Lily plant named 'Sunny Borneo'

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Software, Citation for Lilium 'Sunny Borneo', 2 pages.* ... ing program was to develop new compact and dense potted ....
(12) United States Plant Patent

(10) Patent N0.: (45) Date of Patent:

Schenk (54)



Latin Name: Lilium L. Varietal Denomination: Sunny Borneo


US PP21,644 P2 Jan. 18, 2011

References Cited PUBLICATIONS

B & D Lilies. ‘Sunny Borneo’ Dwarf /Pot Oriental Hybrid Lily

(75) Inventor:

retrieved on Apr. 7, 2010. Found on the Internet at 2 pages.* Upov-rom Plant Variety Database 2009/06, GTI Jouve Retrieval Software, Citation for Lilium ‘Sunny Borneo’, 2 pages.*

(NL) (73) Assignee: Mak Breeding Rights B.V., (*)


Wieringerwerf (NL)

* cited by examiner

Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35

Primary Examinerilune Hwu (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm4C. A. Whealy

U.S.C. l54(b) by 0 days.



(21) Appl. No.: 12/454,416 (22) Filed:

A new and distinct cultivar of Lily plant named ‘Sunny

May 18, 2009

(5 l ) Int. Cl. A01H 5/00

Borneo ’, characterized by its compact and upright plant habit;

vigorous growth habit; densely-foliated habit; freely ?ower ing habit; upright ?ower buds; large pink and white-colored ?owers; and good postproduction longevity.



US. Cl. .................................................... ..


Field of Classi?cation Search ................. .. Plt./3l5


See application ?le for complete search history.

1 Drawing Sheet



Botanical designation: Lilium L.

phenotype may vary somewhat with variations in environ ment such as temperature and light intensity without, how

Cultivar denomination: ‘SUNNY BORNEO’.

ever, any variance in genotype. The following traits have been repeatedly observed and are


determined to be the unique characteristics of ‘Sunny Borneo’. These characteristics in combination distinguish

The present Invention relates to a new and distinct cultivar

‘Sunny Borneo’ as a new and distinct cultivar of Oriental

of Lily plant, commercially known as Oriental Hybrid Lily,

Hybrid Lily plant:

botanically known as Lilium L., and hereinafter referred to by

1. Compact and upright plant habit. 2. Vigorous growth habit. 3. Densely-foliated habit. 4. Freely ?owering habit.

the name ‘Sunny Borneo’. The new Oriental Hybrid Lily plant is a product of a

planned breeding program conducted by the Inventor in Wieringerwerf, The Netherlands. The objective of the breed

5. Upright ?ower buds. 6. Large pink and white-colored ?owers.

ing program was to develop new compact and dense potted

Oriental Hybrid Lily plants with large ?owers, attractive ?ower coloration and good postproduction longevity.

7. Good postproduction longevity.

The new Oriental Hybrid Lily plant originated from a cross-pollination in 1998 of a proprietary selection of Lilium

Plants of the new Oriental Hybrid Lily differ primarily from plants of the female parent selection primarily in the

L. identi?ed as code number OX-l086, not patented, as the

following characteristics:

female, or seed, parent with a proprietary selection of Lilium L. identi?ed as code number OX-905, not patented, as the


male, or pollen, parent. The new Oriental Hybrid Lily plant was discovered and selected by the Inventor as a ?owering

plant from within the resultant progeny of the cross-pollina tion in a controlled greenhouse environment in Wieringerw erf, The Netherlands in July, 2002. Asexual reproduction of the new Oriental Hybrid Lily plant by bulb scales in a controlled greenhouse environment


Hybrid Lily plant are stable and reproduced true to type in

2. Plants of the new Oriental Hybrid Lily have pink and white-colored ?owers whereas plants of the female par ent selection have pink-colored ?owers. Plants of the new Oriental Hybrid Lily differ primarily from plants of the male parent selection primarily in the

following characteristics: 1 . Plants of the new Oriental Hybrid Lily are more compact

than plants of the male parent selection.

in Wieringerwerf, The Netherlands since November, 2002, has shown that the unique features of this new Oriental

1 . Plants of the new Oriental Hybrid Lily have larger ?ow ers than plants of the female parent selection.


successive generations.

2. Plants of the new Oriental Hybrid Lily are more densely

foliated than plants of the male parent selection. Plants of the new Oriental Hybrid Lily can be compared to

plants of Oriental Hybrid Lily ‘Souvenir’, not patented. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION

Plants of the new Oriental Hybrid Lily have not been observed under all possible environmental conditions. The


Plants of the new Oriental Hybrid Lily differ from plants of ‘Souvenir’ in the following characteristics: 1. Plants of the new Oriental Hybrid Lily are more densely

foliated than plants of ‘Souvenir’.

US PP21,644 P2 4


Leaves.iArrangement: Alternate; simple; sessile.

2. Plants of the new Oriental Hybrid Lily have longer leaves than plants of ‘Souvenir’. 3. Plants of the new Oriental Hybrid Lily have larger ?ow

Quantity of leaves per plant: About 31. Length, lower leaves: About 11 cm. Width, lower leaves: About 3.5 cm. Length, upper leaves: About 17 cm. Width, upper leaves: About 4.5 cm. Shape: Lanceolate. Apex:

ers than plants of ‘Souvenir’. Plants of the new Oriental Hybrid Lily can also be com

pared to plants of Oriental Hybrid Lily ‘Mona Lisa’, dis

Acute. Base: Decurrent. Margin: Entire. Texture, upper and lower surfaces: Glabrous, smooth; leathery. Venation pattern: Parallel. Color: Developing and fully expanded leaves, upper surface: Close to 137A; venation, close to 137A. Developing and fully expanded leaves, lower surface: Close to 137C; vena

closed in US. Plant Pat. No. 7,379. Plants of the new Oriental

Hybrid Lily differ from plants of ‘Mona Lisa’ in the following characteristics: 1. Plants of the new Oriental Hybrid Lily are more densely foliated than plants of ‘Mona Lisa’. 2. Plants of the new Oriental Hybrid Lily ?ower later than

tion, close to 137C.

