Lifelong Machine Learning and Reasoning Daniel L. Silver Acadia University, Wolfville, NS, Canada
CoCo Workshop @ NIPS 2015 Montreal, Canada - Dec 12, 2015
Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
Significant contributions by l l l l l l
Jane Gomes Moh. Shameer Iqbal Ti Wang Xiang Jiang Geoffrey Mason Hossein Parvar
Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
Talk Outline l l l l l l l
Overview Lifelong Machine Learning Role of Deep Learning Connection to Knowledge Rep and Reasoning Learning to Reason (L2R) Empirical Studies Conclusion and Future Work
Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
Overview l
It is now appropriate to seriously consider the nature of systems that learn and reason over a lifetime Advocate a systems approach in the context of an agent that can: l l l
Acquire new knowledge through learning Retain and consolidate that knowledge Use it in future learning, reasoning and other aspects of AI [D.Silver, Q. Yang, L.Li 2013]
Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
Overview l
Machine learning has made great strides in Learning to Classify (L2C) in a probabilistic manner in accord with the environment
x Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
Overview l
Propose: Learning to Reason, or L2R l
As per L.Valiant, D.Roth, R.Khardon, L.Bottou in a PAC sense, reasoning has to be adequate
x Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
Overview l
Motivation: Learning to Reason, or L2R: l l
LML èç KR: New insights into how to best represent common background knowledge acquired over time and over the input space KR places additional constraints on internal representation in the same way as LML Generative Deep Learning – to use wealth of unlabelled examples and provide greater plasticity
Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
Lifelong Machine Learning (LML) l
Considers systems that can learn many tasks over a lifetime l l l
From impoverished training sets Across a diverse domain of tasks Where practice of tasks happens
Able to effectively and efficiently l
Consolidate (retain and integrate) learned knowledge Transfer prior knowledge when learning a new task
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Lifelong Machine Learning (LML) space of hypothesis spaces H’
space of hypotheses H
space of examples X
Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
Lifelong Machine Learning (LML) Testing Examples
Instance Space X
Domain Knowledge long-term memory (x, f(x))
Knowledge Transfer
Training Examples
Inductive Bias
Retention & Consolidation
Knowledge Selection
Inductive Learning System short-term memory
S Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
Model of Classifier h h(x) ~ f(x) 10
Lifelong Machine Learning (LML) Instance Space X
Testing Examples Domain Knowledge long-term memory
(x, f(x))
Knowledge Transfer
Training Examples
Inductive Bias
Knowledge Selection
Inductive Learning System short-term memory
S Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
Retention & Consolidation
Model of Classifier h
h(x) ~ f(x) 11
Lifelong Machine Learning (LML) Instance Space X
Domain Knowledge
Knowledge Transfer
Training Examples
Inductive Bias
Consolidated MTL
long-term memory
(x, f(x))
Testing Examples
Knowledge Selection
Retention & Consolidation
f5(x) Multiple Task Learning (MTL) [R. Caruana 1997]
S x1
Model of Classifier h
h(x) ~ f(x)
Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
csMTL and An Environmental Example 16
MAE (m^3/s)
15 14 13 12 11 0
No Transfer
2 3 4 Years of Data Transfered Wilmot
Sharpe & Wilmot
x = weather data
Stream flow rate prediction [Gaudette, Silver, Spooner 2006] Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
f(x) = flow rate 13
Context Sensitive MTL (csMTL) l
We have developed an alternative approach that is meant to overcome limitations of MTL networks: l l
l l l
Uses a single output Context inputs associate an example with a task;; or indicate absence of a primay input Develops a fluid domain of task knowledge index by the context inputs Supports consolidation of knowledge Facilitates practicing a task More easily supports tasks with vector outputs c1
Context Inputs c
One output for all tasks
ck x1
xn Primary Inputs x
[Silver, Poirier and Currie, 2008] Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
csMTL and Tasks with Multiple Outputs l
Liangliang Tu (2010) l
Image Morphing: Inductive transfer between tasks that have multiple outputs Transforms 30x30 grey scale images using inductive transfer Three mapping tasks
[Tu and Silver, 2010] Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
csMTL and Tasks with Multiple Outputs [Tu and Silver, 2010]
Demo Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
Two more Morphed Images Passport
Angry Filtered
Sad Filtered
Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
