of the

those of a randomized prospective nature, which fail

superior thyroid artery. The artery was electrocau-

to demonstrate benefits in preventing the formation of

terized and hemostasis was achieved. The patient

postoperative hematoma.8-11) Based on this, it would

stated that the anterior neck hematoma occurred

appear that drains do not have to be used as a pre-

acutely over several minutes without vigorous cough-

ventative measure.

ing or sneezing or other obvious reason for hemor-

Most post-thyroidectomy hematomas occur within 24 hours and in most cases, bleeding is likely due to post-surgical hypertension. Thus, very close monitoring of blood pressure during the first 24 hours after surgery and prompt appropriate treatment of any signs of hypertension is recommended. A study by Promberger et al.12) found that 80.6% of postoperative bleeds became symptomatic within 6 hours and 88.0% within 12 hours after the operation; only 10 (0.03%) patients demonstrated signs of bleeding after 24 hours. The occurrence of post-surgical complications has also been associated with anticoagulant agents or hematologic diseases such as von Willebrand disease, hemophilia and chronic renal failure.2) Two cases of very delayed bleeding occurring on the 13th postoperative day in patients who were taking anticoagulants have been reported.3) Our case is

Fig. 1. Neck angio-computed tomography (CT) scan of our patient. It showed a low-attenuating lesion with partial rim enhancement, suggesting a hematoma in the thyroidectomy bed.

highly unusual because our patient was not taking anticoagulants and the hematoma was markedly delayed until 8 days post-thyroidectomy. However, we Vol. 8, No. 2, 2015


Hematoma after Thyroid Surgery

suppose that the blood clot sealing the partially dam-

lic of Korea (0720560).

aged cricothyroid artery during surgery melted and some acute cause of increased blood pressure might


have been present. Delicate surgical procedure, and although rare, mentioning the possibility of a delayed hematoma, and careful consideration in restarting anticoagulation therapy may prevent such delayed hematoma. Cervical hematomas can lead rapidly to progressive airway obstruction due to pressure in the tight compartment below the strap muscles that impairs venous and lymphatic drainage, causing laryngopharyngeal edema.1) Patients may present with respiratory distress, pain, a pressure sensation in the neck, and dysphagia. As early recognition with immediate intervention is key to managing this complication, medical staff should be aware of these signs and symptoms.


We experienced a highly unusual case of acute post-thyroidectomy hematoma that caused life-threatening upper airway obstruction on the eighth postoperative day without hematologic diseases, anticoagulant medications, or other predisposing factors for acute hemorrhage. Although most bleeding occurs within 24 hours after thyroidectomy, caution should be used, even in patients considered to be low risk.

Acknowledgments This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (No. 2012R1A1A2005393, 2013R1A2A2A01015281), and a grant from the National R&D program for Cancer Control, Ministry for Health, Welfare, and Family Affairs, Repub-

189 Int J Thyroidol

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