Betsy Murray. 09/06-07/08. New York University School of Medicine, New York,
NY. Assistant research scientist (02/08-07/08) and former graduate research ...
LILY S. CHAU Curriculum Vitae
[email protected]
EDUCATION: 09/09-Present
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL Biological Psychology Doctoral Candidate
New York University, New York, NY Master of Arts in Psychology with Biopsychology Specialization, M.A. Scholar M.A. Thesis: The Biomolecular Investigation of Heightened Sensitivity to Drugs as the Product of Diet: Differences in Striatal GluR1 Phosphorylation between Food-Restricted and Free-Fed Rats
University of Washington, Seattle, WA Bachelor of Science in Psychology
AWARDS AND HONORS: 2008 2007 2007
Technical Intramural Research Training Award at the National Institute of Health Master of Arts Scholar at New York University Winner of the 11th Annual NYU M.A. Psychology Research Poster Conference
National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, MD Worked as a Technical Intramural Research Training Award Fellow in the section of Neurobiology of Learning and Memory in the Laboratory of Neuropsychology under Dr. Betsy Murray.
New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY Assistant research scientist (02/08-07/08) and former graduate research assistant (09/0601/08) to Dr. Kenneth Carr in the Department of Psychiatry and Pharmacology: Millhauser Laboratories.
New York University, New York, NY Teaching assistant for Developmental Psychology taught by Dr. Kimberly Feltner.
PUBLICATIONS: Carr, K. D., Chau, L. S., Cabeza de Vaca, S., Gustafson, K., Stouffer, M., Tukey, D. S., Restituito, S., Ziff, E. B. (2010). AMPA receptor subunit GluR1 downstream of D-1 dopamine receptor stimulation in nucleus accumbens shell mediates increased drug reward magnitude in food-restricted rats. Neuroscience, 165, 1074-1086. Carr, K. D., de Vaca, S.C., Sun, Y., Chau, L. S., and Dela Cruz, J. (2009). Effects of the MEK inhibitor, SL-327, on rewarding, motor- and cellular-activating effects of D-amphetamine and SKF-82958, and their augmentation by food restriction in rat. Psycholpharmacology, 201(4), 496-506. Carr, K. D., Cabeza de Vaca, S., Sun, Y., and Chau, L. S. (2009). Reward-potentiating effects of D-1 dopamine receptor agonist and AMPAR GluR1 antagonist in nucleus accumbens shell and their modulation by food restriction. Psychopharmacology, 202(4), 731-743. POSTER PRESENTATION(S): Rudebeck, P. H., Chau, L. S., Murray, E. A. (October 2009). Alterations in goal directed behavior but not emotion following excitotoxic lesions in distinct subregions of macaque orbitofrontal cortex. 2009 Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL. Chau, L.S. (April 2007). Inhibition of MAP Kinase Blocks Dopamine Receptor Activation of a Brain Reward Region. 11th Annual NYU M.A. Psychology Research Conference, New York, NY.