LML via csMTL Task Rehearsal Functional transfer (virtual examples) for slow consolidation
f1(c,x) Short-term Learning Network
Long-term Consolidated Domain Knowledge Network
Representational transfer from CDK for rapid learning
One output for all tasks
ck x1
Context Inputs Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
Standard Inputs 18
LML via csMTL l
Consolidation via task rehearsal can be achieved very effciently: l Need only train on a few virtual examples (as few as one) selected at random during each training iteration Maintains stable prior functionality while allowing representational plasticity for integration of new task
[Silver, Mason and Eljabu 2015] Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
Deep Learning and LML l
Stacked RBMs develop a rich feature space from unlabelled examples using unsupervised algorithms
[Source: Caner Hazibas – slideshare] Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
Deep Learning and LML l
y=f(c,x) One output
Transfer learning and consolidation for all tasks works better with a deep learning csMTL Generative models are built using an RBM stack and unlabelled examples Inputs include context and primary attributes Can produce a rich variety of features indexed by the context nodes Supervised learning used to fine-tune all c1 ck x1 xn or portion of weights for multiple-task knowledge transfer or consolidation Context Inputs c Primary Inputs x [Jiang and Silver, 2015] Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
Deep Learning and LML Experiments using the MNIST dataset
y=f(c,x) One output
for all tasks
ck x1
Context Inputs c
Primary Inputs x
[Jiang and Silver, 2015] Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
Deep Learning and LML [Wang and Silver, 2015] [Iqbal and Silver, in press] Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
Deep Learning and LML Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
[Iqbal and Silver, in press] 24
Deep Learning and LML l
Stimulates new ideas about: l
How knowledge of the world is learned, consolidated, and then used for future learning and reasoning How best to learn and represent common background knowledge
Important to Big AI problem solving ... such as reasoning
Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
LML and Reasoning “The acquisition, representation and transfer of domain knowledge are the key scientific concerns that arise in lifelong learning.” (Thrun 1997)
LML èç KR: ç Deep learning l
l l
Provides insights into how to best represent common knowledge acquired over time à consolidation plays a key role For future learning For future reasoning
… leads to Learning to Reason (L2R) Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning l
Focuses on the representation of information that can be used for reasoning It enables an entity to determine consequences by thinking rather than acting Traditionally requires a reasoning/inference engine to answer queries about beliefs
Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning l
Reasoning could be considered “algebraic [systematic] manipulation of previously acquired knowledge in order to answer a new question” (L. Bottou 2011) Requires a method of acquiring and storing knowledge Learning from the environment is the obvious choice …
Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
Learning to Reason (L2R) l
Concerned with the process of learning a knowledge base and reasoning with it [Kardon and Roth 97] Reasoning is subject to the errors that can be bounded in terms of the inverse of the effort invested in the learning process “This statement Requires knowledge representations is false” that are learnable and facilitate reasoning
Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
Learning to Reason (L2R) l
l l
Takes a probabilistic perspective on learning and reasoning [Kardon and Roth 97] Agent need not answer all possible knowledge queries Only those that are relevant to the environment in a (PAC) sense [Valiant 08, Juba 12&13 ]
Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
Learning to Reason (L2R) l
Valiant and Khardon show formally: l
L2R allows efficient learning of Boolean logical assertions in the PAC-sense Learned knowledge can be used to reason efficiently, and to an expected level of accuracy and confidence
We wish to demonstrate that: A knowledge base of Boolean functions, is PAC learnable from examples using a csMTL network l Even when the examples provide information about only portion of the input space … explore a LML approach - consolidation over time and over the input space l
Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
Learning to Reason (L2R)
Propositional Logic Functions Input “truth table terms: A B C …True/False 0 1 0 … 1
Simple terms and clauses: ~A B C (~A v B) (~B v C)
More complex functions:
Functions of Functions:
(~A v B) v (~B v C) (~A v C)
