Limitless: 2017 Young Women's Event

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Bring your phones, tablets, laptop computers ... be good stewards of mission funds, participants are asked to give at le
Limitless: 2017 Young Women’s Event

What is Limitless? The opportunity for Young Women to know more About United Methodist Women DePauw University Greencastle, IN 46135 (Registration is at 5pm Eastern Time on Friday July 21st) Event is 6:00 P.M. Friday July 21 – Saturday, July 22- 4:00 P.M. Sponsored and Paid for by IN Conference of United Methodist Women Fun, Friends and Fellowship Workshops, Hands on Mission, Worship Bring your phones, tablets, laptop computers Teen women grades 9-12 to age 39

Please be mindful that the conference incurs certain fixed costs due to contractual obligations. Because of our desire to be good stewards of mission funds, participants are asked to give at least 7 days’ notice of cancellation.

Limitless: 2017 Young Women’s Event Applicants: Please print and return by June 16th to: Felicia Stewart, 1910 N 9th St, Terre Haute, IN 47804 or scan and email to [email protected] NOTE: This event is limited to 40 participants—applications will be prioritized by date received and for firsttime attendees from each district. I am applying for the following category as a participant at Limitless (please check only one). Teen woman (grades 9-12) Young adult woman (age 18-29) Young adult woman (age 30-39) Adult woman working with teen and young adults as selected by District Leadership Have you been to Limitless before?


________ No, I’m a first-time attendee

Name_________________________________________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________________________________________ City & Zip _______________________________________ District_________________________________ Telephone______________________________________ E-Mail _________________________________ Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY)__________________________ Year in school (if applicable)__________ _____ Local Church Name ______________________________________________________________________ Local Church Address ____________________________________________________________________ How to best reach you (e.g., phone, text, e-mail):______________________________________________ Emergency Contact Information (Name and phone numbers):____________________________________ Any physical or dietary needs? (If yes, please describe)______________________________________________ Would you like to be contacted to explore ways we can assist you with childcare needs so you can participate in this event? If so, please list ages of child(ren). ______________________________________________ Are you currently involved in a United Methodist Women Organization? ______yes List church and/or other activities you participate in:


List your hobbies, interests, and skills:

Is there anything you would like to know more about UMW or have something specific addressed?