Limit theorems for local times of fractional Brownian motions and some

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where II is a finite Borel measure on the line and f is a Lebesgue integrable function on the line. .... W e alw ays assume H : 0 < H < 1. Note that there .... (Proposition 2.2) and the P- invariance of 41(H- self- similarity), ..... J., 27 (1978) , 309-330.

J. Math. Kyoto Univ. (JMKYAZ) 36 4 (1996) 641-652 -

Limit theorems for local times of fractional Brownian motions and some other self-similar processes By Narn Rueih SHIEH -


Introduction and Main Results 0, is called self-similar with ex-

A real valued stochastic process X (t), -

ponent H (H ss for b re v ity ) if X (cl) =

HX (t) for each c >O . It is called of stad tionary increments (si fo r b re v ity ) if X (t+ b ) X(b) =X (t) — X (0) for each b> -



0. T he notation = in t h e above m eans th e finite dim ensional equivalence of two processes. In th is paper, we consider the exponent H : 0 O. T he equality extends to all (t, x ) since both sides a re known to be jointly continuous i n (t, x). Now, w e illustrate specific exam ples. Propositons 2.1 a n d 2.2 a re known to be applicable to the following. 1 Brownian motion, 11=-- — -



• a-atable Levy process, I < a< 2 and H = 1 / a ; • fractional Brownian motion of exponent H, 0 < 11 0 a n d each x e R . T h is proves the finite dimensional convergence. As for tightness, by the fact that x — *L (t, x ) is HOlder continuous and com pactly supported, we see that, for each a > 1 and 13 : -

T El ,

L (1, x) . T his proves

the assertion.

5. Multi - parameter and multi - dimensional extensions F o r a re al-v alu ed N param eter p ro c ess X (t) , t E W.Y_ and

2 , the



self-similarity is defined exactly as one param eter case, namely X (ct) =c HX(t) for all c > O . F o r the stationary increm ents property, it is assum ed that X (t) is invariant not only under translations but also under rotations; th u s the distrib u tio n of X (t) — X (s) depends only o n lit — s i where II • Hdenotes the N-dimensional Euclidean norm. Now let X = (X1, •••, X a), X i=X i (t) and t -


IV,f, ta k e s values in R s o t h a t X i s an N-parameter, d-dimensional-valued vector field (w e call it a n (N, d) f ie ld for b re v ity ). W e assume th a t the components X i are independent and each X i s H ,-ss si (for si, i t i s in the above stronger sense). The exponents 111 are assumed to be 0 0,

regarded a s th e equivalence in distribuation o f two d - dimensional processes. The canonical setting for X is then to consider the path space -

cod) : coi = co, (t) , t e R_I `Fr , continuous and co.; (0) =O L

= w = -


cylinder a - algebra,

a n d a p ro b a b ility m e a su re P o n (D , strong - translation transformations wi

(Jaw ) (t)


Hi a

(Joito) (t) : = w (OA),

a) s u c h t h a t t h e sc a lin g a n d th e

o d

(at) a"


a > 0

: rigid - body motion on R N ,

are both P invariant and moreover that the component processes coi, j=1,••., d, are P independent, w e call X to be ergodic if any A G w hich is Zia -invariant ( j a A CA V a >0) i s of P (A ) = 0 o r 1. T h is definition indicates that, for each -




fixed t, the one - param eter stationary process defined by s X


H ' scR, is

ergodic. W e assume that each X , is AII on every compact box Jc R N bounded a w a y f r o m t h e origin ( t h e d e f in itio n of A l l f o l l o w s t h e previous one-param eter case, w ith som e attentions on the ordering of the param eters t, see Pitt (1978) and Nolan (1989)). Assume that

Let f (x ) , x e R , be a Lebesgue integrable function on and let the field F (f, t ) , be defined by d

F(f ,

t) = f • •• o

IV with nonzero ff (x) dx,

f rN 0 f (X (s )) ds, t = (t 1 , •••, tN )


T h e f o llo w in g tw o r e s u lts c a n b e p r o v e d i n t h e s a m e w a y a s th e one param eter case in §3, 4. -

Theorem 4.

As 2 . —

0 0

, t, 21s

Hi j t

converges in the law of the space of continuous N parameter (N variable) functions -




Fractional Brownian motions

i ff (x )d x • L (t, 0 ) t.

Theorem 5.

Assume that X is ergodic, then almost surely

1 r In T


dt s u p x L ((t , •••, t),


,1) ,

= E sup L



In the above, L (t, x ), t E R I,v_ and x E R , denotes the local tim e of X ( • ) at x on the box [0, te], t= (ti, •••, tN). W e rem ark that, fo r th e (N, d) field X, w e h a v e th e e x te n s io n o f P r o p o s itio n 2.1, w h e n it is u n d e r s u it a b le parameter dim ension m odifications a n d w e a ls o h a v e th e following scaling property of L (t, d


L (t, x, Jaw) =


(at, (a

f f

ix 1 ,



al i d xd) , co)


T he m ost im portant case in the above consideration is fractional Brownian v ector field, in w h ic h e a c h X , is a mean zero G aussian fie ld w ith covariance function -

E X (s) X i ( t ) = s 1


t ± t 11


t —

T h e re g u larity of local tim es fo r th is im portant vector fie ld w as studied by Pitt (1978); Theorems 4, 5 then show a certain lim it behavior of this Gaussian local time.

Acknowledgement. T he author thanks to Professor S. W atanabe and P rofessor N . Kôno f o r th e helfpful d isc u ssio n o n th e c o n te n t o f th is paper. This w ork is supported in p a rt by a grant NSC 199516 2121 M 002 012. -






e mail : shiehnr@math. ntu. etu. tw -

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