~(~A v B) v ~(~B v C) v (~A v C)
Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
L2R with LML – Study 1 l
Consider the Law of Syllogism l l
KB: (A è B)∧(B è C) Q: (A è C)
Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
L2R with LML – Study 1 l
Consider the Law of Syllogism l l
KB: (A è B)∧(B è C) Q: (A è C)
Proof: [(A è B)∧(B è C)] è (A è C) = [(~A v B) ^ (~B v C)] è (~A v C) = ~[(~A v B) ^ (~B v C)] v (~A v C) = ~(~A v B) v ~(~B v C) v (~A v C) = A v ~B v B v ~C v ~A v C = TRUE for all A, B and C
Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
L2R with LML – Study 1 Learning the Law of Syllogism:
Training Set, KB: and
Query Set, Q:
Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
cC A
L2R with LML – Study 1 Training Set, KB:
Learning the Law of Syllogism:
6-10-10-1 network
Query Set, Q:
cC A
Results: Average over 30 runs: 89% correct
Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
L2R with LML – Study 2 Objective: Learn the Law of Syllogism (10 literals) KB: (A∧B∨C) è (D∨E∨~F) ∧ (D∨E∨~F)è (G∨(~H∧I)∨~J) Q: (A∧B∨C) è (G∨(~H∧I)∨~J) Training set: 100% of subKB examples (A∧B∨C) è (D∨E∨~F) (D∨E∨~F)è (G∨(~H∧I)∨~J)
20-10-10-1 network
Q: (A∧B∨C) è (G∨(~H∧I)∨~J) Average over 10 runs: 78% accuracy
Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
L2R with LML – Study 3 Objective: To learning the following knowledge base: Two different ways: 1. From examples of KB (1024 in total) 2. From examples of sub-clauses of KB (sub-KB) Training Set: All possible sub-KB:
Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
20-10-10-1 network
L2R with LML – Study 3 Objective: To learning the following knowledge base:
Mean accuracy
Results: Test on all KB examples (over 5 runs)
% of examples used for training Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
Conclusion l
Learning to Reason (L2R) using a csMTL neural network: 1.
3. 4.
Uses examples to learn a model of logical functions in a probabilistic manner Consolidates knowledge from examples that represent only portion of the input space Reasoning = testing the model using truth table of Q Relies on context nodes to select inputs that are relevant
Results on simple Boolean logic domain suggests promise
Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
Future work l
l l
Create a scope for determining those tasks that a trained network finds TRUE Thoroughly examined the affect of a probability distribution over the input space (train and test sets) Combine csMTL with deep learning architectures to learn hierarchies of abstract features (tend to be DNF) Consider other learning algorithms Consider more complex knowledge bases – beyond propositional logic
Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada
Thank You!
[email protected] http://tinyurl/dsilver
References: l l l l
L. G. Valiant. Knowledge infusion: In pursuit of robustness in artificial intelligence. FSTTCS, 415-422, 2008. Brendan Juba. Implicit learning of common sense for reasoning. IJCAI, 939-946, 2013. Roni Khardon and D. Roth. Learning to reason. Journal of the ACM, 44(5):697-725, 1997. D. Siver, R. Poirier, and D. Currie. Inductive transfer with context sensitive neural networks. Machine Learning - Special Issue on Inductive Transfer, Springer, 73(3):313-336, 2008. Silver, D. and Mason, G. and Eljabu, L. 2015, Consolidation using Sweep Task Rehearsal: Overcoming the Stability-Plasticity Problem, Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 28th Conference of the Canadian Artificial Intelligence Association (AI 2015), Springer, LNAI 9091, pp 307-324. Wang.T and Silver,D. 2015, Learning Paired-associate Images with An Unsupervised Deep Learning Architecture, LNAI 9091, pp 250-263. Gomes, J. and Silver,D. 2015, Learning to Reason in A Probably Approximately Correct Manner, Proceeding of the CCECE 2014, Halifax, NS, May 2015, IEEE Press, pp. 1475-8. Silver, D. The Consolidation of Task Knowledge for Lifelong Machine Learning. Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Lifelong Machine Learning, Stanford University, CA, AAAI, March, 2013, pp 46–48. Silver, D. and Yang, Q. and Li, L. Lifelong machine learning systems: Beyond learning algorithms. Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Lifelong Machine Learning, Stanford University, CA, AAAI, March, 2013, pp 49– 55. Silver, D. and Tu, L. Image Morphing: Transfer Learning between Tasks that have Multiple Outputs. Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 25th Conference of the Canadian Artificial Intelligence Association (AI 2012), Toronto, ON, May, 2012, Springer, LNAI 7310, pp. 194-205. Silver, D. and Spooner, I. and Gaudette, L. 2009. Inductive Transfer Applied to Modeling River Discharge in Nova Scotia, Atlantic Geology: Journal of the Atlantic Geoscience Society, (45) 191–203. Intelligent Information Technology Research L ab, A cadia University, Canada