plants of ‘Mona Lisa’. 3. Plants of the new Oriental Hybrid Lily and ‘Mona Lisa’ differ in ?ower color as plants of ‘Mona Lisa’ have light

Flower description: Flower arrangementiFlowers umbellate. Flower shape and aspectiFlowers are funnel-shaped

pink-colored ?owers.

and when fully opened, ?atten and recurve towards the apex; ?ower buds face upright and ?owers face


The accompanying colored photograph illustrates the over all appearance of the new Oriental Hybrid Lily plant, showing

mostly upright. 20

Flowering habitiFreely ?owering habit, large bulbs will produce seven to ten ?owers per ?owering stem.

the colors as true as it is reasonably possible to obtain in

FragranceiSlightly fragrant.

colored reproductions of this type. Colors in the photograph

Natural ?owering seasoniPlants ?ower in June and July in The Netherlands. Plants can be ?owered year round in the greenhouse and forced to bloom about

may differ slightly from the color values cited in the detailed

botanical description which accurately describe the colors of the new Oriental Hybrid Lily plant. The photograph com prises a side perspective view of a typical ?owering plant of


110 days after planting bulbs.

Postproduction longevity.%}ood postproduction lon

‘Sunny Borneo’ grown in a container. DETAILED BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION

gevity, ?owers last about 10 to 15 days on the plant; 30

tepals not persistent; gynoecium persistent. Flower budxiLength: About 1 1 cm. Diameter: About 4

The aforementioned photograph and following observa

cm. Circumference: About 12 cm. Shape: Lanceolate.

tions and measurements describe plants that were grown dur

Color: Close to 150B, with development close to 155D tinted with close to 65B; sutures, close to 144A, with development becoming closer to 150B. Flower sizeiDiameter: About 22 cm. Length (height):

ing the spring in a glass-covered greenhouse in Wieringerw erf, The Netherlands and under cultural conditions typically


used in Oriental Hybrid Lily production. During the produc tion of the plants, day temperatures were about 15° C., night

About 5 cm. Throat length: About 3 cm.

temperatures were about 18° C. and light levels were about

6,000 lux. Measurements and numerical values represent averages for typical ?owering plants. Plants were six months old when the photograph and description were taken. In the following description, color references are made to The Royal

PerianthAQuantity/ arrangement: Six tepals per ?ower; tepals imbricate. Tepal length, inner tepals: About 1 1 40

tepals: About 4.5 cm. Tepal shape: Lanceolate. Tepal apex: Acute. Tepal margin: Entire. Tepal texture, upper and lower surfaces: Smooth, glabrous. Tepal

Horticultural Society Colour Chart, 2001 Edition, except where general terms of ordinary dictionary signi?cance are used. Botanical classi?cation: Lilium L. ‘Sunny Borneo’.


Parentage: Female, or seed, parentiProprietary selection of Lilium L. identi?ed as code number OX-1086, not



Male, or pollen, parentiProprietary selection of Lilium L. identi?ed as code number OX-905, not pat ented.

Strong. Length: About 4 cm. Diameter: About 5 mm.

Texture: Smooth, glabrous. Color: Close to 146B. 55

single erect ?owering stem with a terminal cluster of

?owers; compact and dense plant habit; vigorous growth habit. Plant height, soil level to top of?owerxiAbout 23 cm. Plant diameteriAbout 25 cm.

Plant circumferenceiAbout 80 cm. BulbxiDiameter: About 10 cm to 20 cm. Texture:

Smooth. Color: Close to 155D. Flowering stems.iDiameter: About 1 cm. Internode length: About 1.5 cm to 2.5 cm. Strength: Strong.

Texture: Smooth, glabrous. Color: Close to 146B.

color: When opening, upper and lower surfaces: Close to 65B; towards the base, close to 155D. Fully opened, upper and lower surfaces: Close to 65B; towards the base, close to 155D; color becoming closer to 65C with development; under conditions of high temperatures, color may become more towards white blushed with pink.

PedicelaiAngle: About 450 from vertical. Strength:

Plant description:

Plant form/growth habitiUpright ?owering plant;

cm. Tepal width, inner tepals: About 6.5 cm. Tepal length, outer tepals: About 11 cm. Tepal width, outer


Reproductive organs.iStamens: Quantity per ?ower: About six. Filament length: About 5 cm. Filament color: Towards the base, close to 155D; towards the apex, close to 149D. Anther length: About 2 cm. Anther color: Close to 183B. Pollen color: Close to 35A. Pistils: Quantity per ?ower: One. Pistil color: Close to 84C. Style length: About 8 cm. Style color: Close to 143B. FruitxiLength: About 2.5 cm. Diameter: About 5 mm to 7 mm. Color: Close to 143B.

Seed producecliNo viable seeds observed.

US PP2l,644 P2 5 Disease/pest resistance: Resistance to pathogens and pests common to Oriental Lilies has not been observed.

Garden performance: Plants of the neW Oriental Hybrid Lily have exhibited good tolerance to ram and Wind and have been observed to tolerate temperatures from about —2° C. 5 to about 400 C.

6 It is claimed: 1_ A new and distinct Lily plant named ‘Sunny Borneo’ as illustrated and described. *





U S Patent

Jan. 18, 2011

“325v1. . .

US PP21,644 P2